How can I get access to a Django Model field verbose name dynamically? - django

I'd like to have access to one my model field verbose_name.
I can get it by the field indice like this
but I need to get it dynamically. Ideally it would be something like this
I've looked at a few things but I just can't find it.

For Django < 1.10:


For Django 1.11 and 2.0:
More info in the Django doc

The selected answer gives a proxy object which might look as below.
<django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x{SomeMemoryLocation}>
If anyone is seeing the same, you can find the string for the verbose name in the title() member function of the proxy object.
A better way to write this would be:
where header will be the name of the field you are interested in. i.e., 'location-x' in OPs context.
NOTE: Developers of Django also feel that using get_field is better and thus have depreciated get_field_by_name in Django 1.10. Thus I would suggest using get_field no matter what version of Django you use.


You can also use:
Model being the class name. I tested this on my Animal model:
Animal.sale_price returns a DeferredAttribute, which has several meta data, like the verbose_name
Note: I'm using Django 3.1.5

If you want to iterate on all the fields you need to get the field:
for f in BotUser._meta.get_fields():
if hasattr(f, 'verbose_name'):

# select fields for bulk_update : exclude primary key and relational
fieldsfields_to_update = []
for field_to_update in Model._meta.get_fields():
if not field_to_update.many_to_many and not field_to_update.many_to_one and not field_to_update.one_to_many and not field_to_update.one_to_one and not field_to_update.primary_key and not field_to_update.is_relation :
fields_to_update = fields_to_update + []
Model.objects.bulk_update(models_to_update , fields_to_update)


Allow empty list in serializers.ListField

I am using Django REST framework 3.3 and am trying to serialize a list that could be empty with the provided serializers.ListField class that is included in the framework. My current instantiation of the field looks like this
countrypreferences = serializers.ListField(child=serializers.IntegerField(),
When testing the API I always seem to get a 400 response if I let the field be an empty list. It would seem like this kind of functionality would be pretty common but I can't find a way to allow the empty list. Thanks!
You should set:
In addition to that you can also provide a default value to the ListField in the serializers
field = serializers.ListField(default = [])
This will set the field as an empty list if u send None or no value.
I would rather use
field = serializers.ListField(child=serializers.CharField(), allow_empty=True)

dynamic condition for relationship(sqlalchemy) in Flask-Admin

I'm using sqlalchemy and have two models, Article and Tag, it's a many-to-many relation.
When I add articles using Flask-Admin, I want just part of tags available (related on user permission) instead of all tags.
any idea? Thanks
Probably the best way to do this is to use dynamic relationship loaders. Simply use lazy='dynamic' in your relationship definition:
posts = relationship(Post, lazy="dynamic")
This returns you a query object instead of a collection of objects, so you can then query it directly:
posts = jack.posts.filter(Post.headline=='this is a post')
You could also achieve what you want with discriminator columns or something, but that is likely overkill.
sounds like you need ModelView.get_query:
class MyView(ModelView):
def get_query(self,*args,**kwargs):
return super(MyView,self).get_query(*args,**kwargs).filter_by(current_user.can_view=True)

Django: How to access the model id's within an AJAX script?

I was wondering what is the correct approach,
Do I create HiddenInput fields in my ModelForm and from the
View I pass in the primaryKey for the models I am about to edit into
the hiddenInput fields and then grab those hiddenInput fields from
the AJAX script to use it like this?
"/bookmark/save/" + hidden_input_field_1,
function () {
Or is there is some more clever way of doing it and I have no idea?
It depends upon how you want to implement.
The basic idea is to edit 1. you need to get the existing instance, 2. Save provided information into this object.
For #1 you can do it multiple ways, like passing ID or any other primary key like attribute in url like http://myserver/edit_object/1 , Or pass ID as hidden input then you have to do it through templates.
For #2, I think you would already know this. Do something like
inst = MyModel.objects.get(id=input_id) # input_id taken as per #1
myform = MyForm(request.POST, instance=inst)
if myform.is_valid():
saved_inst =
I just asked in the django IRC room and it says:
since js isn't processed by the django template engine, this is not
Hence the id or the object passed in from django view can't be accessed within AJAX script.

Django: Querying comments based on object field

I've been using the built-in Django comments system which has been working great. On a particular page I need to list the latest X comments which I've just been fetching with:
latest_comments =
Comment.objects.filter(is_public=True, is_removed=False)
However I've now introduced a Boolean field 'published' into the parent object of the comments, and I want to include that in the query above. I've tried using the content_type and object_pk fields but I'm not really getting anywhere. Normally you'd do something like:
But as it is not stored like that I am not sure how to proceed.
posts_ids = BlogPost.objects.filter(is_published=True).values_list('id', flat=True) #return [3,4,5,...]
ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(BlogPost)
latest_comments = Comment.objects.filter(is_public=True, is_removed=False, content_type=ctype, content_object__in=posts_ids).order_by('-submit_date')[:5]
Comments use GenericForeignKey to store the relation to parent object. Because of the way generic relations work related lookups using __<field> syntax are not supported.
You can accomplish the desired behaviour using the 'in' lookup, however it'll require lot of comparisons when there'll be a lot of BlogPosts.
ids = BlogPost.objects.filter(published=True).values_list('id', flat=True) # Get list of ids, you would probably want to limit number of items returned here
content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(BlogPost) # Becasue we filter only comments for BlogPost
latest_comments = Comment.objects.filter(content_type=content_type, object_pk__in=ids, is_public=True, is_removed=False, ).order_by('submit_date').reverse()[:5]
See the Comment model doc for the description of all fields.
You just cannot do that in one query. Comments use GenericForeignKey. Documentation says:
Due to the way GenericForeignKey is implemented, you cannot use such
fields directly with filters (filter() and exclude(), for example) via
the database API.

Django get() query not working

this_category = Category.objects.get(name=cat_name)
gives error: get() takes exactly 2 non-keyword arguments (1 given)
I am using the appengine helper, so maybe that is causing problems. Category is my model. Category.objects.all() works fine. Filter is also similarily not working.
Do you have any functions named name or cat_name? If so, try changing them or the variable names you are using and trying again.
The helper maps the Django model manager (Category.objects in this case) back to the class instance of the model via the appengine_django.models.ModelManager. Through the inheritance chain you eventually come to appengine.ext.db.Model.get(cls, keys, **kwargs) so that is why you are seeing this error. The helper does not support the same interface for get that Django does. If you do not want to get by primary key, you must use a filter
To do your query, you need to use the GAE filter function like this:
this_category = Category.objects.all().filter('name =', cat_name).get()