Choosing a scripting/build tool [closed] - build

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Closed 9 years ago.
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We are currently working on a project with both actionscript and Java. Up to now, we were using Ant as our main build tool, but the dumb amount of duplication it implies and the lack of flexibility (we are building a pretty large amount of small sub-projects, and copying all of the build files every time is a pain) are pushing us towards a change of tools.
EDIT3: I'm done rewriting all of our builds in Gant, and even though it's not perfect, it downsized our build files massively and made adding new project much more straightforward, so I'd definetely recommand Gant to people not wanting to change their build philosophy and project structure, but just looking for a more convenient tool than ant. I might have a look into graddle and/or Ivy one of those days.
EDIT2 : After trying out Buildr, we ruled it out because it does way more things than what we actually need. I'm now trying Gant which looks like right what we need but the documentation is pretty small. Is it worth it moving all the way to Gradle, or is th project not mature enough yet ?
EDIT : I'll try to clarify our problems with Ant. We have several sub-projects with similar layouts which we have to compile and run tests for. Once that's done, some of them need to be packaged together to produce executables (namely a client, a server, and some stand-alone demos). The work to descripe our standard layout in ant is pretty long, and it's awfully difficult to introduce small variations without rewriting the whole macro. (Say, one of the projects need to grab its visual assets from a different repository).
Gant which would allow us to reuse the ant tasks that are already out there both for Flash and Java
Gradle for the same reasons even though it looks slightly more complicated
Rake which seems to be highly recommended. The downside being the experimental support of action script integration and our lack of knowledge of Ruby
Buildr which looks pretty cool, but here again, no knowldege of ruby
Scons seems to have less momentum, but Python is a pretty cool scripting language
Maven was considered, but has been eliminated because of the inherent complexity and the apparent error-proneness. We are currently leaning towards Gant. Does any of you have experience using several of these tools ? How do they compare ?
Our needs are pretty basic : Compile and package projects, deploy them to several targets and some scripting capability (to run project-specific performance tests for instance). Of note could also be that we use Hudson to handle continuous integration.

I'm not sure switching to gant will solve your problems. Gant is just writing build files in groovy instead of xml. I think your issue lays more in the way you're using ant. Hard to say without more details, but phrases like "dumb amount of duplication" and "copying build files around" make me think you could be using ant more efficiently.
If you haven't already, look at your ant tasks, and see if you can refactor them so eliminate that duplication. Also, checkout the -find option to ant if you haven't seen it already. You shouldn't need to be copying build files around.
BTW, Ivy is for dependency management, not building.

I know that people in our company who do Java for a living swear by Ivy, but not having any experience with it, I don't have enough facts to back this suggestion up with technical arguments. They did mention lack of duplication as a plus though compared to Ant they used before. Caveat emptor.


What is a good programming language for testers who are not great programmers? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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We would like to create some simple automated tests that will be created and maintained by testers. Right now we have a tester who can code in any language, but in the future we might want any tester with a limited knowledge of programming to be able to add or modify the tests.
What is a good programming language for testers who are not great programmers, or programmers at all?
Someone suggested LUA, but I looked into LUA and it might be more complicated that another language would be.
Preferably, the language will be interpreted and not be compiled. Let me know what you think.
Update: C and C++ are under the hood. No one is aspiring to be a programmer really ... it just might be something they could potentially work on if they can handle the task.
Update 2: I am a software engineer who happens to be a tester right now. I am very knowledgeable about the entire lifecycle ... including developing code, so for me I could go with any language but I'm trying to think of other testers who aren't as knowledgeable about programming as I am.
Update 3: The language will need to be able to make calls to the C++ code easily.
You may not even need language depending on what you are testing you can use
Test Modeling tools like CubicTest:
Highly recommend you check that out if you are doing Web Applications.
Our QA team had great success with it.
Otherwise I would recommend a Domain Specific Language over a General Purpose Language in your problem domain. The DSL might actually be a subset of a GPL (for example Rake for Ruby) so google carefully.
If you can not find an existing DSL then:
Create a DSL for your testers using Ruby or Scheme. Those two languages are the
easiest to create Domain Specific languages.
Python If all else fails and they need a GPL than Python is by far the easiest language to learn IMHO.
EDIT - Based on your updated requirements, Python might be the best fit. I have found it very easy to call C or C++ with Python CTypes. However I am sure Ruby has something equally as good.
I always reccomend Python.
People always think i am crazy, but it is the easiest and most flexible to show people. And you could always design some type of "test" framework, and only expose them to a very small subset of it.
And you can always refer them to :
I think that before actually choosing a language, we should define even more precisely what you are looking for.
Garbage collected, as we don't want people to have to understand memory management!!
Good number of modules/libraries around, so as not to reinvent the wheel
Preferably coming up with already existing (and tested) unit-test frameworks
Good documentation for the modules/libraries
Preferably scripting language, because tests have to be modified/run quickly
Easy interaction with C/C++, though the developers will have to provide the interface
And, perhaps most important of all:
clear and "english-like" syntax, so that it will be (at least) readable by non-tech people
Based on this list, I would recommend Python.
It's perhaps the programming language (having reached a critical mass) that is the closest to traditional english / algorithm expressions. It's certainly one of those with the least punctuation / weird symbols that throw off non-programmers
It comes immediately with so much modules that it's unlikely you'll have to dig for more any time soon... comprising a unittest module
The documentation is really good, generally illustrated by examples
It is quite simple to interface it with C
You can even run Python scripts from Java using JPython ;)
We have a in-house software for our non-regression tests. While it's been programmed in Java (probably for the GUI part and the Windows/Unix portability requirement), Python has been elected as the language to use within the non-regression tests themselves.
This is used mostly by our QA people, and even beginners usually take to it pretty easily, even when they don't have any programming background at all.
Note: I don't have any practical experience with LUA, so I am unable to choose between Python or LUA. However, having use both Python and Ruby, I must say that I have found Python much more readable (loop constructs / punctuation). Just make sure not to pick up Perl ;)
Depends a bit on what you want, but for my money Ruby is probably the most comprehensible language around.
Also if you're working with web stuff, then Watir gives you a lot of testing functionality right there.
If your ambition is at all to become a programmer, I'd suggest using the language of the system you're testing.
The experience will make you a better programmer, and the knowledge can only make you a better tester.
Python is a very simple and useful language to understand. Some even compare it to writing pseudocode. It also comes with its own unit testing framework.
EDIT: It also comes with a C API.
I think the better question might be what do you plan on doing with the programs created. I have done Java, html, css, php, mysql, vb, C#, etc, etc. Out of all of them, the fundementals remain the same. You always have the same type of logic from language to language. IF ELSE statements, for loops etc. However if your not planning on creating self loading programs then you would go for something that wouldn't do that.
Persoanlly Java is difficult but allows for a lot of portability. Don't just go with what's easiest, because you might not be able to do anything with it in the future.
if you are still interested, java has the ability to make calls to C++, but not without it's share of problems. Link this link has a look at making calls, but might be a little too involved if you're only hoping to show introductory programming.
Ok, as I understand the question it is really, how can I let non-programmer's write automated tests for an app written in c++? So in this context I would suggest taking a look at Fit and FitNesse.
Fit is essentially a table based F ramework for I ntegration T esting. The idea is that you hook fixtures up into the code to test and those fixtures are then controlled in different ways using nothing more than tables or in the case of FitNesse simple wiki markup which creates the tables under the hood.
The advantage of this is that there is no programming language involved at all. They just need to know what fixtures you have exposed and the proper usage for them.
The drawback of this is that it can be difficult at first to map out the fixtures you need/want for your tests. Also, it is generally more maintenance than using like a unit test framework where the tests are all just in code.

Finding "dead code" in a large C++ legacy application [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm currently working on a large and old C++ application that has had many developers before me. There is a lot of "dead code" in the project, classes and functions that aren't used by anyone anymore.
What tools are available for C++ to make a analysis of large code base to detect and refactor dead code? Note: I'm not talking about test coverage tool like gcov.
How do you find dead code in your project?
You'll want to use a static analysis tool
StackOverflow: What open source C++ static analysis tools are available?
Wikipedia: List of tools for static code analysis
The main gotcha I've run into is that you have to be careful that any libraries aren't used from somewhere that you don't control/have. If you delete a function from a class that gets used by referencing a library in your project you can break something that you didn't know used the code.
You can use Cppcheck for this purpose:
$ cppcheck --enable=unusedFunction .
Checking 2380153.c...
1/2 files checked 0% done
Checking main.c...
2/2 files checked 0% done
[2380153.c:1]: (style) The function '2380153' is never used.
Caolán McNamara's callcatcher is very effectively used within the LibreOffice project (~6 MLOC) to find dead code.
I think your best bet would probably be a coverage tool. There're plenty for both *nix and windows. If you have unit tests, it's easy - if you have a low test coverage, then the uncovered code is either dead or not tested yet (you want both pieces of this info anyway). If you don't have unit tests, build your app with instrumentation provided by one of those tools, run it through some (should be all ideally) execution paths, and see the report. You get the same info as with unit tests, it will only require a lot more work.
Since you're using VisualStudio, I could provide you couple of links which you could consider using:
Coverage meter
Neither of them is free, not even cheap, but the outcome is usually worth it.
On *nix-like platforms gcov coupled with tools like zcov or lcov is a really great choice.
Nothing beats familiarity with the code. Except perhaps rigourous pruning as one goes along.
Sometimes what looks like deadwood is used as scaffolding for unit tests etc, or it appears to be alive simply because legacy unit tests exercise it, but it is never exercised outside of the tests. A short while ago I removed over 1000 LOC which was supporting external CAD model translators, we had tests invoking those external translators but those translators had been unsupported for 8+ years and there was no way that a user of the application even if they wanted to could ever invoke them.
Unless one is rigourous in getting rid of the dead wood, one will find your team maintaining the stuff for years.
One approach is to use "Find All References" context menu item on class and function names. If a class/function is only referenced in itself, it is almost certainly dead code.
Another approach, based on the same idea, is to remove(comment out) files/functions from project and see what error messages you will get.
See our SD C++ Test Coverage.
You need to do a lot of dynamic testing to exercise the code, to make sure you hit the maximum amount of coverage. Code "not covered" may or may not be dead; perhaps you simply didn't have a test case to exercise it.
Although not specifically for dead code, I found the Source Navigator
quite useful, although cumbersome to set up and a bit buggy. That was a year ago on Linux (Fedora).

What is the most common way of understanding a very large C++ application? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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When having a new C++ project passed along to you, what is the standard way of stepping through it and becoming acquainted with the entire codebase? Do you just start at the top file and start reading through all x-hundred files? Do you use a tool to generate information for you? If so, which tool?
I use change requests/bug reports to guide my learning of some new project. It never makes a lot of sense to me to try and consume the entirety of something all at once. A change order or bug report gives me guidance to focus on this one tendril of the system, tracing it's activity through the code.
After a reasonable amount of these, I can get a good understanding of the fundamentals of the project.
Here's my general process:
Start by understanding what the application does, and how its used. (I see way too many developers completely skip this critical step.)
Search for any developer documentation related to the project. (However, realize this will nearly always be wrong and out of date - it just will have helpful clues.)
Try to figure out the logic in the organization. How is the main architecture defined? What large scale patterns are used? (ie: MVC, MVP, IoC, etc)
Try to figure out the main classes related to the "large" objects in the project. This helps for the point above.
Slowly start refactoring and cleaning up as you try to maintain the project.
Usually, that will get me at least somewhat up to speed. However, usually I end up given a project like this because something has to be fixed or enhanced, and timing isn't always realistic, in which case I often just have to jump in and pray.
Start working on it, perhaps by
adding a small feature.
Step through application startup in the debugger.
You could try running it through doxygen to at last give a browsable set of documentation - but basically the only way is a debugger, some trace/std::cerr messages and a lot of coffee.
The suggestion to write test cases is the basis of Working-Effectively-Legacy-code and the point of the cppunit test library. If you can take this approach depends on your team and your setup - if you are the new junior you can't really rewrite the app to support testing.
Try writing unit tests for the various classes.
There is one tool I know about that may help you, it's currently in beta called CppDepend that will help you understand the relation between the classes and the projects in the solution.
Other than that you can try to understand the code by reading it:
Start with the header (.h/.hpp) files, reading them would help understand the "interfaces" between the classes
If the solution has several project try to understand the responsibility of each project.
Find someone who is familiar with the project that could give you and overview, 5 min with the right person can save you an hour with the debugger
Understanding how the code is used is usually very helpful.
If this is a library, look at client code and unit tests. If there aren't any unit tests, write some.
If this is an application, understand how it works - in detail. Again read & write unit tests.
Essentially, it's all about the interfaces. Understand the the interfaces and you'll go a long way towards understanding how the code works. By interface, I mean, the API if it's a library, the UI if it's a graphical application, the content of the inbound & outbound messages if it's a server.
Firstly how large is large?
I don't think you can answer this without knowing the other half of the scenario. What is the requirement for changing the code?
Are you just supporting/fixing it when it goes wrong? Developing new functionality? Porting the code to a new platform? Upgrading the code for a new C++ compiler?
Depending on what your requirement is I would start in different ways.
Here's how I approach the problem
Start by fixing easy bugs. Do extreme dilligance on these bugs and use the debugger heavily to find the problem
Code review every change that goes into the system. On an unbelievably large system, pick a smaller subset and review all of these changes
And most importantly: Ask a lot of questions!
Things to do:
Look at what the sales brochure tells you it does, set the scope of your expectations
Install it, what options do you have in the installer, read the quick start/install guide
Find out what it does, does it even execute, do you have multiple executables
Is there a developer setup guide/wiki, pointers to VCS
Get the code and make your build environment work, document SDKs, build tools you need if it isn't already
Look at the build process, project dependancies, is there a build machine/CI service
Look at generated doc output (if there is any!)
Find an interesting piece of the solution and see how it works, what are the entry points/ how does it work/look for main classes and interfaces
Replicate bugs, stop at interesting features in the program to get an overview and work down to tracing code.
Start to fix things, but ensure you are fixing things by having appropriate unit tests to show that it is broken now and when it will be fixed.
I have been incorporating source codes from some mid-sized projects. The most important lesson I learn from this process is before going into the source codes, you must be sure what part of the source codes interest you most. You should then go into that piece by grepping logging/warning messages or looking at class/function names. In understanding the source codes, you should run it in a debugger or insert your own warning messages. In all, you should focus on things you are interested in. The last thing you want is to read all the source codes.
Try generating a documentation using Doxygen or something similar if it wasn't done already.
Walk through the API and see if there is something that is unclear to you and look at the code, if you still don't get it ask a developer who already worked on it before.
Always examine whatever you have to work on first.
Take a look at whatever UML documents you've got, if you don't have any:
Smack the developer/s who worked on it. It's a shame they didn't do something as basic as UML class diagrams.
Try to generate them from the code. They will not be accurate but the they will give you a head start.
If there is something specific that you don't understand or think is wrong, ask the team who developed it. They will probably know better.
Fixing bugs works just fine for any project, not just c++ one.
Browse around in the file hierarchy with Total Commander, try getting an overview of the structure. Try identify where the main header files are located. Also find the file where the main() function is located.
Ask a person who is already familiar with the codebase to outline the basic concepts that were used during development.
He doesn't need to explain every detail, but should give you a rough idea of how the software works and how the individual modules are connected with each other.
Additionally, what I've found useful in the past was to first setup a working development environment before starting to think about the code.
Read the documentation. If possible, speak with the former maintainer. Then, check out the code bases from the first commit and the first release from the VCS and spend some time looking at them. Don't go for full understanding yet, just skim and understand which are the major components and what they do. Then read the change logs and the release notes for each of the major releases. Then start breaking everything and see what breaks what. Do some bug fixes. Review the test suite and understand which component each test is focused on. Add some tests. Step through the code in a debugger. Repeat.
As already said, grab doxygen and build HTML documentation for source code.
If code is well-designed, you'll easily see a nice class hierarchy, clear call graphs and many other things that otherwise would take ages to uncover. When certain parts behavior appears unclear, look at the unit tests or write your own.
However, if the structure appears to be flat, or messy, or both together, you may find yourself in some sort of trouble.
I'm not sure there is a standard way. There are some for-pay tools that will do C++ class diagrams/call graphs and provide some kind of code-level view. doxygen is a good free one. My low-tech approach is to find the top-level file and start to sort through what it provides and how...taking notes if needed.
In C++, the most common problem is that a lot of energy and time is wasted on low level tasks, such as "memory management".
Things that are no - brainers in managed languages are a pain to do in C++.

Does there exist a "wiki" for editing doxygen comments? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm working on a fairly big open source RTS game engine (Spring). I recently added a bunch of new C++ functions callable by Lua, and am wondering how to best document them, and at the same time also stimulate people to write/update documentation for a lot of existing Lua call-outs.
So I figured it may be nice if I could write the documentation initially as doxygen comments near the C++ functions - this is easy because the function body obviously defines exactly what the function does. However, I would like the documentation to be improved by game developers using the engine, who generally have little understanding of git (the VCS we use) or C++.
Hence, it would be ideal if there was a way to automatically generate apidocs from the C++ file, but also to have a wiki-like web interface to allow a much wider audience to update the comments, add examples, etc.
So I'm wondering, does there exist a web tool which integrates doxygen style formatting, wiki-like editing for those comments (preferably without allowing editing any other parts of the source file) and git? (to commit the comments changed through the web interface to a special branch)
We developers could then merge this branch every now and then to add the improvements to the master branch, and at the same time any improvements by developers to the documentation would end up on this web tool with just a merge of the master branch into this special branch.
I haven't found anything yet, doubt something this specific exists yet, so any suggestions are welcome!
This is a very cool idea indeed, and a couple of years ago I also had a very strong need for something like that. Unfortunately, at least back then, I wasn't able to find something like that. Doing a quick search on sourceforge and freshmeat also doesn't bring up anything related today.
But I agree that such a wiki frontend to user-contributed documentation would be very useful, I know for a fact that something like this was recently being discussed also within the Lua community (see this).
So, maybe we can determine the requirements in order to come up with a basic working draft/prototype?
Hopefully, this would get us going to initiate such a project with a minimum set of features and then simply release it into the wild as an open source project (e.g. on sourceforge), so that other users can contribute to it.
Ideally, one could use unified patches to apply changes that were contributed in such a fashion. Also, it would probably make sense to restrict modifications only to adding/editing comments, instead of allowing arbitrary modifications of text, this could probably be implemented by using a simple regex.
Maybe, one could implement something like that by modifying an existing (established) wiki software such as mediawiki. Or preferably something that's already using git as a backend for storage purposes. Then, one would mainly need to cater for those Doxygen-style comments, and provide a simple interface on top of it.
Thinking about it some more, DoxyGen itself already provides support for generating HTML documentation, so from that perspective it might actually be interesting to see, how DoxyGen could possibly be extended, so that it is well integrated with such a scripted backend that allows for easy customization of embedded source code documentation.
This would probably mainly boil down to providing a standalone script with doxygen (e.g. in python, php or perl) and then optionally embed forms in the automatically created HTML documentation, so that documentation fixes/augmentations can be sent to the corresponding script via a browser, which in turn would write any modifications back to a corresponding branch.
In the long term, it would be cool if such a script would support different types of backends (CVS, SVN or git), or at least be implemented generically enough, so that it is easily extendible.
So, if we can come up with a good design, it might even be possible that such a modification would be generally accepted as a contribution to doxygen itself, which would also give the whole thing much more exposure and momentum.
Even if the idea doesn't directly materialize into a real project, it would be interesting to see how many other users actually like the idea, so that it could possibly be mentioned in the doxygen issue tracker (
EDIT: You may also want to check out this article titled "Documentation, Git and MediaWiki".

how to handle code that is deemed dangerous to change, but stable? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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What is the best way to handle a big team that has access to a stable but no so pretty code, that is easy to introduce bugs into?
I'm looking for something along the lines of SVN locking the file(s).
Write unit tests if you don't have them already. Then start refactoring, and keep doing regression tests upon every commit.
Tell them to leave it alone.
It works, what is the benefit of changing it other than prettying it up (and the potential cost is high) so you just need to explain the cost/benefit analysis.
I would hope your developers would be smart enough to understand this and, if not, you can use your source code control system logs, rolled up tightly, to beat them to death:-) .
Svn does have a setting for locking the file to prevent concurrent access (similar to Source Safe) but I would recommend building some automated unit tests and integration tests around the fearful code. Hopefully you have a solid QA group as a safety net as well.
Write automated unit tests. If you have tests that test the code you are maintaining you can be assured that any modifications haven't broken it. Test frameworks such as JUnit can help.
Get a copy of Martin Fowler's classic book Refactoring and read it. Pay particular attention to the concept of code smells. This will point you to particular refactorings that will help with your situation.
Get a good IDE that has refactoring support built in. IDEs won't support all of the refactorings in the book but many of them will have a number of them. Eclipse and NetBeans in the Java world are free and support refactoring well.
Consider a continuous integration server like Hudson to track whether your tests are failing.
Yeah, lock it until you can write a more maintainable replacement for it.
Michael Feathers' book on legacy code will be a good read for that team. Of course, easier said than done, but that particular code can become a design debt for your software in the long run.
Black-box it in a library so it can't be messed with. Document the interface well.
Produce complete unit tests so that if it has to change, you know it still works.
If you have Subversion, locking files isn't terribly unless the code is just a few files. Subversion doesn't let you lock sub-directories, just individual files. Plus the lock can be broken.
What you probably want is a pre-commit hook script. You can do pretty much anything, but I've used it to restrict access to a certain subdirectory to specific people (branches, SQL scripts). Also, unless you have access to the server you can't break a pre-commit hook.
See the Version Control with Subversion book on Implementing Repository Hooks. The Subversion distribution should include some good examples of how to do exactly this.
I'm thinking more like refacter, if the code is hard to work with then it needs to be redone, it may take some time but it will likely be better in the long run as you won't cause as many problems.
Set up automated builds and unit tests. Any kind of repository that tracks changes is good, but won't prevent bugs.
Also, only make changes that you can run right away. The Agile methodology that says release early and often helps here. That way, you can get a better understanding of the code as you get deeper into it.
Basically, if you can, start with refactoring that doesn't change the functionality. Then introduce new functionality on top of the refactored code. Do it slowly with small, deliberate changes.
Locking the source while changes are made probably won't help as much as communicating what is changing and where. Your best approach is to make open communication channels. Set up a forum using something like Slashcode where they can discuss things openly and ask questions, and leave a record.