Lua, game state and game loop - c++

Call main.lua script at each game loop iteration - is it good or bad design? How does it affect on the performance (relatively)?
Maintain game state from a. C++ host-program or b. from Lua scripts or c. from both and synchronise them?
(Previous question on the topic: Lua and C++: separation of duties)
(I vote for every answer. The best answer will be accepted.)

My basic rule for lua is - or any script language in a game -
Anything that happens on every frame: c++
asynchronous events - user input - lua
synchronous game engine events - lua
Basically, any code thats called at >33-100Hz (depending on frame rate) is C++
I try to invoke the script engine <10Hz.
Based on any kind of actual metric? not really. but it does put a dividing line in the design, with c++ and lua tasks clearly delineated - without the up front delineation the per frame lua tasks will grow until they are bogging processing per frame - and then theres no clear guideline on what to prune.

The best thing about lua is that it has a lightweight VM, and after the chunks get precompiled running them in the VM is actually quite fast, but still not as fast as a C++ code would be, and I don't think calling lua every rendered frame would be a good idea.
I'd put the game state in C++, and add functions in lua that can reach, and modify the state. An event based approach is almost better, where event registering should be done in lua (preferably only at the start of the game or at specific game events, but no more than a few times per minute), but the actual events should be fired by C++ code. User inputs are events too, and they don't usually happen every frame (except for maybe MouseMove but which should be used carefully because of this). The way you handle user input events (whether you handle everything (like which key was pressed, etc) in lua, or whether there are for example separate events for each keys on the keyboard (in an extreme case) depends on the game you're trying to make (a turn based game might have only one event handler for all events, an RTS should have more events, and an FPS should be dealt with care (mainly because moving the mouse will happen every frame)). Generally the more separate kinds of events you have, the less you have to code in lua (which will increase performance), but the more difficult it gets if a "real event" you need to handle is actually triggered by more separate "programming level events" (which might actually decrease performance, because the lua code needs to be more complex).
Alternatively if performance is really important you can actually improve the lua VM by adding new opcodes to it (I've seen some of the companies to do this, but mainly to make decompilation of the compiled lua chunks more harder), which is actually not a hard thing to do. If you have something that the lua code needs to do a lot of times (like event registering, event running, or changing the state of the game) you might want to implement them in the lua VM, so instead of multiple getglobal and setglobal opcodes they would only take one or two (for example you could make a SETSTATE opcode with a 0-255 and a 0-65535 parameter, where the first parameter descibes which state to modify, and the second desribes the new value of the state. Of course this only works if you have a maximum of 255 events, with a maximum of 2^16 values, but it might be enough in some cases. And the fact that this only takes one opcode means that the code will run faster). This would also make decompilation more harder if you intend to obscure your lua code (although not much to someone who knows the inner workings of lua). Running a few opcodes per frame (around 30-40 tops) won't hit your performance that badly. But 30-40 opcodes in the lua VM won't get you far if you need to do really complex things (a simple if-then-else can take up to 10-20 or more opcodes depending on the expression).

I don't like C++. But I do like games.
My approach might be a bit atypical: I do everything I can in Lua, and only the absolute minimum in C++. The game loop, the entities, etc are all done in Lua. I even have a QuadTree implementation done in Lua. C++ handles graphical and filesystem stuff, as well as interfacing with external libraries.
This is not a machine-based decision, but a programmer-based one; I output code much faster in Lua than In C++. So I spend my programmer cycles on new features rather than on saving computer cycles. My target machines (any laptop from the last 3 years) are able to cope with this amount of Lua very easily.
Lua is surprisingly low-footprint (take a look to luaJIT if you don't know it).
This said, if I ever find a bottleneck (I haven't yet) I'll profile the game in order to find the slow part, and I'll translate that part to C++ ... only if I can't find a way around it using Lua.

I am using Lua for the first time in a game I've been working on. The C++ side of my application actually holds pointers to instances of each game state. Some of the game states are implemented in C++ and some are implemented in Lua (such as the "game play" state).
The update and main application loop live on the C++ side of things. I have exposed functions that allow the Lua VM to add new game states to the application at runtime.
I have not yet had any problems with slowness, even running on hardware with limited resources (Atom processor with integrated video). Lua functions are called every frame. The most expensive (in terms of time) operation in my application is rendering.
The ability to create new states completely in Lua was one of the best decisions I made on the project, since it allows me to freely add portions of the game without recompiling the whole thing.
Edit: I'm using Luabind, which I have read performs slower in general than other binding frameworks and of course the Lua C API.

You probably don't want to execute the entire Lua script on every frame iteration, because any sufficiently complex game will have multiple game objects with their own behaviors. In other words, the advantages of Lua are lost unless you have multiple tiny scripts that handle a specific part of the behavior of a larger game. You can use the lua_call function to call any appropriate lua routine in your script, not just the entire file.
There's no ideal answer here, but the vast majority of your game state is traditionally stored in the game engine (i.e. C++). You reveal to Lua just enough for Lua to do the decision making that you've assigned to Lua.
You need to consider which language is appropriate for which behaviors. Lua is useful for high level controls and decisions, and C++ is useful for performance oriented code. Lua is particularly useful for the parts of your game that you need to tweak without recompiling. All magic constants and variables could go into Lua, for example. Don't try to shoehorn Lua where it does not belong, i.e. graphics or audio rendering.

IMHO Lua scripts are for specific behaviours, it's definitely going to hurt performance if you are calling a Lua script 60 times per second.
Lua scripts are often to separate stuff like Behaviour, and specific events from your Game Engine logic (GUI, Items, Dialogs, game engine events, etc...). A good usage of Lua for example would be when triggering an explosion (particle FX), if the Game Character walks somewhere, hard-coding the output of that event in your engine would be a very ugly choice. Though, making the engine trigger the correct script would be a better choice, decoupling that specific behavior off your engine.
I would recommend, to try to keep your Game State in one part, instead of upscaling the level of complexity of keeping states synchronized in two places (Lua and Engine), add threading to that, and you will end up having a very ugly mess. Keep it simple. (In my Designs I mostly keep Game State in C++)
Good luck with your Game!

I'd like to throw in my two cents since I strongly believe that there's some incorrect advice being given here. For context, I am using Lua in a large game that involves both intensive 3D rendering as well as intensive game logic simulation. I've become more familiar than I'd have liked to with Lua and performance...
Note that I'm going to talk specifically about LuaJIT, because you're going to want to use LuaJIT. It's plug-and-play, really, so if you can embed Lua you can embed LuaJIT. You'll want it, if not for the extra speed, then for the automagic foreign function interface module (require 'ffi') that will allow you to call your native code directly from Lua without ever having to touch the Lua C API (95%+ of cases).
It's perfectly fine to call Lua at 60hz (I call it at 90hz in VR..). The catch is that you are going to have to be careful to do it correctly. As someone else mentioned, it's critical that you load the script only once. You can then use the C API to get access to functions you defined in that script, or to run the script itself as a function. I recommend the former: for a relatively simple game, you can get by with defining functions like onUpdate (dt), onRender (), onKeyPressed (key), onMouseMoved (dx, dy), etc. You can call these at the appropriate time from your main loop in C++. Alternatively, you can actually have your entire main loop be in Lua, and instead invoke your C++ code for performance-critical routines (I do that). This is especially easy to do with the LuaJIT FFI.
This is the really hard question. It will depend on your needs. Can you quite easily hammer down the game state? Great, put it C++-side and access from LuaJIT FFI. Not sure what all will be in the game state / like to be able to prototype quickly? Nothing wrong with keeping it in Lua. That is, until you start talking about a complex game with 1000s of objects, each containing non-trivial state. In this case, hybrid is the way to go, but figuring out exactly how to split state between C++ and Lua, and how to martial said state between the two (especially in perf-critical routines) is something of an art. Let me know if you come up with a bulletproof technique :) As with everything else, the general rule of thumb is: data that goes through performance-critical pathways needs to be on the native side. For example, if your entities have positions and velocities that you update each frame, and you have thousands of said entities, you need to do this in C++. However, you can get away with layering an 'inventory' on top of these entities using Lua (an inventory doesn't need a per-frame update).
Now, a couple more notes I'd like to throw out both as general FYIs and in response to some of the other answers.
Event-based approaches are, in general, critical to the performance of any game, but that goes doubly for systems written in Lua. I said it's perfectly fine to call Lua # 60hz. But it's not perfectly fine to be running tight loops over lots of game objects each frame in said Lua. You might get away with wastefully calling update() on everything in the universe in C++ (though you shouldn't), but doing so in Lua will start eating up those precious milliseconds far too quickly. Instead, as others have mentioned, you need to be thinking of Lua logic as 'reactive' -- usually, this means handling an event. For example, don't check that one entity is in range of another each frame in Lua (I mean, this is fine for one entity, but in general when you're scaling up your game you need to not think like this). Instead, tell your C++ engine to notify you when the two entities get within a certain distance of one another. In this way, Lua becomes the high-level controller of game logic, dispatching high-level commands and responding to high-level events, not carrying out the low-level math grind of trivial game logic.
Be wary of the advice that 'mixed code' is slow. The Lua C API is lightweight and fast. Wrapping functions for use with Lua is, at worst, quite easy (and if you take a while to understand how Lua interfaces with C w.r.t. the virtual stack, etc, you will notice that it has been designed specifically to minimize call overhead), and at best, trivial (no wrapping required) and 100% as performant as native calls (thanks, LuaJIT FFI!) In most cases I find that a careful mixture of Lua and C (via the LJ FFI) is superior to pure Lua. Even vector operations, which I believe the LuaJIT manuals mention somewhere as an example where code should be kept to Lua, I have found to be faster when I execute via Lua->C calls. Ultimately, don't trust anyone or anything but your own (careful) performance measurements when it comes to pieces of code that are performance-sensitive.
Most small-ish games could get away just fine with game state, the core loop, input handling, etc. done entirely in Lua and running under LuaJIT. If you're building a small-ish game, consider the "move to C++ as needed" approach (lazy compilation!) Write in Lua, when you identify a clear bottleneck (and have measured it to make sure it's the culprit), move that bit to C++ and be on your way. If you're writing a big game with 1000s of complex objects with complex logic, advanced rendering, etc. then you'll benefit from more up-front designing.
Best of luck :)

About the performance of 1: if main.lua does not change, load it once with lua_loadfile or loadfile, save a reference to the returned function, and then call it when needed.

Most of the performance will be lost through the binding between Lua and C++. A function call will actually need to be wrapped, and re-wrapped, and like that a couple of time usually. Pure Lua or pure C++ code is usually faster than mixed code (for small operations).
Having said that, I personally didn't see any strong performance hit running a Lua script every frame.
Usually scripting is good at high level. Lua has been used in famous games for the Bots (Quake 3) and for the User Interface (World of Warcraft). Used at high level Lua micro-threads come handy: The coroutines can save a lot (compared to real threads). For example to run some Lua code only once in a while.


Can someone explain consisely why I would want or need Lua mixed with C++ for a game?

I've studied a bit of Lua, and I'm relatively familiar with C++ but I still don't see any real reason I would want to use Lua (or any scripting language for that matter) in conjunction with C++. If I'm already making a game in C++ (a fast language) why wouldn't I just do everything in C++? After all, I'm already familiar with C++. Why should I spend time learning a new language and how to integrate it into my C++ code? I'm sure there would be issues just getting the interface set up and working. Learning would take some time, how would it really pay off? Would it really only be beneficial to large development teams?
I echo what has been said, and I want to add my own thoughts as I am integrating Lua into my game engine this very moment!
It depends on what kind of game you are making, but regardless of your feelings on allowing fans to mod your game, it's just good practice to separate engine components from gameplay components.
The first major benefit is rapid iteration. The best decision I made was connecting the F5 key to reloading the Lua state (just like a browser's F5 refresh, in case that wasn't obvious). I can edit the script and then just mash F5 in my running engine to see the result right away. This is much more effective than rebuilding native code. You are less likely to lose your train of thought, and you can debug (gameplay) problems very quickly.
I find that working in Lua makes me more creative. It helps me set aside my rigid, unforgiving engineer brain and bring out my experimental, #YOLO brain. Why does my character's HP need to be carefully and precisely stored as a 32-bit integer in a C++ object? No part of the engine needs to know about that kind of information. The higher level gameplay is the only thing that cares. HP is updated only occasionally, and it relates to "the rules", not any kind of engine consideration.
Think of C++ as your master violinist and Lua as your conductor: your violinist better be really good/fast at playing the violin, but your conductor doesn't ever play the violin; he just tells your violinist to play louder/softer/faster/slower.
Lua is slow (relative to C++), but that is fine. Lua does not need to decompress an OGG into PCM in under 5ms; that is your engine's job. Lua makes extremely high level decisions: "This is the audio I want played at this moment."
I do many projects alone, and I can honestly tell you that integrating Lua is a very good thing. It creates a very clean separation between low level technical mumbo jumbo and your actual game.
It is generally good practice to split layers of an application from each other with abstraction.
Quite often part of your application is highly performance insensitive.
If you place a scripting interface between the high performance core and the performance insensitive scriptable portion, you first gain a huge abstraction layer benefit. If done right, no errors in the scripting portion can cause memory corruption or otherwise invoke UB.
So now that code cannot intermingle, and mistakes in it are insulated from the rest of the app.
On top of that, you now get to work in a language that makes many things (object lifetime, string manipulation, runtime modification of logic, etc) really easy. The lower risk from errors plus the ease of expressing things can massively increase your ability to prototype new functionality, and reduce QA overhead before shipping it.
On top of that, because you have a scripting engine, your game can now "safely" rewrite itself: doing so in C++ pure would be much harder. And rewriting yourself is a powerful tool, if dangerous (even "safely")
Mostly for flexibility, if you want to later change the behavior of something its easier just to change your script and reload it instead of having to re-compile your server.
Here is an overview as to why Cryengine uses it(engine for the popular game series Crysis):
and this is an MMORPG project that has its core in C++ and scripting in Lua:

Efficiently calling a Python function

I'm embedding Python into my game. The scripts will be used to define the character AI, how entities react to game events, etc — this means there's going to be a script for every type of entity in the game.
Each script will have a function like createEntity() or something which will return the constructed entity. What would be an efficient(ish) way of calling these functions (remember, there's one in every entity's script).
My initial thought was to do something like what you see below, however, I'm unsure as to how efficient this is. For example, what happens with the imported hero module after I run that string? Does it remain loaded in the main module? If that's the case, that's problematic since I'm going to be importing lots of scripts for all the entities I might need to add to the game world.
boost::python::handle<> result(
PyRun_String("import hero\n" "createEntity()\n",
Py_file_input, main_namespace.ptr(), main_namespace.ptr())
// Then extract the entity from `result`...
What suggestions do you have?
Your question does not specify whether space efficiency (i.e. memory), time efficiency, or labor efficiency is most important to you. Merely because you are considering a hybrid C++ / Python application, I assume that labor efficiency is a significant factor. Because you are developing a game, I assume that there will be some part of it that has a need for extremely tight execution speed.
Perhaps this approach will strike a balance. Make all the user interaction (input and output, including any networking) C++ based for minimum latency. You might place this in its own thread or process. Given a high level event from the model, like a character moving, this code very quickly updates the screen and the network. Given a user event, or an event from the network, it sends a message to the model.
The game model, which can be asynchronous to the view/control, would then be in Python for your convenience and so you can take advantage of functional programming etc. You could use shared memory or a similar IPC mechanism between the two and start them separately if actually embedding an interpreter is inconvenient.
While certain AI applications are CPU-intensive, and therefore it may be tempting to go back to C or C++ for them, I would advise doing that as a final step, in response to clear responsiveness issues in interpreted code, if you do it at all. You may even want to follow this line of thought with the graphics also, since nowadays most graphics processing is delegated to the video hardware, if you have a way to make the library calls you need from Python code.
Though I am not a game developer, I have been around and I have seen few situations in which the (nowadays) microseconds difference between single equivalent C and Python operations is perceptible to users. Perceptible performance problems are nearly always due to other factors, such as disk I/O, network latency or inefficient algorithm implementations.
Ousterhout on the role of scripting languages is an oldie but goodie. In the case of a game where you have said that the gameplay is to be scripted, the model (Python) is already organizing the flow as you have described it. If PyGame or similar library isn't up to the task of presenting the view, find or build a Python module that can.
Put another way, when I suggested you've got the integration backwards, it sounds like you are asking the view to call the model repeatedly to update itself. I cannot think of a way that putting the metaphoric cart before the horse will yield either efficiency or ease of development.

C++ and modularity: Where am I supposed to draw the line?

According to widely spread advice, I should watch out to keep my larger software projects as modular as possible. There are of course various ways to achieve this, but I think that there is no way around to using more or less many interface classes.
Take, as an example the development of a 2D game engine in C++.
Now, one could of course achieve a very modular system by using interfaces for practically everything: From the renderer (Interface Renderer Class -> Dummy, OpenGL, DirectX, SDL, etc.), over audio to input management.
Then, there is the option of making extensive usage of messaging systems, for example. But logically these again come with a high price in performance.
How am I supposed to build a working engine like this?
I don't want to lower the limits for my engine in terms of performance (maximum viable amount of entities, particles, and so on) just to have a perfectly modular system working in the background. This matters because I'd also like to target mobile platforms where CPU power and memory are limited.
Having an interface for the renderer class, for example, would involve virtual function calls for time-critical drawing operations. This alone would slow the engine down by a fair amount.
And here come my main questions:
Where am I supposed to draw the line between consistency and performance with modular programming?
What ways are there to keep projects modular, while retaining good performance for time-critical operations?
There are many ways to keep your code modular without using a single "interface" class.
You already mentioned message passing
then there's plain old callbacks. If an object needs to be able to trigger some event elsewhere in your system, give it a callback function it can invoke to trigger that event. It doesn't need to know anything about the rest of your architecture then
and using templates and static polymorphism, you can achieve most of the same goals as you would with interface classes -- but with zero performance overhead. (For example, template your game engine so that a Direct3D or OpenGL-based renderer can be picked at compile-time)
Moreover, modularity is tricky, and it's not something you get just by hiding everything behind an interface. For it to be modular, whatever that interface implements should be replaceable. You have to have a strategy for replacing one implementation with another. And it has to be possible to create multiple different implementations.
And if you just blindly hide everything behind interfaces, your code will not be modular at all. Replacing any implementation of anything will be such a huge pain, because of the countless layers of interfaces you have to dig through to do so. You'll have to go through hundreds of places in the code and make sure that the right implementation is picked and instantiated and passed through. And your interfaces will be so general that they can't express the functionality you need, or so specific that no other implementation can be made.
If you want a cheesy analogy, bricks are modular. A brick can be easily taken out and replaced with another. But you can also grind them up into tiny particles of baked clay. Is that more modular? You've certainly created more, and smaller "modules". But the only effect is to make it much much harder to replace any given component. I can no longer just pick up one tangible brick, throw it away, and replace it with something else that's brick-sized. Instead, I have to go through thousands of small particles, finding an appropriate replacement for each. And because the replaced component is no longer surrounded by a couple of bricks in the larger structure, but with tens or hundreds of thousands of particles, a ridiculous number of other "modules" are now affected because I swapped out their neighbors that they interfaced with.
Grinding everything up into finer and smaller bits doesn't make anything more modular. It just removes all the structure from your application. The way to write modular software is to actually think and determine which components are so logically isolated and distinct that they can be replaced without affecting the rest of the application. And then write the application, and the component, to maintain this isolation.
Prototype first, then let the interface boundaries emerge.
Preemptive interface design can make coding a drag
Trying to engineer abstraction barriers before you code can be tricky, as you run two risks. One is that you'll inevitably draw some abstraction barriers in the wrong places, and as you start writing working code (as opposed to interface code), you find that your interfaces serve your problem poorly, despite sounding good when described in natural language. The other problem is that it makes coding more of a drag, since you have to juggle two concerns in your head instead of one: writing working code for a problem that you don't completely understand yet, and adhering to an interface that may turn out to be bad.
Interface boundaries emerge from working code.
I am of course not saying that interfaces are bad, but that they're hard to design correctly without having written working code first. Once you have a working program, it becomes obvious which parts should be different instantiations of the same virtual function, which functions need to share resources (and therefore should be put in the same class), etc.
Prototype, then draw only the interface boundaries you need.
I therefore agree with #jdv-Jan de Vaan's suggestion that the first thing to do is to blast out the shortest readable program that works. (This is different from the shortest program that works. There is of course some minimal amount of interface design even at the very beginning.) My addition is to say interface design comes after that. That is, once you have the simple-as-possible code, you can refactor it into interfaces to make it even shorter and more readable. If you want interfaces for portability, I wouldn't start that until you actually have code for two or more platforms. Then the interface boundaries will emerge in a natural (and testable) manner, as it becomes clear which functions can be used as-is for both, and which need to have multiple implementations hidden behind interfaces.
I don't agree with this advice(or maybe your interpretation). "As modular as possible": Where should this end? Are you going to write a virtual interface for 3d vectors, so you can switch implementations? I don't thinks so, but it would be "as modular as possible".
If you are selling a game engine, modularization can help to keep your build times lower, to reduce the amount of header files needed by your prospective clients, and the ability to switch implementations for a particular problem domain (such as directx vs opengl). It can also help to make your code maintaible by partitioning it. But in that case you're not required to decouple the modules with interfaces.
My advice is to always write the shortest readable program that works. If you have can write 20 lines of code that solve some problem locally, or scatter the function over five different classes, the latter would be more modular, but usually the result is less reliable, less readable and less maintainable.
Keep in mind that virtual function calls are intended primarily to deal with a collection of (pointers/references to) objects that aren't necessarily all of the same actual type.
You certainly should not even contemplate something like squares being drawn via OpenGL, but circles via DirectX, or anything on that order. It's perfectly reasonable to handle modularity at this level via templates or even file selection when you build your code, but virtual functions for this situation make no real sense.
That probably brings up the relevant piece of advice for getting performance out of C++: use templates for flexibility and modularity while still retaining maximum performance. One of the main reasons templates are so popular is that they give you modularity without sacrificing performance. The CRTP is particularly relevant to code that may initially seem like it needs virtual functions.
As far as where to draw the line between consistency and performance, there really is no one answer -- it depends heavily on how much performance you need. For your situation (3D game engine for mobile devices) performance is clearly a lot more critical than for many (most) other situations.

In game programming are global variables bad?

I know my gut reaction to global variables is "badd!" but in the two game development courses I've taken at my college globals were used extensively, and now in the DirectX 9 game programming tutorial I am using ( I'm being told globals are okay in game programming ...? The site also recommends using only structs if you can when doing game programming to help keep things simple.
I'm really confused on this issue, and all the research I've been trying to do is very confusing. I realize there are issues when using global variables (threading issues, they make code harder to maintain, the state of them is hard to track etc) but also there is a cost associated with not using globals, I'd have to pass a loooot of information around very often which can be confusing and I imagine time-costing, although I guess pointers would speed the process up (this is my first time writing a game in C++.) Anyway, I realize there is probably no "right" or "wrong" answer here since both ways work, but I want my code to be as proper as I can so any input would be good, thank you very much!
The trouble with games and globals is that games (nowadays) are threaded at engine level. Game developers using an engine use the engine's abstractions rather than directly programming concurrency (IIRC). In many of the highlevel languages such as C++, threads sharing state is complex. When many concurrent processes share a common resource they have to make sure they don't tread on eachother's toes.
To get around this, you use concurrency control such as mutex and various locks. This in effect makes asynchronous critical sections of code access shared state in a synchronous manner for writing. The topic of concurrency control is too much to explain fully here.
Suffice to say, if threads run with global variables, it makes debugging very hard, as concurrency bugs are a nightmare (think, "which thread wrote that? Who holds that lock?").
There are exceptions in games programming API such as OpenGL and DX. If your shared data/globals are pointers to DX or OpenGL graphics contexts then typically this maps down to GPU operations which don't suffer so much from the same trouble.
Just be careful. Keeping objects representing 'player' or 'zombie' or whatever, and sharing them between threads can be tricky. Spawn 'player' threads and 'zombie group' threads instead and have a robust concurrency abstraction between them based on message passing rather than accessing those object's state across the thread/critical section boundary.
Saying all that, I do agree with the "Say no to globals" point made below.
For more on the complexities of threads and shared state see:
1 POSIX Threads API - I know it is POSIX, but provides a good idea that translates to other API
2 Wikipedia's excellent range of articles on concurrency control mechanisms
3 The Dining Philosopher's problem (and many others)
4 ThreadMentor tutorials and articles on threading
5 Another Intel article, but more of a marketing thing.
6 An ACM article on building multi-threaded game engines
Have worked on AAA game titles, I can tell you that globals should be eradicated immediately before they spread like a cancer. I've seen them corrupt an I/O subsystem so completely that it had to be wholly thrown out to be rewritten.
Say no to globals. Always.
In this respect, there's no difference between games and other programs. While arguably OK in small examples given in elementary courses, global variables are strongly discouraged in real programs.
So if you want to write correct, readable and maintainable code, stay away from global variables as much as possible.
All answers until now deal with the globals/threads issue, but I will add my 2 cents to the struct/class (understood as all public attributes/private attributes + methods) discussion. Preferring structs over classes on the grounds of that being simpler is in the same line of thought of preferring assembler over C++ on the grounds of that being a simpler language.
The fact that you have to think on how your entities are going to be used and provide methods for it makes the concrete entity a little more complex, but greatly simplifies the rest of the code and maintainability. The whole point of encapsulation is that it simplifies the program by providing clear ways in that your data can be modified while maintaining your objects invariants. You control the entry points and what can happen there. Having all attributes public imply that any part of the code can have a small innocent error (forgot to check condition X) and break your invariants completely (health below 0, but no 'death' processing being triggered)
The other common discussion is performance: If I just need to update a datum, then having to call a method will impact my performance. Not really. If methods are simple and you provide them in the header as inlines (inside the class body or outside with the inline keyword), the compiler will be able to copy those instructions to each use place. You get the guarantee that the compiler will not leave out any check by mistake, and no impact in performance.
Having read a bit more what you posted though:
I'm being told globals are okay in
game programming ...? The site also
recommends using only structs if you
can when doing game programming to
help keep things simple.
Games code is no different from other code really. Gratuitous use of globals is bad regardless. And as for 'only use structs', that is just a load of crap. Approach game development on the same principles as any other software - you may find places where you need to bend this but they should be the exception, typically when dealing with low-level hardware issues.
I would say that the advice about globals and 'keeping things simple' is probably a mixture of being easier to learn and old fashioned thinking about performance. When I was being taught about game programming I remember being told that C++ wasn't advised for games as it would be too slow but I've worked on multiple games using every facet of C++ which proves that isn't true.
I would add to everyone's answers here that globals are to be avoided where possible, I wouldn't be afraid to use whatever you need from C++ to make your code understandable and easy to use. If you come up against a performance problem then profile that specific issue and I'll bet that most of the time you won't need to remove use of a C++ feature but just think about your problem better. There may still be some platforms around that require pure C but I don't really have experience of them, even the Gameboy Advance seemed to deal with C++ quite nicely.
The metaissue here is that of state. How much state does any given function depend on, and how much does it change? Then consider how much state is implicit versus explicit, and cross that with the inspect vs. change.
If you have a function/method/whatever that is called DoStuff(), you have no idea from the outside what it depends on, what it needs, and what's going to happen to the shared state. If this is a class member, you also have no idea how that object's state is going to mutate. This is bad.
Contrast to something like cosf(2), this function is understood not to change any global state, and any state that it requires (lookup tables for example) are hidden from view and have no effect on your program-at-large. This is a function that computes a value based on what you give it and it returns that value. It changes no state.
Class member functions then have the opportunity to step up some problems. There's a huge difference between
myObject.hitpoints -= 4;
In the first example, an external operation is changing some state that one of its member functions implicitly depends upon. The fact is that these two lines can be separated by many other lines of code begins to make it non-obvious what's going to happen in the UpdateHealth call, even if outside of the subtraction it is the same as the TakeDamage call. Encapsulating the state changes (in the second example) implies that the specifics of the state changes aren't important to the outside world, and hopefully they're not. In the first example, the state changes are explicitly important to the outside world, and this is really no different than setting some globals and calling a function that uses those globals. E.g. hopefully you'd never see
extern float value_to_sqrt;
value_to_sqrt = 2.0f;
sqrt(); // reads the global value_to_sqrt
extern float sqrt_value; // has the results of the sqrt.
And yet, how many people do exactly this sort of thing in other contexts? (Considering especially that class instance state is "global" in regards to that particular instance.)
So- prefer giving explicit instruction to your function calls, and prefer that they return the results directly rather than having to explicitly set state before calling a function and then checking other state after it returns.
The more state dependencies a bit of code has, the harder it'll be to make it multithread safe, but that has already been covered above. The point I want to make is that the problem isn't so much globals but more the visibility of the collection of state that is required for a bit of code to operate (and subsequently how much other code also depends on that state).
Most games aren't multi-threaded, although newer titles are going down that route, and so they've managed to get away with it so far.
Saying that globals are okay in games is like not bothering to fix the brakes on your car because you only drive at 10mph!
It's bad practice which ever way you look at it.
You only have to look at the number of bugs in games to see examples of this.
If in class A you need to access data D, instead of setting D global, you'd better put into A a reference to D.
Globals are NOT intrinsically bad. In C for instance they are part of the language's normal use... and since C++ builds on C they still have a place.
On an aesthetic level, it's better to avoid them where you can sensibly make them part of a class, but if all you do is wrap a bunch of globals into a singleton, you made things worse because at least with globals it's obvious what the point is.
Be careful, but for some things it makes less sense to force OO concepts on what is actually a global value.
Two specific issues that I've encountered in the past:
First: If you're attempting to separate e.g. render phase (const access to most game state) from logic phase (non-const access to most game state) for whatever reason (decoupling render rate from logic rate, synchronizing game state across a network, recording and playback of gameplay at a fixed point in the frame, etc), globals make it very hard to enforce that.
Problems tend to creep in and become hard to debug and eradicate. This also has implications for threaded renderers separate from game logic, or the like (the other answers cover this topic thoroughly).
Second: The presence of many globals tends to bloat the literal pool, which the compiler typically places after each function.
If you get to your state through either a single "struct GlobalTable" which holds globals or a collection of methods on an object or the like, your literal pool tends to be a lot smaller, decreasing the size of the .text section in your executable.
This is mostly a concern for instruction set architectures that can't embed load targets directly into instructions (see e.g. fixed-width ARM or Thumb version 1 instruction encoding on ARM processors). Even on modern processors I'd wager you'll get slightly smaller codegen.
It also hurts doubly when your instruction and data caches are separate (again, as on some ARM processors); you'll tend to get two cachelines loaded where you might only need one with a unified cache. Since the literal pool may count as data, and won't always start on a cacheline boundary, the same cacheline might have to be loaded both into the i-cache and d-cache.
This may count as a "microoptimization", but it's a transform that's relatively easily applied to an entire codebase (e.g. extern struct GlobalTable { /* ... */ } the; and then replace all g_foo with And we've seen code size decrease between 5 and 10 percent in some cases, with a corresponding boost to performance due to keeping the caches cleaner.
I'm going to take a risk and say it depends to me on the scope/scale of your project. Because if you are trying to program an epic game with a boatload of code, then globals could, and easily in the most painful way in hindsight, cost you way more time than they save.
But if you are trying to code, say, something as simple as Super Mario or Metroid or Contra or even simpler, like Pac-Man, then these games were originally coded in 6502 assembly and used globals for almost everything. Just about all the game data and state was stored in data segments, and that didn't stop the devs from shipping a very competent and popular product in spite of working with absolutely inferior tools and engineering standards which would probably horrify people today.
So if you are just writing this kind of small and simple game which has a very limited scope and isn't designed to grow and expand far beyond its original design, isn't designed to be maintained for years and years, with a few thousand lines of simple C++ code, then I don't see the big deal of using a global here or a singleton there. Someone obsessed with trying to engineer Super Mario with the soundest engineering techniques with SOLID and a DI framework could end up taking far, far longer to ship than even the devs who wrote it in 6502 asm.
And I'm getting old and there's something to it there when I look at these old simple games and how they were coded, and it almost seems like the devs were doing something right in spite of the hard-coded magic numbers and globals all over the place while I spend my career fumbling around and trying to figure out the best way to engineer things. That said this is probably a very unpopular opinion, and not one I would have liked either a decade or two ago, but there's something to it. I don't look at the 6502 asm of Metroid and think, "these devs underengineered their product and their lives would have been so much easier if they did this or that." Seems like they did things just about right.
But again this is for small-scale stuff, maybe in the indie category of games by today's standards, and in the smaller of the indie games among them, and far from doing anything ground-breaking in terms of how much data it can process or using cutting-edge hardware techniques. If in doubt, I'd definitely suggest to err on the side of avoiding globals. It's also a little bit trickier in C++ as opposed to say, C, since you can have objects with constructor and destructors, and initialization and destruction order isn't well-defined and easily predictable for global objects. There I'd say to lean even more on the side of avoiding globals since they can trip you up in whole new ways when you aren't explicitly initializing and destroying them yourself in a predictable order. And naturally if you want to multithread a lot beyond a critical loop here and there, then your ability to reason about thread-safety of any particular code will be severely diminished if you cannot minimize the scope/visibility of your game state to the minimum of places.

lightweight C++ scripting library

I currently use QtScript for scripting functionality in my C++ application, but it's rather "heavy" on the cpu. When a thread evaluates all the scripts in a loop the cpu usage increases to 90%-100%. Even when i put it to sleep for 1 msec every 5 scripts it stays above 75% cpu usage.
Are there any other, easy to implement, scripting frameworks which are much more lighter than QScript?
I now realize this is normal behavior and not some hogging bug in QtScript. Still it's interesting to hear what kinds of (lighweight) scripting libraries are available.
Have a look at Lua, it's frequently used in games so the performance must be pretty good.
Well, what do you expect? Unless the script has to wait for disk or user I/O, the CPU should run at 100%.
Is your problem that it runs to long?
Or that your application is unresponsive?
In that case, the problem is that your script is blocking the thread where all the UI interactions run. The general solution is to block all UI input (except the "cancel script" button :)), and move the actual processing to a separate thread.
Slightly different question: is the CPU at 100% while there is no script to process?
100% CPU is good and healthy, if you are processing something.
The CPU is always busy, the current thread always consumes 100% of the core it is running on. "0% CPU activity" actually means all cycles are spent in an system idle thread (that belongs to the "system idle process" you see in task manager).
As an simplistic example: if you have one application thread active, and CPU usage is 40%, and your task manager update interval is 1s, 400ms of CPU time was spent on the application, and 600ms on the idle thread.
Lua is good because it uses a stack to communicate between interpreter and C++. This is good, because it doesn't involve any reference counting visible to you which simplifies things.
Here is an interesting comparsion as a background for some iolanguage: iolanguage.
I've heard good things about TinyScheme. That having been said, we're using Lua here (at a game development studio, targeting embedded and hand-held systems).
Things to note, though -- with Lua specifically, but I think these apply to many of these languages:
A custom lightweight small object allocator can gain a lot of performance; many of these lanugages are alloc-heavy. Using pooling or a frame-based allocator may be worth your while, depending on what you can get away with.
Depending on the GC strategy used (since most of these languages are garbage collected) you'll want to keep the GC scan area small -- e.g. a small lua heap size overall. Spending some time reorganizing data to get it outside of the domain of the GC (e.g. keeping it C++ side, tagging it somehow so the GC knows to avoid it, etc) can help.
Similarly, incremental garbage collection can be a big win. I'd recommend experimenting -- in some cases (small heap) I've found full GC faster than incremental.
I personally would recommend Lua having used it extensively in our embedded platform. If you are running on windows, you might be able to use something like LuaJIT to make your Lua even faster
However, since no one has mentioned it, you might also want to take a look at Squirrel ( I haven't had any experience with it, but I think it looks promising.
As to your currently problem, any code will take 100% of the CPU if it doesn't have anything that will block it.
something like (pseudocode):
will take 100% of the CPU until it completes in (almost) any language because there is nothing to stop it from executing.
Lua is your language of choice. There are some bindings for Qt.
It really depends on several factors:
Will scripting be used a lot in your application?
Will the scripts be complex?
Are you exposing a lot of functionality to the script engine?
Do you care for a good integration into Qt?
I also recommend Lua, however, you should keep the following in mind: Lua is implemented in pure ANSI C. This makes it uber-portable, but if you're developing in a C++ environment, it will lead to a lot of "wrapping" classes. Especially when you would like to expose Qt functionality (with all it's SIGNALs, SLOTs, and PROPERTYs), it leads to a lot of duplicate code.
You can also embedd javascript with spidermonkey
I think javascript is more widespread than lua.
Nothing wrong with QtScript from what I can tell so far (only started using it from 4.6 so still new to it, but liking it so far). Depends on how you use it, just like lua or python. If you keep as much of your application's core functionality native (compiled from c/c++) and only expose a minimal API to the script engine then, in general, you can keep things snappy.
With QtScript it is relatively easy to expose objects and their methods in a reasonably thread-safe manner (QT's slots and signals object model) and easily pass script created objects to native functions... but you can end up being tightly integrated with the QT environment (Which might be exactly what you want sometimes).
If you want to arbitrarily expose native c++ objects to other embedded scripting environments checkout SWIG. SWIG is similar to the toLua tool, but works for many embeddable languages like lua, c#, tcl, java and python to name a few. From experience, toLua made binding objects and methods to scripts a much less painful process, and I haven't heard many bad things about SWIG either.