How to implement speech recognition and text-to-speech in C++? - c++

I want to know about various techniques to do speech recognition and text to speech conversion.
Also please let me know about any resources like links, tutorials ,ebooks etc. on it.
Which is the most efficient technique to achieve it ?

I'm going to answer the part about speech recognition (since I don't know much about text-to-speech):,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg
This book, "Statistical Methods for Speech Recognition" is a classic that explains the mathematical foundations of statistical speech recognition, written by the founder of that area, Frederick Jelinek.
The most important concept you have to know is Hidden Markov Models. People have been using them in speech recognition for decades. A recent approach uses Conditional Random Fields, see the paper (PDF) and the associated software toolkit SCARF.
It is fairly hard to write your own speech recognizer. It's an active research area with several scientific conferences, e.g. ASRU, Interspeech, ICASSP.

Both are very wide areas.
About recognition: In this this schema you will find how to build a basic automatic speech recognition system. It isn't by any means close to the start of the art, but it is something achievable and it works. If you want to do something more advanced, read about cepstral coefficients and Hidden Markov Models. Have a look into HTK, it is a widely used toolkit for Hidden Markov Models.
About text to speech: I'd have a look at Festival.

There are multiple sphinx's. The main active ones are pocketsphinx and sphinx4.
Sphinx4 is written in Java. It is better for desktop and web applications.
Pocketsphinx is written in C. It is better for embedded devices. There are iphone/android apps that use it.
Sounds like you want pocketsphinx. Try out this tutorial:
A better place to ask pocketsphinx/sphinx4 questions is on CMU's sourceforge forum.
Also you should provide more info like what you intend to make.
As for books, the bible of speech recognition is "Spoken Language Processing"

Since you mentioned MS -
You should just look at the Microsoft Speech site. It contains many resources for dealing with speech, including TTS and speech recognition.

If you're looking for some actual code, check out Sphinx, an open source speech recognition project from CMU. It's not written in C++, but if you're interested in algorithms, it's implemented a bunch of stuff you can learn from. (I'd like to echo #dehmann's point, too: read up on hidden markov models.)

If you are curious about what to do with your fancy speech recognition you should read:
Voice Interaction Design by Randy Allen Harris
It provides some great advice about when to use Voice and how to use it in an application.


Existing API for NLP in C++?

Is/are there existing C++ NLP API(s) out there? The closest thing I have found is CLucene, a port of Lucene. However, it seems a bit obsolete and the documentation is far from complete.
Ideally, this/these API(s) would permit tokenization, stemming and PoS tagging.
Freeling is written in C++ too, although most people just use their binaries to run the tools:
Try something like DyNet, it's a generic neural net framework but most of its processes are focusing on NLP because the maintainers are creators of the NLP community.
Or perhaps Marian-NMT, it was designed for sequence-to-sequence model machine translation but potentially many NLP tasks can be structured as a sequence-to-sequence task.
Maybe you can try Ellogon , they have GUI support and also C/C++ API for NLP too.
if you remove the restriction on c++ , you get the perfect NLTK (python)
the remaining effort is then interfacing between python and c++.
Apache Lucy would get you part of the way there. It is under active development.
Maybe you can use Weka-C++. It's the very popular Weka library for machine learning and data mining (including NLP) ported from Java to C++.
Weka supports tokenization and stemming, you'll probably need to train a classifier for PoS tagging.
I only used Weka with Java though, so I'm afraid can't give you more details on this version.
There is TurboParser by André Martins at CMU, also has a Python wrapper. There is is an online demo for it.
This project provides free (even for commercial use) state-of-the-art information extraction tools. The current release includes tools for performing named entity extraction and binary relation detection as well as tools for training custom extractors and relation detectors.
MITIE is built on top of dlib, a high-performance machine-learning library, MITIE makes use of several state-of-the-art techniques including the use of distributional word embeddings and Structural Support Vector Machines[3]. MITIE offers several pre-trained models providing varying levels of support for both English and Spanish, trained using a variety of linguistic resources (e.g., CoNLL 2003, ACE, Wikipedia, Freebase, and Gigaword). The core MITIE software is written in C++, but bindings for several other software languages including Python, R, Java, C, and MATLAB allow a user to quickly integrate MITIE into his/her own applications.

Open Source implementation of oriented Basic Image Features for Computer Vision?

Does anyone know if there is an open source implementation of oriented Basic Image Features (oBIF)? There's talk about it at and I looked through OpenCV some, but I didn't see anything that looked like this. But maybe I just don't understand all the terminology?
If not, I'd like to try to understand how hard it would be to implement. But I'm new to machine vision, and I'm having trouble understanding the image-specific jargon at the links above ('saddle-like', '2nd order gaussian filter bank', etc - I do know what a Gaussian is -just not a 2nd order filter bank of Gaussian's). What's a good reference for learning these machine vision concepts?
Full disclosure: I would like to know how to use them to compete in this years Kaggle competition ( for Arabic Handwriting Recognition. I have more of a Machine Learning background, but I'm interested in using the features that won last years competition.

Find a simple speech engine

I'm doing a project on text recognition. One of the main points here is text-to-speech translation after the recognition. Could you help me find a very simple, plain speech engine for C++ Builder project? All that I've found were not only very complicated, but also they were suitable for MFC.
So, the problem is that I'd like to convert text to speech. No recognizing, just simple convertion. Please share some info about this problem, maybe I should look it up somewhere?
Basically, I do not even know, if I'm calling it right, so I'm sorry for misunderstanding if it happens.
Microsoft's Speech API (SAPI) is implemented as a set of COM objects, and thus is usable in C++Builder projects with minimal effort.
Flite is a small text to speech engine written in portable C, with no specific OS dependencies and with a permissive open source license. You will need to create a C++ Builder project to build it, but other than that it should work just fine.

Audio Subtitle Transcription - C++

I'm on a project that among other video related tasks should eventually be capable of extracting the audio of a video and apply some kind of speech recognition to it and get a transcribed text of what's said on the video. Ideally it should output some kind of subtitle format so that the text is linked to a certain point on the video.
I was thinking of using the Microsoft Speech API (aka SAPI). But from what I could see it is rather difficult to use. The very few examples that I found for speech recognition (most are for Text-To-Speech which mush easier) didn't perform very well (they don't recognize a thing). For example this one:
Some examples use something called grammar files that are supposed to define the words that the recognizer is waiting for but since I haven't trained the Windows Speech Recognition thoroughly I think that might be adulterating the results.
So my question is... what's the best tool for something like this? Could you provide both paid and free options? Well the best "free" (as it comes with Windows) option I believe it's SAPI, all the rest should be paid but if they are really good it might be worth it. Also if you have any good tutorials for using SAPI (or other API) on a context similar to this it would be great.
On the whole this is a big ask!
The issue with any speech recognition system is that it functions best after training. It needs context (what words to expect) and some kind of audio benchmark (what does each voice sound like). This might be possible in some cases, such as a TV series if you wanted to churn through hours of speech -separated for each character- to train it. There's a lot of work there though. For something like a film there's probably no hope of training a recogniser unless you can get hold of the actors.
Most film and TV production companies just hire media companies to transcribe the subtitles based on either direct transcription using a human operator, or converting the script. The fact that they still need humans in the loop for these huge operations suggests that automated systems just aren't up to it yet.
In video you have a plethora of things that make you life difficult, pretty much spanning huge swathes of current speech technology research:
-> Multiple speakers -> "Speaker Identification" (can you tell characters apart? Also, subtitles normally have different coloured text for different speakers)
-> Multiple simultaneous speakers -> The "cocktail party problem" - can you separate the two voice components and transcribe both?
-> Background noise -> Can you pick the speech out from any soundtrack/foley/exploding helicopters.
The speech algorithm will need to be extremely robust as different characters can have different gender/accents/emotion. From what I understand of the current state of recognition you might be able to get a single speaker after some training, but asking a single program to nail all of them might be tough!
There is no "subtitle" format that I'm aware of. I would suggest saving an image of the text using a font like Tiresias Screenfont that's specifically designed for legibility in these circumstances, and use a lookup table to cross-reference images against video timecode (remembering NTSC/PAL/Cinema use different timing formats).
There's a bunch of proprietary speech recognition systems out there. If you want the best you'll probably want to license a solution off one of the big boys like Nuance. If you want to keep things free the universities of RWTH and CMU have put some solutions together. I have no idea how good they are or how well they might be suited to the problem.
The only solution I can think of similar to what you're aiming at is the subtitling you can get on news channels here in the UK "Live Closed Captioning". Since it's live, I assume they use some kind of speech recognition system trained to the reader (although it might not be trained, I'm not sure). It's got better over the past few years, but on the whole it's still pretty poor. The biggest thing it seems to struggle with is speed. Dialogue is normally really fast, so live subtitling has the extra issue of getting everything done in time. Live closed captions quite frequently get left behind and have to miss a lot of content out to catch up.
Whether you have to deal with this depends on whether you'll be subtitling "live" video or if you can pre-process it. To deal with all the additional complications above I assume you'll need to pre-process it.
As much as I hate citing the big W there's a goldmine of useful links here!
Good luck :)
This falls into the category of dictation, which is a very large vocabulary task. Products like Dragon Naturally Speaking are amazingly good and that has a SAPI interface for developers. But it's not so simple of a problem.
Normally a dictation product is meant to be single speaker and the best products adapt automatically to that speaker, thereby improving the underlying acoustic model. They also have sophisticated language modeling which serves to constrain the problem at any given moment by limiting what is known as the perplexity of the vocabulary. That's a fancy way of saying the system is figuring out what you're talking about and therefore what types of words and phrases are likely or not likely to come next.
It would be interesting though to apply a really good dictation system to your recordings and see how well it does. My suggestion for a paid system would be to get Dragon Naturally Speaking from Nuance and get the developer API. I believe that provides a SAPI interface, which has the benefit of allowing you to swap in the Microsoft speech or any other ASR engine that supports SAPI. IBM would be another vendor to look at but I don't think you will do much better than Dragon.
But it won't work well! After all the work of integrating the ASR engine, what you will probably find is that you get a pretty high error rate (maybe half). That would be due to a few major challenges in this task:
1) multiple speakers, which will degrade the acoustic model and adaptation.
2) background music and sound effects.
3) mixed speech - people talking over each other.
4) lack of a good language model for the task.
For 1) if you had a way of separating each actor on a separate track that would be ideal. But there's no reliable way of separating speakers automatically in a way that would be good enough for a speech recognizer. If each speaker were at a distinctly different pitch, you could try pitch detection (some free software out there for that) and separate based on that, but this is a sophisticated and error prone task.) The best thing would be hand editing the speakers apart, but you might as well just manually transcribe the speech at that point! If you could get the actors on separate tracks, you would need to run the ASR using different user profiles.
For music (2) you'd either have to hope for the best or try to filter it out. Speech is more bandlimited than music so you could try a bandpass filter that attenuates everything except the voice band. You would want to experiment with the cutoffs but I would guess 100Hz to 2-3KHz would keep the speech intelligible.
For (3), there's no solution. The ASR engine should return confidence scores so at best I would say if you can tag low scores, you could then go back and manually transcribe those bits of speech.
(4) is a sophisticated task for a speech scientist. Your best bet would be to search for an existing language model made for the topic of the movie. Talk to Nuance or IBM, actually. Maybe they could point you in the right direction.
Hope this helps.

Getting the amplitude(or rms voltage) of audio signal captured in C++ by wavin lib.?

I am working on a very basic robotics project, and wish to implement voice recognition in it.
i know its a complex thing but i wish to do it for only 3 or 4 commands(or words).
i know that using wavin i can record audio. but i wish to do real-time amplitude analysis on the audio signal, how can that be done, the wave will be inputed as 8-bit, mono.
i have thought of divinding the signal into a set of some specific time, further diving it into smaller subsets, getting the average rms value over the subset and then summing them up and then see how much different they are from the actual stored signal.If the error is below accepted value for all(or most) of the sets, then print the word.
How can this be implemented?
if you can provide me any other suggestion also, it would be great.
Thanks, in advance.
There is no simple way to recognize words, because they are basically a sequence of phonemes which can vary in time and frequency.
Classical isolated word recognition systems use signal MFCC (cepstral coefficients) as input data, and try to recognize patterns using HMM (hidden markov models) or DTW (dynamic time warping) algorithms.
You will also need a silence detection module if you don't want a record button.
For instance Edimburgh University toolkit provides some of these tools (with good documentation).
If you don't want to build it "from scratch" or have a source of inspiration, here is an (old but free) implementation of such a system (which uses its own toolkit) with a full explanation and practical examples on how it works.
This system is a LVCSR (Large-Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition) and you only need a subset of it. If someone know an open source reduced vocabulary system (like a simple IVR) it would be welcome.
If you want to make a basic system from your own, I recommend you to use MFCC and DTW:
For each target word to modelize:
record some instances of the word
compute some (eg each 10ms) delta-MFCC through the word to have a model
When you want to recognize a signal:
compute some delta-MFCC of this signal
use DTW to compare these delta-MFCC to each modelized word's delta-MFCC
output the word that fits the best (use a threshold to drop garbage)
If you just want to recognize a few commands, there are many commercial and free products you can use. See Need text to speech and speech recognition tools for Linux or What is the difference between System.Speech.Recognition and Microsoft.Speech.Recognition? or Speech Recognition on iPhone. The answers to these questions link to many available products and tools. Speech recognition and understanding of a list of commands is a very common problem solved commercially. Many of the voice automated phone systems you call uses this type of technology. The same technology is available for developers.
From watching these questions for few months, I've seen most developer choices break down like this:
Windows folks - use the System.Speech features of .Net or Microsoft.Speech and install the free recognizers Microsoft provides. Windows 7 includes a full speech engine. Others are downloadable for free. There is a C++ API to the same engines known as SAPI. See at or
Linux folks - Sphinx seems to have a good following. See and
Commercial products - Nuance, Loquendo, AT&T, others
Online service - Nuance, Yapme, others
Of course this may also be helpful -