does the COLDFUSION BUILDER support coldfusion 8? - coldfusion

I know coldfusion builder is released for developing coldfusion 9 applications. Now my question is whether coldfusion builder support COLDFUSION 8 development?
Great thanks.

You can change the ColdFusion version for code assist, etc in the preferences. Under ColdFusion > Editor Profiles > Editor > Code Assist.
The options are version 7 through 9.

I am sure it supports it, in that you can write code that works just fine. In fact, I have used it to develop CF7 code - you just need to be aware that by default the hinting and helping mechanisms will probably target the features of 9 and you might get some errors from that. At least in CFEclipse you can change the version you are targetting - I would imagine CFBuilder allows for the same thing, but alas, I don't have it handy to hunt for the setting.
Give the demo a shot and see what you think.

In case you work with visual studio code, it maybe is worth mentoning the newest version of the "coldfusion builder plugin" for visual studio code. It's free and from adobe and very useful. Just search for "ColdFusion" or "CFML" in your marketplace tab in VS Code. Also, there is a pre-release document / whitepaper about it.


How to install npgsql for c++ in Visual Studio 2017

sorry if this is too simple to be of help to most people.
This is the first time I have done anything remotely like this and it appears that my problem is too unadvanced to be covered in any documentation.
I am trying to connect a c++ project in Visual Studio 2017 to a PostgreSQL database.
Just to be clear, I know how to run pgAdmin/host databases, code in C++, and I think I could handle the npgsql syntax if I got it working.
However, I've never used .NET (although 4.5 is on my computer).
Here's what I am doing:
I start an empty project for C++ in Visual Studio 2017.
I open nuget manager and search npgsql, but my project is pointing to native,v0.0 instead of a .NET framework.
So I target v4.5 in the .NET framework property, but that doesn't change anything.
Could someone please tell if what I am trying to do is possible?
Should I be using a different project other than empty project?
Does this need to be some kind of web application?
If it is possible I'd love any advice on how to do it.
If you are writing a native c++ program it is very unlikely you want to bring in a .net assembly. If you want to connect to a pg database I would suggest instead that you use the odbc driver ( or perhaps there is some library available as part of PG, but using a .net assembly will require a great deal of unnecessary interop work.

Infragistics And Intersoft Webcombo.NET 3.0

Facing design issues in my application, I have installed Infragistics NetAdvantage 2006 Vol 1 and Intersoft Webcombo.NET 3.0 SP3 Build 18 in my system, if I run the application getting design issues.
Example: I couldn't navigate into the tab.Currently I am using.NET 3.5 framework. Do I need to install any other later versions?
I assume the reason that you are having issues at design time is because there is an exception thrown in the designer for one of the controls though it would be best if you expanded on your question to include more details if this isn't the case.
For your specific question, do you want to install any later versions, that is up to you.
For resolving the design time issue, if it is caused by the Infragistics controls make sure that you have the exact version installed that you are using in the project so that the design assemblies are in your GAC. It is important that you have the correct service release installed. Also there are known issues using the .NET 1.x controls in .NET 2.0 or later at design time so you will want to make sure you are using the .NET 2.0 controls unless you are using Visual Studio 2003.
Please note that NetAdvantage 2006 Volume 1 has been retired since the spring of 2009 and wasn't tested with any version of Visual Studio later than 2005. The WebCombo was also retired in 2011 and was only ever supported in IE and Firefox when it was supporter. This control isn't expected to work in any modern browser and you should upgrade your application.

Sitecore SPEAK Basics

I am pretty new to Sitecore SPEAK and i am looking for some of the basics to start with. Basics like even which version of Sitecore Supports SPEAK. I see that many places they mention that it is supported in 7.0 and few places say 7.1 version. I have a Sitecore 7.0 Version and when i open the Core database, i would like to know if i need to install any particular module as i dont see anything related to SPEAK.
This link is the sitecore's Official blog where they speak about it. But fail to mention the requirements.
Sitecore SPEAK Blog- Introduction
Any Help would be Greatly Appreciated
According to the release notes, the SPEAK UI framework was introduced in Sitecore 7.1. At least you need this version and the Sitecore Rocks Visual Studio plugin, as building SPEAK applications are not very handy to build within the Content Editor.
Here you find a summary of SPEAK documentations.
I would personally recommend to start with the blog post series from Martina Welander.
I recommend using the later versions of Sitecore 7.1 or preferably Sitecore 7.2. A lot of bugs have been fixed since the initial release of SPEAK.
I have two open source SPEAK applications, if you want to see examples of SPEAK applications are built.
I have also created Visual Studio 2013 Templates for creating blank Visual Studio Projects for SPEAK.

2013 Linux Clang C++ IDE ... Suggestions For Installations?

What Installation package would you suggest for both IDE for C++ with CLang on Linux as of now 2013? Fresh Start.
I would want to test Modern C++ 11 feature complete syntax . Ease of installation of components is a concern. Console output is fine for now. GUI rendering is secondary.
1. IDE Graphical with the luxury of menus and panels
2. LLVM Clang tool chain
I am aware of SourceForge but I may not understand their summary and documentation to find what I want. A specific link on which I can click in a web page would be appreciated.
I tend to believe this is a rather ordinary question. Please tell me if it is not.
I want to experience the more expressive error messages with Clang. I am not concerned with MS Windows compatibilty.
Thanks for you suggestions.

Ubuntu desktop development environment (GNU tools)

I am setting up a Linux development machine (Ubuntu 9.0.x).
I want to know the best development environment for a C++ developer on Ubuntu - giving my background (see below).
5 years+ C++
5 years Visual Studio
Not much experience using GNU tools (GCC, GDB, make, etc.)
6 months or so of using Emacs at university (about 8 years ago!) - I don't remember anything though ;)
I come from a Windows background so am more at ease with GUI than CLI, although I expect to learn the CLI commands over time. I want to be effective and "hit the ground running" as it were, in terms of developing on Linux.
I am particular interested in tools that will make my life easier for:
1). project management
2). build configuration via GUI (rather than makefile editing - at least for now).
3). debugging IDE that allows me to set breakpoints and step in/out/over
It would be useful if the IDE suggested has a GUI to ease my transition to Linux, but is also customisable (e.g. can accept hand crafted edited make files etc. - when I have learnt how to create them). This will allow me to have more control over the build process later on.
Which set of tools would you recommend in order for me to achieve the maximum productivity in the minimum amount of time on my Ubuntu desktop?
Which application (IDE) offers:
(i). easiest transition from Visual Studio (and ideally can use manully crafted make files)
(ii). extensive debugging capability akin to Visual Studio
for the latest Ubuntu (9.0.x) desktop OS?
As for C++ developing I'd choose Qt Creator IDE for easiest migrating from Visual Studio. I believe it can cover all your needs.
The best tools that you need are:
Your Favorite Text Editor
Qt Creator
Your Favorite Project Manager
For Ubuntu I suggest you to use Glade, because Ubuntu uses Gnome(GTK).
About IDEs:
Eclipse For C/C++
Netbeans For C/C++
I think you should just bite the bullet and learn enough make, gcc, and gdb to accomplish what you need to do at the command line. If you get that taken care of, you can use whatever editor you like to write the code -- even Visual Studio's editor.
Have a look at Code::Blocks. It's a nice IDE for doing C/C++ and comes with an own build-system. But be sure not to grab the version inside the official ubuntu repository but go to the CB forum and look for the latest nightly build. There are people maintaining repositories with ubuntu packages. I think CB is worth the hassle of installing the latest version.
Link to Code::Blocks Forum
Btw. I did an install some days ago. There are two people maintaining 64-Bit Ubuntu packages. Only one did work, though. It was this one.
You can use Glade Interface designer ( for interface design.
BOUML for UML modelling & project management
You can always use eclipse or netbeans for c++ development on linux.
Though I recommend Eclipse, it would automatically generate makefiles, debugging is very easy & you can configure your code repositories within the IDE.