Mysql++ "undefined reference to __imp___ZN7mysqlpp10ConnectionC1Eb" - c++

I am trying to install the mysql++ in Code::Blocks, but When I try to run the example code I get this error:
undefined reference to __imp___ZN7mysqlpp10ConnectionC1Eb
What I am doing wrong?

You must build MySQL++ with the exact same compiler and compiler options as you're using to build your program. What you're seeing is a name mangling and/or ABI mismatch due to mixing compilers and/or build options. This can be anything from a drastic error like trying to use a Visual C++ DLL with MinGW, to something more subtle like trying to use a MinGW DLL built with g++ 3.4.5 in a program you're building with MinGW g++ 4.4.
Unlike C, C++ doesn't try to preserve binary compatibility between greatly different compilers.

You probably have a linker issue. It could well be that a DLL you need isn't present, or mysql++ was compiled but not correctly linked.


G++ new ABI problems

I got a problem with the new ABI introduced for C++11 in GCC. After upgrading to GCC 5.3 my project does no longer compile. The error messages I get are simple:
undefined reference to `tokenize(std::__cxx11::basic_string' ...more characters
undefined reference to `extract(std::string const&)'
So, it looks like I messed something up and GCC is unable to decide whether I want the old ABI or the new one (the __cxx11:: part is missing from some error messages, and present in others)?
I tried several solutions to resolve the issue:
passing -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 to GCC,
passing -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1 to GCC,
setting the macro directly in source code,
setting the abi_tag attribute on the declarations GCC complained about when passed the -Wabi-tag flag,
Unfortunately, neither of them worked (i.e. allowed the code to compile). The one thing I know is that only functions returning std::string or taking it as a parameter fail to link. Which is to be expected, given what I read about the problem on the Internet. I was unable to reproduce the issue in a simple, example program to present it here.
Is there any obvious solution to my problem, that I am missing?
This error indicates that you're linking to some code or library that has not been recompiled by gcc 5.3, and was compiled by an earlier version of gcc, using the earlier version of the ABI.
If you are linking with some external libraries, besides the standard C++ library, those external libraries need to be recompiled (and reinstalled).
If you are not linking with any external libraries, and you are only linking together your own code, some of your source modules must not've been recompiled yet. Recompile everything. Make sure to wipe all existing object modules, with make clean, or the equivalent for whatever build system you're using.

Boost linking error - single undefined reference

I'm having an odd linking problem with Boost (version 1.58). I'm building with g++ 4.8 on Ubuntu 15.10.
I get the following error:
undefined reference to
const&, unsigned int, unsigned int)' collect2: error: ld returned 1
exit status
What's strange is that all other symbols from lboost_program_options are found; options_description is the only undefined reference. If I comment out uses of options_description but keep uses of positional_options_description (which I'm also using) then the whole program compiles and links flawlessly. I am linking with -lboost_program_options, and if I remove this then as expected there are 8 missing boost::options_description symbols.
For a long time linking has worked correctly. Without any build system changes that I'm aware of it suddenly broke. The only systems level change was an upgrade to Ubuntu 15.10, which I don't think should have affected anything.
Any thoughts or suggestions appreciated.
Update: After lots of fiddling I got this working again, although I'm not sure what did it. I'm still interested in any answers to what could cause this type of behavior though.
Check that the ABI is compatible (you're using the same compiler version and flags used when compiling the boost libraries).
On Ubuntu, this means using stock GCC with libstdc++.
If you can't, compile your own Boost System and Boost Program Options binaries using your preferred flags.
Similar things prevent code samples from linking on if your compiler is not the same as used when compiling boost there.
I had a similar problem after upgrading to Ubuntu 15.10 with a different symbol missing in a lib belonging to boost::program_options.
It helped to simply clean up the whole project by throwing away all object files etc. and recompiling it from scratch.

Use of MSVC-compiled Boost binaries in a MinGW-compiled project

I've downloaded Boost Binaries from here. My project depends on boost_system and boost_filesystem, and builds correctly if I add the proper dependencies to Linker Options when using Visual Studio for compilation, but I'm now trying to compile under Code::Blocks (MinGW compiler) and running into the following:
"directve `/FAILIFMISMATCH:"_MSC_VER=1800" /FAILIFMISMATCH:"_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL=0" /FAILIFMISMATCH:"RuntimeLibrary=MD_DynamicRelease" /DEFAULTLIB:"msvcprt" /DEFAULTLIB:"uuid.lib" /DEFAULTLIB:"uuid.lib" "
Though that's a warning, it keeps me from finding the dependencies, because my project fails to build with undefined reference to 'boost::system::generic_category()' and plenty of other related undefined references.
Question: Should I compile Boost from source using MinGW, in order to solve my problem?
Of course, I'm using the proper libraries for my build configuration (Release, dynamic runtime library).
I'm making an answser based on the comments posted below my question, just to make things proper.
So, building boost from the source code using the same compiler (I used TDM-GCC with gcc 4.8.1) did solve the linking issues.
As noted by Rup, one "can't mix C++ compiled with GCC and Visual Studio: they have different C++ ABI implementations, and generate different 'manglings' of identifier names so that linker symbols won't match up."
Additional reference: Interoperability of Libraries Created by Different Compiler Brands

Issues with Boost Linking/Build in Dev-C++

I'm trying to compile a personal program that uses the Boost/Regex library in Orwell Dev-C++ with TDM-GCC 4.8.2 64 bit Release, and when I attempt to initialize a Boost::Regex object I get these error messages.
text$_ZN5boost9re_detail27cpp_regex_traits_char_layerIcEC2ERKNS0_21cpp_regex_traits_baseIcEE[_ZN5boost9re_detail27cpp_regex_traits_char_layerIcEC2ERKNS0_21cpp_regex_traits_baseIcEE]+0x2b): undefined reference to `boost::re_detail::cpp_regex_traits_char_layer<char>::init()'
regex_tester_main.cpp:(.text$_ZN5boost9re_detail11raw_storage6extendEy[_ZN5boost9re_detail11raw_storage6extendEy]+0x5f): undefined reference to `boost::re_detail::raw_storage::resize(unsigned long long)'
regex_tester_main.o: bad reloc address 0x5f in section `.text$_ZN5boost9re_detail11raw_storage6extendEy[_ZN5boost9re_detail11raw_storage6extendEy]'
I've followed this guide to install Boost and I used gcc as my toolkit parameters for the bootstrap.bat and the b2 builder. I've included the include and lib paths in my includes and library options. And lastly linked the appropriate libboost_regex*.a file. Before this I tried using the mingw toolkit option for the bootstrap and gcc option for b2 like the tutorial linked above does, and encountered the same errors. Can anyone shed insight into what has gone wrong?
I also have the Haskell GHC installed which comes packaged with a mingw/GCC package which was located earlier in the PATH environment variable than the TDM-GCC/minGW-64 package I was aiming to use to build Boost. And so when I specified my toolset it was targeting the wrong complier and thus when I tried to build other programs with Boost it probably ran into some name-mangling issues. I removed GHC's mingw/GCC complier package from PATH and rebuilt Boost, it complies and links fine now :).

C++ GNU linker errors

I'm trying to compile my program on Windows via Cygwin with the compilation command:
g++ ping.cpp -I./include -L./lib -lchartdir50
I'm using an API called ChartDirector which draws charts for me. I've never linked libraries this way before (usually I do it through Visual Studio), so I’m a little new to this. I've got a really large list of errors, so I won't list them all, but I’ll list one just to clarify the type of linker errors I’m getting:
(.text$_ZN9BaseChartD1Ev[BaseChart::~BaseChart()]+0x4f): undefined reference to '_CBaseChart_destroy'
All of these are undefined reference to 'xxx' errors.
I've got a bunch of header files in ./include and a library called chartdir50.lib in ./lib.
What’s wrong with my compilation line?
I never use that library before, but when I googled it, I noticed that other people trying like -lchartdir instead of -lchartdir50, so you should give it a try.
I am not sure, but .lib have been compiled with Visual C++?
If yes, I don't think it's compatible with GCC. You have to compile the library with GCC/G++ and use that file or to use a compatible binary if you don't have access to the source.
Hmm... that’s odd. I'm using a 64-bit system, but for some reason I tried it with the 32-bit library and it compiled. Thanks!
I assume that library was also created with GCC.
As far as I know, .lib is a static library, so you don't have to point it with the -l compiler switch.
Just use it as another file on the command line, like
g++ ping.cpp -I./include -L./lib {path to lib here}/chartdir50.lib