web services access not being reached thru the browser - web-services

I am trying to reference my .asmx webservices in .NET but my server is not exposed to the internet. When I put on the following address I get the message mentioned below. What's the reason for not being able to see the directory? Am I missing something in my IIS configuraction? Am I missing anything in my permissions? Just as reference I have other folders with webservices and I have the same issue.
When I login to the server I am doing it with my windows user and password (I am using windows authentication). It's necessary to mention that when I put the URL I am getting a popup screen to put in my userid and password but it seems that's not able to validate since keeps asking me a couple of times. Let me know if you need more information to address this issue .
Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
What you can try:
It appears you are connected to the Internet, but you might want to try to reconnect to the Internet.
Retype the address.
Go back to the previous page.
Most likely causes:
•You are not connected to the Internet.
•The website is encountering problems.
•There might be a typing error in the address.
More information
This problem can be caused by a variety of issues, including:
•Internet connectivity has been lost.
•The website is temporarily unavailable.
•The Domain Name Server (DNS) is not reachable.
•The Domain Name Server (DNS) does not have a listing for the website's domain.
•If this is an HTTPS (secure) address, click tools, click Internet Options, click Advanced, and check to be sure the SSL and TLS protocols are enabled under the security section.
For offline users
You can still view subscribed feeds and some recently viewed webpages.
To view subscribed feeds
1.Click the Favorites Center button , click Feeds, and then click the feed you want to view.
To view recently visited webpages (might not work on all pages)
1.Click Tools , and then click Work Offline.
2.Click the Favorites Center button , click History, and then click the page you want to view.

Try http://appsvr02/DevWebApi.
You shouldn't need to specify the full path, as IIS serves from wwwroot by default.

I don't know what I did but I was able to see it this time. thank youa all for your input. This is how the path to my server shows now. http://appsvr02/DevWeApi/Owner.asmx


Facebook is considering our website URL as Invalid

When we are trying to add our website URLs
https://taiwan.kisan.app and https://taiwan.kisan.in
in the Facebook advertisement.
We are getting the following error.
Invalid link URL Provided: The link URL https://taiwan.kisan.app used
in the Ad is invalid. Please use a different URL and try again.
We are not able to understand what is causing this error
as our site has SSL and it can be browsed from the browser
without error.
The site is hosted on Apache, AWS EC2 instance and there is a load balancer before EC2.
How can we fix this?
You can use an URL shortener service like bit.ly to quickly resolve this. You can also have custom URL tag if you want. See Bit.ly Sign Up
You might try running your website through the Facebook Debugger:
This tool was built to help to identify any errors that Facebook is reading from your website, and help provide information on what needs to be fixed to unblock your link.
From there, you can get help from your developers team or from the Facebook Developers team to make your website compliant and help our systems detect it as safe. Click the link below and select "Get Started" to open a support ticket with the Facebook Developers team (this option may not be available for all websites):
The error may also occur because the URL is already being used by another Facebook page –possibly a forgotten page, previous page, or an unofficial, unverified page that was created by someone else

Google Ad Manager adverts not showing on specific web page, but correct across rest of site

I've been running Google Ad Manager on a client's website - https://www.thewire.co.uk since 2012 without issue until July 2020 when suddenly adverts stopped appearing on the home page, though they still appear on the rest of the site. I did a deep dive into the issue at the time and could find not clear problem or solution. It's not been an issue for most of the last year, but now we need to resolve it.
What's odd is that the adverts appear if I visit the same page via a different URL, eg, https://www.thewire.co.uk/?foo=bar (query string is ignored by server) or https://www.thewire.co.uk/home/ (this is serving the same page from a different uri)
All the adverts we serve are line items we load up to Ad Manager directly - we don't use adsense. We have some in house adverts running which are set to deliver when specific slots aren't loaded, so for instance there is a leaderboard at the top of every page which should always have an advert. MPUs on the right hand column are set to collapse if no advert is picked.
When I check delivery using Ad Manager debug tool I am informed adverts are delivering correctly, and the adverts show. But in normal viewing it is not.
This is happening consistently across browsers, devices and with/without ad blockers installed, and on 'vanilla' systems running on new ISP networks across several countries, which I believe counters out any limits that may be created by cookies and IP addresses or location.
I've scoured the Google Ad Manager settings in case some form of serving block was in place, but I've found nothing, and no notifications of any limitations on our home page URL, so I'm completely stumped as to why.
I've checked the google tags and embed codes on our site and they are all OK - they are pulled from a template which is used consistently across the site, and they obviously work when I look at the same HTML via a different context, which leads me to believe the issue is some blocking in place for the specific https://www.thewire.co.uk url from Google's side.
Has anyone had any similar issue and have advise on how to resolve or able to point me to somewhere in google I can get specific support for this issue? Searches through help and the support forums have turned up nothing.
There are numerous work arounds I could apply (eg an http 301 or 302 redirect / to /home/ ) but I really want to solve the problem, not work round it only for it to arise again.
There's a previous topic on StackOverflow - Google Ads not showing on my home page - but that shows no resolution. So posting this maybe the same issue in case my necromancy on that doesn't work. The solutions linked in the comments on that post are either outdated or don't work.

Sorry this site has not been shared with you

Windows Standard 2012 R2
SharePoint Foundation 2013
SQL Server 2014
I have a SharePoint Application page that is throwing the above error when clicking on any Button on the page. I even added a button with nothing in the method and still get the above error.
Note that I am NOT challenged when accessing the Application page initially and am NOT challenged when clicking the button. None of the code in the original method gets executed. In fact, it appears that the page cycle is never processed. I have logging in the method, the page_load even and in the page_unload event and nothing is logged.
The site is configured for claims authentication and I have verified that my account, application service account are both in Owners and both are admins on the box. Application Service account has SYSadmin on the SQL server (also located on the same box).
I changed SharePoint to allow access requests and to send me an email for those requests. Now the page shows:
The website declined to show this webpage
HTTP 403
Most likely causes:
•This website requires you to log in.
Any suggestions?
One more thing: this is a one-page application. There are no redirects, etc. within the page/application.
Turns out this was a permissions issue for the application service account. Never could find out specifically where but reverted to a previous service account and it works now.

Offline testing of OpenGraph / 'Like'

How can I test the 'Like' button functionality and OpenGraph data embedded in my pages while my site is not publicly accessible?
I have an internal test environment where my site is being built and tested. The environment is locked down by IP to a certain set of machines. I want to be able to verify the end-to-end scenario of performing a 'Like' and seeing the parsed OpenGraph data on a user's Timeline without having to open up my site to public access.
I know there's a user agent for the Facebook crawler, but allowing by user agent is risky as anyone can send any user agent string. Ideally, I'd like to lock it down to Facebook's crawler's IP range without having to parse logs to find what one or two of those IPs might be (I assume there's quite a few machines crawling the web for data).
My problem today is that I can click 'Like' and have it show up with a plain URL back to my site, but the crawler can't reach me since the page effectively doesn't exist for it when it hits my server.
How can I test the 'Like' button functionality and OpenGraph data
embedded in my pages while my site is not publicly accessible?
You really cannot do that. It has to be lint-able by Facebook. See: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/lint Be sure your page is publically avaible and able to be linted by the facebook linter tool.
This works fine with four social network previews: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/open-graph-preview/ehaigphokkgebnmdiicabhjhddkaekgh?hl=es
It doesn't support the like button, just the preview.
From my localhost...as "proof of solution"

capture https web page that user is viewing in his browser

I am developing a Desktop application that allows the user to capture the contents of a web page loaded in web-browser. I take the URL from the browser, then load the contents into my WebView and then create image out of it.
It works fine with http URLs. The problem comes when I have to capture https URL contents.
Suppose I have a login page with https URL displayed in the browser, I get this URL from the browser and try to load it in my web view. I get the following error :
"The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be “” which could put your confidential information at risk."
If user has logged in to a web page and viewing some contents in Safari browser. Now, if he wants to capture the entire web page, he comes back to my app.
But, my app is not able to capture these contents. The reason is that, once user logs into a site, cookies are written into his system and this is browser specific. Hence, my web view is not able to directly enter into the page that user is viewing in the browser.
Even though technically it sounds right, user will not accept this behavior in my app.
How do I solve this? Is there any alternative method to capture the entire web page that user is viewing in the browser?
Thanks and Regards,
You could investigate making your application a browser plugin for those browsers on your target platform.