Print a template variable on an overwritten admin form in Django - django

I have a Doctor-model which has a field called first_created. It is just a DateField that is auto_add_now, hence it is not displayed when editing a doctor in the admin interface.
I want to display this field on the admin interface, at the top of the site as say, a static or something. It is supposed to ease the process of typing in data in other fields, so a sentence like "three months from now" will make more sense.
Since the model should according to the documentation, should hold all model fields as template variables, I am trying to overwrite the change_form.html and outputting {{ doctor.first_created }}. But it is not working.
I've tried multiple things, even things like looping over opts.fields and printing out methods on these fields like value_to_string. Not working.
How can I print first_created as a template variable in change_form.html?

You haven't said what doctor is in the context of the edit page. Is it the object being edited? That's passed to the template as original, so you should be able to do {{ original.first_created }}.


Can we enter html code in a field in models in django?

I am making a small static website in which I have a template in which I tend to show the privacy policy terms of usage etc. I currently don't have any matter for it and tend to add it in future after deploying the site on server. I wanted to know that if I can in future add the matter on that page through a model i.e I create a model with two fields privacy policy , terms and in and pass it to the template as context in . But I have a concern that the fields will have several headings which I will have to display in bold , so is there any way that I can pass html tags in model field and when I render it in my template as {{privacy}} the part I want in bold or any other style comes as that style.
So is there any way that I can pass html tags in model field and when I render it in my template as {{privacy}} the part I want in bold or any other style comes as that style.
Yes. You only need to tell the Django template engine not to escape the characters (for example translate < to <). You can do this with the |safe template tag [Django-doc]:
{{ privacy|safe }}

How can one create a custom "as_table()" method for forms?

I have a relatively complicated form that's used in multiple places on my website (in fact, it's a form from which many other form classes inherit). In the templates, the inherited part of this form is always formatted identically—but that formatting is somehwat involved; each field is rendered and positioned manually in the template.
This means that every template which displays this form has a lot of identical HTML markup that renders the form appropriately.
I would like to create a custom output that can be called, similar to the as_table() methods. I'm aware that one can override the normal_row, error_row, etc. attributes—but the formatting of this form goes beyond that (for example, three of the form's five fields should be printed side-by-side, with a combined title). All of the tutorials/answered-questions I've seen either refer to overriding the above-mentioned attributes, or give instructions on how to manually render forms.
Originally, I was thinking something like this:
Class StrangeForm(form.Forms):
def as_table_custom():
html_string = "\
<tr><td>Title 1:</td><td>self.fields['field1']</td><tr>\
<tr><td>Title 2:</td><td>self.fields['field2']</td><tr>\
<tr><td>Titles 3, 4, 5:</td><td>self.fields['field3']\
return html_string
But, after reading through the _html_output() and as_table() methods of Django's file, it doesn't look like it'll be that easy. If I write this from scratch, have to somehow account for errors, help text, etc. I think.
Is there an easy way to override something such that the form's HTML output can be defined like above? Or do I have to re-write things from scratch. If the latter, how can I account for all of the things I need to account for?
I wouldn't take this approach. You're better off creating the form in an HTML template that you include in the various templates where you have a form you want to display that way.
So create a my_strange_form.html template where you assume a 'form' object is passed in the context with the right number of fields. In that template just create the HTML, using things like {{ field.label_tag }} and {{ field }}. You can loop through the fields with a {% for field in form %} and check the counter of your loop with {{ forloop.counter }}. I foresee a lot of {% if forloop.counter... %} statements to generate the combined row, and it will look ugly, but you'll only have to look at it once :-)
Then in your main templates {% include 'my_strange_form.html' with form=form %}.

In Django what is the method of a `TextField` / `Field` object that returns its content?

In Django when needing to display the content of an object of type django.db.models.fields.TextField in a template, if this object is denoted as textfield, we can display it with the simple {{ textfield }} command.
However, while exploring the code of django.db.models.fields.TextField, I did not find any method returning the content of the TextField. Indeed, while checking django.db.models.fields.TextField and its super class django.db.models.fields.Field I did not find any method that do the job.
Thus, is there such a method returning the content of a TextField or even a Field, else what is the machinery used here to return it ?
That's not how Django fields work. Fields are attributes of the class, not the instance, and are used for loading and saving values from the database; the attribute on the instance is just the plain value.

Django custom form field layout without manually redoing the whole form

I like Django form render(‘form’: form) and template {{ form }}, but it doesn’t allow you to arrange fields. I was just wondering if there was an easier way to do it, without rendering the whole form manually.
What Django does:
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
What I want to do:
First Name Middle Name
Last Name
What makes Django {{ form }} so great is that it puts field labels and help text and all that jazz in the right places. Where as manually, you have to put all that in. If there isn’t an easier way, I’m ok with that, but I thought I would at least ask.
You could try to render individual fields of the form, like this part of the docs shows.

Django: Generate form from dictionary

I'm currently working on a django-app where users have the option to select synonyms for a select number of words. These words are then replaced all over the website by these synonyms
these synonymes are defined as a separate model:
class TransportSynonyms(models.Model):
user= models.ForeignKey(user)
key = models.CharField(max_length=255)
value = models.CharField(max_length=255)
This process is done in part with template tags, and as such the number of words that can be 'synonymed' is limited. For example, the following words can be replaced by synonymes:
'train', 'plane'.
And appear like so in the html template:
{% get_trans "train" %}
{% get_trans "plane" %}
I now want to give user the ability to define synonymes for themselves, without the admin view. I created a few pages using a ListView as an overview (so the users could see which words they can change) with individual buttons that led to EditViews.
However, I'm since user have no synonyms linked to them by default, the ListView appears empty. I could solve that by passing a list from the view, but that list wont have the required '.id' values and would be worthless for linking to the EditViews.
My listview currently looks like the following table:
Original | Synonym
train | train (button to editview)
plane | aircraft (button to editview)
The buttons require an ID value
href="{% url 'synonym_edit' %}"
I have to find a way to fill the ListView with the 'synonymable' words and provide links to a DetailView (for synonyms might not yet exist).
I thought about dropping the ListView all together and instead pass a dictionary to a form. By default both the key and the value will be the same word
({'train' : 'train', 'plane' : 'plane'})
and a form would then be generated form this dictionary, allowing users to change the value by having the dictionary value be shown as a text input.
Its a bit more limited (and more cumbersome) than my original plan, but I think this might work. Problem is that I've only really worked with modelforms before, and I am currently stuck on having the form be generated from the dictionary. Could anyone here point me to the right direction?