How can I call C++ functions from within ruby - c++

I am an experienced C/C++ developer but I am a novice in Ruby.
How can I call a C++ function from with in Ruby?

You have 3 possibilities :
1) Ruby is able to load libraries. Even if it is a bit tricky, you can decide to write your own loader and bind your C++ library in Ruby.
This is done using what is called an extension module. You will find a comprehensive tutorial here:
2) You can use a tool that will generate the Ruby wrapper around your C++ library. Look at SWIG for example (
You just have to create a file in a swig-specific syntax and provide it to SWIG. It will then be able to generate the wrapper for many languages, Ruby included.
3) You can choose to use a middleware, such as CORBA/ICE/whatever. It may be a bit overkill if you only want to call some C++ functions, but it will allow you to remote call the functions, or "hide" a grid behind the middleware.

To call C++ code from Ruby, you will likely want to build an extension.
If you are an experienced C++ developer, you may feel comfortable with Rice:
It uses C++ metaprogramming techniques to simplify writing extensions.
If you were calling into C, you could also use ffi. Calling C++ code is a little more complicated than calling C code due to name mangling and exceptions.

I believe the questioner is asking how to call C++ from with in Ruby, if so then the for simple C/C++ RubyInline1 is by the far the simplest solution.
Alternatively if you need to call more substatntial C++ code, you can build a ruby extension. Here is a good tutorial

You need to wrap your c++ code in a C interface and then bind those C functions to ruby methods using rb_define_method()
alternatively you can use SWIG, as Aurelien said.


Calling a C++ Functions through a Python Script

I have a scenario where I have some functions in C++ classes and I want to be able to call them using a python script. Let's say I have a function
void greet(_msg);
std::cout >> _msg >> std::endl;
I want to be able to call it trough a custom Python call and pass arguments to it, for example using
As a .py file I want it to call the greet function and pass "Hello" as an argument.
I know it's a subject that has been throughly discussed, and I've done a share of research on embedding python in C++, I've managed to read values from a python script using the standard Python/C API and run a function in Python from C++ and pass argument to it, but I can't seem to get my head around how to achieve this specific outcome.
I've had a look at ctypes and various wrappin libraries such as boost:python or swig, but I can't seem to understand to which degree they could help me achieve want I want.
Depending on which version of Python you are interested in, 2.x or 3.x,
read through the Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter chapter for 2.x or 3.x. You are interested only in extending Python, so section the 1. Extending Python with C or C++ will provide you with complete explanation how to implement what you need in order to be able to call your functions implemented in C++ from Python script.
Certainly, there are numerous libraries and generators which allow you to wrap C/C++ APIs for Python (e.g. Boost.Python or SWIG), but your case sounds simple enough, that for the purpose of learning it is IMO better to get familiar with Python C API. Even if you use these tools, you will frequently have to get down to Python C API anyway or at least understand it.
I recently needed to do this very thing. Boost.Python does what we're looking for (and more) but personally (as much as I love Boost) I find it a little overkill to have to drag in half the Boost library to get one feature. SWIG also wasn't really an option for me as code generation always becomes a pain to maintain while class structures change (Don't get me wrong, these are BRILLIANT solutions!, just not what I was looking for).
So, the only thing left for me was to implement it from first principles (Python/C API). Hense, "ECS:Python" was born. ECS:Python (Embedded C++ Scripting with Python) is a simple C++ Python wrapper library I designed specifically for C++ developers. It allows you to expose objects from a C++ application to an embedded Python interpreter for interactive scripting, and it's very light-weight and easy to use.
Its free (BSD) and open source. If you're interested here it is:
You can use the weave.inline() function, which is part of the scipy package, to compile and execute C/C++ files and get their output from within your python script.

running c++ code from python

I want to execute a code helloword.cpp which takes in some argument from console parses those arguments and then prints "hello world" in the console.
Now, I want to parse these arguments from a python scripts
So for example:
def parse_arguments:
...# some code
return arguments
Now, how do i communicate between python and c++.
I have been reading and see that cython, boost python are the options but I have a hard time finding the right simple hello world example.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
To execute C++ code in python, you could effectively use boost python, here is a tutorial:
You write a kind of wrapper outside you C++ code.
If it is C code, python has internal library called ctypes.
In both case, you should compile the C/C++ code into shared library.
How about passing whatever text you generate with Python into the standard input of your C++ program? Basically, you have to use Python's subprocess module to fire up the C++ program and dump the text into its standard output.
In case that your C++ program is required to be running separately in the background, you could try another form of interprocess communication, like unix domain sockets.
Using boost::python is also an option, but it might be a little more difficult to deal with.
A couple of other options besides Boost.python are SIP and SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator). Like Boost, SIP and SWIG are open source.
SWIG is particularly powerful, but also a bit hairy. It provides support for interfacing C and C++ with a boatload of other languages including (not a complete list) Python, Perl, Lua, Tcl/Tk, Ocaml, Ruby, Java. One aspect of SWIG is that it parses your C++ headers. This has benefits and pitfalls. A benefit is that it does most of the work of generating the interfaces. A downside is that it doesn't handle some of the dark corners of C++ 2003, and it hasn't stepped up to C++11 at all. Another downside is that compilation of a large project becomes slow. Very, very slow.
Using boost.python sounds like a good solution for me. But depending on your C++ experience this can be quite tricky. A good point to start is here:
Boost.Python enables you to export C++ classes and member functions to Python to be able to use them from there.

Is it possible to use functions from c++ namespaces with luajit ffi?

I've got a lot of c++ code which contains a lot of functions and classes in namespaces (boost, for example).
Now I'm trying to embed LuaJiT2 as script engine, but I cannot find anything about calling functions and using other stuff from namespaces.
So, Is it possible to pass the functions from c++ namespaces to LuaJIT with the FFI?
You may use the standard Lua API to expose namespace-scope functions, as well as class static functions, to Lua. This is done exactly as you would with the regular Lua interpreter, since LuaJIT is drop-in compatible with it.
But you can't use FFI, because FFI is based on a C-based parsing of the header files. And you're using C++ syntax. FFI is not the only way to use LuaJIT; it's just one that is based on C.
Any of the C++-specific binding APIs that use Lua (Luabind, SWIG, etc) should work just fine with LuaJIT as well.
It is possible to use different name mangling other than C. The reason why its not "common" is because the C++ name mangling is very compiler/platform specific:
So this sort of declaration is valid:
void Test1_Method1(void) asm("_ZN5Test17Method1Ev");
And you can then call Test1_Method1.
Mike Pall has done an amazing job with luajit. So many great features.

Scripting language for C++ [closed]

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I'm getting a little rusty in scripting languages, provided they're popping like mushrooms lately :)
Today I thought that it would be nice to have a scripting language that talks seamlessly to C++, that is, could use C++ classes, and, the most important for me, could be compiled into C++ or some DLL/.SO (plus its .h) so that I could link it into my C++ program and make use of the classes the script defines or implements.
I know I could embed any popular scripting language such as lua, ruby, python... but the interface usually includes some kind of "eval" function that evaluates the provided scripting code. Depending on the tool used to couple C++ and the scripting language, the integration for callbacks of the script into C++ could be more or less easy to write, but I haven't seen any scripting language that actually allows me to write independent modules that are exposed as a .h and .so/dll to my program (maybe along the lines of a scripting language that generates C++ code).
Do you know any such tool/scripting language?
Thanks in advance.
PD. I've been thinking along the lines of Vala or Haskell's GHC. They generate C, but not C++...
UPDATE 2020: Today I would probably go with Lua + Sol2/3 except if I really want to avoid Lua as a language. Chaiscript becomes a good candidate in this case though it is not optimal performance-wise compared to Lua+Sol2/3 (though it was greatly improved through years so it is still good enough in many cases).
Falcon have been dead for some years, RIP.
The following ones are more C++ integration oriented than language bindings :
ChaiScript - trying at the moment in a little project, interesting, this one is MADE with C++ in mind and works by just including a header! Not sure if it's good for a big project yet but will see, try it to have some taste!
(not maintained anymore) Falcon - trying on a big project, excellent; it's not a "one include embed" as ChaiScript but it's because it's really flexible, and totally thought to be used in C++ (only C++ code in libs) - I've decided to stick with it for my biggest project that require a lot of scripting flexibility (comparable to ruby/python )
AngelScript - didn't try yet
GameMonkey - didn't try yet
Io - didn't try yet
For you, if you really want to write your scripting module in C++ and easily expose it to the scripting language, I would recommand going with Falcon. It's totally MADE in C++, all the modules/libraries are written that way.
The question usually asked in this context is: how do I expose my C++ classes so they can be instantiated from script? And the answer is often something like
You're asking the opposite question and it sounds like you're complicating matters a bit. A scripting engine that produced .h files and .so files wouldn't really be a scripting engine - it would be a compiler! In which case you could use C++.
Scripting engines don't work like that. You pass them a script and some callbacks that provide a set of functions that can be called from the script, and the engine interprets the script.
Try lua:
For using C++ classes in lua you can use:
To generate binding use tolua++:
It takes a cleaned up header as input and outputs a c file that does the hard work. Easy, nice and a pleasure to work with.
For using Lua objects in C++ I'd take the approach of writing a generic Proxy object with methods like (field, setField, callMethod, methods, fields).
If you want a dll you could have the .lua as a resource (in Windows, I don't know what could be a suitable equivalent for Linux) and on your DllMain initialize your proxy object with the lua code.
The c++ code can then use the proxy object to call the lua code, with maybe a few introspection methods in the proxy to make this task easier.
You could just reuse the proxy object for every lua library you want to write, just changing the lua code provided to it.
This is slightly outside my area of expertise, but I'm willing to risk the downvotes. :-)
Boost::Python seems to be what you're looking for. It uses a bit of macro magic to do its stuff, but it does expose Python classes to C++ rather cleanly.
I'm the author of LikeMagic, a C++ binding library for the Io language. (I am not the author of Io.)
One of my explicit goals with LikeMagic is complete and total C++ interoperability, in both directions. LikeMagic will marshal native Io types as C++ types (including converting between STL containers and Io's native List type) and it will represent C++ classes, methods, fields, and arrays within Io. You can even pass a block of Io code out of the Io environment and use it in C++ as a functor!!
Wrapping C++ types up for consumption in Io script is simple, quick and easy. Accessing script objects from C++ does require an "eval" function like you described, but the template based type conversion and marshaling makes it easy to access the result of executing a script string. And there is the aforementioned ability to turn Io block() objects into C++ functors.
Right now the project is still in the early stages, although it is fully operational. I still need to do things like document its build steps and dependencies, and it can only be built with gcc 4.4.1+ (not Microsoft Visual C++) because it uses C++0x features not yet supported in MSVC. However, it does fully support Linux and Windows, and a Mac port is planned.
Now the bad news: Making the scripts produce .h files and .so or .dll files callable from C++ would not only require a compiler (of a sort) but it would also have to be a JIT compiler. That's because (in many scripting languages, but most especially in Io) an object's methods and fields are not known until runtime - and in Io, methods can even be added and removed from live objects! At first I was going to say that the very fact that you're asking for this makes me wonder if perhaps you don't really understand what a dynamic language is. But I do believe in a way of design in which you first try to imagine the ideal or easiest possible way of doing something, and then work backwards from there to what is actually possible. And so I'll admit from an ease-of-use standpoint, what you describe sounds easier to use.
But while it's ideal, and just barely possible (using a script language with JIT compilation), it isn't very practical, so I'm still unsure if what you're asking for is what you really want. If the .h and .so/.dll files are JITted from the script, and the script changes, you'd need to recompile your C++ program to take advantage of the change! Doesn't that violate the main benefit of using script in the first place?
The only way it is practical would be if the interfaces defined the scripts do not change, and you just are making C++ wrappers for script functions. You'd end up having a lot of C++ functions like:
int get_foo() { return script.eval("get_foo()"); }
int get_bar() { return script.eval("get_bar()"); }
I will admit that's cleaner looking code from the point of view of the callers of the wrapper function. But if that's what you want, why not just use reflection in the scripting language and generate a .h file off of the method lists stored in the script objects? This kind of reflection can be easily done in Io. At some point I plan to integrate the OpenC++ source-to-source translator as a callable library from LikeMagic, which means you could even use a robust C++ code generator instead of writing out strings.
You can do this with Lua, but if you have a lot of classes you'll want a tool like SWIG or toLua++ to generate some of the glue code for you.
None of these tools will handle the unusual part of your problem, which is to have a .h file behind which is hidden a scripting language, and to have your C++ code call scripts without knowing that that are scripts. To accomplish this, you will have to do the following:
Write the glue code yourself. (For Lua, this is relatively easy, until you get into classes, whereupon it's not so easy, which is why tools like SWIG and toLua++ exist.)
Hide behind the interface some kind of global state of the scripting interpreter.
Supposing you have multiple .h files that each are implemented using scripts, you have to decide which ones share state in the scripting language and which ones use separate scripting states. (What you basically have is a VM for the scripting language, and the extremes are (a) all .h files use the same VM in common and (b) each .h file has its own separate, isolated VM. Other choices are more complicated.)
If you decide to do this yourself, writing the glue code to turn Lua tables into C++ classes (so that Lua code looks like C++ to the rest of the program) is fairly straightforward. Going in the other direction, where you wrap your C++ in Lua (so that C++ objects look to the scripts like Lua values) is a big pain in the ass.
No matter what you do, you have some work ahead of you.
Google's V8 engine is written in C++, I expect you might be able to integrate it into a project. They talk about doing that in this article.
Good question, I have often thought about this myself, but alas there is no easy solution to this kind of thing. If you are on Windows (I guess not), then you could achieve something like this by creating COM components in C++ and VB (considering that as a scripting language). The talking happens through COM interfaces, which is a nice way to interop between disparate languages. Same holds for .NET based languages which can interop between themselves.
I too am eager to know if something like this exists for C++, preferably open source.
You might check into embedding Guile (a scheme interpreter) or V8 (Google's javascript interpreter - used in Chrome - which is written in C++).
Try the Ring programming language
(1) Extension using the C/C++ languages
(2) Embedding Ring Interpreter in C/C++ Programs
(3) Code Generator for wrapping C/C++ Libraries

Integrate Python And C++

I'm learning C++ because it's a very flexible language. But for internet things like Twitter, Facebook, Delicious and others, Python seems a much better solution.
Is it possible to integrate C++ and Python in the same project?
Interfacing Python with C/C++ is not an easy task.
Here I copy/paste a previous answer on a previous question for the different methods to write a python extension. Featuring Boost.Python, SWIG, Pybindgen...
You can write an extension yourself in C or C++ with the Python C-API.
In a word: don't do that except for learning how to do it. It's very difficult to do it correctly. You will have to increment and decrement references by hand and write a lot of code just to expose one function, with very few benefits.
pro: you can generate bindings for many scripting languages.
cons: I don't like the way the parser works. I don't know if they've made some progress but two years ago the C++ parser was quite limited. Most of the time I had to copy/paste my .h headers to add some % characters and to give extra hints to the swig parser.
I also needed to deal with the Python C-API from time to time for (not so) complicated type conversions.
I'm not using it anymore.
It's a very complete library. It allows you to do almost everything that is possible with the C-API, but in C++. I never had to write a C-API code with this library. I also never encountered a bug due to the library. Code for bindings either works like a charm or refuses to compile.
It's probably one of the best solutions currently available if you already have some C++ library to bind. But if you only have a small C function to rewrite, I would probably try with Cython.
cons: if you don't have a precompiled Boost.Python library you're going to use Bjam (sort of a replacement of make). I really hate Bjam and its syntax.
Python libraries created with B.P tend to become obese. It also takes a lot of time to compile them.
Py++: it's Boost.Python made easy. Py++ uses a C++ parser to read your code and then generates Boost.Python code automatically. You also have a great support from its author (no it's not me ;-) ).
cons: only the problems due to Boost.Python itself.
Edit this project looks discontinued. While probably still working it may be better to consider switching.
It generates the code dealing with the C-API. You can either describe functions and classes in a Python file, or let Pybindgen read your headers and generate bindings automatically (for this it uses pygccxml, a python library wrote by the author of Py++).
cons: it's a young project, with a smaller team than Boost.Python. There are still some limitations: you cannot expose your own C++ exceptions, you cannot use multiple inheritance for your C++ classes.
Anyway it's worth trying!
Pyrex and Cython:
Here you don't write real C/C++ but a mix between Python and C. This intermediate code will generate a regular Python module.
Edit Jul 22 2013: Now Py++ looks discontinued, I'm now looking for a good alternative. I'm currently experimenting with Cython for my C++ library. This language is a mix between Python and C. Within a Cython function you can use either Python or C/C++ entities (functions, variables, objects, ...).
Cython is quite easy to learn, has very good performance, and you can even avoid C/C++ completely if you don't have to interface legacy C++ libraries.
However for C++ it comes with some problems. It is less "automagic" than Py++ was, so it's probably better for stable C++ API (which is now the case of my library). The biggest problem I see with Cython is with C++ polymorphism. With Py++/boost:python I was able to define a virtual method in C++, override it in Python, and have the Python version called within C++. With Cython it's still doable but you need to explicitly use the C-Python API.
Edit 2017-10-06:
There is a new one, pybind11, similar to Boost.Python but with some potential advantages. For example it uses C++11 language features to make it simpler to create new bindings. Also it is a header-only library, so there is nothing to compile before using it, and no library to link.
I played with it a little bit and it was indeed quite simple and pleasant to use. My only fear is that like Boot.Python it could lead to long compilation time and large libraries. I haven't done any benchmark yet.
Yes, it is possible, encouraged and documented. I have done it myself and found it to be very easy.
Python/C API Reference Manual - the API used by C and C++ programmers who want to write extension modules or embed Python.
Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter
describes how to write modules in C or C++ to extend the Python interpreter with new modules. Those modules can define new functions but also new object types and their methods. The document also describes how to embed the Python interpreter in another application, for use as an extension language. Finally, it shows how to compile and link extension modules so that they can be loaded dynamically (at run time) into the interpreter, if the underlying operating system supports this feature.
Try Pyrex. Makes writing C++ extensions for Python easier.
We use swig very successfully in our product.
Basically swig takes your C++ code and generates a python wrapper around it.
I'd recommend looking at how PyTorch does their integration.
See this:
Extending Python with C or C++
"It is quite easy to add new built-in modules to Python, if you know how to program in C. Such extension modules can do two things that can't be done directly in Python: they can implement new built-in object types, and they can call C library functions and system calls.
To support extensions, the Python API (Application Programmers Interface) defines a set of functions, macros and variables that provide access to most aspects of the Python run-time system. The Python API is incorporated in a C source file by including the header "Python.h". "
PS It's spelt "integrate" :)
I've used PyCxx in the past and i found that it was very good.
It wraps the python c API in a very elegant manner and makes it very simple to use.
It is very easy to write python extension in c++. It is provided with clear examples so it is easy to get started.
I've really enjoyed using this library and I do recommend it.
It depends on your portability requirements. I've been struggling with this for a while, and I ended up wrapping my C++ using the python API directly because I need something that works on systems where the admin has only hacked together a mostly-working gcc and python installation.
In theory Boost.Python should be a very good option, since Boost is available (almost) everywhere. Unfortunately, if you end up on a OS with an older default python installation (our collaboration is stuck with 2.4), you'll run into problems if you try to run Boost.Python with a newer version (we all use Python 2.6). Since your admin likely didn't bother to install a version of Boost corresponding to every python version, you'll have to build it yourself.
So if you don't mind possibly requiring some Boost setup on every system your code runs on, use Boost.Python. If you want code that will definitely work on any system with Python and a C++ compiler, use the Python API.
Another interesting way to do is python code generation by running python itself to parse c++ header files. OpenCV team successfully took this approach and now they have done exact same thing to make java wrapper for OpenCV library. I found this created cleaner Python API without limitation caused by a certain library.
You can write Python extensions in C++. Basically Python itself is written in C and you can use that to call into your C code. You have full access to your Python objects. Also check out Boost.Python.