How do I use a new-line replacement in a BSD sed? - regex

Greetings, how do I perform the following in BSD sed?
sed 's/ /\n/g'
From the man-page it states that \n will be treated literally within a replacement string, how do I avoid this behavior? Is there an alternate?
I'm using Mac OS Snow Leopard, I may install fink to get GNU sed.

In a shell, you can do:
sed 's/ /\
hitting the enter key after the backslash to insert a newline.

Another way:
sed -e 's/ /\'$'\n/g'
See here.

For ease of use, i personally often use
# or (depending version and OS)
sed "s/ /\\${cr}/g"
so it stays on 1 line.

To expand on #sikmir's answer: In Bash, which is the default shell on Mac OS X, all you need to do is place a $ character in front of the quoted string containing the escape sequence that you want to get interpreted. Bash will automatically translate it for you.
For example, I removed all MS-DOS carriage returns from all the source files in lib/ and include/ by writing:
grep -lr $'\r' lib include | xargs sed -i -e $'s/\r//'
find . -name '*-e' -delete
BSD grep would have interpreted '\r' correctly on its own, but using $'\r' doesn't hurt.
BSD sed would have misinterpreted 's/\r//' on its own, but by using $'s/\r//', I avoided that trap.
Notice that we can put $ in front of the entire string, and it will take care of all the escape sequences in the whole string.
$ echo $'hello\b\\world'


Remove new lines except when preceded by specific set of characters

How can I remove new lines using Perl and / or Sed at the bash command line but avoiding a specific set of characters?
The closest I came from this is:
perl -C -i -p -e 's/[^.:]\n//' ~/Desktop/bak2
The above code is working well on avoid removing lines ended with a dot or a colon, but its failling because when removing the correct new lines its also erasing the very last character of the string. I also would need the removed \n to be substituted by a space.
Would be great, if possible, to have this solution by Perl and also by Sed.
I've searched for a similar solution in perl or sed and I haven't found it,sorry if it does exists.
Existing content:
Violets are blue and
Buda has great teachings.
Programming can be easy because:
Stackoverflow exists,
and the community always helps
a lot.
Desired output:
Violets are blue and Buda has great teachings.
Programming can be easy because:
Stackoverflow exists, and the community always helps a lot.
With sed
sed -e ':A;/[^.:]$/{N;bA' -e '};y/\n/ /' ~/Desktop/bak2
or gnu sed
sed -z 's/\([^.:]\)\n/\1 /g' ~/Desktop/bak2
You may preserve pre new-line match (I added "empty" lines handling):
perl -C -i -p -e 's/(^|[^.:])\n/$1/' ~/Desktop/bak2
or use positive look behind
perl -C -i -p -e 's/(?<=[^.:])\n//' ~/Desktop/bak2
perl -i pe 's/[^.:]\K\n/ /' ~/Desktop/bak2

simple SED replace

Just attempting to write a script to do a simple regex replace in php.ini, what I want to do is replace the line ;cgi.fix_pathinfo=1 with cgi.fix_pathinfo=0.
Ideally want to avoid installing any additional packages so sed seems a logical choice since it is bundled with FreeBSD. I have tried the following but doesn't seem to work:
sed 's/;cgi\.fix_pathinfo=1/cgi\.fix_pathinfo=0/' /usr/local/etc/php.ini
To change the content of a file in place with sed BSD, you can do that:
sed -i.bak -e 's/;cgi\.fix_pathinfo=1/cgi.fix_pathinfo=0/;' /usr/local/etc/php.ini
That creates a copy of the old file with a .bak extension.
Or without creating a copy:
sed -i '' -e 's/;cgi\.fix_pathinfo=1/cgi.fix_pathinfo=0/;' /usr/local/etc/php.ini
Note that in this case, a space and an empty string enclosed between quotes are mandatory. You can't simply write sed -i -e '... like with GNU sed.

How to scrub emails from all CSVs in a directory?

I have this regex that works fine enough for my purposes for identifying emails in CSVs within a directory using grep on Mac OS X:
grep --no-filename -E -o "\b[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\b" *
I've tried to get this working with sed so that I can replace the emails with foo#bar.baz:
sed -E -i '' -- 's/\b[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\b/foo#bar.baz/g' *
However, I can't seem to get it to work. Admittedly, sed and regex are not my strong points. Any ideas?
The sed in OSX is broken. Replace it with GNU sed using Homebrew that will be used as a replacement for the one bundled in OSX. Use this command for installation
sudo brew install gnu-sed
and use this for substitution
sed -E -i 's/\b[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\b/foo#bar.baz/g' *
You seem to assume that grep and sed support the same regex dialect, but that is not necessarily, or even usually, the case.
If you want a portable solution, you could easily use Perl for this, which however supports yet another regex dialect...
perl -i -p -e 's/\b[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\b/foo#bar.baz/g' *
For a bit of an overview of regex dialects, see
Your regex kind of sucks, but I understand that is sort of beside the point here.

sed command creating unwanted duplicates of file with -e extension

I am trying to do a recursive find and replace on java files in a directory using a shell script. It works, but it is hiding all the files, and creating duplicates with a -e extension
for file in $(find . -type f -name "*.java")
do sed -i -e 's/foo/bar/g' $file
From my understanding, the -e is optional - but if I do not provide it I get the following error on every file it finds
sed: 1: "./": invalid command code .
Any clue as it what is happening here? For reference I am on Mac OS X running El Capitan
Here is a before and after screenshot of the directory after running the script. The replaced files still exist, they are hidden?
On OSX sed (BSD) sed requires an extension after -i option. Since it is finding -e afterwards it is adding -e to each input filename. btw you don't even need -e option here.
You can pass an empty extension like this:
sed -i '' 's/foo/bar/g' $file
Or use .bak for an extension to save original file:
sed -i.bak 's/foo/bar/g' $file
The accepted answer works for OSX but causes issues if your code is run on both GNU and OSX systems since they expect -i[SUFFIX] and -i [SUFFIX] respectively.
There are probably two reasonable solutions in this case.
Don't use -i (inplace). Instead pipe to a temporary file and overwrite the original after.
use perl.
The easiest fix for this I found was to simply use perl. The syntax is almost identical:
sed -i -e 's/foo/bar/g' $file
perl -pi -e 's/foo/bar/g' $file

Whats the difference between sed -E and sed -e

I'm working on some old code and I found that I used to use
sed -E 's/findText/replaceWith/g' #findText would contain a regex
but I now try
sed -e 's/findText/replaceWith/g'
It seems to do the same thing, or does it?
I kinda remember there being a reason I done it but I can't remember and doing "man sed" doesn't help as they don't have anything about -E only -e that doesn't make much sense ether.
-e, --expression=script
Append the editing commands in script to the end of
the editing command script. script may contain more
than one newline separated command.
I thought -e meant it would match with a regex...
GNU sed version 4.2.1
From source code, -E is an undocumented option for compatibility with BSD sed.
/* Undocumented, for compatibility with BSD sed. */
case 'E':
case 'r':
if (extended_regexp_flags)
extended_regexp_flags = REG_EXTENDED;
And from manual, -E in BSD sed is used to support extended regular expressions.
From sed's documentation:
Use extended regular expressions rather than basic regular expressions. Extended regexps are those that egrep accepts; they can be clearer because they usually have fewer backslashes. Historically this was a GNU extension, but the -E extension has since been added to the POSIX standard (, so use -E for portability. GNU sed has accepted -E as an undocumented option for years, and *BSD seds have accepted -E for years as well, but scripts that use -E might not port to other older systems. See Extended regular expressions.
Therefore it seems that -E should be the preferred way to declare that you are going to use (E)xtended regular expressions, rather than -r.
Instead, -e just specifies that what follows is the script that you want to execute with sed (something like 's/bla/abl/g').
Always from the documentation:
Without -e or -f options, sed uses the first non-option parameter as the script, and the following non-option parameters as input files.