Using Redmine with an external Wiki? - wiki

We've got a company wiki running Mediawiki on our intranet that has been in use for a while. We just recently installed Redmine and are in the process of getting it configured just the way we like it.
I was wondering if there's any way to use our already existing wiki instead of the built-in one that comes with Redmine. We've got alot of articles & documentation written by non-developers and don't want to lose and/or re-import into another wiki (ie redmine's). The Wiki portion of redmine will not allow me to enter the url for the external wiki as it includes various illegal characters (mainly : and /)
Edit: As a temporary work around, I've just used each project main page on the "external" Wiki as the Projects "Home Page" in Red Mine, so far this is the best I've been able to figure out. You don't get Wiki access from the various issues & what not, but the link to our other Wiki does show under the Overview for each project now.
Btw, both of these are installed on the same physical box, a Windows 2003 Server, where Mediawiki was installed using a WAMP package, and Redmine was installed pretty much manually instead of using a stack like Bitnami.

Did you see this MediaWiki integration patch for Redmine? and its reference page I have not used it so im not sure if it meets your needs but it might be worth a shot. (Be sure to backup first)
The reference page says this about the patch:
Here's a patch for 0.7 that will add a
MediaWiki tab to your project settings
and integrate it into the issues
pages. You will also need to add:
is_mediawiki tinyint(1) NOT NULL
default '0', mediawikiurl
varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
mediawikinamespace varchar(255) NOT
NULL default ''
To the projects table for this to
I know you didn't want to import but just in case someone else did here is a rake file for importing MediaWiki pages into Redmine

We looked into this as an option since there are so many tools that work with mediawiki however we decided not to pursue the option since we already had so many issues and wiki pages in redmine. As far as I can tell, this patch replaces the existing redmine wiki input boxes with mediawiki boxes. This is done not only in the wiki section but also for issues and documents. We were afraid of:
Losing all of our existing wiki pages, and issue descriptions.
The whole thing breaking as Redmine updates are posted and installed.
We have found that the newest Wiki Extensions plug in has given us most of the features we wanted for the wiki part. It has comments, voting, tags, and many other things. It works well with the latest version of Redmine.
We still are trying to find a good way to import into the wiki all of our existing documentation from word.


OpenCart upgrade to

I recently upgraded an old store from to but to comply with PHP8 I need to upgrade again from to 4.x. My question stems because I was able to successfully install the new storefront, but I am no longer able to access my admin panel. Attempting to login to my admin will always give me the error that the account does not exist.
I have double checked the config.php files in both my root & admin folders and the database information stored there is correct. Also, I checked my actual database to make sure the user accounts weren't deleted in the upgrade and they were not.
I don't see a lot of documentation about the upgrade process to a 4.x OpenCart storefront so I am coming here in hopes someone has been brave enough to attempt this upgrade that may be able to point me in the right direction. Some tips and tricks would be greatly welcomes because I imagine this is just the first of many moles I am going to need to whack.
Let me know if any code would be needed/handy, but keep in mind this install is basically all stock barebones at this point because I haven't even tried to activate my custom theme yet (mostly because I can't access the admin to activate it).
Solved this by upgrading to the OpenCart 3.x.x_Maintenace branch, instead of OpenCart 4.x.x version, as it is also PHP8 compliant and much more stable.
For anyone with similar issues, they can refer this link.

Need help to add front-end on slatwall eCommerce

I am trying to build the eCommerce store by using Slatwall and lucee. Slatwall is the ColdFusion based eCommerce framework. The admin part is working fine. But I could not create the user side. I also referred the slatwall documentation. But no luck I couldn't seen any clear example and document for adding the front end on slatwall. If anyone knows help me please?
Slatwall frontend document
As OP says, SlatWall has excellent $upport, that's where they make a living. You now have three choices for a front end:
1) Slatwall latest versions have their own integrated CMS now. I'd recommend you export your product info, install the latest Slatwall, import the data back in.
2) Load MuraCMS, an Open Source Content Management (i.e. front-end) system that has integration to Slatwall (or the other way round, IIRC)
3) Roll your own in ColdFusion after learning ins and outs of the Slatwall api. Not recommended unless you're already CF experienced and have some previous experience with an api, any api.
For completeness I am going to answer this question even though its months old, for anyone else that views this.
You have a couple options here but the easiest way:
There is a complete example of a fully implemented Slatwall site including product listing pages, shopping-cart, and checkout included with Slatwall.
You may view the sample site by visiting http://{yourslatwallsite}/meta/sample
On the sample site, you can choose from the menu to view your products, add them to your cart, or checkout. Make sure your products are both active and published in the admin or you will not see them on the sample site. If you go through the .cfm pages that makeup the sample site, there are many examples documented (as comments in the code). Note that the actual .cfm files will be stored in /public/views/xxx.cfm and the meta folder just references them. /public/views/templates/slatwall-productlisting.cfm for example has complete examples on listing products on the frontend.
The sample site is powerful enough that you could restyle it and use it as your store

File browser with Django and Alfresco

I have a Django site and a local install of Alfresco (community edition). One of my model contains a file reference which maps to a document in Alfresco. The view should have a field that spawns a file browser that can access the repository structure within Alfresco so that the user can pick whichever file they want at whichever version.
I looked at the CMSIlib module and it seems to be providing all the interaction I need for the back end code. Although downloading a document seems clunky.
There are lots of Django file browsers but none seem to interface with CMSIlib.
Do I have to code my own or have I missed something?
The version is Alfresco Community v5.0.0 (d r99759-b2) schema 8022 Spring Surf and Spring WebScripts - v5.0.0.
To be honest, I am not a python guy ! But I heard over the official #alfresco IRC channel that cmislib is not so much of an active project, and questions about it only bump once in a while .... The RESTful api however may be considered as a good alternative in your use case:
To access alfresco content using the RESTful api, you should be querying this webscript: /alfresco/d/<d|a>/<workspace>/<store>/<nodeId>/<filename>
where :
d and a refer to direct / attached mode
<workspace>, <store> and <nodeId> reference your content nodeRef
<filename> a file name of your choice
So you should be making a GET Request an a URL that looks something like this http://<host>:<port>/alfresco/d/d/workspace/SpacesStore/8444ad61-4734-40e3-b2d4-b8b1c81347fd/myFile.ext
Note : Depending on the permission set on your node, you might need to attach an alf_ticket to the URL for an authenticated alfresco user. Please check this for further insights.
If you have a problem identifying your file nodeRef, then you can setup a repo webscript implementing your custom logic (browsing some folder / searching for a document by name or metadata ....)
If your are not familiar with webscript development check Jeff Pott's tutorial on the subject
To get started with your webscript development check out Alfresco docs/wiki!
Check this wiki page to learn how to retrieve children for a given node !
Or check this wiki page to learn how to develop webscripts implementing your custom business logic.
If you do not have anything against the YUI javascript library (that is no longer actively maintained), you can integrate the object-finder already available in Alfresco Share. The library is in
You will need to modify it a bit given that you are not inside Share.
To be totally honest, I do not know if it is feasible because it has other dependencies but being a browser site library, in theory can be integrated everywhere.

Which one is the Right Approach - Re Using Page Layouts or adding Web parts directly to pages instead of page layouts in SP 2013 online site?

I am SharePoint 2013 developer. Before asking question I would like to explain the requirement in clarity.
We are developing one O365 SharePoint online site which is having 10 different page layouts with different and some common web parts and we are reusing these page layouts by deploying a sandboxed solution which is having page layouts. These page layouts contain filter and query to display data using some condition and predefined values. By using these layouts we have to create 100+ pages. All pages will show data according to that page name and category (if it belongs any). We have not written any code to develop the site, everything is OOB feature.
We have used below feature/list/lib of SP Online 2013:
- Document Library
- Survey
- Calendar
- Lists
- Discussion forum library
- OOB Search feature
Now, I would like to know whether this is the right approach to reuse the page layouts. Or can we add webparts directly where the logic resides in the web parts and add them to the pages instead of page layouts?
Also how to deploy page layouts/pages from one server to another? Currently we are deploying everything as a feature using sandbox solution.
Could you please let me know the right approach to follow. I am asking this question because we are facing below issues:
- Sometime page layouts gets corrupted, showing nothing.
- All written filters/logic disappear when we open layouts in Designer
- Deployment is pain using Sandbox solution
Waiting for your reply.
Thanks in Advance,
Shifa Mittal
As you already know developing a custom feature which deploys your web part to the Sharepoint O365 environment is a good idea.
As you have already faced some issues with the Page layouts like got corrupted and not displaying any data is also a thing to be considered. One more thing is to open the Page layuout will require Designer as well and that is the another major thing to be consider.
If you create a webpart which has all the logic of displaying the data in it is better with several advantages of writing your code and reusing it as per your requirement.
So my vote goes with Writing you Sandboxed solution with custom web part with all the logic in it. Though it has some complications but once it is written you can manage it easily on the server and easily debug it as well.
Please correct me if I have missed something

How to make website available offline

I want to make my website available offline even if the user clears the cache and cookies. Is is possible? Also I am dealing with database. Is is possible to handle databases offline?
A user could store a local copy of a single webpage using Chrome (right click save-as) and it will store all resources (images, css, js) required to fully load the page offline. Other browsers will have similar options.
You can use wget to mirror a whole website for offline browsing.
wget --mirror --convert-links --html-extension -p
of course neither of these options will handle database driven elements of your site/page.
If you want to mock a database or dynamic elements of a page offline then Google Gears is probably the closest to what you are looking for but I think it was deprecated by Google last year.
If your users have modern browsers, try HTML5 Application Cache.
Overview -
Demo -
Tutorial -
Article -
Summary: Click me, I'm the newish thing that browsers now support!
I clicked some of the links found in other answers, and all tools mentioned are deprecated or will/should be soon.
Later when I wasn't connected to the internet, I opened a site operated by Google (either Google Docs or YouTube, I sadly forgot since then) and went to view the page source, as I was curious to see other answers in action. I found something called ORIGIN-TRIAL in the manifest file.
After a quick Google search, I found this, which brought me to this, which somehow brought me to the last link:
In conclusion, use Service Workers now. If you're curious if it now works with all browsers, don't worry. All popular browsers should support it as seen here.
No, if your databases are housed online. then you need a internet connection for the PHP/ASP (whatever you're using to deal with DBs) to connect/communicate to the DB's
For storing data locally and accessing them offline take a look at Gears and Web Storage.
The main problem is what degree of functionality you want to provide with your website. It always requires some work on the client (user) side to "store" aka. save your website offline. You would have to store all your functionality in one page that the user stores (be it a Flash movie or some Javascript-Code).
You can use simple command to download whole website locally with all links working properly.
wget -rk ''
For https url you need to add one more property like below :
wget -rk --no-check-certificate ''