How to Rename xml elements and use the new names in the same XSL styleSheet? - xslt

I have a xsl file for html output. the xsl handles an old format of xml whixh I want to renew now. Therefore I need to rename the old elements names to the new names I'm using the new names in the following xsl code. How can I do this?
I tried
<xsl:template match="OldName">
<NewName><xsl:value-of select="."/></NewName>
<xsl:template match="/">
some code... </xsl:template>
and then I tried to access
<xsl:value-of select="NewName"/>
but got nothing while when using the OldName I got the value

If you're using XSLT2, you can use a two-phase transformation.

<xsl:value-of select="NewName"/> looks at the input, not the output. And in the input, there is no NewName. To make use of the NewName, you would have to parse it twice; once renewing the names, and once doing formatting.


In XSLT nested foreach loop always return first element

XLST receiving the date from apache-camel in below formate.
data format
<entry key="NAME">test1</entry>
<entry key="NAME">test2</entry>
<xsl:template match="*">
<xsl:for-each select="//*[local-name()='linked-hash-map']">
<xsl:value-of select="string(//*[local-name()='entry'][#key='NAME'])"/>
OUTPUT always returns the first element.
What is wrong in above xslt and help generate xml with all elements.
Because path expressions starting with "//" select from the root of the document tree, you are selecting the same nodes every time in your xsl:value-of; and in XSLT 1.0, if you select multiple nodes, only the first one gets displayed.
Methinks you're using "//" because you've seen it in example code and don't actually understand what it means...
Within xsl:for-each, you normally want a relative path that selects from the node currently being processed by the for-each.
You've also probably picked up this *[local-name()='linked-hash-map'] habit from other people's code. With no namespaces involved, you can safely replace it with linked-hash-map.

XSL getting out of context using dynamic XPATH

I'm trying to reformat an XML I get from an appliance into an HTML table, and it's format is not usual.
It use unique references in node name's, like this:
and then, it use the same references to another part of the file, as a value of a content node, like this:
/rules/content/rules/content/REF_3/content/sources/content/name = REF_1
/rules/content/rules/content/REF_3/content/destinations/content/name = REF_2
I'm trying to write a template for content that instead of getting me REF_ID which is unique, I try to get the name, in the other branch leaf. this mean I'm trying to find a value that is out of my actual context.
I'm able to retrieve the name XPATH using this variable:
<xsl:variable name='objName' select="concat('/storage/objects/',#linkclass,'/content/',#linktype,'/content/',current(),'/content/name/content')" />
but, I'm not able to use this XPATH in a query like:
<xsl:value-of select="{$objName}">
I suppose this doesn't work because it's out of context but when I ask statically for one of those XPATH I get the value.
My full code is not very complicated:
<xsl:template match="content">
<xsl:variable name='objXPATH' select="concat('/storage/objects/',#linkclass,'/content/',#linktype,'/content/',current(),'/content/name/content')" />
<xsl:variable name='obj' select="{$objXPATH}" />
<xsl:element name="a">
<xsl:attribute name="href">
#<xsl:value-of select="."/>
<xsl:value-of select="$obj"/>
<br />
I need help to fix this, I'm on it since one day with no evolution, and it's driving me crazy. I'm more like a script kiddie than a real developer.
Dynamic evaluation (treating a string in a variable as an XPath expression and evaluating it) is available as a vendor extension in a number of XSLT processors, and it becomes part of the standard with the introduction of xsl:evaluate in XSLT 3.0. If your XSLT processor doesn't have such an extension you may be able to write it yourself. Alternatively, if you explain the problem better, we may be able to suggest a solution that does not require dynamic evaluation.

XSLT to call secondary XML based on first XML element/attribute

love the stuff - newbie Æthelred here
I have a XSLT 1.0 file pulling in a secondary XML (to a variable) to build a table
<xsl:variable name="table_values" select="document('./table_variants/external_table.xml')/xml/channel_1"/>
I then get the values i need from the variable, eg:
<xsl:value-of select="$table_values/monkey/tennis/#medals"/>
<xsl:value-of select="$table_values/monkey/tennis/#bananas"/>
What i want to do is have the first XML trigger/steer where to look for the table data.
I hoped i could, within the triggered XML, state the last part of the xpath - the 'channel_1' or 'channel_2',
<xsl:value-of select="xml/external_table_channel_to_use"/>
but apparently i cannot create a xpath on the fly like that
Please - What can i do?
What i want to do is have the first XML trigger/steer where to look
for the table data. I hoped i could, within the triggered XML, state
the last part of the xpath - the 'channel_1' or 'channel_2',
<xsl:value-of select="xml/external_table_channel_to_use"/> but
apparently i cannot create a xpath on the fly like that
Please - What can i do?
This can easily be done just extending the code that you already have.
Change this:
<xsl:variable name="table_values" select=
to this:
<xsl:variable name="table_values" select=
/xml/*[name() = $channelName"/>
Needless to say, the variable (or global, external param) $channelName should have a value that is the (string) name of the element you want to use in the last location step of the XPath expression.

XSL: Combining grouping and call-template

I've read with interest the techniques available on the web to extract a unique list of items from a XML file containing duplicates using XSL.
These range into 2 categories:
1) The Muenchian method (example:
2) Or the previous-sibling look-up
These both rely on an XPath expression to select the data to group by.
However, in the XML file that I'm trying to work out, the data is not present "natively" in the XML file. I am using a xsl:template to compute some aggregated data from my elements. And I would like to group based on the aggregated data.
For example I have:
<record><data name='movie'>Star Wars</data><data name='ratings'>John:Good, Mary:Good</data></record>
<record><data name='movie'>Indiana Jones</data><data name='ratings'>John:Good, Mary:Bad, Helen:Average</data></record>
<record><data name='movie'>Titanic</data><data name='ratings'>John:Bad, Helen:Good</data></record>
I know that the structuration of data is not perfect and that by creating sub-elements I could do something easier, but I cannot change the data source easily, so let's take this as a challenge.
And I would like to build a recap where I have John's distinct ratings:
John's ratings:
I have a xsl:template that can take a record element and return John's rating for this record:
<xsl:template name="get_rating">
<xsl:param name="reviewer" />
<!-- I use some string manipulation, and xsl:value-of to return the review for John-->
I can just call it under a xsl:for-each to get the exhaustive list of John's review. But I cannot combine this call with any of the methods to get unique values.
Do I have to use an intermediary XSL to convert my XML file to a more structured way? Or can I do in a single step?
Many thanks
Hmm... This should be possible using xslt variables and the nodeset method, perhaps something like this:
<xsl:variable name="_johnsRatings">
<xsl:apply-templates select="/" mode="johnsRatings" />
<xsl:variable name="johnsRatings" select="msxsl:node-set($_johnsRatings)" />
<xsl:template match="/" mode="johnsRatings">
<xsl:for-each select="/filmsReview/record/data[#name='ratings']">
<Rating><xsl:call-template name="get_rating" /></Rating>
At this point, it should be possible to query the $johnsRatings variable using standard XPath queries, and you can use either of the two methods you mentioned above to retrieve unique values from it...
Hope that helps
I don't know what XSLT engine you are using, I assumed you have access to the msxsl:node-set() function. However, most XSLT processors have similar methods, so you might have to search around for an equivalent method in your processor

Ignore name space with t: prefix

We have XML file like below...
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<T0020 xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" T0020V1.xsd"
In order to Insert this XML data to database ,we have used two XSLT.
First XSLT will remove name space from XML file and convert this XML to some intermediate
XML(say Process.xml) file on some temporary location.
then we were taking that intermediate xml(without namespace lines) and applied another XSL
to map xml field to Database.
Then we have found solution and we have used only one XSLT which does bode [1] Remove namespace and [2] Mapping XML field to Database to insert data.
Our final style sheet contain following lines
and we used following to map field to Database
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:element name="T0020">
<xsl:apply-templates select="t:T0020/t:IRP_ACCOUNT" />
how did our problem solved with this approach ?Any consequences with using this ?
I have searched about this but not getting the functionality.
Thanks in Advance..
I don't see any problems with your approach.
XSLT mandates a fully qualified name for a correct matching, so using a prefixed namespace in your XSLT is the right solution; this is why you solved your problem.