How does a blur gauss algorithm look like? Are there examples of implementation? - c++

I have a bitmap image context and want to let this appear blurry. So best thing I can think of is a gauss algorithm, but I have no big idea about how this kind of gauss blur algorithms look like? Do you know good tutorials or examples on this? The language does not matter so much, if it's done all by hand without using language-specific API too much. I.e. in cocoa the lucky guys don't need to think about it, they just use a Imagefilter that's already there. But I don't have something like this in cocoa-touch (objective-c, iPhone OS).

This is actually quite simple. You have a filter pattern (also known as filter kernel) - a (small) rectangular array with coefficients - and just calculate the convolution of the image and the pattern.
for y = 1 to ImageHeight
for x = 1 to ImageWidth
newValue = 0
for j = 1 to PatternHeight
for i = 1 to PatternWidth
newValue += OldImage[x-PatternWidth/2+i,y-PatternHeight/2+j] * Pattern[i,j]
NewImage[x,y] = newValue
The pattern is just a Gauss curve in two dimensions or any other filter pattern you like. You have to take care at the edges of the image because the filter pattern will be partialy outside of the image. You can just assume that this pixels are balck, or use a mirrored version of the image, or what ever seems reasonable.
As a final note, there are faster ways to calculate a convolution using Fourier transforms but this simple version should be sufficent for a first test.

The Wikipedia article has a sample matrix in addition to some standard information on the subject.

Best place for image processing is THIS. You can get matlab codes there.
And this Wolfram demo should clear any doubts about doing it by hand.
And if you don't want to learn too many things learn PIL(Python Imaging Library).
"Here" is exactly what you need.
Code copied from above link:
import ImageFilter
def filterBlur(im):
im1 = im.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR)"BLUR" + ext)


Measure vertical distance of binarized image (Open CV) C++

So this should be straight forward but I a not very familiar with OpenCV.
Can someone suggest a method to measure the distance in pixels (red line) as shown in the image below? Preferably it had some options like width of measurement (as demonstrated at the end and begining of the red line) or something of sorts. This kind of measurement is very common in software like ImageJ, I can imagine it should be somewhat trivial to do it in OpenCV.
I would like to take several samples accros the image width as well.
I am using openCV and learning about it
Your task is quite simple.
optional smoothing (Gauss filter) - you have to experiment with your data to see if it helps
edge detection (will transform image to lines representing edges) - for example cv::Canny
Hough transform to detect lines - openCV.
Find two maximum values (longest lines) in Hough transform
you will have two questions of straight lines, then you can use this information to calculate distance between them
Note that whit this approach image doesn't have to be straight. You will have line equations which you have to manipulate in smart way. If those two lines are parallel this there is simple formula to get distance between them. If they are not perfectly parallel then you have to take this int account and use information about image area to get average distance.
A simple way to find the width of the channel would be the following:
distance = []
h = img.shape[0]
for j in range(img.shape[1]):
line_top = 0
line_bottom = img.shape[0]
found_top = False
found_bottom = False
for i in range(h):
if img[i,j,0] > 0 and not found_top:
line_top = i
found_top = True
if img[h-i-1,j,0] > 0 and not found_bottom:
line_bottom = h-i
found_bottom = True
if found_top and found_bottom:
But this would cause the distance to take into acount the very small white speckles.
To solve this there are several options:
Preprocess the image using opencv morphological transformation.
Preprocess the image using opencv gaussian filter or similar.
Update the code to use a larger window.
Another solution would be to apply opencv's findContours.

Refining Camera parameters and calculating errors - OpenCV

I've been trying to refine my camera parameters with CvLevMarq but after reading about it, it seems to be causing mixed results - which is exactly what I am experiencing. I read about the alternatives and came upon EIGEN - and also found this library that utilizes it.
However, the library above seems to use a stitching class that doesn't support OpenCV and will probably require me to port it to OpenCV.
Before going ahead and doing so, which will probably not be an easy task, I figured I'd ask around first and see if anyone else had the same problem?
I'm currently using:
1. Calculating features with FASTFeatureDetector
Ptr<FeatureDetector> detector = new FastFeatureDetector(5,true);
detector->detect(firstGreyImage, features_global[firstImageIndex].keypoints); // Previous picture
detector->detect(secondGreyImage, features_global[secondImageIndex].keypoints); // New picture
2. Extracting features with SIFTDescriptorExtractor
Ptr<SiftDescriptorExtractor> extractor = new SiftDescriptorExtractor();
extractor->compute(firstGreyImage, features_global[firstImageIndex].keypoints, features_global[firstImageIndex].descriptors); // Previous Picture
extractor->compute(secondGreyImage, features_global[secondImageIndex].keypoints, features_global[secondImageIndex].descriptors); // New Picture
3. Matching features with BestOf2NearestMatcher
vector<MatchesInfo> pairwise_matches;
BestOf2NearestMatcher matcher(try_use_gpu, 0.50f);
matcher(features_global, pairwise_matches);
4. CameraParams.R quaternion passed from a device (slightly inaccurate which causes the issue)
5. CameraParams.Focal == 389.0f -- Played around with this value, 389.0f is the only value that matches the images horizontally but not vertically.
6. Bundle Adjustment (cvLevMarq, calcError & calcJacobian)
Ptr<BPRefiner> adjuster = new BPRefiner();
7. ExposureCompensator (GAIN)
8. OpenCV MultiBand Blender
What works so far:
SeamFinder - works to some extent but it depends on the result of the cvLevMarq algoritm. I.e. if the algoritm is off, seamFinder is going to be off too.
HomographyBasedEstimator works beautifully. However, since it "relies" on the features, it's unfortunately not the method that I'm looking for.
I wouldn't want to rely on the features since I already have the matrix, if there's a way to "refine" the current matrix instead - then that would be the targeted result.
Results so far:
cvLevMarq "Russian roulette" 6/10:
This is what I'm trying to achieve 10/10 times. But 4/10 times, it looks like the picture below this one.
By simply just re-running the algorithm, the results change. 4/10 times it looks like this (or worse):
cvLevMarq "Russian roulette" 4/10:
Desired Result:
I'd like to "refine" my camera parameters with the features that I've matched - in hope that the images would align perfectly. Instead of hoping that cvLevMarq will do the job for me (which it won't 4/10 times), is there another way to ensure that the images will be aligned?
I've tried these versions:
OpenCV 3.1: Using CVLevMarq with 3.1 is like playing Russian roulette. Some times it can align them perfectly, and other times it estimates focal as NAN which causes segfault in the MultiBand Blender (ROI = 0,0,1,1 because of NAN)
OpenCV 2.4.9/2.4.13: Using CvLevMarq with 2.4.9 or 2.4.13 is unfortunately the same thing minus the NAN issue. 6/10 times it can align the images perfectly, but the other 4 times it's completely off.
My Speculations / Thoughts:
Template Matching using OpenCV. Maybe if I template match the ends of the images (i.e. x = 0, y = 0,height = image.height, width = 50). Any thoughts about this?
I found this interesting paper about Levenberg Marquardt applied in Homography. That looks like something that could solve my problem since the paper uses corner detection and whatnot to detect the features in the images. Any thoughts about this?
Maybe the problem isn't in CvLevMarq but instead in BestOf2NearestMatcher? However, I've searched for days and I couldn't find another method that returns the pairwise matches to pass to BPRefiner.
Hough Line Transform Detecting the lines in the first/second image and use that to align the images. Any thoughts on this? -- One thing might be, what if the images doesn't have any lines? I.e. empty wall?
Maybe I'm overkilling something so simple.. Or maybe I'm not? Basically, I'm trying to align a set of images so I can warp them without overlapping each-other. Drop a comment if it doesn't make sense :)
Update Aug 12:
After trying all kinds of combinations, the absolute best so far is CvLevMarq. The only problem with it is the mixed results shown in the images above. If anyone has any input, I'd be forever grateful.
It seems your parameter initialization is the problem. I would use a linear estimator first, i.e. ignore your noisy sensor, and then use this as the initial values for the non-linear optimizer.
A quick method is to use getaffinetransform, as you have mostly rotation.
Maybe you want to take a look at this library:
If you want to stitch the images, you should see stitching_detailed.cpp. It will probably solve your problem.
In addition, I have used Graph Cut Seam Finding method with Canny Edge Detection for better stitching results in this code. If you want to optimize this code, see here.
Also, if you are going to use it for personal use, SIFT is good. You should know, SIFT is patented and will cost you if you use it for commercial purposes. Use ORB instead.
Hope it helps!

Implementing bwmorph(image,'thin','inf') then finding number of branchpoints in c++ using opencv

I would like to implement the following Matlab code for a given image in c++, which calculates the number of branch points in a medial axis skeleton representation of an image:
skelImg = bwmorph(imageName, 'thin', 'inf');
branchImg = bwmorph(skelImg, 'branchpoints');
[row, column] = find(branchImg);
branchPts = [row column];
cNumBranchPoints = length(branchPts);
I have seen this example: How to implement an function equivalent to bwmorph Matlab function in OpenCV which is similar in nature, although slightly different, in that I do not want to 'clean' the image, but rather 'thin' it. I also want to determine the number of branch points, not end points, as in the aforementioned example.
Anyone have an idea as to how I can do this in c++?

Edge Detection, Matlab Vision System Toolbox

I have several images where I need to find an edge. I have tried following the vision.EdgeDetector System object in matlab, and the example they give here:
They give the example
hedge = vision.EdgeDetector;
hcsc = vision.ColorSpaceConverter('Conversion','RBG to intensity')
hidtypeconv = vision.ImageDataTypeConverter('OutputDataType',single');
img = step(hcsc, imread('picture.png'))
img1 = step(hidtypeconv, ing);
edge = step(hedge,img1);
Which I have followed exactly in my code.
However this code doesn't produce all the edges I would like, it seems as though Matlab can only pick up on about half of the edges in the entire image. Is there a different approach I can take to finding all the edges, or a way to improve upon the vision.EdgeDetector object in Matlab?
By default hedge = vision.EdgeDetector has a Threshold value of 20. Try changing it to hedge = vision.EdgeDetector('Threshold',Value) and play with value to see what value works out the best for you.
imgGray = rgb2gray(imgRGB);
imgEdge = edge(imgGray,'canny');
This should give you most of the edge points, if not, then change parameters THRESH and SIGMA accordingly. Also check the following for other methods:
help edge
You do not have to use vision.EdgeDetector system, somethings are easier without them! ;)

Perlin's Noise with OpenGL

I was studying Perlin's Noise through some examples # and couldn't help to notice that his make3DNoiseTexture() in perlin.c uses noise3(ni) instead of PerlinNoise3D(...)
Now why is that? Isn't Perlin's Noise supposed to be a summation of different noise frequencies and amplitudes?
Qestion 2 is what does ni, inci, incj, inck stand for? Why use ni instead of x,y coordinates? Why is ni incremented with
inci = 1.0 / (Noise3DTexSize / frequency);
I see Hugo Elias created his Perlin2D with x,y coordinates, and so does PerlinNoise3D(...).
Thanks in advance :)
I now understand why and am going to answer my own question in hopes that it helps other people.
Perlin's Noise is actually a synthesis of gradient noises. In its production process, we must compute the dot product of a vector pointing from one of the corners flooring the input point to the input point itself with the random-generated gradient vector.
Now if the input point were a whole number, such as the xyz coordinates of a texture you want to create, the dot product would always return 0, which would give you a flat noise. So instead, we use inci, incj, inck as an alternative index. Yep, just an index, nothing else.
Now returning to question 1, there are two methods to implement Perlin's Noise:
1.Calculate the noise values separately and store them in the RGBA slots in the texture
2.Synthesize the noises up before-hand and store them in one of the RGBA slots in the texture
noise3(ni) is the actual implementation of method 1, while PerlinNoise3D(...) suggests the latter.
In my personal opinion, method 1 is much better because you have much more flexibility over how you use each octave in your shaders.
My guess on the reason for using noise3(ni) in make3DNoiseTexture() instead if PerlinNoise3D(...) is that when you use that noise texture in your shader you want to be able to replicate and modify the functionality of PerlinNoise3D(...) directly in the shader.
My guess for the reasoning behind ni, inci, incj, inck is that using x,y,z of the volume directly don't give a good result so by scaling the the noise with the frequency instead it is possible to adjust the resolution of the noise independently from the volume size.