Guidelines to improve your code - c++

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What guidelines do you follow to improve the general quality of your code? Many people have rules about how to write C++ code that (supposedly) make it harder to make mistakes. I've seen people insist that every if statement is followed by a brace block ({...}).
I'm interested in what guidelines other people follow, and the reasons behind them. I'm also interested in guidelines that you think are rubbish, but are commonly held. Can anyone suggest a few?
To get the ball rolling, I'll mention a few to start with:
Always use braces after every if / else statement (mentioned above). The rationale behind this is that it's not always easy to tell if a single statement is actually one statement, or a preprocessor macro that expands to more than one statement, so this code would break:
// top of file:
#define statement doSomething(); doSomethingElse
// in implementation:
if (somecondition)
but if you use braces then it will work as expected.
Use preprocessor macros for conditional compilation ONLY. preprocessor macros can cause all sorts of hell, since they don't allow C++ scoping rules. I've run aground many times due to preprocessor macros with common names in header files. If you're not careful you can cause all sorts of havoc!
Now over to you.

A few of my personal favorites:
Strive to write code that is const correct. You will enlist the compiler to help weed out easy to fix but sometimes painful bugs. Your code will also tell a story of what you had in mind at the time you wrote it -- valuable for newcomers or maintainers once you're gone.
Get out of the memory management business. Learn to use smart pointers: std::auto_ptr, std::tr1::shared_ptr (or boost::shared_ptr) and boost::scoped_ptr. Learn the differences between them and when to use one vs. another.
You're probably going to be using the Standard Template Library. Read the Josuttis book. Don't just stop after the first few chapters on containers thinking that you know the STL. Push through to the good stuff: algorithms and function objects.

Delete unnecessary code.
That is all.

Use and enforce a common coding style and guidelines. Rationale: Every developer on the team or in the firm is able to read the code without distractions that may occur due to different brace styles or similar.
Regularly do a full rebuild of your entire source base (i.e. do daily builds or builds after each checkin) and report any errors! Rationale: The source is almost always in a usable state, and problems are detected shortly after they are "implemented", where problem solving is cheap.

Turn on all the warnings you can stand in your compiler (gcc: -Wall is a good start but doesn't include everything so check the docs), and make them errors so you have to fix them (gcc: -Werror).

Google's style guide, mentioned in one of these answers, is pretty solid. There's some pointless stuff in it, but it's more good than bad.
Sutter and Alexandrescu wrote a decent book on this subject, called C++ Coding Standards.
Here's some general tips from lil' ole me:
Your indentation and bracketing style are both wrong. So are everyone else's. So follow the project's standards for this. Swallow your pride and setup your editor so that everything is as consistent as possible with the rest of the codebase. It's really really annoying having to read code that's indented inconsistently. That said, bracketing and indenting have nothing whatsoever to do with "improving your code." It's more about improving your ability to work with others.
Comment well. This is extremely subjective, but in general it's always good to write comments about why code works the way it does, rather than explaining what it does. Of course for complex code it's also good for programmers who may not be familiar with the algorithm or code to have an idea of what it's doing as well. Links to descriptions of the algorithms employed are very welcome.
Express logic in as straightforward a manner as possible. Ironically suggestions like "put constants on the left side of comparisons" have gone wrong here, I think. They're very popular, but for English speakers, they often break the logical flow of the program to those reading. If you can't trust yourself (or your compiler) to write equality compares correctly, then by all means use tricks like this. But you're sacrificing clarity when you do it. Also falling under this category are things like ... "Does my logic have 3 levels of indentation? Could it be simpler?" and rolling similar code into functions. Maybe even splitting up functions. It takes experience to write code that elegantly expresses the underlying logic, but it's worth working at it.
Those were pretty general. For specific tips I can't do a much better job than Sutter and Alexandrescu.

In if statements put the constant on the left i.e.
if( 12 == var )
if( var == 12 )
Beacause if you miss typing a '=' then it becomes assignment. In the top version the compiler says this isn't possible, in the latter it runs and the if is always true.
I use braces for if's whenever they are not on the same line.
if( a == b ) something();
if( b == d )
Open and close braces always get their own lines. But that is of course personal convention.

Only comment when it's only necessary to explain what the code is doing, where reading the code couldn't tell you the same.
Don't comment out code that you aren't using any more. If you want to recover old code, use your source control system. Commenting out code just makes things look messy, and makes your comments that actually are important fade into the background mess of commented code.

Use consistent formatting.
When working on legacy code employ the existing style of formatting, esp. brace style.
Get a copy of Scott Meyer's book Effective C++
Get a copy of Steve MConnell's book Code Complete.

There is also a nice C++ Style Guide used internally by Google, which includes most of the rules mentioned here.

Start to write a lot of comments -- but use that as an opportunity to refactor the code so that it's self explanatory.
for(int i=0; i<=arr.length; i++) {
arr[i].conf() //confirm that every username doesn't contain invalid characters
Should've been something more like
for(int i=0; i<=activeusers.length; i++) {

Use tabs for indentations, but align data with spaces
This means people can decide how much to indent by changing the tab size, but also that things stay aligned (eg you might want all the '=' in a vertical line when assign values to a struct)
Allways use constants or inline functions instead of macros where posible
Never use 'using' in header files, because everything that includes that heafer will also be affected, even if the person includeing your header doesn't want all of std (for example) in their global namespace.
If something is longer than about 80 columes, break it up into multiple lines eg
if(SomeVeryLongVaribleName != LongFunction(AnotherVarible, AString) &&
Only overload operators to make them do what the user expects, eg overloading the + and - operators for a 2dVector is fine
Always comment your code, even if its just to say what the next block is doing (eg "delete all textures that are not needed for this level"). Someone may need to work with it later, posibly after you have left and they don't want to find 1000's of lines of code with no comments to indicate whats doing what.

setup coding convention and make everyone involved follow the convention (you wouldn't want reading code that require you to figure out where is the next statement/expression because it is not indented properly)
constantly refactoring your code (get a copy of Refactoring, by Martin Fowler, pros and cons are detailed in the book)
write loosely coupled code (avoid writing comment by writing self-explanatory code, loosely coupled code tends to be easier to manage/adapt to change)
if possible, unit test your code (or if you are macho enough, TDD.)
release early, release often
avoid premature optimization (profiling helps in optimizing)

In a similar vein you might find some useful suggestions here: How do you make wrong code look wrong? What patterns do you use to avoid semantic errors?

Where you can, use pre-increment instead of post-increment.

I use PC-Lint on my C++ projects and especially like how it references existing publications such as the MISRA guidelines or Scott Meyers' "Effective C++" and "More Effective C++". Even if you are planning on writing very detailed justifications for each rule your static analysis tool checks, it is a good idea to point to established publications that your user trusts.

Here is the most important piece of advice I was given by a C++ guru, and it helped me in a few critical occasions to find bugs in my code:
Use const methods when a method is not supposed to modify the object.
Use const references and pointers in parameters when the object is not supposed to modify the object.
With these 2 rules, the compiler will tell you for free where in your code the logic is flawed!

Also, for some good techniques you might follow Google's blog "Testing on the Toilet".

Look at it six months later

make sure you indent properly

Hmm - I probably should have been a bit more specific.
I'm not so much looking for advice for myself - I'm writing a static code analysis tool (the current commercial offerings just aren't good enough for what I want), and I'm looking for ideas for plugins to highlight possible errors in the code.
Several people have mentioned things like const correctness and using smart pointers - that's the kind of think I can check for. Checking for indentation and commenting is a bit harder to do (from a programming point of view anyway).

Smart pointers have a nice way of indicating ownership very clearly. If you're a class or a function:
if you get a raw pointer, you don't own anything. You're allowed to use the pointee, courtesy of your caller, who guarantees that the pointee will stay alive longer than you.
if you get a weak_ptr, you don't own the pointee, and on top of that the pointee can disappear at any time.
if you get a shared_ptr, you own the object along with others, so you don't need to worry. Less stress, but also less control.
if you get an auto_ptr, you are the sole owner of the object. It's yours, you're the king. You have the power to destroy that object, or give it to someone else (thereby losing ownership).
I find the case for auto_ptr particularly strong: in a design, if I see an auto_ptr, I immediately know that that object is going to "wander" from one part of the system to the other.
This is at least the logic I use on my pet project. I'm not sure how many variations there can be on the topic, but until now this ruleset has served me well.


Why uniform initialization (initialization with braces) is recommended?

I see a lot of different places that uniform initialization is recommended. Herb Sutter recommends it, and gives a list when not to use it. It seems that the general consensus is to use this syntax.
However, I don't see why. It has the problem of std::initializer_list takes precedence. Adding a std::initializer_list to a class can break code. With templates, it is not recommended to use. It seems to have more exceptions than the "old" way. None of these problems existed with the old way.
I fail to see why uniform initialization is superior. My conclusion is to keep using () syntax, and use {} only in the case of when I want to call a constructor with std::initializer_list.
Why? What does uniform initialization give?
forbids narrowing: good feature. But, as I have narrowing warnings turn on for all my code (because I want to know all narrowings in my code, not just at initializations), I don't need this feature too much.
most vexing parse: yeah, that's a problem, but I hit this very-very rarely. So it is not a reason (for me) to switch. This places, I may use {}.
is there anything else (maybe, I'm still learning new features of C++)?
With the "old" way, there were no rules to remember, no possible break-of-code. Just use it, and sometimes, very-very rarely, you hit the most vexing parse. That's all.
Is my thinking wrong somewhere?
It seems like you have a decent hold on the technical aspects and nwp raised the other concern I would mention, clarity, in the comments. So I think you have the information you need to make a decision.
That said, I think it's worth doubling-down and trying to highlight the importance of the clarity aspect. In my experience, code clarity is probably the single most importance thing to maintain in a code base. Particularly in terms of avoiding confusion and limiting time wasted on stupid bugs. I think we've all had the experience of spending far too long tweaking the flow of a piece of buggy code only to eventually discover that the issue was a typo or misunderstanding of the original intent.
And to be fair, it sounds like you've tried to address this by sticking to a style and tools that help address that. The standard argument, as nwp started, is that many people aren't okay with deviating from the naming conventions built into the language, nor with using IDEs. I personally sympathize with that logic but also understand why many disregard it as old-fashioned or even a non-issue (particularly for the case of IDEs).
When it comes to matters of clarity, though, I find it hard not to keep in mind that people are annoyingly good at ignoring minor details, even when they might help them. So the more context clues that can hint at where an issue might be the better. Syntax highlighting is great, but I wouldn't bet an evening of debugging on being able to notice something being yellow instead of orange. Yellow and using camel-case? Maybe. Yellow and using braces? Maybe.
Especially when you start getting into code written by someone else, or a long time ago, the more all these little hints start to matter.
At the end of the day, I think that's why people like it enough to recommend it. It's the kind of thing that might just stick out to you when it matters.
Also, a side note in response to your comment about narrowing. Enabling warnings for narrowing may allow you to ignore this benefit for now but in many cases people either 1) can't enable such warnings due to legacy code or 2) don't want to enable such warnings because they intentionally rely on such behavior in certain circumstances and would consider the warnings a nuisance. However, adopting list initialization in either case could help with not only preventing potential issues but also making clear the intent of a given line of code.
To get to the point, people all have different circumstances and preferences. Features like this increase of ways people can improve their code quality/readability while still working within whatever constraints they may have (self-imposed or otherwise).

Do very long methods always need refactoring?

I face a situation where we have many very long methods, 1000 lines or more.
To give you some more detail, we have a list of incoming high level commands, and each generates results in a longer (sometime huge) list of lower level commands. There's a factory creating an instance of a class for each incoming command. Each class has a process method, where all the lower level commands are generated added in sequence. As I said, these sequences of commands and their parameters cause quite often the process methods to reach thousands of lines.
There are a lot of repetitions. Many command patterns are shared between different commands, but the code is repeated over and over. That leads me to think refactoring would be a very good idea.
On the contrary, the specs we have come exactly in the same form as the current code. Very long list of commands for each incoming one. When I've tried some refactoring, I've started to feel uncomfortable with the specs. I miss the obvious analogy between the specs and code, and lose time digging into newly created common classes.
Then here the question: in general, do you think such very long methods would always need refactoring, or in a similar case it would be acceptable?
(unfortunately refactoring the specs is not an option)
I have removed every reference to "generate" cause it was actually confusing. It's not auto generated code.
class InCmd001 {
OutMsg process ( InMsg& inMsg ) {
OutMsg outMsg = OutMsg::Create();
OutCmd001 outCmd001 = OutCmd001::Create();
outCmd001.SetA( param.getA() );
outCmd001.SetB( inMsg.getB() );
outMsg.addCmd( outCmd001 );
OutCmd016 outCmd016 = OutCmd016::Create();
outCmd016.SetF( param.getF() );
outMsg.addCmd( outCmd016 );
OutCmd007 outCmd007 = OutCmd007::Create();
outCmd007.SetR( inMsg.getR() );
outMsg.addCmd( outCmd007 );
// ......
return outMsg;
here the example of one incoming command class (manually written in pseudo c++)
Code never needs refactoring. The code either works, or it doesn't. And if it works, the code doesn't need anything.
The need for refactoring comes from you, the programmer. The person reading, writing, maintaining and extending the code.
If you have trouble understanding the code, it needs to be refactored. If you would be more productive by cleaning up and refactoring the code, it needs to be refactored.
In general, I'd say it's a good idea for your own sake to refactor 1000+ line functions. But you're not doing it because the code needs it. You're doing it because that makes it easier for you to understand the code, test its correctness, and add new functionality.
On the other hand, if the code is automatically generated by another tool, you'll never need to read it or edit it. So what'd be the point in refactoring it?
I understand exactly where you're coming from, and can see exactly why you've structured your code the way it is, but it needs to change.
The uncertainty you feel when you attempt to refactor can be ameliorated by writing unit tests. If you've tests specific to each spec, then the code for each spec can be refactored until you're blue in the face, and you can have confidence in it.
A second option, is it possible to automatically generate your code from a data structure?
If you've a core suite of classes that do the donkey work and edge cases, you can auto-generate the repetitive 1000 line methods as often as you wish.
However, there are exceptions to every rule.
If the methods are a literal interpretation of the spec (very little additional logic), and the specs change infrequently, and the "common" portions (i.e. bits that happen to be the same right now) of the specs change at different times, and you're not going to be asked to get a 10x performance gain out of the code anytime soon, then (and only then) . . . you may be better off with what you have.
. . . but on the whole, refactor.
Yes, always. 1000 lines is at least 10x longer than any function should ever be, and I'm tempted to say 100x, except that when dealing with input parsing and validation it can become natural to write functions with 20 or so lines.
Edit: Just re-read your question and I'm not clear on one point - are you talking about machine generated code that no-one has to touch? In which case I would leave things as they are.
Refectoring is not the same as writing from scratch. While you should never write code like this, before you refactor it, you need to consider the costs of refactoring in terms of time spent, the associated risks in terms of breaking code that already works, and the net benefits in terms of future time saved. Refactor only if the net benefits outweigh the associated costs and risks.
Sometimes wrapping and rewriting can be a safer and more cost effective solution, even if it appears expensive at first glance.
Long methods need refactoring if they are maintained (and thus need to be understood) by humans.
As a rule of thumb, code for humans first. I don't agree with the common idea that functions need to be short. I think what you need to aim at is when a human reads your code they grok it quickly.
To this effect it's a good idea to simplify things as much as possible--but not more than that. It's a good idea to delegate roughly one task for each function. There is no rule as for what "roughly one task" means: you'll have to use your own judgement for that. But do recognize that a function split into too many other functions itself reduces readability. Think about the human being who reads your function for the first time: they would have to follow one function call after another, constantly context-switching and maintaining a stack in their mind. This is a task for machines, not for humans.
Find the balance.
Here, you see how important naming things is. You will see it is not that easy to choose names for variables and functions, it takes time, but on the other hand it can save a lot of confusion on the human reader's side. Again, find the balance between saving your time and the time of the friendly humans who will follow you.
As for repetition, it's a bad idea. It's something that needs to be fixed, just like a memory leak. It's a ticking bomb.
As others have said before me, changing code can be expensive. You need to do the thinking as for whether it will pay off to spend all this time and effort, facing the risks of change, for a better code. You will possibly lose lots of time and make yourself one headache after another now, in order to possibly save lots of time and headache later.
Take a look at the related question How many lines of code is too many?. There are quite a few tidbits of wisdom throughout the answers there.
To repost a quote (although I'll attempt to comment on it a little more here)... A while back, I read this passage from Ovid's journal:
I recently wrote some code for
Class::Sniff which would detect "long
methods" and report them as a code
smell. I even wrote a blog post about
how I did this (quelle surprise, eh?).
That's when Ben Tilly asked an
embarrassingly obvious question: how
do I know that long methods are a code
I threw out the usual justifications,
but he wouldn't let up. He wanted
information and he cited the excellent
book Code Complete as a
counter-argument. I got down my copy
of this book and started reading "How
Long Should A Routine Be" (page 175,
second edition). The author, Steve
McConnell, argues that routines should
not be longer than 200 lines. Holy
crud! That's waaaaaay to long. If a
routine is longer than about 20 or 30
lines, I reckon it's time to break it
Regrettably, McConnell has the cheek
to cite six separate studies, all of
which found that longer routines were
not only not correlated with a greater
defect rate, but were also often
cheaper to develop and easier to
comprehend. As a result, the latest
version of Class::Sniff on github now
documents that longer routines may not
be a code smell after all. Ben was
right. I was wrong.
(The rest of the post, on TDD, is worth reading as well.)
Coming from the "shorter methods are better" camp, this gave me a lot to think about.
Previously my large methods were generally limited to "I need inlining here, and the compiler is being uncooperative", or "for one reason or another the giant switch block really does run faster than the dispatch table", or "this stuff is only called exactly in sequence and I really really don't want function call overhead here". All relatively rare cases.
In your situation, though, I'd have a large bias toward not touching things: refactoring carries some inherent risk, and it may currently outweigh the reward. (Disclaimer: I'm slightly paranoid; I'm usually the guy who ends up fixing the crashes.)
Consider spending your efforts on tests, asserts, or documentation that can strengthen the existing code and tilt the risk/reward scale before any attempt to refactor: invariant checks, bound function analysis, and pre/postcondition tests; any other useful concepts from DBC; maybe even a parallel implementation in another language (maybe something message oriented like Erlang would give you a better perspective, given your code sample) or even some sort of formal logical representation of the spec you're trying to follow if you have some time to burn.
Any of these kinds of efforts generally have a few results, even if you don't get to refactor the code: you learn something, you increase your (and your organization's) understanding of and ability to use the code and specifications, you might find a few holes that really do need to be filled now, and you become more confident in your ability to make a change with less chance of disastrous consequences.
As you gain a better understanding of the problem domain, you may find that there are different ways to refactor you hadn't thought of previously.
This isn't to say "thou shalt have a full-coverage test suite, and DBC asserts, and a formal logical spec". It's just that you are in a typically imperfect situation, and diversifying a bit -- looking for novel ways to approach the problems you find (maintainability? fuzzy spec? ease of learning the system?) -- may give you a small bit of forward progress and some increased confidence, after which you can take larger steps.
So think less from the "too many lines is a problem" perspective and more from the "this might be a code smell, what problems is it going to cause for us, and is there anything easy and/or rewarding we can do about it?"
Leaving it cooking on the backburner for a bit -- coming back and revisiting it as time and coincidence allows (e.g. "I'm working near the code today, maybe I'll wander over and see if I can't document the assumptions a bit better...") may produce good results. Then again, getting royally ticked off and deciding something must be done about the situation is also effective.
Have I managed to be wishy-washy enough here? My point, I think, is that the code smells, the patterns/antipatterns, the best practices, etc -- they're there to serve you. Experiment to get used to them, and then take what makes sense for your current situation, and leave the rest.
I think you first need to "refactor" the specs. If there are repetitions in the spec it also will become easier to read, if it makes use of some "basic building blocks".
Edit: As long as you cannot refactor the specs, I wouldn't change the code.
Coding style guides are all made for easier code maintenance, but in your special case the ease of maintenance is achieved by following the spec.
Some people here asked if the code is generated. In my opinion it does not matter: If the code follows the spec "line by line" it makes no difference if the code is generated or hand-written.
1000 thousand lines of code is nothing. We have functions that are 6 to 12 thousand lines long. Of course those functions are so big, that literally things get lost in there, and no tool can help us even look at high level abstractions of them. the code is now unfortunately incomprehensible.
My opinion of functions that are that big, is that they were not written by brilliant programmers but by incompetent hacks who shouldn't be left anywhere near a computer - but should be fired and left flipping burgers at McDonald's. Such code wreaks havok by leaving behind features that cannot be added to or improved upon. (too bad for the customer). The code is so brittle that it cannot be modified by anyone - even the original authors.
And yes, those methods should be refactored, or thrown away.
Do you ever have to read or maintain the generated code?
If yes, then I'd think some refactoring might be in order.
If no, then the higher-level language is really the language you're working with -- the C++ is just an intermediate representation on the way to the compiler -- and refactoring might not be necessary.
Looks to me that you've implemented a separate language within your application - have you considered going that way?
It has been my understanding that it's recommended that any method over 100 lines of code be refactored.
I think some rules may be a little different in his era when code is most commonly viewed in an IDE. If the code does not contain exploitable repetition, such that there are 1,000 lines which are going to be referenced once each, and which share a significant number of variables in a clear fashion, dividing the code into 100-line routines each of which is called once may not be that much of an improvement over having a well-formatted 1,000-line module which includes #region tags or the equivalent to allow outline-style viewing.
My philosophy is that certain layouts of code generally imply certain things. To my mind, when a piece of code is placed into its own routine, that suggests that the code will be usable in more than one context (exception: callback handlers and the like in languages which don't support anonymous methods). If code segment #1 leaves an object in an obscure state which is only usable by code segment #2, and code segment #2 is only usable on a data object which is left in the state created by #1, then absent some compelling reason to put the segments in different routines, they should appear in the same routine. If a program puts objects through a chain of obscure states extending for many hundreds of lines of code, it might be good to rework the design of the code to subdivide the operation into smaller pieces which have more "natural" pre- and post- conditions, but absent some compelling reason to do so, I would not favor splitting up the code without changing the design.
For further reading, I highly recommend the long, insightful, entertaining, and sometimes bitter discussion of this topic over on the Portland Pattern Repository.
I've seen cases where it is not the case (for example, creating an Excel spreadsheet in .Net often requires a lot of line of code for the formating of the sheet), but most of the time, the best thing would be to indeed refactor it.
I personally try to make a function small enough so it all appears on my screen (without affecting the readability of course).
1000 lines? Definitely they need to be refactored. Also not that, for example, default maximum number of executable statements is 30 in Checkstyle, well-known coding standard checker.
If you refactor, when you refactor, add some comments to explain what the heck it's doing.
If it had comments, it would be much less likely a candidate for refactoring, because it would already be easier to read and follow for someone starting from scratch.
Then here the question: in general, do
you think such very long methods would
always need refactoring,
if you ask in general, we will say Yes .
or in a
similar case it would be acceptable?
(unfortunately refactoring the specs
is not an option)
Sometimes are acceptable, but is very unusual, I will give you a pair of examples:
There are some 8 bit microcontrollers called Microchip PIC, that have only a fixed 8 level stack, so you can't nest more than 8 calls, then care must be taken to avoid "stack overflow", so in this special case having many small function (nested) is not the best way to go.
Other example is when doing optimization of code (at very low level) so you have to take account the jump and context saving cost. Use it with care.
Even in generated code, you could need to refactorize the way its generated, for example for memory saving, energy saving, generate human readable, beauty, who knows, etc..
There has been very good general advise, here a practical recommendation for your sample:
common patterns can be isolated in plain feeder methods:
void AddSimpleTransform(OutMsg & msg, InMsg const & inMsg,
int rotateBy, int foldBy, int gonkBy = 0)
// create & add up to three messages
You might even improve that by making this a member of OutMsg, and using a fluent interface, such that you can write
OutMsg msg;
msg.AddSimpleTransform(inMsg, 12, 17)
which can be an additional improvement under circumstances.

Which programming technique helps you most to avoid or resolve bugs before they come into production

I don't mean external tools. I think of architectural patterns, language constructs, habits. I am mostly interested in C++
Automated Unit Testing .
There's an oft-unappreciated technique that I like to call The QA Team that can do wonders for weeding out bugs before they reach production.
It's been my experience (and is often quoted in textbooks) that programmers don't make the best testers, despite what they may think, because they tend to test to behaviour they already know to be true from their coding. On top of that, they're often not very good at putting themelves in the shoes of the end user (if it's that kind of app), and so are likely to neglect UI formatting/alignment/usability issues.
Yes, unit testing is immensely important and I'm sure others can give you better tips than I on that, but don't neglect your system/integration testing. :)
..and hey, it's a language independent technique!
Code Review, Unit Testing, and Continuous Integration may all help.
I find the following rather handy.
2) A debug logger that can output to the debug spew, console or file.
3) Memory tracking tools.
4) Unit testing.
5) Smart pointers.
Im sure there are tonnes of others but I can't think of them off the top of my head :)
RAII to avoid resource leakage errors.
Strive for simplicity and conciseness.
Never leave cases where your code behavior is undefined.
Look for opportunities to leverage the type system and have the compiler check as much as possible at compile time. Templates and code generation are your friends as long as you keep your common sense.
Minimize the number of singletons and global variables.
Use RAII !
Use assertions !
Automatic testing of some nominal and all corner cases.
Avoid last minute changes like the plague.
I use thinking.
Reducing variables scope to as narrow as possible. Less variables in outer scope - less chances to plant and hide an error.
I found that, the more is done and checked at compile time, the less can possibly go wrong at run-time. So I try to leverage techniques that allow stricter checking at compile-time. That's one of the reason I went into template-meta programming. If you do something wrong, it doesn't compile and thus never leaves your desk (and thus never arrives at the customer's).
I find many problems before i start testing at all using
Testing it with actual, realistic data from the start. And testing is necessary not only while writing the code, but it should start early in the design phase. Find out what your worst use cases will be like, and make sure your design can handle it. If your design feels good and elegant even against these use cases, it might actually be good.
Automated tests are great for making sure the code you write is correct. However, before you get to writing code, you have to make sure you're building the right things.
Learning functional programming helps somehow.
Learn you a haskell for great good.
Model-View-Controller, and in general anything with contracts and interfaces that can be unit-tested automatically.
I agree with many of the other answers here.
Specific to C++, the use of 'const' and avoiding raw pointers (in favor of references and smart pointers) when possible has helped me find errors at compile time.
Also, having a "no warnings" policy helps find errors.
From my experience, having full and complete requirements is the number one step in creating bug-free software. You can't write complete and correct software if you don't know what it's supposed to do. You can't write proper tests for software if you don't know what it's supposed to do; you'll miss a fair amount of stuff you should test. Also, the simple process of writing the requirements helps you to flesh them out. You find so many issues and problems before you ever write the first line of code.
I find peer progamming tends to help avoid a lot of the silly mistakes, and al ot of the time generates discussions which uncover flaws. Plus with someone free to think about the why you are doing something, it tends to make everything cleaner.
Code reviews; I've personally found lots of bugs in my colleagues' code and they have found bugs in mine.
Code reviews, early and often, will help you to both understand each others' code (which helps for maintenance), and spot bugs.
The sooner you spot a bug the easier it is to fix. So do them as soon as you can.
Of course pair programming takes this to an extreme.
Using an IDE like IntelliJ that inspects my code as I write it and flags dodgy code as I write it.
Unit Testing followed by Continious Integration.
Book suggestions: "Code Complete" and "Release it" are two must-read books on this topic.
In addition to the already mentioned things I believe that some features introduced with C++0x will help avoiding certain bugs. Features like strongly-typed enums, for-in loops and deleteing standard functions of objects come to mind.
In general strong typing is the way to go imho
Coding style consistency across a project.
Not just spaces vs. tab issues, but the way that code is used. There is always more than one way to do things. When the same thing gets done differently in different places, it makes catching common errors more difficult.
It's already been mentioned here, but I'll say it again because I believe this cannot be said enough:
Unnecessary complexity is the arch nemesis of good engineering.
Keep it simple. If things start looking complicated, stop and ask yourself why and what you can do to break the problem down into smaller, simpler chunks.
Hire someone that test/validate your software.
We have a guy that use our software before any of our customer. He finds bugs that our automated tests processes do not find, because he thinks as a customer not as a software developper. This guy also gives support to our customers, because he knows very well the software from the customer point of view. INVALUABLE.
all kinds of 'trace'.
Something not mentioned yet - when there's even semi-complex logic going on, name your variables and functions as accurately as you can (but not too long). This will make incongruencies in their interactions with each other, and with what they're supposed to be doing stand out better. The 'meaning', or language-parsing part of your brain will have more to grab on to. I find that with vaguely named things, your brain sort of glosses over what's really there and sees what is /supposed to/ be happening rather than what actually is.
Also, make code clean, it helps to keep your brain from getting fuzzy.
Test-driven development combined with pair programming seems to work quite well on keeping some bugs down. Getting the tests created early helps work out some of the design as well as giving some confidence should someone else have to work with the code.
Creating a string representation of class state, and printing those out to console.
Note that in some cases single line-string won't be enough, you will have to code small printing loop, that would create multi-line representation of class state.
Once you have "visualized" your program in such a way you can start to search errors in it. When you know which variable contained wrong value in the end, it's easy to place asserts everywhere where this variable is assigned or modified. This way you can pin point the exact place of error, and fix it without using the step-by-step debugging (which is rather slow way to find bugs imo).
Just yesterday found a really nasty bug without debugging a single line:
vector<string> vec;
vec.push_back(vec[0]); // second element is not "test1" after this, it's empty string
I just kept placing assert-statements and restarting the program, until multi-line representation of program's state was correct.

C++ interview - testing potential candidates

I have to interview some C++ candidates over the next few weeks and as the most senior programmer in the company I'm expected to try and figure out whether these people know what they are doing.
So has anybody got any suggestions?
Personally I hate being left in a room to fill out some C++ questions so I'd rather do a more complex test that I can chat with the interviewee about their approaches and so forth as we go along. ie it doesn't matter whether they get the right answers or not its how they approach the problem that interests me. I don't care whether they understand obscure features of the language but I do care that they have a good solid understanding of pointers as well as understanding the under lying differences between pointers and references. I would also love to see how they approach optimisation of a given problem because solid fast code is a must, in my opinion.
So any suggestions along these lines would be greatly appreciated!
I wouldn't make them write code. Instead, I'd give them a couple of code snippets to review.
For example, the first would be about design by contract: See if they know what preconditions, postconditions and invariants are. Do a couple of small mistakes, such as never initializing an integer field but asserting that it is >= 0 in the invariant, and see if they spot them.
The second would be to give them bool contains(char * inString, char c). Implement it with a trivial loop. Then ask whether there are any mistakes. Of course, your code here does not check for null in the input parameter inString (even if the very previous question talked about preconditions!). Also, the loop finishes at character 0. Of course, the candidate should spot the possible problems and insist on using std::string instead of this char * crap. It's important because if they do complain, you'll know that they won't add their own char *'s to new code.
An alternative which addresses containers: give them a std::vector<int> and code which searches for prime numbers or counts the odd numbers or something. Make some small mistake. See if they find any issues and they understand the code. Ask in which situation a std::set would be better (when you are going to search elements quite systematically and original order of entrance doesn't matter.).
Discuss everything live, letting them think a couple minutes. Capture the essence of what they say. Don't focus on "coverage" (how many things they spot) because some people may be stressed. Listen to what they actually say, and see if it makes any sense.
I disagree with writing code in interviews. I'd never ask anyone to write code. I know my handwritten code would probably suck in a situation like that. Actually, I have seldom been asked to do so, but when I have, I haven't been hired.
This one is a great complex task, even though it is looking quite harmless.
I believe that a C++ programmer needs more than just generic programming skills, because...
In C++ it's harder to shoot yourself in the foot, but when you do, you blow off your whole leg.
Writing bug-free, maintainable C++ code places a much higher demand on a few areas than most languages.
One thing I'll call "pedanticness". You know how some people can spot spelling errors in something at a glance? A C++ programmer needs to be able to spot simple bugs while they read or write code (whether the code is their own or not). A programmer who relies on the "compile and test" technique just to get rid of simple bugs is incompatible with the C++ language, because those bugs don't always lead to immediate failure in C++.
C++ programmers also need a good knowledge of low-level stuff. Pointers, memory allocators, blocking, deadlocks. And "nitty gritty" C++ issues, like multiple inheritance and method hiding and such, particularly if they need to maintain other people's code.
Finally, C++ programmers need to be able to write code that's easy for other people to use. Can they design stuff well?
A good test for the first two areas is "Here's some C++ code I got off the internet. Find the bugs, and identify the unneccessary bits." (There's lots of really bad C++ code available on the internet, and often the programmer does unnecessary things due to a faulty understanding of how to be "safe" in C++.)
The last area you can test with more generic interview questions.
A few questions can allow you to know a lot about a candidate:
Differences between a pointer and a reference, when would you use each?
Why would you make a destructor virtual?
Where is the construction order of a class attributes defined?
Copy constructor and operator=. When would you implement them? When would you make them private?
When would you use smart pointers? what things would you take into account to decide which?
Where else have you seen RAII idiom?
When would you make a parameter const? when a method?
When would you make an attribute mutable?
What is virtual inheritance?
What is template specialization?
What are traits?
What are policies?
What is SFINAE?
What do you know about C++Ox standard?
What boost libraries have you used?
What C++ books have you read? (Sutter? Alexandrescu?)
Some short exercises (no more than 10 minutes) about STL containers, memory management, slicing, etc. would also be useful. I would allow him to do it in a computer with a ready environment. It's important to observe the agility.
Checkout Joel's Guerrilla guide to interviewing. Seems a lot like what you are looking for.
"Write a program that receives 3 integers in the range of 0..2^32-1, and validates if they represent valid edges of a triangle".
It seems to be a simple question. The input is considered valid if the sum of any two edges is greater than the third edge. However, there are some pitfalls, that a good programmer will handle:
The correct type to use should be unsigned long. Many "programmers" will fail here.
Zero values should be considered as non-valid.
Overflow should be avoided: "if (a+b <= c) return false" is problematic since a+b may cause an overflow.
if (a <= c-b) is also bad solution since c-b may be negative. Not a good thing for unsigned types.
if (c > b) { if (a <= c-b) return false; } else { if (a <= b-c) return false; } This looks much better, but it will not work correctly if (a >= b+c).
A good programmer must be detail oriented. This simple exercise will help checking if he is.
Depending on what your organisation's pre-screening is like, assume that the person knows nothing at all about C++ and has just put in on their CV because it makes them look supertechnical. Seriously. Start with something simple, like reversing a string. I have had candidates who couldn't even write a function prototype for this !!
Do not forget to also test for code bigotry. I know I don't want anyone working for or with me that isn't a flexible and consequently practical programmer both in their attitude to the programming language, but also in their approach to problem solving.
Denying any type of preconceptions
Understanding the value of the
exceptions in any Best Practices
Being capable of refusing long term
habits in favor of something else if
the need arises
These are characteristics dear to me. The manner of testing for these is not ideal if the interviews aren't lengthy or don't involve presenting code. But showing code snippets with purposely debatable techniques while offering a use case scenario and asking the candidate how they feel about the solution is one way.
This article offers some general ideas that are relevant regardless of what language you're working with.
Don't test only the C++ and overall technical skills! Those are of course important, but they are nothing if people don't listen, don't answer properly or don't follow the commitments they made.
Check at most for the ability to clearly communicate. If people cant tell you what roughly they did in their former jobs within a few minutes, they will also be unable to report about their work at your place etc.
In a recent company we invited people for interviews in groups of about 3 people together. They were surprised, but nobody was angry about that. It was very interesting, because people had to communicate not only with us, but also with others in the same position. In case we were interested further, we arranged a second interview.
You can choose potentially problematic task and see how they approach it. Ask them to write a smart pointer for example, you'll see if they understand pointers, references and templates in one step :) Usually they are stressed so they will do mistakes, those mistakes might help you find out how good they problem solving skills are, what paths would they use to fix a mistake and so on. The only problem with this approach is that sometimes interviewee just don't know anything about the task and you would have to quickly figure out something easier. If they do perfect code you can discuss their choices but when there's nothing to look at it is depressing for both of you.
Here is my answer to a similar question geared towards C#, but notice that my answer is language agnostic. My interview question is, in fact, in C. I rarely interview a person with the goal of finding out if they can program. I want to find out if they can think, problem solve, collaborate, communicate, understand something new, and so on. In the meantime, I circle around trying to see if they "get it" in terms of the big picture of software engineering. I use programming questions because that's a common basis and an easy ruse.
Get to screen out non-programming programmers, this will get you a limited number of mostly reasoable candidates. Sit for an hour with each of them and try to build something together (a micro web server, a script for processing some of your data, a simple GUI). Pay attention to communication skills, i.e. how much effort does it take to understand the candidate. Ask the candidate for recommendation of books related to the subject (C++ software development in your case). Follow Guerilla Guide to Interviewing, i.e. answer yourself honestly, if the person is smart and gets things done. Good luck.
Check 10 C++ Interview Questions by Tests4Geeks.
It's an addition to their pre-interview C++ test and it has really usefull questions. Many people have been working on these interview questions so it's quite balanced and has no tricky or syntax questions.
Idea is quite simple - first you weed out incompetent candidates using the test, then you use article questions in real-life interview.
Whatever you do, pairing would be a good idea. Come up with a good program and pair with the guy and work towards solving the problem. IMHO, that a very good idea
So has anybody got any suggestions?
I'd recommend getting a copy of this:
ie it doesn't matter whether they get the right answers or not its how they approach the problem that interests me
You could ask the candidate to come up with a UML design to a common problem. If they show you a design pattern, then you can talk through the pros/cons of the pattern. You could then ask them to produce some code for one of the classes.
This would help you determine their technical knowledge level and their communication abilities.
I do care that they have a good solid understanding of pointers as well as understanding the under lying differences between pointers and references
Linked list problems are good for determining whether a candidate has a solid grasp of pointers.
As for references, you could show them some code that does not use references correctly, and ask them to describe the problem.
e.g show them a class definition that contains a reference member variable, and the implementation of the constructor with the reference initialization missing.
I would also love to see how they approach optimisation of a given problem because solid fast code is a must, in my opinion.
I'd start off simple...
Show them a code example that passes strings to a function by value. (the strings should not be modified in the function). You should check they correct the code to pass the strings by const reference.
After this, you could show a constructor that uses assignment instead of initialization (for objects). Ask them to improve it.
Lastly, ask them simple questions about data structure selection.
e.g. When they should use a list rather than a vector.
If you feel they have a grasp of the fundamentals you could either ask how they approach optimization problems (discuss profilers etc), or ask them to optimize something less obvious.
Take a look into this C++ test. They have a questions about differences between pointers and references as you require.
Here is full list of topics:
Fundamentals: References & Pointers, Const Correctness, Explicit
Standard Library
Class Design, Overloading
Virtual Functions, Polymorphism, Inheritance
Memory Management, Exception Safety
Miscellaneous: Perfect Forwarding, Auto, Flow Control, Macros
These guys are really serious about their questions, they also made the great list of C++ interview question which you might ask your candidates:

Comments in source code [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How to keep the source code well documented/commented? Is there a tool to generate a skeleton for comments on the Unix platform for C++?
In general, how many lines of comments is recommended for a file with around 100 lines of code?
Generally, it's best to let the code itself explain what it does, whereas the comments are there to describe why it's like that. There is no number to stick to. If your 100 lines speak for themselves, don't comment at all or just provide a summary at the beginning. If there is some knowledge involved that's beyond what the code does, explain it in a comment.
If you're code is too complicated to explain itself, then that may be a reason to refactor.
This way, when you change the implementation you don't need to change the comments as well, as your comments do not duplicate the code. Since the reasons for the design seldom change it's safe to document them in comments for clarity.
Personally I think skeleton comments are a horrible, horrible idea. I understand that sometimes it's nice to save couple of keystrokes and perhaps get argument signatures in comment... but resulting n+1 empty useless comments (when editor has added boilerplates and coder has left them as is) are just more irritating.
I do think comments are needed, at any rate -- if only code one writes is too trivial to ned explanation, chances are code in question is useless (i.e. could have been automated and needn't be hand-written). I tend to comment my code reasonably well because I have learnt that usually I need it myself first. That others can use them is just an added bonus.
In general, how many lines of comments is recommended for a file with around 100 lines of code?
Enough to make your intent clear and to explain any unfamiliar idioms used. There's no rule of thumb, because no two 100 lines of code are the same.
For example, in C#, a property can be given setters and getters like this:
public int ID { get; set; }
Now I hadn't even seen any C# until I joined StackOverflow two weeks ago, but that needs no comment even for me. Commenting that with
// accessor and setter for ID property
would just be noise. Similarly,
for( int i = m ; i < n; ++i) { // "loop from m to n" is a pointless comment
char* p = getP() ; // set p to getP, pure noise.
if( p ) // if p does not eqaul null, pure noise
int a &= 0x3; // a is bitwise or'd with 0x303, pure noise
// mask off all but two least significant bits,
//less noisy but still bad
// get remainder of a / 4, finally a useful comment
Again, any competent coder can read the code to see what it's doing. Any coder with basic experience knows that if( p ) is a common idiom for if( p != 0), which doesn't need explaining. But no one can read your intent unless you comment it.
Comment what you're trying to do, your reason for doing it, not what the code is plainly doing.
On edit: you'll note that after 11 days, no one has commented on intentional error in one of my example comments. That just underscores that that comment is pure noise.
I think this question has a lot of good relevant answers for a similar question: Self-documenting code
As for tools for creating comments, it depends on the editor you're using and the platform. Visual studio automatically creates space for comments, at least it does for C# sometimes. There are also tools that use comments to generate documentation. As for lines counts, I think that's irrelevant. Be as concise and clear as possible.
I think a good guideline is to comment every class and method with a general description of what each is for, especially if you are using an HTML documentation generation tool. Other than that, I try to keep comments to a minimum - only comment code that could potentially be confusing, or require interpretation of intent. Try to write your code in a way that doesn't require comments.
I don't think there is really a metric that you can apply to comments/lines of code, it just depends on the code.
My personal ideal is to write enough commentary so that reading just the comments explains how and why a function is intended to be used. How it works, should usually come out from well chosen variable names and clear implementation.
One way to achieve that, at least on the comment side, is to use a tool such as Doxygen from the beginning. Start coding each new function by writing the comment describing what it is for and how it should be used.
Get Doxygen configured well, have document generation included as a build step, and read the resulting documentation.
The only comment template that might be helpful would be one that sketches in the barest beginning of the Doxygen comment block, but even that might be too much. You want the generated documentation to explain what is important without cluttering it with worthless placeholder text that will never get rewritten.
This is a subject which can be taken to extremes (like many things these days). Enforcing a strong policy sometimes can risk devaluing the exercise (i.e. comments for comment's sake) most of the time, IMHO.
Sometimes an overreaching policy makes sense (e.g. "all public functions must have comment blocks") with exceptions - why bother for generated code?
Commenting should come naturally - should compliment readble code alongside meaningful variable, property and function names (etc).
I don't think there is a useful or accurate measurement of X comments per Y lines of code. You will likely get a good sense of balance through peer reviews (e.g. "this code here should have a comment explaining it's purpose").
I'm not sure about auto-comment tools for C/C++ but the .Net equivalent would have to be GhostDoc. Again, these tools only help define a comment structure - meaning still needs to be added by a developer, or someone who has to interpret the point of the code or design.
Commenting code is essential if your auto generating your documentation (we use doxygen). Otherwise it's best to keep it to a minimum.
We use a skeleton for every method in the .cpp file.
/// #brief
/// #details
/// #param
/// #return
/// #sa
but this is purely due to our documentation needs
The rules I try to follow:
write code that is auto-documented: nice and clear variable names,
resist the temptation of clever hacks, etc. This advice depends a
lot on the programming language you use: it is is much easier to
follow with Python than with C.
comment at the beginning to guide the reader so that they know
immediately what they are to expect.
comment what is not obvious from the code. If you had trouble
writing a piece of code, it may mean it desserves a comment.
the API of a library is a special case: it requires
documentation (and to put it in the code is often a good idea,
especially with tools like Doxygen). Just do
not confuse this documentation intended for users with the one
which will be useful for the maintainers of the library.
comment what cannot be in the code, such as policy requirments that
explain why things are the way they are.
comment background information such a the reference to a scientific
article which describes the clever algorithm you use, or the RFC
standardizing the network protocol you implement.
comment the hacks! Everyone is sometimes forced to use hacks or
workarounds but be nice for the future maintainer, comment it. Read
"Technical debt".
And don't comment the rest. Quantitative rules like "20 % of the lines
must be comments" are plainly stupid and clearly intended only for
I'm not aware of any tool but I feel it's always good to have some comments in the code if it is to be maintained by someone else in the future. At least, it's good to have header blocks for classes and methods detailing what the class is meant for and what the method does. But yes, it is good to keep the comments as minimal as possible.
I prefer to use comments to explain
what a class\function is intended to do,
what it is not supposed to do,
any assumptions I make that the users of the class\function should adhere to.
For the users of vi editor the following plug-in is very helpful. We can define templates for class comments, function comments etc.
csupport plug in
There are no good rules in terms of comment/code ratios. It totally depends on the complexity of your code.
I do follow one (and only one) rule with respect to comments (I like to stay flexible).
The code show how things are done, the comments show what is done.
Some code doesn't need comments at all, due to it's obviousness: this can often be achieved by use of good variable names. Mostly, I'll comment a function then comment major blocks withing the function.
I consider this bad:
// Process list by running through the whole list,
// processing each node within the list.
void processList (tNode *s) {
while (s != NULL) { // Run until reached end of list.
processNode (s); // Process the node.
s = s->nxt; // Move to next node.
since all you're doing there is writing the code thrice. I would prefer something like:
// Process list (or rest of list if you pass a non-start node).
void processList (tNode *currentNode) {
// Run through the list, processing each node.
while (currentNode != NULL) {
processNode (currentNode);
currentNode = currentNode->nextNode;
You guys may argue about but i realy believe in it:
Usually , You don't have to write comments. Simply as that. The code has to be written in such way that is explain itself , if it doesn't explain itself and you have to write comments , then something is wrong.
There are however some exceptional cases:
You have to write something that is VERY cryptic to gain performence. So here you may need to write some explanation.
You provide a library to some other group/company , It is better you document its API.
There are too many novice programemers in your organization.
I wouldn't be so rude to say that comments are excuse for badly programmed code like some people above, nor to say you don't need them.
It also depends on your editor and how do you like to see your code in it, and how would you like others to do that.
For instance, I like to create regions in C#. Regions are named collapsable areas of code, in some way commented code containers. That way, when I look at the editor, I actually look at pseudo code.
#region Connect to the database
// ....
#region Prepare tables
#region Cache tables ...
#region Fix column names ...
This kind of code is more readable then anything else I know but ofcourse, it needs editor supporing custom folding with names. (like Visual Studio editor, VIM... ). Somebody will say that you can achieve the similar if you put regions into procedures but first, you can't always do that, second, you have to jump to the procedure to see its code. If you simply set hotkies to open/collapse the region you can quickly see the code in it while scrolling and reading text and generally quickly move over the hierarchy of regions.
About line comments, it would be good to write code that autodocuments itself, but unfortunatelly, this can't be said in generall. This ofcourse depends on projects, its domain and its complexity.
As a last note, I fully suggest in-code documentation via portable and language indepent tool, like for instance NaturalDocs that can be made to work with any language around with natural syntax that doesn't include XML or any kind of special formating (hence the name) plus it doesn't need to be installed more then once.
And if there is a guy that don't like comments, he can always remove them using some simple tool. I even integrated such tool in my editor and comments are gone via simple menu click. So, comments can't harm the code in any way that can't be fixed very fast.
I say that generally comments are a bad smell. But inline code documentation is great. I've elaborated more on the subject over at
Why Comments are Bad
I concur with everyone about self-documenting code. And I also agree about the need for special comments when it comes to documentation generation. A short comment at the top of each method/class is useful, especially if your IDE can use it for tooltips in code completion (like Visual Studio).
Another reason for comments that I don't see mentioned here is in type-unsafe languages like JavaScript or PHP. You can specify data types that way, although hungarian notation can help there as well (one of the rare cases for using it properly, I think).
Also, tools like PHPLint can use some special type-related comments to check your code for type-safety.
There are no metrics you can sensibly use for comments. You should never say x lines of code must have y comments, because then you will end up with silly useless comments that simply restate code, and these will degrade the quality of your code.
100 lines of code should have as few comments as possible.
Personally, having used them in the past, I'd not use things like doxygen to document internal code to the extent of every function and every parameter needing tagged descriptions because with well factored code you have many functions and with good names, most often these tagged descriptions don't say any more than the parameter name itself.
My opinion - comments in source code is evil. Code should be self documented. Developers usually forget about reading and updating them.
As sad Martin Fowler: "if you need comment for lines block - just make new function" (this not quote - this phrase as I remember it).
It will be better to keep separated documentation for utility modules, basic principles of your project, organization of libraries, some algorithms and design ideas.
Almost forget: I was used code comments once. It was MFC/COM - project and I leave links from MSDN howto articles near non-trivial solutions/workarounds.
100 lines of source code - should be understandable if not - it should be separated or reorganized on few functions - which will be more understandable.
Is there a tool to generate a skeleton
for comments on the Unix platform for
Vim have plugins for inserting doxygen comments template, if you really need this.
Source code should always be documented where needed. People have argued for what and what not to document. However I wanted to attribute with one more note.
Let's say I have implemented a method that return a/b
So as the programmer I am a great citizen, and I will hint the user what to expect.
* Will return 0 if b is 0, to prevent the world from exploding.
float divide(float a, float b) {
if (b == 0) return 0;
return a/b;
I know, this is pretty obvious that nobody would ever create such a method. But this can be reflected to other issues, where users of an API can't figure out what a function expects.