Thread Building Block versus MPI, which one fits mt need better? - c++

Now I have a serial solver in C++ for solving optimization problems and I am supposed to parallelize my solver with different parameters to see whether it can help improve the performance of the solver. Now I am not sure whther I should use TBB or MPI. From a TBB book I read, I feel TBB is more suitable for looping or fine-grained code. Since I do not have much experience with TBB, I feel it is difficult to divide my code to small parts in order to realize the parallelization. In addition, from the literature, I find many authors used MPI to parallel several solvers and make it cooperate. I guess maybe MPI fits my need more. Since I do not have much knowledge on either TBB or MPI. Anyone can tell me whether my feeling is right? Will MPI fit me better? If so, what material is good for start learning MPI. I have no experience with MPI and I use Windows system and c++. Thanks a lot.

The basic thing you need to have in mind is to choose between shared-memory and distributed-memory.
Shared-memory is when you have more than one process (normally more than one thread within a process) that can access a common memory. This can be quite fine-grained and it is normally simpler to adapt a single-threaded program to have several threads. You will need to design the program in a way that the threads work most of the time in separate parts of the memory (exploit data parallelism) and that the shared part is protected against concurrent accesses using locks.
Distributed-memory means that you have different processes that might be executed in one or several distributed computers but these process have together a common goal and share data through message-passing (data communication). There is no common memory space and all the data one process need from another process will require communication.
It is a more general approach but, because of communication requirements, it requires coarse grains.
TBB is a library support for thread-based shared-memory parallelism while MPI is a library for distributed-memory parallelism (it has simple primitives for communication and also scripts for several processes in different nodes execution).
The most important thing is for you to identify the parallelisms within your solver and then choose the best solution. Do you have data parallelism (different thread/processes could be working in parallel in different chunks of data without the need of communication or sharing parts of this data)? Task parallelism (different threads/processes could be performing a different transformation to your data or a different step in the data processing in a pipeline or graph fashion)?


Ways to process data which is coming at double speed than my processing speed

I was asked this question my someone and bit confused on same.
Q: how will you process the data which is coming at double speed than my processing speed?
I think of following:
using queue to handle this. But if I use simply queue then size of
queue required will be indefinetly large and i will still lag
behind. As every t time i will have half more data that I can
process. and I will keep laging exponentially.
I use one thread for reading data and two more for processing. But
suppose my data has to be processed serially then what happens.
Am still confused and any help on similar problems will be welcomed. I know there might be a standard solution for this but am unaware of same.
I would like to implement in c/c++
Short answer: you'll need some kind of parallel processing. It's not easy.
Long answer: Depending on your workload requirements, and whether the bottleneck is in IO or in CPU, it might simply be multithreading on a single core, or on a multicore processor, or on a shared memory multiprocessor or even distributed between multiple nodes. It can be just a matter of distributing and balancing your work between the worker units, if the problem is simple enough (embarrasingly parallel) or you'll need to explicitly do some parallel programming. There are fundamentally two parallel programming models: OpenMP, for multithreading in multicore systems with shared memory (either symmetric or non-uniform access); and MPI, for distributed processing in a low-latency high-bandwidth network. To complicate even further, OpenMP and MPI might perfectly run together, in a hybrid parallel programming runtime environment: OpenMP distributes and coordinates the parallel compute load between the cores on each node, and MPI does it between the nodes. Be aware, it is very tough work.

Using IPC as a multithread substitute?

I was wondering if you could theoretically utilise more than one core of of a processor to complete tasks quicker by using inter process communication instead of multithreading.
Say for instance a game engine. You have one executable processing ai and physics, then another handling the sound and rendering.
Maybe there could be shared memory that the physics and ai results get written to, that the renderer then could use to output the graphics.
What do you think? Ridiculous idea or feasible?
Thank you for your time.
Edit: the engine does not exist, it's just an example. Basically I'm asking if two or more programs can work together if any tasks can be parallelized.
Basically I'm asking if two or more programs can work together if any tasks can be parallelized.
Yes, the idea isn't flawed in principle.
That being said, creating a thread and creating a process vary on different OSes in terms of overhead; Windows processes are very expensive to create, while Linux ones are pretty much free.
One advantage of separating the processes is that when one of them crashes, the others aren't impacted and it can be restarted. You can also more easily push the calculations to another machine across the network. However, synchronizing threads will probably be easier and more performant in most cases.

Message passing interface on shared memory systems performance

As I know there is two way for parallel processing Message passing interface and multi threading. Multi threading can not be used for distributed memory systems without message passing interface; but message passing interface can be used for either systems "shared memory" and "distributed memory". My question is about performance of a code that is parallelized with MPI and ran on shared memory system. Is the performance of this code in the same range of a code that is parallelized with multi threading?
My job is in the for that processes need to communicate with each other in repeatedly and the communication array can be 200*200 matrix
The answer is: it depends. MPI proceses are predominantly separate OS processes and communication between them occurs with some sort of shared memory IPC techniques when the communicating processes run on the same shared-memory node. Being separate OS processes, MPI processes in general do not share data and sometimes data has to be replicated in each process which leads to less than optimal memory usage. On the other hand threads can share lots of data and can benefit from cache reusage, especially on multicore CPUs that have large shared last-level caches (e.g. the L3 cache on current generation x86 CPUs). Cache reusage when combined with more lightweight methods for data exchange between threads (usually just synchronisation since work data is already shared) can lead to better performance than the one achievalbe by separate processes.
But once again - it depends.
Let's assume we only consider MPI and OpenMP, since they are the two major representatives of the two parallel programming families you mention. For distributed systems, MPI is the only option between different nodes. Within a single node, however, as you well say, you can still use MPI and use OpenMP too. Which one will perform better really depends on the application you are running, and specifically in its computation/communication ratio. Here you can see a comparison of MPI and OpenMP for a multicore processor, where they confirm the same observation.
You can go a step further and use a hybrid approach. Use MPI between the nodes and then use OpenMP within nodes. This is called hybrid MPI+OpenMP parallel programming. You can also apply this within a node that contains a hybrid CMP+SMT processor.
You can check some information here and here. Moreover this paper compares an MPI approach vs a hybrid MPI+OpenMP one.
In my opinion, they're simply better at different jobs. The Actor model is great at asynchronously performing many different tasks at different times, whereas the OpenMP/TBB/PPL model is great for performing one task in parallel very simply and reliably.

What are the recommended C++ parallelization libraries for large data processing

Can some one recommend approaches to parallelize in C++, when the data to be acted up on is huge. I have been reading about openMP and Intel's TBB for parallelization in C++, but have not experimented with them yet. Which of these is better for parallel data processing ? Any other libraries/ approaches ?
"large" and "data processing" cover a lot of ground here, and it's hard to give a sensible answer without more information.
If the data processing is "embarrassingly parallel" -- if it involves doing lots and lots of calculations that are completely independant of each other -- then there's a million things that will work and it's just a matter of finding something that matches your code and background.
If it isn't embarrasingly parallel, but nearly so - the computations take a big chunk of data but just distill it into a handfull of numbers - there's fewer, but still lots of options.
If the calculation is more tightly coupled than this - where you need the processors to work on tandem on big chunks of data then you're probably stuck with the standbys - the OpenMP features of your compiler if it will work on a single machine (there's TBB, too, but usually for number crunching OpenMP is faster and easier) or MPI if it needs several machines simultaneously. You mentioned C++; Boost has a very nice MPI layer.
But thinking about which library to use for parallelization is probably thinking about the wrong end of the problem first. In many cases, you don't necessarily need to deal with these layers directly. If the number crunching involves lots of linear algebra (for instance), then PLASMA (for multicore machines - ) or PetSC, which has support for distributed memory machines, eg, multiple computers ( ) are good choices, which can completely hide the actual details of the parallel implementation from you. Other sorts of techniques have other libraries, too. It's probably best to think about what sort of analysis you need to do, and look to see if existing toolkits have the amount of parallization you need. Only once you've determined the answer is no should you start to worry about how to roll your own.
Both OpenMP and Intel TBB are for local use as they help in writing multithreaded applications.
If you have truly huge datasets, you may need to split load over several machines -- and then libraries like Open MPI for parallel programming with MPI come into play. Open MPI has a C++ interface, but you now also face a networking component and some administrative issues you do not have with a single computer.
MPI is also useful on a single local machine. It will run a job across multiple cores/CPUs, while this is probably overkill compared to threading it does mean you can move the job to a cluster with no changes. Most MPI implementations also optimize a local job to use shared memory instead of TCP for data connections.

how to use quad core CPU in application

For using all the cores of a quad core processor what do I need to change in my code is it about adding support of multi threading or is it which is taken care by OS itself. I am having FreeBSD and language I am using is C++. I want to give complete CPU cycles to my application at least 90%.
You need some form of parallelism. Multi-threading or multi-processing would be fine.
Usually, multiple threads are easier to handle (since they can access shared data) than multiple processes. However, usually, multiple threads are harder to handle (since they access shared data) than multiple processes.
And, yes, I wrote this deliberately.
If you have a SIMD scenario, Ninefingers' suggestion to look at OpenMP is also very good. (If you don't know what SIMD means, see Ninefingers' helpful comment below.)
For multi-threaded applications in C++ may I suggest Boost.Thread which should help you access the full potential of your quad-core machine.
As for changing your code, you might want to consider making things as immutable as possible. State transitions between threads are much more difficult to debug. There a plethora of things that could potentially happen in unexpected ways. See this SO thread.
Another option not mentioned here, threading aside, is the use of OpenMP available via the -fopenmp and the libgomp library, both of which I have installed on my FreeBSD 8 system.
These give you #pragma directives to parallelise certain loops, while statements etc i.e. the bits you can parallelise. It takes care of threading and cpu association for you. Note it is a general solution and therefore might not be the optimum way to parallelise, but it will allow you to parallelise certain routines.
Take a look at this:
As for using threads/processes themselves, certain routines and ways of working lend themselves to it. Can you break tasks out into such a way? Does it make sense to fork() your process or create a thread? If so, do so, but if not, don't try to force your application to be multi-threaded just because. An example I usually give is the greatest common divisor algorithm - it relies on the step before all the time in the traditional implementation therefore is difficult to make parallel.
Also note it is well known that for certain algorithms, parallelisation is actually slower for small values of whatever you are doing in parallel, because although the jobs complete more quickly, the associated time cost of forking and joining (be that threads or processes) actually pushes the time above that of a serial implementation.
I think your only option is to run several threads. If your application is single-threaded, then it will only run on one of the cores (at a time), but if you have more threads, they can run simultaneously.
You need to add support to your application for parallelism through the use of Threading.
Once you have support for parallelism, it's up to the OS to assign your threads to CPU cores.
The first thing I think you should look at is whether your application and its algorithms are suited to be executed in parellel (or possibly as a set of serial tasks that can be processed independently). If this is not the case, it will be difficult to multithread it or break it up into parallel processes, and you may need to look into modifying the way it works.
Once you have established that you will be able to benefit from parallel processing you have the option to either use several processes or threads. The choice depends a lot on the nature of your application and how independent the parallel processes can be. It is easier to coordinate and share data between threads since they are in the same process, but also quite a bit more challenging to develop and debug.
Boost.Thread is a good library if you decide to go down the multi-threaded route.
I want to give complete CPU cycles to my application at least 90%.
Why? Your chip's not hot enough?
Seriously, it takes world experts dozens if not hundreds of hours to parallelize and load-balance an application so that it uses 90% of all four cores. Your CPU is already paid for and it costs the same whether you use it or not. (Actually, it costs slightly less to run, electrically speaking, if you don't use it.) How much is your time worth? How many hours are you willing to invest in order to make more effective use of a resource that may have cost you $300 and is probably sitting idle most of the time anyway?
It's possible to get speedups through parallelism, but it's expensive in human time. You need a good reason to justify it. (Learning how is a good enough reason.)
All the good books I know on parallel programming are for languages other than C++, and for good reason. If you want interesting stuff on parallelism check out Implicit Parallel Programmin in pH or Concurrent Programming in ML or the Fortress Project.