storage of user, error, exception messages (c++) - c++

Rather simple question.
Where should I store error,exception, user messages?
By far, I always declared local strings inside the function where it is going to be invoked and did not bother.
std::string str1("message1");
std::string str2("message2");
std::string str3("message3");
// some code
Suddenly I realized that since construction & initialization are called each time and it might be quite expensive. Would it be better to store them as static strings in class or even in a separate module?
Localization is not the case here.
Thanks in advance.

Why not just use a string constant when you need it?
/* ... */
throw std::runtime_error("The foo blortched the baz!");
/* ... */
Alternately, you can use static const std::strings. This is appropriate if you expect to copy them to a lot of other std::strings, and your C++ implementation does copy-on-write:
static const std::string str_quux("quux"); // initialized once, at program start
xyz.someMember = str_quux; // might not require an allocation+copy
If you expect to make lots of copies of these strings, and you don't have copy-on-write (or can't rely on it being present), you might want to look into using boost::flyweight.

TBH its probably best to ONLY construct error messages when they are needed (ie if something goes badly wrong who cares if you get a slowdown). If the messages are always going to appear then its probably best to define them statically to avoid the fact that they will be initialised each time. Generally, though, I only display user messages in debug mode so its quite easy to not show them if you are trying to do a performance build. I then only construct them when they are needed.


Function to call #include macro from a string variable argument?

Is it possible to have a function like this:
const char* load(const char* filename_){
#include filename_
so you wouldn't have to hardcode the #include file?
Maybe with a some macro?
I'm drawing a blank, guys. I can't tell if it's flat out not possible or if it just has a weird solution.
Also, the ideal is to have this as a compile time operation, otherwise I know there's more standard ways to read a file. Hence thinking about #include in the first place.
This is absolutely impossible.
The reason is - as Justin already said in a comment - that #include is evaluated at compile time.
To include files during run time would require a complete compiler "on board" of the program. A lot of script languages support things like that, but C++ is a compiled language and works different: Compile and run time are strictly separated.
You cannot use #include to do what you want to do.
The C++ way of implementing such a function is:
Find out the size of the file.
Allocate memory for the contents of the file.
Read the contents of the file into the allocated memory.
Return the contents of the file to the calling function.
It will better to change the return type to std::string to ease the burden of dealing with dynamically allocated memory.
std::string load(const char* filename)
std::string contents;
// Open the file
std::ifstream in(filename);
// If there is a problem in opening the file, deal with it.
if ( !in )
// Problem. Figure out what to do with it.
// Move to the end of the file.
in.seekg(0, std::ifstream::end);
auto size = in.tellg();
// Allocate memory for the contents.
// Add an additional character for the terminating null character.
// Rewind the file.
// Read the contents
auto n =, size);
if ( n != size )
// Problem. Figure out what to do with it.
contents[size] = '\0';
return contents;
Using a terminating null character in the returned object is necessary only if you need to treat the contents of the returned object as a null terminated string for some reason. Otherwise, it maybe omitted.
I can't tell if it's flat out not possible
I can. It's flat out not possible.
Contents of the filename_ string are not determined until runtime - the content is unknown when the pre processor is run. Pre-processor macros are processed before compilation (or as first step of compilation depending on your perspective).
When the choice of the filename is determined at runtime, the file must also be read at runtime (for example using a fstream).
Also, the ideal is to have this as a compile time operation
The latest time you can affect the choice of included file is when the preprocessor runs. What you can use to affect the file is a pre-processor macro:
#define filename_ "path/to/file"
// ...
#include filename_
it is theoretically possible.
In practice, you're asking to write a PHP construct using C++. It can be done, as too many things can, but you need some awkward prerequisites.
a compiler has to be linked into your executable. Because the operation you call "hardcoding" is essential for the code to be executed.
a (probably very fussy) linker again into your executable, to merge the new code and resolve any function calls etc. in both directions.
Also, the newly imported code would not be reachable by the rest of the program which was not written (and certainly not compiled!) with that information in mind. So you would need an entry point and a means of exchanging information. Then in this block of information you could even put pointers to code to be called.
Not all architectures and OSes will support this, because "data" and "code" are two concerns best left separate. Code is potentially harmful; think of it as nitric acid. External data is fluid and slippery, like glycerine. And handling nitroglycerine is, as I said, possible. Practical and safe are something completely different.
Once the prerequisites were met, you would have two or three nice extra functions and could write:
void *load(const char* filename, void *data) {
// some "don't load twice" functionality is probably needed
void *code = compile_source(filename);
if (NULL == code) {
// a get_last_compiler_error() would be useful
return NULL;
if (EXIT_SUCCESS != invoke_code(code, data)) {
// a get_last_runtime_error() would also be useful
return NULL;
// it is now the caller's responsibility to release the code.
return code;
And of course it would be a security nightmare, with source code left lying around and being imported into a running application.
Maintaining the code would be a different, but equally scary nightmare, because you'd be needing two toolchains - one to build the executable, one embedded inside said executable - and they wouldn't necessarily be automatically compatible. You'd be crying loud for all the bugs of the realm to come and rejoice.
What problem would be solved?
Implementing require_once in C++ might be fun, but you thought it could answer a problem you have. Which is it exactly? Maybe it can be solved in a more C++ish way.
A better alternative, considering also performances etc., to compile a loadable module beforehand, and load it at runtime.
If you need to perform small tunings to the executable, place parameters into an external configuration file and provide a mechanism to reload it. Once the modules conform to a fixed specification, you can even provide "plugins" that weren't available when the executable was first developed.

How to prevent a function from being called from certain sections of code?

I'm implementing a helper class which has a number of useful functions which will be used in a large number of classes. However, a few of them are not designed to be called from within certain sections of code (from interrupt functions, this is an embedded project).
However, for users of this class the reasons why some functions are allowed while others are prohibited from being called from interrupt functions might not be immediately obvious, and in many cases the prohibited functions might work but can cause very subtle and hard to find bugs later on.
The best solution for me would be to cause a compiler error if the offending function is called from a code section it shouldn't be called from.
I've also considered a few non-technical solutions, but a technical one would be preferred.
Indicate it in the documentation with a warning. Might be easily missed, especially when the function seems obvious, like read_byte(), why would anyone study the documentation whether the function is reentrant or not?
Indicate it in the function's name. Ugly. Who likes function names like read_byte_DO_NOT_CALL_FROM_INTERRUPT() ?
Have a global variable in a common header, included in each and every file, which is set to true at the beginning of each interrupt, set to false at the end, and the offending functions check it at their beginning, and exit if it's set. Problem: interrupts might interrupt each other. Also, it doesn't cause compile-time warnings or errors.
Similar to #3, have a global handler with a stack, so that nested interrupts can be handled. Still has the problem of only working at runtime and it also adds a lot of overhead. Interrupts should not waste more than a clock cycle or two for this feature, if at all.
Abusing the preprocessor. Unfortunately, the naive way of a #define at the beginning and an #undef at the end of each interrupt, with an #ifdef at the beginning of the offending function doesn't work, because the preprocessor doesn't care about scope.
As interrupts are always classless functions, I could make the offending functions protected, and declare them as friends in all classes which use them. This way, it would be impossible to use them directly from within interrupts. As main() is classless, I'll have to place most of it into a class method. I don't like this too much, as it can become needlessly complicated, and the error it generates is not obvious (so users of this function might encapsulate them to "solve" the problem, without realizing what the real problem was). A compiler or linker error message like "ERROR: function_name() is not to be used from within an interrupt" would be much more preferable.
Checking the interrupt registers within the function has several issues. In a large microcontroller there are a lot of registers to check. Also, there is a very small but dangerous chance of a false positive when an interrupt flag is being set exactly one clock cycle before, so my function would fail because it thinks it was called from an interrupt, while the interrupt would be called in the next cycle. Also, in nested interrupts, the interrupt flags are cleared, causing a false negative. And finally, this is yet another runtime solution.
I did play with some very basic template metaprogramming a while ago, but I'm not that experienced with it to find a very simple and elegant solution. I would rather try other ways before committing myself to try to implement a template metaprogramming bloatware.
A solution working with only features available in C would also be acceptable, even preferable.
Some comments below. As a warning, they won't be fun reading, but I won't do you a service by not pointing out what's wrong here.
If you are calling external functions from inside an ISR, no amount of documentation or coding will help you. Since in most cases, it is bad practice to do so. The programmer must know what they are doing, or no amount of documentation or coding mechanisms will save the program.
Programmers do not design library functions specifically for the purpose of getting called from inside an ISR. Rather, programmers design ISR:s with all the special restrictions that come with an ISR in mind: make sure interrupt flags are cleared correctly, keep the code short, do not call external functions, do not block the MCU longer than necessary, consider re-entrancy, consider dangerous compiler optimizations (use volatile). A person who does not know this is not competent enough to write ISRs.
If you actually have a function int read_byte(int address) then this suggests that the program design is bad to begin with. This function could do one of two things:
Either it can read a byte some some peripheral hardware, in which case the function name is very bad and should be changed.
Or it could read any generic byte from an address, in which case the function is 100% useless "bloatware". You can safely assume that a somewhat competent C programmer can read a byte from a memory address without some bloatware holding their hand.
In either case, int is not a byte. It is a word of 16 or 32 bits. The function should be returning uint8_t. Similarly, if the parameter passed is used to descibe a memory-mapped address of an MCU, it should either have type void*, uint8_t* or uintptr_t. Everything else is wrong.
Notably, if you are using int rather than stdint.h for embedded systems programming, then this whole discussion is the least of your problems, as you haven't even gotten the fundamental basics right. Your programs will be filled to the brim with undefined behavior and implicit promotion bugs.
Overall, all the solutions you suggest are simply not acceptable. The root of the problem here appears to be the program design. Deal with that instead of inventing ways to defend the broken design with horrible meta programming.
I would suggest option 8 & 9.
Peer reviews & assertions.
You state in the comments that your interrupt functions are short. If that's really the case, then reviewing them will be trivial. Adding comments in the header will make it so that anyone can see what's going on. On adding an assert, while you make it viable that debug builds will return the wrong result in error, it will also ensure that you you will catch any calls; and give you a fighting chance during testing to catch the problem.
Ultimately, the macro processing just won't work since the best you can do is catch if a header has been included, but if the callstack goes via another wrapper (that doesn't have comments) then you just can't catch that.
Alternatively you could make your helper a template, but then that would mean every wrapper around your helper would also have to be a template so that can know if you're in an interrupt routine... which will ultimately be your entire code base.
if you have one file for all interrupt routine then this might be helpful:
define one macro in class header ,say FORBID_INTERRUPT_ROUTINE_ACCESS.
and in interrupt handler file check for that macro definition :
#error : cannot access function from interrupt handlers.
if someone add header file for that class to use that class in interrupt handler then it will throw an error.
Note : you have to build target by specifying that warnings will be considered as error.
Here is the C++ template functions suggestion.
I don't think this is metaprogramming or bloatware.
First make 2 classes which will define the context which the user will be using the functions in:
class In_Interrupt_Handler;
class In_Non_Interrupt_Handler;
If You will have some common implementations between the 2 contexts, a Base class can be added:
class Handy_Base
static int Handy_protected() { return 0; }
static int Handy_public() { return 0; }
The primary template definition, without any implementations. The implemenations will be provided by the specialization classes:
template< class Is_Interrupt_Handler >
class Handy_functions;
And the specializations.
// Functions can be used when inside an interrupt handler
struct Handy_functions< In_Interrupt_Handler >
: Handy_Base
static int Handy1() { return 1; }
static int Handy2() { return 2; }
// Functions can be used when inside any function
struct Handy_functions< In_Non_Interrupt_Handler >
: Handy_Base
static int Handy1() { return 4; }
static int Handy2() { return 8; }
In this way if the user of the API wants to access the functions, the only way is by specifing what type of functions are needed.
Example of usage:
int main()
using IH_funcs = Handy_functions<In_Interrupt_Handler>;
std::cout << IH_funcs::Handy1() << '\n';
std::cout << IH_funcs::Handy2() << '\n';
using Non_IH_funcs = Handy_functions<In_Non_Interrupt_Handler>;
std::cout << Non_IH_funcs::Handy1() << '\n';
std::cout << Non_IH_funcs::Handy2() << '\n';
In the end I think the problem boils down to the developer using Your framework. And How much Your framework requires the devloper to boilerplate.
The above does not stop the developer calling the Non Interrupt Handler functions from inside an Interrupt Handler.
I think that type of analysis would require some type of static analysis checking system.

How do I treat string variables as actual code?

That probably wasn't very clear. Say I have a char *a = "reg". Now, I want to write a function that, on reading the value of a, instantiates an object of a particular class and names it reg.
So for example, say I have a class Register, and a separate function create(char *). I want something like this:
void create(char *s) //s == "reg"
//what goes here?
Register reg; // <- this should be the result
It should be reusable:
void create(char *s) //s == "second"
//what goes here?
Register second; // <- this should be the result
I hope I've made myself clear. Essentially, I want to treat the value in a variable as a separate variable name. Is this even possible in C/C++? If not, anything similar? My current solution is to hash the string, and the hash table would store the relevant Register object at that location, but I figured that was pretty unnecessary.
Variable names are compile-time artifacts. They don't exist at runtime. It doesn't make sense in C++ to create a dynamically-named variable. How would you refer to it?
Let's say you had this hypothetical create function, and wrote code like:
reg.value = 5;
This wouldn't compile, because the compiler doesn't know what reg refers to in the second line.
C++ doesn't have any way to look up variables at runtime, so creating them at runtime is a nonstarter. A hash table is the right solution for this. Store objects in the hash table and look them up by name.
This isn't possible. C++ does not offer any facilities to process code at runtime. Given the nature of a typical C++ implementation (which compiles to machine code ahead of time, losing all information about source code), this isn't even remotely feasible.
Like I said in my comment:
What's the point? A variable name is something the compiler, but -most importantly- you, the programmer, should care about. Once the application is compiled, the variable name could be whatever... it could be mangled and senseless, it doesn't matter anymore.
You read/write code, including var-names. Once compiled, it's down to the hardware to deal with it.
Neither C nor C++ have eval functions
Simply because: you only compile what you need, eval implies input later-on that may make no sense, or require other dependencies.
C/C++ are compiled ahead of time, eval implies evaluation at runtime. The C process would then imply: pre-process, compile and link the string, in such a way that it still is part of the current process...
Even if it were possible, eval is always said to be evil, that goes double for languages like the C family that are meant to run reliably, and are often used for time-critical operations. The right tool for the job and all that...
A HashTable with objects that have hash, key, Register, collision members is the sensible thing to do. It's not that much overhead anyway...
Still feel like you need this?
Look into the vast number of scripting languages that are out there. Perl, Python... They're all better suited to do this type of stuff
If you need some variable creation and lookup you can either:
Use one of the scripting languages, as suggested by others
Make the lookup explicitly, yourself. The simplest approach is by using a map, which would map a string to your register object. And then you can have:
std::map<const char*, Register*> table;
Register* create(const char* name) {
Register* r = new Register();
table[name] = r;
return r;
Register* lookup(const char* name) {
return table[name];
void destroy(const char* name) {
delete table[name];
Obviously, each time you want to access a variable created this way, you have to go through the call to lookup.

Which tool can list writing access to a specific variable in C?

Unfortunately I'm not even sure how this sort of static analysis is called. It's not really control flow analysis because I'm not looking for function calls and I don't really need data flow analysis because I don't care about the actual values.
I just need a tool that lists the locations (file, function) where writing access to a specific variable takes place. I don't even care if that list contained lines that are unreachable. I could imagine that writing a simple parser could suffice for this task but I'm certain that there must be a tool out there that does this simple analysis.
As a poor student I would appreciate free or better yet open source tools and if someone could tell me how this type of static analysis is actually called, I would be equally grateful!
EDIT: I forgot to mention there's no pointer arithmetic in the code base.
Why don't you make the variable const and then note down all the errors where your compiler bans write access?
Note: This won't catch errors where the memory underlying the variable is written to in some erroneous manner such as a buffer overrun.
EDIT: For example:
const int a = 1;
a = 2;
a = 3;
My compiler produces:
1>MyProg.c(46): error C3892: 'a' : you cannot assign to a variable that is const
1>MyProg.c(47): error C3892: 'a' : you cannot assign to a variable that is const
Do you mean something like this?
This works for C programs that you have made the effort to analyze with Frama-C's value analysis. It is Open Source and the dependency information is also available programmatically. As static analyzers go, it is rather on the “precise” side of the spectrum. It will work better if your target is embedded C code.
I am not sure such a tool could be written. Pointers can be used to change arbitary data in memory without having any reference to other variables pointing to that data. Think about functions like memset(), which change whole blocks of memory.
If you are not interested in these kind of mutations, you would still have to take transitive pointers into account. In C, you can have any number of pointers pointing to the same data, and you would have to analyze where copies of these pointers are made. And then these copies can be copied again, ...
So even in the "simple" case it would require quite a big amount of code analysis.

Which is more memory/performance efficient for static error strings, or are there alternatives?

I would like an opinion on what is the best way to handle static error strings in C++. I am currently using a number of constant char pointers, but they get unwieldy, and they are scatter every where in my code. Also should I be using static constant char pointers for these strings?
I was thinking about defines, hash tables, and INI files using the SimpleIni class for cross-platform compatibility. The project is an always running web server.
I would like to use error numbers or names to refer to them logically.
I am using the global space and methods contained in namespaced classes if that helps. The code is exported to C because of the environment if that helps as well.
There are several things in tension here, so let me please enumerate them:
centralization / modularity: it is normal to think about centralizing things, as it allows to easily check for the kind of error one should expect and recover an error from an approximate souvenir etc... however modularity asks that each module be able to introduce its new errors
error may happen during dynamic initialization (unless you ban code from running then, not easy to check), to circumvent the lifetime issue, it is better to only rely on objects that will be initialized during static initialization (this is the case for string literals, for example)
In general, the simplest thing I have seen was to use some integral constant to identify an error and then have a table on the side in which you could retrieve other information (potentially a lot of it). For example, Clang uses this system for its diagnosis. You can avoid repeating yourself by using the preprocessor at your advantage.
Use such a header:
ERROR(Code, "description") \
#define ERROR(Code, Desc) Code,
class enum ErrorCode: unsigned {
#undef ERROR
struct Error {
ErrorCode code;
char const* description;
Error const& error(ErrorCode ec);
And a simple source file to locate the array:
#define ERROR(Code, Desc) { Code, Desc },
Error const ErrorsArray[] = {
{ErrorCode::NumberOfElements, 0}
Error const& error(ErrorCode const ec) {
assert(unsigned(ec) < unsigned(ErrorCode::NumberOfElements) &&
"The error code must have been corrupted.");
return ErrorsArray[ec];
} // error
Note: the price of defining the macro in the header is that the slightest change of wording in a description implies a recompilation of all the code depending on the enum. Personally, my stuff builds much faster than its tested, so I don't care much.
This is quite an efficient scheme. As it respects DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) it also ensures that the code-description mapping is accurate. The ERROR macro can be tweaked to have more information than just a description too (category, etc...). As long as the Error type is_trivially_constructible, the array can be initialized statically which avoids lifetime issues.
Unfortunately though, the enum is not so good at modularity; and having each module sporting its own enum can soon get boring when it comes to dealing uniformly with the errors (the Error struct could use an unsigned code;).
More involved mechanisms are required if you wish to get beyond a central repository, but since it seemd to suit you I'll stop at mentioning this limitation.
First of all, you can check other related questions on stackoverflow. Here you have some:
C++ Error Handling -- Good Sources of Example Code?
Exceptions and error codes: mixing them the right way
Then have a look at this great tutorial on error handling (it is a five parts tutorial, but you can access all of them from that link). This is especially interesting if you are using C++11, since it provides many more features for error handling. Alternatively you could use boost if you cannot use C++11.
You also need to consider whether you want to include support for localization. If your application may present messages to the users in different languages, it is better if you include that requirement from the very beginning in the error management too. You can check Boost.Locale for that, for instance.
I'd keep it simple, in a header:
enum ErrorCode { E_help, E_wtf, E_uhoh };
const char* errstr(ErrorCode);
Then in some .c or .cc file:
const char* error_strings[] = {
const char* errstr(ErrorCode e) { return error_strings[e]; }
Not a lot of detail in your question, but with what you've posted I would consider a singleton class for handling your error messages. You could create methods for accessing messages by code number or enum. Then you can implement internationalization or whatever else you need for your specific application. Also, if you do decide to use SQLite or some other file-based solution in the future, the class interface can remain intact (or be extended) minimizing impact on the rest of your code.