line drawing routine - c++

How to optimize this line drawing routine ? Will memcpy work faster ?
void ScreenDriver::HorizontalLine(int wXStart, int wXEnd, int wYPos,
COLORVAL Color, int wWidth)
int iLen = wXEnd - wXStart + 1;
if (iLen <= 0)
while(wWidth-- > 0)
COLORVAL *Put = mpScanPointers[wYPos] + wXStart;
int iLen1 = iLen;
*Put++ = Color;

I think you mean to say "memset" instead of "memcpy". Replacing this bit of the code:
while (iLen--)
*Put++ = Color;
memset(Put, Color, iLen);
could be faster but so much depends on your target CPU, memory architecture and the typical values of iLen encountered. It's not likely to be a big win, but if you've got the time I encourage you to measure the alternatives as that kind of exercise is the only way to really understand optimization.
Of course, this memset() use will only work if COLORVAL is character sized.

No, not really. memcpy copies memory, that's a read and a write and you don't need the read. memset, which only writes, only writes bytes, so that isn't going to work either, unless COLORVAL is also a byte. No, leave it as is, the compiler should produce a fairly good bit of code. Don't forget that you are probably limited by memory bandwidth.

Your best bet before doing anything else is to employ whatever low-level profiling tools you have available. At the very least get an overall timing for a hefty test case or 3. Without a baseline measurement you're shooting in the dark. (I should know, I'm as guilty of this as anyone else!)
That said I note that your code looks like it has a fair bit of overhead per pixel,
A memset() call could be a win (if COLORVAL is sizeof(char) ).
Alternately, unrolling the loop may help - this is heavily dependent on you input data, machine architecture etc.
If your iLen value is reasonably bounded you might consider writing a custom function for each iLen value that is fully unrolled (inline the first few smallish cases in a switch) and call the bigger cases through an array of function pointers.
The fastest option of course is usually to resort to assembly.

I've found through personal experience that memcpy is slightly faster than direct pointer access... but only slightly, it isn't usually a ground-breaking optimization.

One of the fastest ways to draw a horizontal line, aka fill an array with a value, in assembly is to use the stosb, stosw, stosd instructions. memset is optimized to use stosb. To use dword values we can write code like the one below to draw a line,
__asm {
mov eax, color
mov ecx, screen_width
mov edi, video_buffer
rep stosd
But I'm quite sure that your inner while loop will be optimized by the compiler to use the stosd anyway.

You could try unrolling the inner loop, but really it's only going to matter for lines close to horizontal.
For lines that are not close to horizontal it could be you spend more time setting up the table of scan pointers.
Frankly, for more realistic situations, where you have not only colors, but widths, line-styles and end-styles, not to mention drawing modes like XOR, and aliasing, the way I've seen it done is
each "line" is really a polygon-fill, for which there are pretty fast algorithms (which is actually what your algorithm is), and/or
a special-purpose machine-language routine is generated on-the-fly (stored on the stack) because there are too many options to have option-specific special routines, and you don't want the algorithm continually questioning pixel-by-pixel what the options are.


Is copying in a loop less efficient than memcpy()?

I started to study IT and I am discussing with a friend right now whether this code is inefficient or not.
// const char *pName
// char *m_pName = nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(pName); i++)
m_pName[i] = pName[i];
He is claiming that for example memcopy would do the same like the for loop above. I wonder if that's true, I don't believe.
If there are more efficient ways or if this is inefficient, please tell me why!
Thanks in advance!
I took a look at actual g++ -O3 output for your code, to see just how bad it was.
char* can alias anything, so even the __restrict__ GNU C++ extension can't help the compiler hoist the strlen out of the loop.
I was thinking it would be hoisted, and expecting that the major inefficiency here was just the byte-at-a-time copy loop. But no, it's really as bad as the other answers suggest. m_pName even has to be re-loaded every time, because the aliasing rules allow m_pName[i] to alias this->m_pName. The compiler can't assume that storing to m_pName[i] won't change class member variables, or the src string, or anything else.
#include <string.h>
class foo {
char *__restrict__ m_pName = nullptr;
void set_name(const char *__restrict__ pName);
void alloc_name(size_t sz) { m_pName = new char[sz]; }
// g++ will only emit a non-inline copy of the function if there's a non-inline definition.
void foo::set_name(const char * __restrict__ pName)
// char* can alias anything, including &m_pName, so the loop has to reload the pointer every time
//char *__restrict__ dst = m_pName; // a local avoids the reload of m_pName, but still can't hoist strlen
#define dst m_pName
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen(pName); i++)
dst[i] = pName[i];
Compiles to this asm (g++ -O3 for x86-64, SysV ABI):
movzx edx, BYTE PTR [rbp+0+rbx] ; byte load from src. clang uses mov al, byte ..., instead of movzx. The difference is debatable.
mov rax, QWORD PTR [r12] ; reload this->m_pName
mov BYTE PTR [rax+rbx], dl ; byte store
add rbx, 1
.L3: ; first iteration entry point
mov rdi, rbp ; function arg for strlen
call strlen
cmp rbx, rax
jb .L7 ; compare-and-branch (unsigned)
Using an unsigned int loop counter introduces an extra mov ebx, ebp copy of the loop counter, which you don't get with either int i or size_t i, in both clang and gcc. Presumably they have a harder time accounting for the fact that unsigned i could produce an infinite loop.
So obviously this is horrible:
a strlen call for every byte copied
copying one byte at a time
reloading m_pName every time through the loop (can be avoided by loading it into a local).
Using strcpy avoids all these problems, because strlen is allowed to assume that it's src and dst don't overlap. Don't use strlen + memcpy unless you want to know strlen yourself. If the most efficient implementation of strcpy is to strlen + memcpy, the library function will internally do that. Otherwise, it will do something even more efficient, like glibc's hand-written SSE2 strcpy for x86-64. (There is a SSSE3 version, but it's actually slower on Intel SnB, and glibc is smart enough not to use it.) Even the SSE2 version may be unrolled more than it should be (great on microbenchmarks, but pollutes the instruction cache, uop-cache, and branch-predictor caches when used as a small part of real code). The bulk of the copying is done in 16B chunks, with 64bit, 32bit, and smaller, chunks in the startup/cleanup sections.
Using strcpy of course also avoids bugs like forgetting to store a trailing '\0' character in the destination. If your input strings are potentially gigantic, using int for the loop counter (instead of size_t) is also a bug. Using strncpy is generally better, since you often know the size of the dest buffer, but not the size of the src.
memcpy can be more efficient than strcpy, since rep movs is highly optimized on Intel CPUs, esp. IvB and later. However, scanning the string to find the right length first will always cost more than the difference. Use memcpy when you already know the length of your data.
At best it's somewhat inefficient. At worst, it's quite inefficient.
In the good case, the compiler recognizes that it can hoist the call to strlen out of the loop. In this case, you end up traversing the input string once to compute the length, and then again to copy to the destination.
In the bad case, the compiler calls strlen every iteration of the loop, in which case the complexity becomes quadratic instead of linear.
As far as how to do it efficiently, I'd tend to so something like this:
char *dest = m_pName;
for (char const *in = pName; *in; ++in)
*dest++ = *in;
*dest++ = '\0';
This traverses the input only once, so it's potentially about twice as fast as the first, even in the better case (and in the quadratic case, it can be many times faster, depending on the length of the string).
Of course, this is doing pretty much the same thing as strcpy would. That may or may not be more efficient still--I've certainly seen cases where it was. Since you'd normally assume strcpy is going to be used quite a lot, it can be worthwhile to spend more time optimizing it than some random guy on the internet typing in an answer in a couple minutes.
Yes, your code is inefficient. Your code takes what is called "O(n^2)" time. Why? You have the strlen() call in your loop, so your code is recalculating the length of the string every single loop. You can make it faster by doing this:
unsigned int len = strlen(pName);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
m_pName[i] = pName[i];
Now, you calculate the string length only once, so this code takes "O(n)" time, which is much faster than O(n^2). This is now about as efficient as you can get. However, A memcpy call would still be 4-8 times faster, because this code copies 1 byte at a time, whereas memcpy will use your system's word length.
Depends on interpretation of efficiency. I'd claim using memcpy() or strcpy() more efficient, because you don't write such loops every time you need a copy.
He is claiming that for example memcopy would do the same like the for loop above.
Well, not exactly the same. Probably, because memcpy() takes the size once, while strlen(pName) might be called with every loop iteration potentially. Thus from potential performance efficiency considerations memcpy() would be better.
BTW from your commented code:
// char *m_pName = nullptr;
Initializing like that would lead to undefined behavior without allocating memory for m_pName:
char *m_pName = new char[strlen(pName) + 1];
Why the +1? Because you have to consider putting a '\0' indicating the end of the c-style string.
Yes, it's inefficient, not because you're using a loop instead of memcpy but because you're calling strlen on each iteration. strlen loops over the entire array until it finds the terminating zero byte.
Also, it's very unlikely that the strlen will be optimized out of the loop condition, see In C++, should I bother to cache variables, or let the compiler do the optimization? (Aliasing).
So memcpy(m_pName, pName, strlen(pName)) would indeed be faster.
Even faster would be strcpy, because it avoids the strlen loop:
strcpy(m_pName, pName);
strcpy does the same as the loop in #JerryCoffin's answer.
For simple operations like that you should almost always say what you mean and nothing more.
In this instance if you had meant strcpy() then you should have said that, because strcpy() will copy the terminating NUL character, whereas that loop will not.
Neither one of you can win the debate. A modern compiler has seen a thousand different memcpy() implementations and there's a good chance it's just going to recognise yours and replace your code either with a call to memcpy() or with its own inlined implementation of the same.
It knows which one is best for your situation. Or at least it probably knows better than you do. When you second-guess that you run the risk of the compiler failing to recognise it and your version being worse than the collected clever tricks the compiler and/or library knows.
Here are a few considerations that you have to get right if you want to run your own code instead of the library code:
What's the largest read/write chunk size that is efficient (it's rarely bytes).
For what range of loop lengths is it worth the trouble of pre-aligning reads and writes so that larger chunks can be copied?
Is it better to align reads, align writes, do nothing, or to align both and perform permutations in arithmetic to compensate?
What about using SIMD registers? Are they faster?
How many reads should be performed before the first write? How much register file needs to be used for the most efficient burst accesses?
Should a prefetch instruction be included?
How far ahead?
How often?
Does the loop need extra complexity to avoid preloading over the end?
How many of these decisions can be resolved at run-time without causing too much overhead? Will the tests cause branch prediction failures?
Would inlining help, or is that just wasting icache?
Does the loop code benefit from cache line alignment? Does it need to be packed tightly into a single cache line? Are there constraints on other instructions within the same cache line?
Does the target CPU have dedicated instructions like rep movsb which perform better? Does it have them but they perform worse?
Going further; because memcpy() is such a fundamental operation it's possible that even the hardware will recognise what the compiler's trying to do and implement its own shortcuts that even the compiler doesn't know about.
Don't worry about the superfluous calls to strlen(). Compiler probably knows about that, too. (Compiler should know in some instances, but it doesn't seem to care) Compiler sees all. Compiler knows all. Compiler watches over you while you sleep. Trust the compiler.
Oh, except the compiler might not catch that null pointer reference. Stupid compiler!
This code is confused in various ways.
Just do m_pName = pName; because you're not actually copying the string.
You're just pointing to the one you've already got.
If you want to copy the string m_pName = strdup(pName); would do it.
If you already have storage, strcpy or memcpy would do it.
In any case, get strlen out of the loop.
This is the wrong time to worry about performance.
First get it right.
If you insist on worrying about performance, it's hard to beat strcpy.
What's more, you don't have to worry about it being right.
As a matter of fact, why do you need to copy at all ??? (either with the loop or memcpy)
if you want to duplicate a memory block, thats a different question, but since its a pointer all you need is &pName[0] (which is the address of the first location of the array) and sizeof pName ... thats it ... you can reference any object in the array by incrementing the address of first byte and you know the limit using the size value ... why have all these pointers ???(let me know if there is more to that than theoretical debate)

Could this alternative way to loop be more effcient?

I was bored one rainy afternoon and came up with this:
int ia_array[5][5][5]; //interger array called array
int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;//counters
while( i < 5 )//loop conditions
ia_array[i][j][k] = 0;//do something
__asm inc k;//++k;
if( k > 4)
__asm inc j; //++j;
__asm mov k,0;///k = 0;
if( j > 4)
__asm inc i; //++i;
__asm mov j,0;//j = 0;
}//end of while
}//i,j,k fall out of scope
its functionally equivalent to three nested for loops. However in a for loop you cannot use __asm statements. Also you have the option to not put the counters in a scope so you can reuse them for other loops. I have looked at the disassembly for both and my alternative has 15 opcodes and the nested for loops have 24. Therefore is it potentially faster? suppose I'm really asking is __asm inc i; faster then ++i;?
note: i don't intent to use this code in any projects, just out of curiosity. thanks for your time.
First off, your compiler will likely store the values of i, j and k in registers.
It's more efficient to do for (i = 4; i <=0; i--) than for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) as the cpu can determine if the result of the last operation it executed was zero for free - it doesn't have to explicitly compare to 4 (see the cmovz instruction).
It's the not the case for x86 that having to execute less instruction will lead to faster code. There are all sorts of issues to do with instruction pipelining that quickly get too much for a programmer to write by hand. Leave it to the compiler, they're sufficiently efficient these days (though definitely not optimal... but who wants to wait hours for their code to compile).
You can check it out yourself by running your function a few hundred thousand times with each implementation and check which is faster. Check if you can write asm instructions in for loops with
__asm {
inc j;
mov k, 0;
(it's been a while since I did this)
P.S. Have fun experimenting with asm, it can be very interesting and rewarding!
No, it won't be even remotely faster. Infact, it could quite easily be slower. Your compiler's optimizer is almost certainly more effective at this than you are.
This is going to be very compiler and compiler switch specific, but your code will have three tests per loop iteration where a traditional nested loop would only have one per inner-most loop iteration, so I think your approach would tend to be slower in general.
Several things:
You can't judge the speed of assembly code based on the number of opcodes in the output. Compilers can unroll loops to eliminate branches, and many modern compilers will attempt to vectorize a loop like the one above. The former could have more opcodes than naive code and be faster, and the latter could have fewer and be faster.
By putting __asm statements in your code, you're probably precluding any optimizations the compiler could do on the loop. So if you compiled this with something really fast like, say, the Intel compilers, then you will likely get worse performance with your code than with the compiler. This is especially true for something as simple as your code here, where the array sizes are known statically and the loop bounds are constant.
If you really want to get a sense of what compilers can/can't do, grab a book or take a course on optimizing compilers and vectorization. There are tons of different optimizations and understanding the performance of even a simple piece of code like this on a particular architecture can be subtle.
There are plenty of kernels and number crunching codes where compilers still can't do better than knowledgable humans, but without a lot of experience with architecture details you're not going to do much better than icc -fast or xlC -O5.
While it certainly is possible to beat a compiler at optimization, you're not going to do it this way. The bits you've written in assembly language are pretty obvious, mechanical types of translations that any half-way decent compiler (or even a pretty lousy one) can do easily.
If you want to beat the compiler, you need to go a lot further, such as rearranging instructions to allow more to execute in parallel (decidedly non-trivial) or finding a better sequence of instructions than the compiler can.
In this case, for example, you might at least stand a chance by noting that iarray[5][5][5] can (from an assembly language viewpoint) be treated as a single, flat array of 5*5*5 = 125 elements, and encode most of what's essentially a memset into a single instruction:
mov ecx, 125 // 125 elements
xor eax, eax // set them to zero
mov di, offset ia_array // where we're going to store them
rep stosd // and fill that memory.
Realistically, however, this probably isn't going to be a major (or probably even minor) improvement over what the compiler is likely to generate. It's more likely close to the minimum necessary to (at least nearly) keep up.
The next step would be to consider using non-temporal stores instead of a simple stosd. This won't actually speed up this loop (much, anyway), but it might gain some speed overall by avoiding this store polluting the cache if it's possible that other code already in the cache is more important immediately. You could also use some of the other SSE instructions to gain a little speed -- but even at best, you can't expect much better than a couple of percent out of this. The bottom line is that for zeroing some memory, the speed is limited primarily by the bus speed, not the instructions you use, so nothing you do is likely to help much.

What C++ code compiles down to the x86 REP instruction?

I'm copying elements from one array to another in C++. I found the rep movs instruction in x86 that seems to copy an array at ESI to an array at EDI of size ECX. However, neither the for nor while loops I tried compiled to a rep movs instruction in VS 2008 (on an Intel Xeon x64 processor). How can I write code that will get compiled to this instruction?
Honestly, you shouldn't. REP is sort of an obsolete holdover in the instruction set, and actually pretty slow since it has to call a microcoded subroutine inside the CPU, which has a ROM lookup latency and is nonpipelined as well.
In almost every implementation, you will find that the memcpy() compiler intrinsic both is easier to use and runs faster.
Under MSVC there are the __movsxxx & __stosxxx intrinsics that will generate a REP prefixed instruction.
there is also a 'hack' to force intrinsic memset aka REP STOS under vc9+, as the intrinsic no longer exits, due to the sse2 branching in the crt. this is better that __stosxxx due to the fact the compiler can optimize it for constants and order it correctly.
#define memset(mem,fill,size) memset((DWORD*)mem,((fill) << 24|(fill) << 16|(fill) << 8|(fill)),size)
__forceinline void memset(DWORD* pStart, unsigned long dwFill, size_t nSize)
//credits to Nepharius for finding this
DWORD* pLast = pStart + (nSize >> 2);
while(pStart < pLast)
*pStart++ = dwFill;
if((nSize &= 3) == 0)
if(nSize == 3)
(((WORD*)pStart))[0] = WORD(dwFill);
(((BYTE*)pStart))[2] = BYTE(dwFill);
else if(nSize == 2)
(((WORD*)pStart))[0] = WORD(dwFill);
(((BYTE*)pStart))[0] = BYTE(dwFill);
of course REP isn't always the best thing to use, imo your way better off using memcpy, it'll branch to either sse2 or REPS MOV based on your system (under msvc), unless you feeling like writing custom assembly for 'hot' areas...
If you need exactly that instruction - use built-in assembler and write that instruction manually. You can't rely on the compiler to produce any specific machine code - even if it emits it in one compilation it can decide to emit some other equivalent during next compilation.
REP and friends was nice once upon a time, when the x86 CPU was a single-pipeline industrial CISC-processor.
But that has changed. Nowadays when the processor encounters any instruction, the first it does is translating it into an easier format (VLIW-like micro-ops) and schedules it for future execution (this is part of out-of-order-execution, part of scheduling between different logical CPU cores, it can be used to simplifying write-after-write-sequences into single-writes, et.c.). This machinery works well for instructions that translates into a few VLIW-like opcodes, but not machine-code that translates into loops. Loop-translated machine code will probably cause the execution pipeline to stall.
Rather than spending hundreds of thousands of transistors into building CPU-circuitry for handling looping portions of the micro-ops in the execution pipeline, they just handle it in some sort of crappy legacy-mode that stutterly stalls the pipeline, and ask modern programmers to write your own damn loops!
Therefore it is seldom used when machines write code. If you encounter REP in a binary executable, its probably a human assembly-muppet who didn't know better, or a cracker that really needed the few bytes it saved to use it instead of an actual loop, that wrote it.
(However. Take everything I just wrote with a grain of salt. Maybe this is not true anymore. I am not 100% up to date with the internals of x86 CPUs anymore, I got into other hobbies..)
I use the rep* prefix variants with cmps*, movs*, scas* and stos* instruction variants to generate inline code which minimizes the code size, avoids unnecessary calls/jumps and thereby keeps down the work done by the caches. The alternative is to set up parameters and call a memset or memcpy somewhere else which may overall be faster if I want to copy a hundred bytes or more but if it's just a matter of 10-20 bytes using rep is faster (or at least was the last time I measured).
Since my compiler allows specification and use of inline assembly functions and includes their register usage/modification in the optimization activities it is possible for me to use them when the circumstances are right.
On a historic note - not having any insight into the manufacturer's strategies - there was a time when the "rep movs*" (etc) instructions were very slow. I think it was around the time of the Pentium/Pentium MMX. A colleague of mine (who had more insight than I) said that the manufacturers had decreased the chip area (<=> fewer transistors/more microcode) allocated to the rep handling and used it to make other, more used instructions faster.
In the fifteen years or so since rep has become relatively speaking faster again which would suggest more transistors/less microcode.

What are the differences between using array offsets vs pointer incrementation?

Given 2 functions, which should be faster, if there is any difference at all? Assume that the input data is very large
void iterate1(const char* pIn, int Size)
for ( int offset = 0; offset < Size; ++offset )
doSomething( pIn[offset] );
void iterate2(const char* pIn, int Size)
const char* pEnd = pIn+Size;
while(pIn != pEnd)
doSomething( *pIn++ );
Are there other issues to be considered with either approach?
Chances are, your compiler's optimizer will create a loop induction variable for the first case to turn it into the second. I'd expect no difference after optimizations so I tend to prefer the first style because I find it clearer to read.
Boojum is correct - IF your compiler has a good optimizer and you have it enabled. If that's not the case, or your use of arrays isn't sequential and liable to optimization, using array offsets can be far, far slower.
Here's an example. Back about 1988, we were implementing a window with a simple teletype interface on a Mac II. This consisted of 24 lines of 80 characters. When you got a new line in from the ticker, you scrolled up the top 23 lines and displayed the new one on the bottom. When there was something on the teletype, which wasn't all the time, it came in at 300 baud, which with the serial protocol overhead was about 30 characters per second. So we're not talking something that should have taxed a 16 MHz 68020 at all!
But the guy who wrote this did it like:
char screen[24][80];
and used 2-D array offsets to scroll the characters like this:
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 23; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 80; j++)
screen[i][j] = screen[i+1][j];
Six windows like this brought the machine to its knees!
Why? Because compilers were stupid in those days, so in machine language, every instance of the inner loop assignment, screen[i][j] = screen[i+1][j], looked kind of like this (Ax and Dx are CPU registers);
Fetch the base address of screen from memory into the A1 register
Fetch i from stack memory into the D1 register
Multiply D1 by a constant 80
Fetch j from stack memory and add it to D1
Add D1 to A1
Fetch the base address of screen from memory into the A2 register
Fetch i from stack memory into the D1 register
Add 1 to D1
Multiply D1 by a constant 80
Fetch j from stack memory and add it to D1
Add D1 to A2
Fetch the value from the memory address pointed to by A2 into D1
Store the value in D1 into the memory address pointed to by A1
So we're talking 13 machine language instructions for each of the 23x80=1840 inner loop iterations, for a total of 23920 instructions, including 3680 CPU-intensive integer multiplies.
We made a few changes to the C source code, so then it looked like this:
int i, j;
register char *a, *b;
for (i = 0; i < 22; i++)
a = screen[i];
b = screen[i+1];
for (j = 0; j < 80; j++)
*a++ = *b++;
There are still two machine-language multiplies, but they're in the outer loop, so there are only 46 integer multiplies instead of 3680. And the inner loop *a++ = *b++ statement only consisted of two machine-language operations.
Fetch the value from the memory address pointed to by A2 into D1, and post-increment A2
Store the value in D1 into the memory address pointed to by A1, and post-increment A1.
Given there are 1840 inner loop iterations, that's a total of 3680 CPU-cheap instructions - 6.5 times fewer - and NO integer multiplies. After this, instead of dying at six teletype windows, we never were able to pull up enough to bog the machine down - we ran out of teletype data sources first. And there are ways to optimize this much, much further, as well.
Now, modern compilers will do that kind of optimization for you - IF you ask them to do it, and IF your code is structured in a way that permits it.
But there are still circumstances where compilers can't do that for you - for instance, if you're doing non-sequential operations in the array.
So I've found it's served me well to use pointers instead of array references whenever possible. The performance is certainly never worse, and frequently much, much better.
With modern compiler there shouldn't be any difference in performance between the two, especially in such simplistic easily recognizable examples. Moreover, even if the compiler does not recognize their equivalence, i.e. translates each code "literally", there still shouldn't be any noticeable performance difference on a typical modern hardware platform. (Of course, there might be more specialized platforms out there where the difference might be noticeable.)
As for other considerations... Conceptually, when you implement an algorithm using the index access you impose a random-access requirement on the underlying data structure. When you use a pointer ("iterator") access, you only impose a sequential-access requirement on the underlying data structure. Random-access is a stronger requirement than sequential-access. For this reason I, for one, in my code prefer to stick to pointer access whenever possible, and use index access only when necessary.
More generally, if an algorithm can be implemented efficiently through sequential access, it is better to do it that way, without involving the unnecessary stronger requirement of random-access. This might prove useful in the future, should a need arise to refactor the code or to change the algorithm.
They are almost identical. Both solutions involve a temporary variable, an increment of a word on your system (int or ptr), and a logical check which should take one assembly instruction.
The only difference I see is the array lookup
might require pointer arithmetic then a fetch while the dereference:
just requires a fetch
My advice is that if it really matters, implement both and see if there's any savings.
To be sure, you must profile in your intended target environment.
That said, my guess is that any modern compiler is going to optimize them both down to very similar (if not identical) code.
If you didn't have an optimizer, the second has a chance of being faster, because you aren't re-computing the pointer on every iteration. But unless Size is a VERY large number (or the routine is called quite often), the difference isn't going to matter to your program's overall execution speed.
The pointer op used to be much faster. Now it's a bit faster, but the compiler may optimize it for you
Historically it was much faster to iterate via *p++ than p[i]; that was part of the motivation for having pointers in the language.
Plus, p[i] often requires a slower multiply op or at least a shift, so the optimization of replacing multiplies in a loop with adds to a pointer was sufficiently important to have a specific name: strength reduction. The subscript also tended to produce bigger code.
However, two things have changed: one is that compilers are much more sophisticated and are generally capable of doing this optimization for you.
The other is that the relative difference between an op and a memory access has increased. When *p++ was invented memory and cpu op times were similar. Today, a random desktop machine can do 3 billion integer ops / second, but only about 10 or 20 million random DRAM reads. Cache accesses are faster, and the system will prefetch and stream sequential memory accesses as you step through an array, but it still costs a lot to hit memory, and a bit of subscript fiddling isn't such a big deal.
Several years ago I asked this exact question. Someone in an interview was failing a candidate for picking the array notation because it was supposedly obviously slower. At that point I compiled both versions and looked at the disassembly. There was one opcode extra in the array notation. This was with Visual C++ (.net?). Based on what I saw I concluded that there is no appreciable difference.
Doing this again, here is what I found:
iterate1(arr, 400); // array notation
011C1027 mov edi,dword ptr [__imp__printf (11C20A0h)]
011C102D add esp,0Ch
011C1030 xor esi,esi
011C1032 movsx ecx,byte ptr [esp+esi+8] <-- Loop starts here
011C1037 push ecx
011C1038 push offset string "%c" (11C20F4h)
011C103D call edi
011C103F inc esi
011C1040 add esp,8
011C1043 cmp esi,190h
011C1049 jl main+32h (11C1032h)
iterate2(arr, 400); // pointer offset notation
011C104B lea esi,[esp+8]
011C104F nop
011C1050 movsx edx,byte ptr [esi] <-- Loop starts here
011C1053 push edx
011C1054 push offset string "%c" (11C20F4h)
011C1059 call edi
011C105B inc esi
011C105C lea eax,[esp+1A0h]
011C1063 add esp,8
011C1066 cmp esi,eax
011C1068 jne main+50h (11C1050h)
Why don't you try both and time them? My guess would be that they are optimized by the compiler into basically the same code. Just remember to turn on optimizations when comparing (-O3).
In the "other considerations" column, I'd say approach one is more clear. That's just my opinion though.
You're asking the wrong question. Should a developer aim for readability or performance first?
The first version is idiomatic for processing array, and your intent will be clear to anyone who has worked with arrays before, whereas the second relies heavily on the equivalence between array names and pointers, forcing someone reading the code to switch metaphors several times.
Cue the comments saying that the second version is crystal clear to any developer worth his keybaord.
If you wrote your program, and it's running slow, and you have profiled to the point where you have identified this loop as the bottleneck, then it would make sense to pop the hood and look at which of these is faster. But get something clear up and running first using well-known idiomatic language constructs.
Performance questions aside, it strikes me that the while loop variant has potential maintainability issues, as a programmer coming along to add some new bells and whistles has to remember to put the array increment in the right place, whereas the for loop variant puts it safely out of the body of the loop.

Why is there no Z80 like LDIR functionality in C/C++/rtl?

In Z80 machine code, a cheap technique to initialize a buffer to a fixed value, say all blanks. So a chunk of code might look something like this.
LD HL, DESTINATION ; point to the source
LD DE, DESTINATION + 1 ; point to the destination
LD BC, DESTINATION_SIZE - 1 ; copying this many bytes
LD (HL), 0X20 ; put a seed space in the first position
LDIR ; move 1 to 2, 2 to 3...
The result being that the chunk of memory at DESTINATION is completely blank filled.
I have experimented with memmove, and memcpy, and can't replicate this behavior. I expected memmove to be able to do it correctly.
Why do memmove and memcpy behave this way?
Is there any reasonable way to do this sort of array initialization?
I am already aware of char array[size] = {0} for array initialization
I am already aware that memset will do the job for single characters.
What other approaches are there to this issue?
There was a quicker way of blanking an area of memory using the stack. Although the use of LDI and LDIR was very common, David Webb (who pushed the ZX Spectrum in all sorts of ways like full screen number countdowns including the border) came up with this technique which is 4 times faster:
saves the Stack Pointer and then
moves it to the end of the screen.
LOADs the HL register pair with
goes into a massive loop
PUSHing HL onto the Stack.
The Stack moves up the screen and down
through memory and in the process,
clears the screen.
The explanation above was taken from the review of David Webbs game Starion.
The Z80 routine might look a little like this:
DI ; disable interrupts which would write to the stack.
LD HL, 0
ADD HL, SP ; save stack pointer
EX DE, HL ; in DE register
LD HL, 0
LD C, 0x18 ; Screen size in pages
LD SP, 0x4000 ; End of screen
LD B, 128 ; inner loop iterates 128 times
PUSH HL ; effectively *--SP = 0; *--SP = 0;
DJNZ LOOP ; loop for 256 bytes
LD SP, HL ; restore stack pointer
EI ; re-enable interrupts
However, that routine is a little under twice as fast. LDIR copies one byte every 21 cycles. The inner loop copies two bytes every 24 cycles -- 11 cycles for PUSH HL and 13 for DJNZ LOOP. To get nearly 4 times as fast simply unroll the inner loop:
PUSH HL ; repeat 128 times
That is very nearly 11 cycles every two bytes which is about 3.8 times faster than the 21 cycles per byte of LDIR.
Undoubtedly the technique has been reinvented many times. For example, it appeared earlier in sub-Logic's Flight Simulator 1 for the TRS-80 in 1980.
memmove and memcpy don't work that way because it's not a useful semantic for moving or copying memory. It's handy in the Z80 to do be able to fill memory, but why would you expect a function named "memmove" to fill memory with a single byte? It's for moving blocks of memory around. It's implemented to get the right answer (the source bytes are moved to the destination) regardless of how the blocks overlap. It's useful for it to get the right answer for moving memory blocks.
If you want to fill memory, use memset, which is designed to do just what you want.
I believe this goes to the design philosophy of C and C++. As Bjarne Stroustrup once said, one of the major guiding principles of the design of C++ is "What you don’t use, you don’t pay for". And while Dennis Ritchie may not have said it in exactly those same words, I believe that was a guiding principle informing his design of C (and the design of C by subsequent people) as well. Now you may think that if you allocate memory it should automatically be initialized to NULL's and I'd tend to agree with you. But that takes machine cycles and if you're coding in a situation where every cycle is critical, that may not be an acceptable trade-off. Basically C and C++ try to stay out of your way--hence if you want something initialized you have to do it yourself.
The Z80 sequence you show was the fastest way to do that - in 1978. That was 30 years ago. Processors have progressed a lot since then, and today that's just about the slowest way to do it.
Memmove is designed to work when the source and destination ranges overlap, so you can move a chunk of memory up by one byte. That's part of its specified behavior by the C and C++ standards. Memcpy is unspecified; it might work identically to memmove, or it might be different, depending on how your compiler decides to implement it. The compiler is free to choose a method that is more efficient than memmove.
Why do memmove and memcpy behave this way?
Probably because there’s no specific, modern C++ compiler that targets the Z80 hardware? Write one. ;-)
The languages don't specify how a given hardware implements anything. This is entirely up to the programmers of the compiler and libraries. Of course, writing an own, highly specified version for every imaginable hardware configuration is a lot of work. That’ll be the reason.
Is there any reasonable way to do this sort of array initialization?Is there any reasonable way to do this sort of array initialization?
Well, if all else fails you could always use inline assembly. Other than that, I expect std::fill to perform best in a good STL implementation. And yes, I’m fully aware that my expectations are too high and that std::memset often performs better in practice.
If you're fiddling at the hardware level, then some CPUs have DMA controllers that can fill blocks of memory exceedingly quickly (much faster than the CPU could ever do). I've done this on a Freescale i.MX21 CPU.
This be accomplished in x86 assembly just as easily. In fact, it boils down to nearly identical code to your example.
mov esi, source ; set esi to be the source
lea edi, [esi + 1] ; set edi to be the source + 1
mov byte [esi], 0 ; initialize the first byte with the "seed"
mov ecx, 100h ; set ecx to the size of the buffer
rep movsb ; do the fill
However, it is simply more efficient to set more than one byte at a time if you can.
Finally, memcpy/memmove aren't what you are looking for, those are for making copies of blocks of memory from from area to another (memmove allows source and dest to be part of the same buffer). memset fills a block with a byte of your choosing.
There's also calloc that allocates and initializes the memory to 0 before returning the pointer. Of course, calloc only initializes to 0, not something the user specifies.
If this is the most efficient way to set a block of memory to a given value on the Z80, then it's quite possible that memset() might be implemented as you describe on a compiler that targets Z80s.
It might be that memcpy() might also use a similar sequence on that compiler.
But why would compilers targeting CPUs with completely different instruction sets from the Z80 be expected to use a Z80 idiom for these types of things?
Remember that the x86 architecture has a similar set of instructions that could be prefixed with a REP opcode to have them execute repeatedly to do things like copy, fill or compare blocks of memory. However, by the time Intel came out with the 386 (or maybe it was the 486) the CPU would actually run those instructions slower than simpler instructions in a loop. So compilers often stopped using the REP-oriented instructions.
Seriously, if you're writing C/C++, just write a simple for-loop and let the compiler bother for you. As an example, here's some code VS2005 generated for this exact case (using templated size):
template <int S>
class A
char s_[S];
for(int i = 0; i < S; ++i)
s_[i] = 'A';
int MaxLength() const
return S;
extern void useA(A<5> &a, int n); // fool the optimizer into generating any code at all
void test()
A<5> a5;
useA(a5, a5.MaxLength());
The assembler output is the following:
test PROC
; 25 : A<5> a5;
mov eax, 41414141H ;"AAAA"
mov DWORD PTR a5[esp+40], eax
mov BYTE PTR a5[esp+44], al
; 26 : useA(a5, a5.MaxLength());
lea eax, DWORD PTR a5[esp+40]
push 5 ; MaxLength()
push eax
call useA
It does not get any more efficient than that. Stop worrying and trust your compiler or at least have a look at what your compiler produces before trying to find ways to optimize. For comparison I also compiled the code using std::fill(s_, s_ + S, 'A') and std::memset(s_, 'A', S) instead of the for-loop and the compiler produced the identical output.
If you're on the PowerPC, _dcbz().
There are a number of situations where it would be useful to have a "memspread" function whose defined behavior was to copy the starting portion of a memory range throughout the whole thing. Although memset() does just fine if the goal is to spread a single byte value, there are times when e.g. one may want to fill an array of integers with the same value. On many processor implementations, copying a byte at a time from the source to the destination would be a pretty crummy way to implement it, but a well-designed function could yield good results. For example, start by seeing if the amount of data is less than 32 bytes or so; if so, just do a bytewise copy; otherwise check the source and destination alignment; if they are aligned, round the size down to the nearest word (if necessary), then copy the first word everywhere it goes, copy the next word everywhere it goes, etc.
I too have at times wished for a function that was specified to work as a bottom-up memcpy, intended for use with overlapping ranges. As to why there isn't a standard one, I guess nobody thought it important.
memcpy() should have that behavior. memmove() doesn't by design, if the blocks of memory overlap, it copies the contents starting at the ends of the buffers to avoid that sort of behavior. But to fill a buffer with a specific value you should be using memset() in C or std::fill() in C++, which most modern compilers will optimize to the appropriate block fill instruction (such as REP STOSB on x86 architectures).
As said before, memset() offers the desired functionality.
memcpy() is for moving around blocks of memory in all cases where the source and destination buffers do not overlap, or where dest < source.
memmove() solves the case of buffers overlapping and dest > source.
On x86 architectures, good compilers directly replace memset calls with inline assembly instructions very effectively setting the destination buffer's memory, even applying further optimizations like using 4-byte values to fill as long as possible (if the following code isn't totally syntactically correct blame it on my not using X86 assembly code for a long time):
lea edi,dest
;copy the fill byte to all 4 bytes of eax
mov al,fill
mov ah,al
mov dx,ax
shl eax,16
mov ax,dx
mov ecx,count
mov edx,ecx
shr ecx,2
rep stosd
test edx,2
jz moveByte
test edx,1
jz fillDone
Actually this code is far more efficient than your Z80 version, as it doesn't do memory to memory, but only register to memory moves. Your Z80 code is in fact quite a hack as it relies on each copy operation having filled the source of the subsequent copy.
If the compiler is halfway good, it might be able to detect more complicated C++ code that can be broken down to memset (see the post below), but I doubt that this actually happens for nested loops, probably even invoking initialization functions.