In what language is there a "guard" keyword or concept? - c++

I recently tried to understand a C++ program that was written by somebody who I assume had a background in functional programming: For example, he had declared a closure class which he extensively used and which does somewhat resemble what is known as a closure in functional programming. Another class was called a guard, but I haven't quite figured out yet what it is good for. It seems to have some sort of cleanup functionality attached to it.
The only language in which I have seen a concept called guard is Erlang, but that does not remotely look similar to the code I found. In what other languages does such a concept exist that the author of the C++ code may have alluded to?

To me it sounds like he was using RAII.
The class constructor/destructor is used to symetrically handle some form of resource allocation/release in an exception safe context (What Java programmers would call finally {} as the destructor is guranteed to be called.).
This is a very common C++ idiom and is ued extensively in modern C++.
Did the code look like this:
void Plop()
Guard guard(lock);
// Do lots of stuff
Here the guard is locking the lock in the constructor and unlocking the lock in the destructor.

The term "guard" is used in several functional languages the way it is used in Erlang, but that usage doesn't seem to fit your description. Without seeing the C++ code it's hard to really know what was intended by it.
A guess by your description would be that it implements something like Haskell's bracket, which basically ensures that some resources are released if the wrapped function exits, even if that happened by an exception. In Python one would use finally for this, in C++ you usually have the cleanup code in the destructor of an object on the stack.

In general terms, a guard is simply a construct which needs to evaluate to true for execution along some path to continue. This or something like it exists in all useful Turing-complete programming languages, but is perhaps so basic that is often not named separately as an entity. Here's a simple example in Haskell:
f x
| x < 0 = -x
| otherwise = x
This is equivalent to the absolute value function: negate a number if it's negative to produce its positive counterpart; otherwise, return the same value passed in. There are two guards here: x < 0, which is true when x is less than zero, and otherwise, which is always true.

Haskell's Control.Monad module has guard:
guard :: MonadPlus m => Bool -> m ()
guard b is return () if b is True, and mzero if b is False.
For example, to compute Pythagorean triples where each leg is no longer than 25, you could use
triples = do
a <- [1..25]
b <- [a..25]
c <- [b..25]
guard (p a b c)
return (a,b,c)
p a b c = a*a + b*b == c*c
For an explanation of what's going on, see my blog post A programmable semicolon explained.

Guards in computer science typically refer to the Boolean expression that indicates that a looping construct should continue. For example (pardon the pun)
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
/* stuff */
Here, i < N is the guard.
It's difficult to answer your question more thoroughly without more information.


How to make JIT compilation dependent on the values of function variables?

I am using LLVM to implement a simple language.
When a function that has not yet been JITTed yet and is being called from other already compiled function, I want to lazily JIT-compile it on demand. There is a neat tutorial on this here: and generally it works.
Now, I want one additional feature - I want to make AST->IR compilation conditional on parameter's value the first time the function is called.
That is, let us say we have two functions, f() and g(int x).
In AST I have two g implementations - one for positive and one for negative x:
g_pos(x) = x + 1;
g_neg(x) = x - 1;
This can be more general, but the idea is that I want to lift the condition x > 0 out of my programme and into the JIT level.
So if now f() = g(7), after JITting I will have f always call g_pos(x).
Is there any way to get this kind of behaviour?
I would really appreciate as little as possible of "you should not do it" or "why would you need that" answers.

C++, Where To Put Free Variables?

I'm writing a small ini file parser (0), I use some regular expressions that I have put into a std::map<std::string, std::regex>, it's a const one because it contains all I need to retrieve the data from my customized ini format (1), but I don't know where (or rather: how and why) to put that variable in my source.
For the moment (until I find a solution), I've declared and defined it, in its header file, as a (non const (2)) member of one of the classes I write, inside a namespace, which class has its corresponding cpp implementation file.
That class uses the map, but it could (and is pretty likely to) be used by other classes too.
And that's it, I don't know how I should handle it. What is sound and adequate?
Should I create a class/struct on its own for it, should I let it be a global variable, maybe a static, and/or constexpr'ifying it, or even typedef'ying it? Where to put it, as what?
I'm looking for conformity with the design of C++, its standards, best practices, and efficiency (3), reliability, maintainability, scalability, reusability, should I completely redesign the whole thing (4).
Note #moderators: I don't know how to formulate my question, so if any of you have a better idea for the title, then thank you for editing my post.
(0) It's for my own use, on Linux, so I don't worry too much about portability/compability, even if it's mostly for a learning purpose; I teach C++ myself, and I just want to understand... and I find many things very difficult to apprehend.
(1) It looks like so:
str1="abcd efgh ijkl mnop"
str2 = "qrst uvw xyz"
boolean_item = true
double_value = 10.0
long_int = -2147483650
; this is a comment
str_list_item = "abc", "def", "ghi"
intListItem=2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024
double_List_Item = 0.15, 16.00125, 748.963, 10247.4412578
hex_value = 0x4f0
bin_value = 0b11010001101110
; type annotations ?
; my_float: float = .03125
(2) I've read that according to isoccp we should “Avoid const member variable” (can't find the link, only a discussion on reddit), but it can be okay in some cases.
(3) At this point, tested with a 40 lines long ini file, a time ./test (compiled with -g -O0) returns the following average which looks slow to me:
real 0m0,023s
user 0m0,018s
sys 0m0,005s
(4) The whole things being interrelated as they depend on each others, as I understand it. In that regard, are there any design patterns that would be interesting to drive my project (the whole parser, not only the question of the variable)?
Personal opinion: don't use global mutable (non-const) variables. Three main reasons to avoid them:
All of the code can access it, meaning you have no control over who can use it and who can't
Lifetime: who guarantees that no part of your code will access the global variable before it has been initialized; who guarantees that no part of your code will access the global variable after it has been cleaned up (well, maybe not a real problem in your case, but a real problem in many other cases)
Dependencies on other global variables: when you start to use global variables, you sometimes end up with global variables referring to other global variables, and then construction and destruction becomes a real nightmare.
Some of these problems are also valid for global constants. So, although I do allow global constants in my code, I only allow them if they are constexpr-constructible and trivially destructible.
Better to have a clear method that reads your INI file, and returns the map. Then pass the map to those methods/classes that need it. That way you have full control over the map.

Why use int functions over void?

I was looking over some example functions and methods (I'm currently in a C++ class), and I noticed that there were a few functions that, rather than being void, they were something like
int myFunction() {
// ...;
return 0;
Where the ellipses is obviously some other statement. Why are they returning zero? What's the point of returning a specific value every time you run a function?
I understand that main() has to be int (at least according to the standards) because it is related (or is?) the exit code and thus works with the operating system. However, I can't think of a reason a non-main function would do this.
Is there any particular reason why someone might want to do this, as opposed to simply making a void function?
If that's really what they're doing, returning 0 regardless of what the function does, then it's entirely pointless and they shouldn't be doing it.
In the C world, an int return type is a convention so that you can return your own "error code", but not only is this not idiomatic C++ but if, again, your programmer is always returning 0, then it's entirely silly.
I understand that main() has to be int (at least according to the standards) because it is related (or is?) the exit code and thus works with the operating system. However, I can't think of a reason a non-main function would do this.
I agree.
There's a common convention of int functions returning 0 for success and some non-zero error code for failure.
An int function that always returns 0 might as well be a void function if viewed in isolation. But depending on the context, there might be good reasons to make it compatible with other functions that returning meaningful results. It could mean that the function's return type won't have to be changed if it's later modified so it detects errors -- or it might be necessary for its declaration to be compatible with other int-returning functions, if it's used as a callback or template argument.
I suggest examining other similar functions in the library or program.
It's a convention, particularly among C programmers, to return 0 if the function did not experience any errors and return a nonzero value if there was an error.
This has carried over into C++, and although it's less common and less of a convention due to exception handling and other more object-oriented-friendly ways of handling errors, it does come up often enough.
One more issue that was not touched by other answers. Within the ellipses may be another return statement:
int myFunction() {
// ...;
if (error)
return code;
// ...;
return 0;
in which case myFunction is not always returning 0, but rather only when no error has occurred. Such return statements are often preferred over more structured but more verbose if/else code blocks, and may often be disguised within long, sloppy code.
Most of the time function like this should be returning void.
Another possibility is that this function is one of a series of closed-related functions that have the same signature. The return int value may signal the status, say returning 0 for success, and a few of these functions always succeed. To change the signature may break the consistency, or would make the function unusable as function objects since the signature does not match.
Is there any particular reason why someone might want to do this, as opposed to simply making a void function?
Why does your mother cut the ends off the roast before putting it in the oven? Answer: Because that's what her grandmother did. However, her grandmother did that for a simple reason: Her roast pan wasn't big enough to hold a full-sized roast.
I work with a simulation tool that in its earliest incarnations required that all functions callable by the simulation engine must return a success status: 0=success, non-zero=failure. Functions that could never fail were coded to always returned zero. The simulation engine has been able to accommodate functions that return void for a long, long, time. That returning an integer success code was the required behavior from some previous millennium hasn't stopped cargo cult programmers from carrying this behavior of writing functions that always returning zero forward to the current day.
In certain programming languages you find procedures and functions. In C, C++ and similar languages you don't. Rather you only have functions.
In practice, a procedure is a part of a program that performs a certain task. A function on the other hand is like a procedure but the function can return an answer back.
Since C++ has only functions, how would you create a procedure? That's when you would either create a void function or return any value you like to show that the task is complete. It doesn't have to be 0. You can even return a character if you like to.
Take for example, the cout statement. It just outputs something but not return anything. This works like a procedure.
Now consider a math function like tan(x). It is meant to use x and return an answer back to the program that called it. In this case, you cannot return just anything. You must return the value of the TAN operation.
So if you need to write your own functions, you must return a value based on what you're doing. If there's nothing to return, you may just write a void function or return a dummy value like 0 or anything else.
In practice though, it's common to find functions returning 0 to indicate that 'all went off well' but this is not necessarily a rule.
here's an example of a function I would write, which returns a value:
float Area ( int radius)
float Answer = 3.14159 * radius * radius;
return Answer;
This takes the radius as a parameter and returns the calculated answer (area). In this case you cannot just say return 0.
I hope this is clear.

Transforming Lisp to C++

I am working on a toy language that compiles to C++ based on lisp (very small subset of scheme), I am trying to figure out how to represent let expression,
(let ((var 10)
(test 12))
(+ 1 1)
At first I thought execute all exprs then return the last one but returning will kill my ability to nest let expressions, what would be the way to go for representing let?
Also, any resources on source to source transformation is appriciated, I have googled but all I could fing is the 90 min scheme compiler.
One way to expand let is to treat it as a lambda:
((lambda (var test) (+ 1 1) var) 10 12)
Then, transform this to a function and a corresponding call in C++:
int lambda_1(int var, int test) {
1 + 1;
return var;
lambda_1(10, 12);
So in a larger context:
(display (let ((var 10)
(test 12))
(+ 1 1)
display(lambda_1(10, 12));
There are a lot more details, such as needing to access lexical variables outside the let from within the let. Since C++ doesn't have lexically nested functions (unlike Pascal, for example), this will require additional implementation.
I'll try to explain a naive approach to compiling nested
lambdas. Since Greg's explanation of expanding let into a lambda
is very good, I won't address let at all, I'll assume that let is
a derived form or macro and is expanded into a lambda form that is
called immediately.
Compiling Lisp or Scheme functions directly into C or C++ functions
will be tricky due to the issues other posters raised. Depending on
the approach, the resulting C or C++ won't be recognizeable (or even
very readable).
I wrote a Lisp-to-C compiler after finishing Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (it's one of the final exercises, and actually I cheated and just wrote a translator from SICP byte code to C). The subset of C that it emitted didn't use C functions to handle Lisp functions at all. This is because the
register machine language in chapter 5 of SICP is really lower level
than C.
Assuming that you have some form of environments, which bind names to values, you can define the crux of function calling like this: extend the environment which the function was defined in with the formal parameters bound to the arguments, and then evaluate the body of the function in this new environment.
In SICP's compiler, the environment is held in a global variable, and there are other
global variables holding the argument list for a function call, as
well as the procedure object that is being called (the procedure object includes a pointer to the environment in which it was defined), and a label to jump to when a function returns.
Keep in mind that when you are compiling a lambda expression, there
are two syntactic components you know at compile-time: the formal
parameters and the body of the lambda.
When a function is compiled, the emitted code looks something like
this pseudocode:
*env* = definition env of *proc*
*env* = extend [formals] *argl* *env*
result of compiling [body]
jump *continue*
... where *env* and *argl* are the global variables holding the
environment and argument list, and extend is some function (this can
be a proper C++ function) that extends the environment *env* by
pairing up names in *argl* with values in [formals].
Then, when the compiled code is run, and there is a call to this
lambda somewhere else in your code, the calling convention is to put
the result of evaluating the argument list into the *argl* variable, put the return label in the *continue* variable, and then jump to some-label.
In the case of nested lambdas, the emitted code would look something
like this:
*env* = definition env of *proc*
*env* = extend [formals-outer] *argl* *env*
*env* = definition env of *proc*
*env* = extend [formals-inner] *argl* *env*
result of compiling [body-inner]
jump *continue*
rest of result of compiling [body-outer]
... somewhere in here there might be a jump to another-label
jump *continue*
This is a bit difficult to explain, and I'm sure I've done a muddled
job of it. I can't think of a decent example that doesn't involve me basically sloppily describing the whole chapter 5 of SICP. Since I spent the time to write this answer, I'm going to post it, but I'm very sorry if it's hopelessly confusing.
I strongly recommend SICP and Lisp in Small Pieces.
SICP covers metacircular interpretation for beginners, as well as a number of variants on the interpreter, and a byte code compiler which I have managed to obfuscate and mangle above. That's just the last two chapters, the first 3 chapters are just as good. It's a wonderful book. Absolutely read it if you haven't yet.
L.i.S.P includes a number of interpreters written in Scheme, a compiler to byte code and a compiler to C. I'm in the middle of it and can say with confidence it's a deep, rich book well worth the time of anyone interested in the implementation of Lisp. It may be a bit dated by this point, but for a beginner like me, it's still valuable. It's more advanced than SICP though, so beware. It incudes a chapter in the middle on denotational semantics which went basically right over my head.
Some other notes:
Darius Bacon's self-hosting Lisp to C compiler
lambda lifting, which is a more advanced technique that I think Marc Feeley uses
If you're looking for tools to help with source-to-source translation, I'd recommend ANTLR. It is most excellent.
However, you'll need to think about how to translate from a loosely-typed language (lisp) to a less-loosely-typed language (c). For example, in your question, what is the type of 10? A short? An int? A double?

do {...} while(false)

I was looking at some code by an individual and noticed he seems to have a pattern in his functions:
<return-type> function(<params>)
<main code for function>
<tidy-up & return>
It's not bad, more peculiar (the actual code is fairly neat and unsurprising). It's not something I've seen before and I wondered if anyone can think of any logic behind it - background in a different language perhaps?
You can break out of do{...}while(false).
A lot of people point out that it's often used with break as an awkward way of writing "goto". That's probably true if it's written directly in the function.
In a macro, OTOH, do { something; } while (false) is a convenient way to FORCE a semicolon after the macro invocation, absolutely no other token is allowed to follow.
And another possibility is that there either once was a loop there or iteration is anticipated to be added in the future (e.g. in test-driven development, iteration wasn't needed to pass the tests, but logically it would make sense to loop there if the function needed to be somewhat more general than currently required)
The break as goto is probably the answer, but I will put forward one other idea.
Maybe he wanted to have a locally defined variables and used this construct to get a new scope.
Remember while recent C++ allows for {...} anywhere, this was not always the case.
I've seen it used as a useful pattern when there are many potential exit points for the function, but the same cleanup code is always required regardless of how the function exits.
It can make a tiresome if/else-if tree a lot easier to read, by just having to break whenever an exit point is reached, with the rest of the logic inline afterwards.
This pattern is also useful in languages that don't have a goto statement. Perhaps that's where the original programmer learnt the pattern.
I've seen code like that so you can use break as a goto of sorts.
I think it's more convenient to write break instead of goto end. You don't even have to think up a name for the label which makes the intention clearer: You don't want to jump to a label with a specific name. You want to get out of here.
Also chances are you would need the braces anyway. So this is the do{...}while(false); version:
do {
// code
if (condition) break; // or continue
// more code
} while(false);
And this is the way you would have to express it if you wanted to use goto:
// code
if (condition) goto end;
// more code
I think the meaning of the first version is much easier to grasp. Also it's easier to write, easier to extend, easier to translate to a language that doesn't support goto, etc.
The most frequently mentioned concern about the use of break is that it's a badly disguised goto. But actually break has more resemblance to return: Both instructions jump out of a block of code which is pretty much structured in comparison to goto. Nevertheless both instructions allow multiple exit points in a block of code which can be confusing sometimes. After all I would try to go for the most clear solution, whatever that is in the specific situation.
This is just a perversion of while to get the sematics of goto tidy-up without using the word goto.
It's bad form because when you use other loops inside the outer while the breaks become ambiguous to the reader. "Is this supposed to goto exit? or is this intended only to break out of the inner loop?"
This trick is used by programmers that are too shy to use an explicit goto in their code. The author of the above code wanted to have the ability to jump directly to the "cleanup and return" point from the middle of the code. But they didn't want to use a label and explicit goto. Instead, they can use a break inside the body of the above "fake" cycle to achieve the same effect.
Several explanations. The first one is general, the second one is specific to C preprocessor macros with parameters:
Flow control
I've seen this used in plain C code. Basically, it's a safer version of goto, as you can break out of it and all memory gets cleaned up properly.
Why would something goto-like be good? Well, if you have code where pretty much every line can return an error, but you need to react to all of them the same way (e.g. by handing the error to your caller after cleaning up), it's usually more readable to avoid an if( error ) { /* cleanup and error string generation and return here */ } as it avoids duplication of clean-up code.
However, in C++ you have exceptions + RAII for exactly this purpose, so I would consider it bad coding style.
Semicolon checking
If you forget the semicolon after a function-like macro invocation, arguments might contract in an undesired way and compile into valid syntax. Imagine the macro
#define PRINT_IF_DEBUGMODE_ON(msg) if( gDebugModeOn ) printf("foo");
That is accidentally called as
if( foo )
The "else" will be considered to be associated with the gDebugModeOn, so when foo is false, the exact reverse of what was intended will happen.
Providing a scope for temporary variables.
Since the do/while has curly braces, temporary variables have a clearly defined scope they can't escape.
Avoiding "possibly unwanted semicolon" warnings
Some macros are only activated in debug builds. You define them like:
#define DBG_PRINT_NUM(n) printf("%d\n",n);
#define DBG_PRINT_NUM(n)
Now if you use this in a release build inside a conditional, it compiles to
if( foo )
Many compilers see this as the same as
if( foo );
Which is often written accidentally. So you get a warning. The do{}while(false) hides this from the compiler, and is accepted by it as an indication that you really want to do nothing here.
Avoiding capturing of lines by conditionals
Macro from previous example:
if( foo )
Now, in a debug build, since we also habitually included the semicolon, this compiles just fine. However, in the release build this suddenly turns into:
if( foo )
Or more clearly formatted
if( foo )
Which is not at all what was intended. Adding a do{ ... }while(false) around the macro turns the missing semicolon into a compile error.
What's that mean for the OP?
In general, you want to use exceptions in C++ for error handling, and templates instead of macros. However, in the very rare case where you still need macros (e.g. when generating class names using token pasting) or are restricted to plain C, this is a useful pattern.
It looks like a C programmer. In C++, automatic variables have destructors which you use to clean up, so there should not be anything needed tidying up before the return. In C, you didn't have this RAII idiom, so if you have common clean up code, you either goto it, or use a once-through loop as above.
Its main disadvantage compared with the C++ idiom is that it will not tidy up if an exception is thrown in the body. C didn't have exceptions, so this wasn't a problem, but it does make it a bad habit in C++.
It is a very common practice. In C. I try to think of it as if you want to lie to yourself in a way "I'm not using a goto". Thinking about it, there would be nothing wrong with a goto used similarly. In fact it would also reduce indentation level.
That said, though, I noticed, very often this do..while loops tend to grow. And then they get ifs and elses inside, rendering the code actually not very readable, let alone testable.
Those do..while are normally intended to do a clean-up. By all means possible I would prefer to use RAII and return early from a short function. On the other hand, C doesn't provide you as much conveniences as C++ does, making a do..while one of the best approaches to do a cleanup.
Maybe it’s used so that break can be used inside to abort the execution of further code at any point:
do {
if (!condition1) break;
if (!condition2) break;
// …
} while(false);
I think this is done to use break or continue statements. Some kind of "goto" code logic.
It's simple: Apparently you can jump out of the fake loop at any time using the break statement. Furthermore, the do block is a separate scope (which could also be achieved with { ... } only).
In such a situation, it might be a better idea to use RAII (objects automatically destructing correctly when the function ends). Another similar construct is the use of goto - yes, I know it's evil, but it can be used to have common cleanup code like so:
<return-type> function(<params>)
<main code for function using "goto error;" if something goes wrong>
<tidy-up in success case & return>
<commmon tidy-up actions for error case & return error code or throw exception>
(As an aside: The do-while-false construct is used in Lua to come up for the missing continue statement.)
How old was the author?
I ask because I once came across some real-time Fortran code that did that, back in the late 80's. It turns out that is a really good way to simulate threads on an OS that doesn't have them. You just put the entire program (your scheduler) in a loop, and call your "thread" routines" one by one. The thread routines themselves are loops that iterate until one of a number of conditions happen (often one being a certain amount of time has passed). It is "cooperative multitasking", in that it is up to the individual threads to give up the CPU every now and then so the others don't get starved. You can nest the looping subprogram calls to simulate thread priority bands.
Many answerers gave the reason for do{(...)break;}while(false). I would like to complement the picture by yet another real-life example.
In the following code I had to set enumerator operation based on the address pointed to by data pointer. Because a switch-case can be used only on scalar types first I did it inefficiently this way
if (data == &array[o1])
operation = O1;
else if (data == &array[o2])
operation = O2;
else if (data == &array[on])
operation = ON;
But since Log() and the rest of code repeats for any chosen value of operation I was wandering how to skip the rest of comparisons when the address has been already discovered. And this is where do{(...)break;}while(false) comes in handy.
do {
if (data == &array[o1]) {
operation = O1;
if (data == &array[o2]) {
operation = O2;
if (data == &array[on]) {
operation = ON;
} while (false);
One may wonder why he couldn't do the same with break in an if statement, like:
if (data == &array[o1])
operation = O1;
else if (...)
break interacts solely with the closest enclosing loop or switch, whether it be a for, while or do .. while type, so unfortunately that won't work.
In addition to the already mentioned 'goto examples', the do ... while (0) idiom is sometimes used in a macro definition to provide for brackets in the definition and still have the compiler work with adding a semi colon to the end of a macro call.
I agree with most posters about the usage as a thinly disguised goto. Macros have also been mentioned as a potential motivation for writing code in the style.
I have also seen this construct used in mixed C/C++ environments as a poor man's exception. The "do {} while(false)" with a "break" can be used to skip to the end of the code block should something that would normally warrant an exception be encountered in the loop.
I have also sen this construct used in shops where the "single return per function" ideology is enforced. Again, this is in lieu of an explicit "goto" - but the motivation is to avoid multiple return points, not to "skip over" code and continue actual execution within that function.
I work with Adobe InDesign SDK, and the InDesign SDK examples have almost every function written like this. It is due to fact that the function are usually really long. Where you need to do QueryInterface(...) to get anything from the application object model. So usually every QueryInterface is followed by if not went well, break.
Many have already stated the similarity between this construct and a goto, and expressed a preference for the goto. Perhaps this person's background included an environment where goto's were strictly forbidden by coding guidelines?
The other reason I can think of is that it decorates the braces, whereas I believe in a newer C++ standard naked braces are not okay (ISO C doesn't like them). Otherwise to quiet a static analyzer like lint.
Not sure why you'd want them, maybe variable scope, or advantage with a debugger.
See Trivial Do While loop, and Braces are Good from C2.
To clarify my terminology (which I believe follows standard usage):
Naked braces:
c = NULL;
Empty braces (NOP):
while (1)
{} /* Do nothing, endless loop */
if (finished)
which would become
if (finished)
if the braces are removed, thus altering the flow of execution, not just the scope of local variables. Thus not 'freestanding' or 'naked'.
Naked braces or a block may be used to signify any section of code that might be a potential for an (inline) function that you wish to mark, but not refactor at that time.
It's a contrived way to emulate a GOTO as these two are practically identical:
// NOTE: This is discouraged!
do {
if (someCondition) break;
// some code be here
} while (false);
// more code be here
// NOTE: This is discouraged, too!
if (someCondition) goto marker;
// some code be here
// more code be here
On the other hand, both of these should really be done with ifs:
if (!someCondition) {
// some code be here
// more code be here
Although the nesting can get a bit ugly if you just turn a long string of forward-GOTOs into nested ifs. The real answer is proper refactoring, though, not imitating archaic language constructs.
If you were desperately trying to transliterate an algorithm with GOTOs in it, you could probably do it with this idiom. It's certainly non-standard and a good indicator that you're not adhering closely to the expected idioms of the language, though.
I'm not aware of any C-like language where do/while is an idiomatic solution for anything, actually.
You could probably refactor the whole mess into something more sensible to make it more idiomatic and much more readable.
Some coders prefer to only have a single exit/return from their functions. The use of a dummy do { .... } while(false); allows you to "break out" of the dummy loop once you've finished and still have a single return.
I'm a java coder, so my example would be something like
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
public class p45
static List<String> cakeNames = Arrays.asList("schwarzwald torte", "princess", "icecream");
static Set<Integer> forbidden = Stream.of(0, 2).collect(Collectors.toSet());
public static void main(String[] argv)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
System.out.println(String.format("cake(%d)=\"%s\"", i, describeCake(i)));
static String describeCake(int typeOfCake)
String result = "unknown";
do {
// ensure type of cake is valid
if (typeOfCake < 0 || typeOfCake >= cakeNames.size()) break;
if (forbidden.contains(typeOfCake)) {
result = "not for you!!";
result = cakeNames.get(typeOfCake);
} while (false);
return result;
In such cases I use
switch(true) {
case condution1:
case condution2:
This is amusing. There are probably breaks inside the loop as others have said. I would have done it this way :
<main code for function>
break; // at the end.