C++ interpreter / console / snippet compiler - c++

I am looking for a program where I can enter a C++ code snippet
in one window, press a button, and get output in another window.
Compilation should somehow be hidden behind the button. On a
per-snippet basis would be fine, full interactive probably asking
too much. It should run under Linux/Unix. Main use case would be
learning/testing/short debugging, etc.
Related stuff I found:
-- the Reinteract project for python (which i'm told sage has features similar to)
-- the same thread for C# here: C# Console?
-- the CINT interpreter from the CERN ROOT project
(which may be close, but maybe there are more comfortable apps around)
-- some programs called Quickly Compile or Code Snippet, which are M$.

http://codepad.org/ works nicely for this purpose. By default, it will run what you paste when you hit submit and display the result (or any errors you might have).

Dinkumware has a page for this AND you can choose the compiler

Do something like this ?
test a C# snippet code by just copying it to the clipboard and then type csc.exe:

Cling (interactive C++ interpreter, built on the top of LLVM and Clang libraries): https://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/cling

Just configure your code editor to compile and run your code snippets.
Most code editors have the capability of 'sending' the current buffer/file to an external tool. I configure one editor key binding to compile the current buffer, and another key binding to execute whatever was last compiled (actually to run whatever has the same base filename as the current buffer with an '.exe' extension). My experience is with Windows, but the same or similar can be done on Unix/Linux.
Then it becomes one keystroke to compile and another to run what I jut compiled. This could also easily be just a single keystroke to compile & run, but I have several key bindings set to compile using various different compilers. That way I can easily test snippets using the latest MSVC, MSVC 6, MinGW GCC, Comeau and Digital Mars compilers to check for differences.

I would do it like this:
Capture the 'snippit' as text
Create a.cpp with the following:
int main() {
return 0;
void snippitCode() {
Use 'exec' to launch a compiler and pipe the output to an output file.
Use 'exec' to run the application and pipe the output to an output file.
In the 'output' window, you can run 'tail -f' on the output file to continuously update when new output arrives.


Is there a way to stop RGui from crashing when an RCPP program fails to work correctly?

I'm using Rcpp to run C++ code using RGui (version 3.4.1) as a user interface. Quite often I make changes to the C++ code which compile correctly but cause errors (e.g. searching beyond the end of an array) when I run the relevant program in RGui, causing RGui to crash. This is aggravating because I have to re-open RGui, re-open my R script (sometimes with unsaved changes lost), set the working directory again, etc. before I can re-compile the C++ code and run the program in such a way as to find the problem or test amendments. Sometimes it promptly crashes again because I haven't fixed or bypassed the problem.
Is there some way to change the way Rcpp runs such that RGui returns an error message instead of crashing in these sorts of situations?
It is spelled Rcpp. Capital R, lowercase cpp.
Yes, don't have bugs :)
In general, 2. is the only viable answer. If you need a managed language, use R.
If the code takes your environment down, test outside the environment. Seriously. That is for example why I (co-)wrote littler and test "raw code" on the command-line: it can only take the command-line app down.
We do have a feature in eg RcppArmadillo to test for "out of bounds" vector access: use x.at(i,j) which will warn. See http://arma.sourceforge.net/docs.html#element_access
I don't actually know of a way to prevent this apart from more careful programming, and saving before execution. But having done this a few times I have discovered a way to get back at unsaved changes, (at least in windows).
When you get the pop-up that tells you to restart R, you don't do it. You open up task manager and right-click on the process and select 'Create Dump File'. Find this file in explorer and open it with some text editor.
They are very big, and full of all sorts of stuff, but if you use find function to search for some string you know to be in your script, then you can find all the unsaved work. You can then copy and paste this into another file to save.
If you use R-studio instead of R-GUI, it usually manages to look after your unsaved work better.

Including Extra Debuging Info in Source File for debugging using gdb in Code::Blocks

When debugging C++ source in Code::Blocks, points passed a function parameter or a members of data structures are just displayed as their address.
After some research I found I can enter the a custom watch as <pointer-name>#<numerical-size of variable-containing-size> to get it to display as an array, however I can't edit the default display on the structure.
I was wondering if there is some way to mark up the source code with special comments that can be parsed during debug to automate this and make complex object easier to view during debugging.
struct {
size_t n;
int *p; /* I want gdb to interpreted this symbols as p#n by default */
I would also like to be able to make similar specification for function parameters.
First is this even possible, I can't find any thing online about marking up the source for helping gdb, and suspect it never even looks at the source since the debugging information is either stored in the executable or a debug database.
If there is some way of doing this, how would I do it?
Note: if there is a Code::Blocks specific solution, I would be happy with that.
The issue that you have seems not to be related to quality of debug information but merely how debugger displays values of variables of certain type. That is usually configurable or scriptable.
Code::Blocks uses squirrel script for Debugger scripting. By extending that script you can make debugger to command GDB in specific manner and then to parse and display the outcome how you like. That gdb_types.script in scripts folder is ran by Code::Blocks.
If you want to script GDB itself then that can be done in "Settings -> Compiler & Debugger -> Debugger -> Initial commands" of Code::Blocks, provided script will be ran by GDB. Then you can call the functions defined in that script from the gdb_types.script.

Invoking a console application from C++ program

I have an console application 'app.exe', which i want to invoke from a C++ program and then communicate with it as if it was a command line. Essentially I want to make a C++ wrapper around another console application so that I could pass input to it at will and receive output.
In pseudo-code something like:
std:string input("...some parameters..."), output;
Process app("app.exe");
app.InputOutput(input, output);
This must have been answered already, but I seem to lack proper terminology to look it up.
In case it matters, I am running Eclipse CDT on Windows 10 with GCC 5.3.0
EDIT: I need to be able to repeatedly send some values to 'app.exe' and repeatedly receive response, rather than just invoke it with parameters. This is needed for a small personal project so I do not care about it being platform-specific.
I used this code as a starting point, in an MFC dialog, to display output from a called process. It was rather painless as this is well documented. He tells you why he is doing what. It should be suitable as you are working with the Windows platform. But as Alf points out, cross platform is something else.
You can use the system function to invoke a shell (command line) command.
That command can be to execute a program with the arguments you want.
system returns the process exit code, but for other results there is no direct support. One easy way to access the output, for a program that just does a job and ends, is to redirect the program's output to a file.
Otherwise you'll have to use communication mechanisms such as pipes or Windows mailslots, that are not supported by the C++ standard library, i.e. you're then into platform-specific code.

How to generate and compile C++ code while the program is running?

So basically what I need isn't a specific code (of course that would be great), but just an idea and methods on how to achieve my goal.
1) I have to create a program in C++ , which generates a little example of C++ code, that is each time a bit different. (This causes no problems for me, I will use a template and randomize some variables in the code, which will make it unique every time.)
2) I will display the generated code and the user will have to type in, what he thinks the code prints out.
And here is where the problems start:
3) I have to take the generated code and compile it somehow to get a string with the text that the program would have printed out.
4) And then compare the string with what the user has typed in.
So the step 3) is where I stop and can't figure it out without help... I was thinking to write the generated code in a function of a .cpp file and then call that function, but I couldn't get it to work, so I started to think, I should ask an expert, maybe there are some other methods or ideas how to achieve this.
Write the .cpp file
invoke the compiler (or make or equivalent build system)
if compilation fails, presumably display the errors?
if compilation succeeds, run the resulting program and display the output
It's probably simplest to wrap 2/3/4 into a script, and invoke that with system or popen. The script can make sure the filenames are unique, fold stderr into stdout, etc. etc.
Your running program isn't really interacting with the compiled code, just reading the output, so keeping it as a seperate process is probably easiest. The script can add some markup to help you distinguish compiler output/errors from the program output.
I haven't written a batch file for years, but once you know how to run your compiler from the command line (ref), you can write a script to:
compile a .cpp file
execute the resulting .exe
redirect its output to a file
then, in C++ you just need to save the code to the .cpp file the script expects, execute the script like system("myScript.bat"), and then read the output file.
If you don't want to write a seperate batch script, you can just call system once to invoke the compiler, and again to execute the resulting .exe.
I think you are looking for a way to script c++. Have a look at http://www.softintegration.com/ or this stackoverflow question Any tutorial for embedding Clang as script interpreter into C++ Code?.
I have not used this but it is free and also does not compile but interpret. Very suitable for your problem, worth a shot...
why dont you compile the generated code standalone using system() call?
system("g++ temp.cpp -o temp.exe); --something of this sort and then based on the return value
you can run temp.exe again like system("temp.exe"); Ofcourse you can print the output from temp.exe to a file and read that file to get the output of temp.exe to your current program..
Would something like Geordi work?
You can invoke the c++ compiler just like you'd invoke any external tool. E.g. system("g++ test.cpp") or use popen or whatever else is offered by your platform.
You could also look into integrating a library that implements a compiler into your program. For that you might want to look into clang and llvm.

How do you debug c/c++ source code in linux using emacs?

I am using emacs and autotools, to write and compile c/c++ sources on linux.
I am using gdb via GUD in emacs.
I have defined for convenience: F7:compile, F10:gud-next, F11:gud-step, F5:gud-cont, F9:gud-tbreak, F8:gud-until, F4:gud-print.
I am mainly interested in debugging c/c++ source code on linux from emacs and I would like to get the most gdb can give.
Unfortunately I am using only F4 which prints the variable under cursor.
So my question is how do you guys debug the source code ?
What programs do you use ?
What key bindings (functionality) do you use mostly ?
What do you need the debugger to do for you ?
If you do weird stuff it doesn't matter. I would like to know everything to boost my speed a bit here.
Thanks in advance.
I use the M-x gdb... commands to select the windows I need, then I use the gdb prompt.
I often set break points with C-x SPC on the source line once gdb is underway,
You'll get the most out of gdb by using the command line instead of key bindings. The most useful commands that I use:
bt - prints a backtrace; helpful to know full context of where you are
s, n, cont - step, next, continue
run - very useful for starting over within the same session
watch - sets a watchpoint; useful for catching when a value changes
call - invoke a function
display - Print a value every time the program stops.
valgrind is perfect for detecting memory errors. Most of the times you are given the exact location of where the error is.
gdb is nice too, but doesn't have great interface, so it is best to be used with some kind of gui like ddd or Eclipse for instance (yes, I am using gdb with Eclipse, it has built in support for it).
I only use the debugger to get a backtrace on a segmentation fault. For everything else I use printf debugging.