How do I load a shared object in C++? - c++

I have a shared object (a so - the Linux equivalent of a Windows dll) that I'd like to import and use with my test code.
I'm sure it's not this simple ;) but this is the sort of thing I'd like to do..
#include "headerforClassFromBlah.h"
int main()
load( "" );
ClassFromBlah a;
I assume that this is a really basic question but I can't find anything that jumps out at me searching the web.

There are two ways of loading shared objects in C++
For either of these methods you would always need the header file for the object you want to use. The header will contain the definitions of the classes or objects you want to use in your code.
#include "blah.h"
int main()
ClassFromBlah a;
gcc yourfile.cpp -lblah
Dynamically (In Linux):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
void *handle;
double (*cosine)(double);
char *error;
handle = dlopen ("", RTLD_LAZY);
if (!handle) {
fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", dlerror());
dlerror(); /* Clear any existing error */
cosine = dlsym(handle, "cos");
if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) {
fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", error);
printf ("%f\n", (*cosine)(2.0));
return 0;
*Stolen from dlopen Linux man page
The process under windows or any other platform is the same, just replace dlopen with the platforms version of dynamic symbol searching.
For the dynamic method to work, all symbols you want to import/export must have extern'd C linkage.
There are some words Here about when to use static and when to use dynamic linking.

It depends on the platform. To do it at runtime, on Linux, you use dlopen, on windows, you use LoadLibrary.
To do it at compile time, on windows you export the function name using dllexport and dllimport. On linux, gcc exports all public symbols so you can just link to it normally and call the function. In both cases, typically this requires you to have the name of the symbol in a header file that you then #include, then you link to the library using the facilities of your compiler.

You need to #include any headers associated with the shared library to get the declrarations of things like ClassFromBlah. You then need to link against the the .so - exactly how you do this depends on your compiler and general instalation, but for g++ something like:
g++ myfile.cpp -lblah
will probably work.

It is -l that link the archive file like libblah.a or if you add -PIC to gcc you will get a 'shared Object' file (it is the linker that builds it).
I had a SUN once and have build this types of files.
The files can have a revision number that must be exact or higher (The code can have changed due to a bug). but the call with parameters must be the same like the output.


Lua: Cant open shared library when lua is wrapped in C++

EDIT: Nearly got the answer, I just dont completely understand it, see last paragraph.
I try to build a shared lua library and use it within a larger project. When calling the script which loads the shared library from shell everything works. However, when I wrap the script within another shell, I get a runtime error when loading the library. Dependent on the script it is just any call to a lua function from c (i.e. lua_pushnumber). Here is a minimal example.
extern "C" {
#include "lua.h"
#include "lualib.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
int init(lua_State *L) {
lua_toboolean(L, -1);
return 0;
static const struct luaL_Reg testlib[] = {
{"init", init},
extern "C"
int luaopen_libtotestlib(lua_State *L) {
luaL_newlib(L, testlib);
return 1;
Compiled with: g++ -shared -fPIC -I./lua-5.4.4/src -L./lua-5.4.4/src totestlib.cpp -o
testlib.lua (testing shared library):
testlib = require("libtotestlib")
Calling the lua script using ./lua-5.4.4/src/lua testlib.lua works. Everything is printed. Wrapping script in the following c++ code does not work:
extern "C" {
#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include <lualib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
static lua_State *L;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
L = luaL_newstate();
int tmp = luaL_loadfile(L, "testlib.lua");
if(tmp != 0) {
return 1;
tmp = lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0);
if(tmp != 0) {
printf("error pcall\n");
return 1;
Compiled with g++ call_testlib.cpp -o ./call_testlib -I./lua-5.4.4/src -L./lua-5.4.4/src -llua it prints "error pcall". If I print the error message on the lua stack, I get:
string error loading module 'libtotestlib' from file './':
./ undefined symbol: luaL_checkversion_
In this case the undefined symbol is luaL_checkversion_ (which I dont call myself), but with other scripts it is usually the first lua_... function that I call.
I have tried several things to fix this. For example, linking -llua when compiling the shared library, but this does not work (and should not be the problem as calling the script itself works). I also tried to load preload the library from c++ (as done in this question) instead of from lua, but I guess it does not really make a difference and I am getting the same error. I also uninstalled all lua versions from my path to make sure I always use the same version.
What is the difference between calling the script directly from shell and calling it inside a c function? Am I doing something wrong?
EDIT: Nearly got the answer. When using MYCFLAGS= -fPIC when compiling lua I can link lua to the shared library. At least this one works, but does not seem like a good solution to me and does not really answer my question: Why can lua itself (from shell) somehow add these symbols to the library while the wrapped c version can not? Additionally, my program has lua once linked in the shared library and once in the compiled C++ project (not optimal imo).

Obtaining filename at runtime for a shared library c++

I have some code that is compiled as a shared library and used with a universal driver, which can be used with other shared libraries that are specific to a particular application.
My question pertains to obtaining some sort of indicator of the name of the binary containing a code that lives in that shared library.
For example, let's say I have 3 files, the first is driver.cpp, the universal driver:
#include "interface.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
//perform a function from the shared library
std::cout << foobar() << std::endl;
The second is sharedlibrary.cpp, the specific implementation for one case of many:
#include "interface.h"
char* foobar() {
return x;
Where x is some indicator that this function is defined in sharedlibrary.cpp, or that this function is linked from, or the current stack frame is using the specific binary rather than just being included in driver.cpp.
The last file is interface.h, which provides the interface to the library via extern "C"
extern "C" {
char foobar();
I would like to reiterate, for clarity, that I am looking for some indication that this function is being linked from Many solutions looking for runtime filenames give the executable name using either argv[0] or readlink(), but I have no control over the actual naming of driver.cpp or its executable name. Rather, I can distribute, and would like to be able to use its name from within itself, if possible.
If it helps, I know that a microsoft-specific solution could be to use AfxGetApp()->m_pszAppName to obtain the DLL name. However, I am looking for a linux solution that does not necessarily need to be portable.
EDIT: I do not know or control the names of driver.cpp, sharedlibrary.cpp, or sharedlibrary.h at compile time. I wish to discover the name of sharedlibrary.cpp at run time.
The updated sharedlibrary.cpp with x replaced with the solution looks like this
#include "interface.h"
#include <dlfcn.h>
void func() {
//Some function that is defined in sharedlibrary.cpp
char* foobar() {
Dl_info DlInfo;
if(!dladdr((void*)func, &DlInfo)) {
return "default_name";
return DlInfo.dli_fname;
Obtaining filename at runtime for a shared library c++
My question pertains to obtaining some sort of indicator of the name of the binary containing a code that lives in that shared library.
You can use int dladdr(void *addr, Dl_info *info. It fills a following structure for you:
typedef struct {
const char *dli_fname; /* Pathname of shared object that contains address */
void *dli_fbase;
const char *dli_sname;
void *dli_saddr;
} Dl_info;
You can pass the address of a function exported by the shared library as the argument addr. Or within such function, you could use the instruction pointer value of the current stack frame - if you know how to obtain it.
I believe you must link with the libdl library.
You can use the buildsystem to generate the dynamic library name for linking and preprocess that inside of a header with a function that return a defined macro, in cmake you can see how to do that here.
Then you use the configured-file to return the defined value in a function that's exported from within the dll.
#include "library_name_macro.h"
auto __dllexport libraryName() -> std::string { return LIBRARY_NAME_MACRO; }
I hope, I have understood your question correctly. I hope my answer helps. You know the shared library name, you link that shared library to your program, Later in run time you want to figure out whether a particular function is present in library or not and this logic should be part of shared library itself.
Let's take an example that you have shared library called, You have linked this library to your application. You can implement the following function in a library, You can pass function name which you want to check whether it is present or not. I have not tested this code, there may be errors. The idea I am proposing is library loads itself again to check whether the function is present when this function is called. May not be ideal method but should serve your purpose.
int isFuncPresent(char funcName[])
int isFuncFound = 1;
void *lib_handle;
int x;
char *error;
lib_handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY);
if (!lib_handle)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", dlerror());
isFuncFound = 0;
fn = dlsym(lib_handle, funcName);
if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error);
isFuncFound = 0;
return isFuncFound;

Local dynamic library

Right off the bat, I want to say that I've never worked with dynamic libraries so It's possible that I don't even understand how they work properly.
I want to have a fully loaded code running and after some trigger (probably user interaction) I want to load a specific library and execute a function inside that library. Preferably close it afterwards. Essentially allowing me to change it and re-load it during run time.
This is the simple dynamic library (called located in the same directory as the main code):
int getInt(int arg_0)
return (arg_0 + 7);
And this is the main program:
#include <iostream>
#include <dlfcn.h>
int main() {
void *lib_handle = dlopen("./", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_NOW);
if (!lib_handle) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", dlerror());
typedef int (*func_ptr)(int);
func_ptr func = (func_ptr)dlsym(lib_handle, "getInt");
std::cout << func(13);
I'm compiling it using: g++ -std=c++11 -ldl loadlibtest.cpp -o main.
The error I'm catching is ./ file too short In my if (!lib_handle) {.
It works fine for me. I've compiled with
$ gcc dynlib.c -fPIC -shared -o
(Obviously, you need to either compile it as C or C++ with extern "C" to avoid name mangling).
and I needed to place -ldl after the source file in the g++ invocation.
gcc: 4.8.5; g++: 5.3.0
dlsym may fail too and casting from void* to function pointers is technically UB. You should base it on the usage snippet from the
manpage(modified for your function):
dlerror(); /* Clear any existing error */
/* Writing: func = (int (*)(int)) dlsym(handle, "getInt");
would seem more natural, but the C99 standard leaves
casting from "void *" to a function pointer undefined.
The assignment used below is the POSIX.1-2003 (Technical
Corrigendum 1) workaround; see the Rationale for the
POSIX specification of dlsym(). */
*(void **) (&func) = dlsym(handle, "getInt");
if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error);
After some great replies I discovered what I'm doing wrong.
1) I wasn't using extern "C" for my library functions, so dlsym was unable to find the function.
2) I didn't know that dynamic libraries had to be compiled << pretty stupid of me.
I still want to know if there is a way to use uncompiled code as a library, but my initial problem was solved, thanks to everyone.

How to distinguish files of two separate programs with common file

I've project where I need to distinguish files belongs to linux daemon (witten in C) and simple linux program (written in C++). Those two projects used 2 shared files (helpers_functions). Daemon and program has different logging system. Daemon write to file, program to stdout.
Problem occurs when I want to log something in common functions for both programs (inside helper_functions file). I don't want to pass via parameter, that this is program A, or program B.
I've compile files belongs to separate programs with g++ flag -D, but what can I do, when I want to log from common files? I cannot define there anything, because I don't know when I use it for program A, or when for program B.
You could add a global variable
const int iamprogram = ...;
which is defined to be PROGRAM_A in program A and PROGRAM_B in program B to solve the immediate problem. You could also make this variable directly contain the file you want to log to:
const char *program_logfile = "/path/to/logfileA";
In the long run, I suggest you to refactor your code such that the common code doesn't depend on which program it is part of. That's much more maintainable and expandable for the case where you want to use the code for a third program as well.
I'm not 100% sure if runtime dynamic linking can handle this. It would definitely work if you statically link the helper functions into each executable.
Provide a logging function with the same API in both programs. Have the library functions that want to log something call this function. They get the implementation provided by the program that's using the library.
Header file included by each program, and by the library
// common_log.h
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" // for the following definition only, no opening {
// used by code that can be part of either program
void common_log(char *msg, int log_prio);
Implementation in the tty C++ program (simple logging):
#include "common_log.h"
#include <iostream>
// used by the rest of the C++ program
void simple_logger(char *msg) {
cerr << msg;
extern "C" void common_log(char *msg, int log_prio) {
Implementation in the daemon C program:
#include "common_log.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
static FILE *logfp;
static int log_level;
// used by daemon code
void fancy_logger(char *msg, int log_prio) {
if (log_prio < log_level)
if (EOF == fputs(logfp, msg)) {
perror("failed to write log message to log file: ");
// or use linker tricks to make common_log an alias for fancy_log,
// if they both have the same signature and you don't need to do anything in the wrapper.
//extern "C" // this is already C
void common_log(char *msg, int log_prio) {
fancy_logger(msg, log_prio);
This requires the linker to be able to resolve undefined symbols in the library using symbols from the program that's linked against it. I think that works, similar to a library providing a weak definition of a global variable, so the main program's definition takes precedence.
If it was ok for simple_logger to also be extern "C" and have the same signature, you could just name them the same and avoid the bounce function. Or if the common function could be an alias for the program's own logging function in either of the programs, I think there are linker tricks to actually do that, instead of compiling to a single jmp instruction (tail-call optimization).
You could implement a callback for getting the program specific output. There's two benefits: no dependency from common part to application (common part defines the interface) and you can make the distinction at run time vs compile time, which gives more legroom for future development, such as changing the output via command line parameters or user interaction.
In the following example, let's refer to the common code part as "library".
typedef void (*logFunc_t)( logBuffer_t );
void setLogOutput( logFunc_t applicationLog );
logFunc_t logger; // might be good idea to initialize to an empty function, but omitted here
void setLogOutput( logFunc_t applicationLog )
logger = applicationLog;
void log( logBuffer_t data )
logger( data );
application.cpp / application.c
// here you should have the extern "C" in C++ application to ensure linkage compatibility
// I am assuming your shared code is C
extern "C" void myLogger( logBuffer_t data );
int main( int argc, char* agv[] )
setLogOutput( &myLogger );
// your thing
return 0;
void myLogger( logBuffer_t data )
// ...log wherever

Make local c library function accessable globally

I'm using a C library called GLC to record my OpenGL buffer programmatically.
GLC listens to key presses, which is not really a nice solution to trigger programmatically.
Therefore I want to execute the recording from GLC via a function call in my software.
My C++ software is linking to the library which includes the desired function start_capture(). Via nm I can see this function is local, marked with a lower case t.
Since it has to be global to access it in my software I want to recompile the library (which I've already done). But I have no idea what to change to make it accessible....
Here is the declaration from start_capture(), in the header file lib.h
__PRIVATE int start_capture(); // No idea where the __PRIVATE is coming from
This is the definition/implementation of the start_capture() function in the main.c:
int start_capture()
return ret;
And this is my dlopen to get the function:
void *handle_so;
void (*start_capture_custom)();
char *error_so;
handle_so = dlopen("/home/jrick/fuerte_workspace/sandbox/Bag2Film/helper/", RTLD_LAZY);
if (!handle_so)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", dlerror());
dlerror(); /* Clear any existing error */
start_capture_custom = (void (*)())dlsym(handle_so, "start_capture");
if ((error_so = dlerror()) != NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error_so);
So what am I supposed to change to access this via the library file?
I hope this was enough description to make the problem clear. If not, I'll answer as fast as I can.
__PRIVATE is a #define for a GCC extension to hide a symbol. See for the definition and for more info about the GCC extension. provides a solution that will unhide symbols without recompiling. You would want to do something like:
$ objcopy --globalize-symbol=start_capture /path/to/your/lib.a /path/to/new/lib.a