Redirect WebService - web-services

I want to redirect my webservice A to another webservice B. So, i set the redirection in IIS. However, consumers of my webservice A get an error while accessing the webservice because they get a 302 message; and they dont handle it. I dont want to force all my consumers to change their code to handle this. I dont want to change my webmethods to make them a wrapper to call webservice B.
What are my options?

Just trying to understand.
You have a new webservice. The old web service is being shut down. You want them same URL to go to the new webservice.
Are the two services hosted on the same box? Also, are the method's / interfaces the same between the two services?
If so, don't do an IIS level redirect. Instead, just bind the URL of the old service to the new service's IIS settings.
If not, then you need to tell your users that you are shutting down the old service, give them a time period on when it will happen that is long enough for them to make the appropriate changes. Then, on that day, turn the old service off.

If you don't have the possibility to change the dns records you could write a webservice with the same signature that just calls your new webservice and returns the result of your new webservice.


TomEE server is not passing web service request to the webmethod

I am new in the area of SOAP Based web services. I am using TomEE server. The server is a bit customized according to my organization's need.
Few days back, when I was trying to run the web services example from TomEE website, I was able to generate the wsdl and calling the web service by a client.
Now, when I need to use the customized version of TomEE plus (by the organization), I can see that the request does reach to the server and hence there is a log entry also but my #WebMethod is not getting executed.
Does any one has any idea about any configuration which can prevent the request from reaching to the webservice method? Is there any pointer around how can I debug further to reach out to the root cause of this issue?
Without further information about what is customized it's like fishing in the dark.
I would guess that perhaps the global web.xml or the server.xml of tomee server is changed so that some URI context mappings are not forwarded or ignored. But it's only a lucky tip.

Can a wcf client handle 2 version of a SOAP response from the same url?

I imported a service reference to a SOAP web service from the customer and coded my client based on that.
After going to production, they said they will launch a new version of the web service with changes to the output type of one of the requests I make to the service (among new messages that I don't consume).
I know I can update my service reference and update my client code to process the updated wsdl and launch an update to my client at the same time the web service updates.
But, is it possible to instrument the WCF code in some way so that I can handle both versions of the response without having to coordinate the update of my client with the update of the web service?
In most cases, NO. It depends on what has changes in the service interface? In most cases you'll need (and want) to upgrade your client. You can always ask them to support more versions of their interfaces.

Client Generation in web service(jax)

I made a web service endpoint and exposed a method now i wanna add more parameter to my method
so each time i change in my method i have to regenerate my client. Is there any way so that i
dont have to generate my client again and again.
No, there is no way. If you change the method then the WSDL file is changed also. Web services communicates through SOAP between client and server. When you deploy your web service application and it has been changed, so how then client supposed to know if there is a new method or a new parameters added if the classes was generated from the old WSDL file. Client will send a SOAP request according to the old WSDL and the server won't be able to understand the SOAP message received from the client if there was any changes made to WSDL part related to the received message.
You could design a better webservice/endpoint that accepts a standalone xml document as argument so that the operation signature stays the same, even when you add more parameters.
More generally, it's bad form for a web service to expose it operations as literal method signatures.

Coldfusion REST API returning 'connection failure. status code unavailable.' when called remotely

Now I want to prefix this with I am unsure whether this should be here or on server fault so I'll post it here to begin with.
We are developing a REST API in Coldfusion 9 which is being hosted on IIS 7 for a client which on certain calls must call another internal webservice. When making these calls from the server that the API is hosted on there are no errors, however when we make the call from a remote machine the following message is returned:
'connection failure. status code unavailable.'
I have googled the issue where the following was suggested as a fix but it does not work for me. The following are the notes from my own testing:
The calls which are causing the issue are a mix of get, put, post and delete.
The only common part of each call is the talking to the same webservice.
I am able to call the webservice directly from the places where I make the remote calls to the API from.
While all the calls make a call to the same webservice they do not all make the same call to the webservice.
Call the web service remotely using a URL that resolves to the internal ColdFusion server (e.g. http://[servername]:8300). You will probably have to some configuration to get this working. Reason for doing so is to identify if IIS or ColdFusion is the root cause. If you can hit the internal server remotely then IIS is probably the issue.
Is the web service call over SSL? If so, is remote caller also ColdFusion? If you've answered both yes, check to see if the SSL certificate is trusted by the remote caller's JVM. If not, you need to register it as part of the JVM's keystore.
Can you ping the host server from the caller? If not, does the caller need a "hosts" entry?
If enabled on your host, review the .NET filter and how it interacts with HTTP calls. I've experienced a situation where I was unable to access a folder called "/bin" because the .NET filter intercepted the requests.
The issue turned out to be that each of the calls required basic authentication which the calls themselves were handling, however basic authentication had been turned on in IIS which was causing IIS to intercept any requests with an Authorization header.
This causes an issue as IIS assumes that if authentication is passed up then it is for a user on that machine/domain and would reject any other credentials (which were valid for the system). It was working when we were logged into the machine because it was coming locally it did not need to authenticate the user.

Does redirecting a web service URL have any effect on the web service?

Let's say a client gave me this URL to access a webservice to GetQuotes:
If I tried to access the web service and I get redirected to:
Will this affect the ASP.NET client calling this web service?
Where both service URLs have the exact same GetQuotes method.
The reason for this question is because we are trying to access a web server which keeps rerouting requests to different servers depending on the load.
In general a redirect shouldn't adversely affect your client (provided it handles HTTP responses correctly).
However if it's a 302 permanent redirect you might want to just update your link and save yourself the extra DNS request...
That can also be a common way for a company to provide an unchanging external link for a service while still being able to move their backend around.