Does redirecting a web service URL have any effect on the web service? - web-services

Let's say a client gave me this URL to access a webservice to GetQuotes:
If I tried to access the web service and I get redirected to:
Will this affect the ASP.NET client calling this web service?
Where both service URLs have the exact same GetQuotes method.
The reason for this question is because we are trying to access a web server which keeps rerouting requests to different servers depending on the load.

In general a redirect shouldn't adversely affect your client (provided it handles HTTP responses correctly).
However if it's a 302 permanent redirect you might want to just update your link and save yourself the extra DNS request...
That can also be a common way for a company to provide an unchanging external link for a service while still being able to move their backend around.


TomEE server is not passing web service request to the webmethod

I am new in the area of SOAP Based web services. I am using TomEE server. The server is a bit customized according to my organization's need.
Few days back, when I was trying to run the web services example from TomEE website, I was able to generate the wsdl and calling the web service by a client.
Now, when I need to use the customized version of TomEE plus (by the organization), I can see that the request does reach to the server and hence there is a log entry also but my #WebMethod is not getting executed.
Does any one has any idea about any configuration which can prevent the request from reaching to the webservice method? Is there any pointer around how can I debug further to reach out to the root cause of this issue?
Without further information about what is customized it's like fishing in the dark.
I would guess that perhaps the global web.xml or the server.xml of tomee server is changed so that some URI context mappings are not forwarded or ignored. But it's only a lucky tip.

Redirect outgoing HTTPS request to an HTTP fake service?

My title might be overly specific - I'm having trouble formulating the question, since I haven't dealt with network administration a lot, and especially not SSL / HTTPS. In other words, the answer to "Why haven't you done . . ." is like to be, "I don't know much about ...."
I am testing, and the System Under Test (SUT) is a web service calling into the Facebook API using
I have a test server set up on a remote machine that will serve pages to I can use the hostfile on the SUT server to redirect requests to to the test server. This works fine when I then type:
The test server receives the request, and serves back the expected page.
However, as mentioned before, the SUT isn't using the HTTP site, but the HTTPS site for the Facebook API (naturally). Is there any way I can intercept the outgoing request and redirect it to the HTTP service that I'm running on the other site? I'd like to be able to type:
and have it be redirected to the fake Facebook service I'm running on the test server. I can configure the servers at both ends.
If this is very difficult, I might also want to put in a feature request for the ability to change the URL for the Facebook API requests. However, I think the dev is using a pre-existing Facebook API module, and this might not be straight-forward. (Okay, I got curious and checked . . . a quick investigation suggests that the API supports data injection of the code that handles the actual HTTPS requests, so he'd have to implement his own version of the interface so that he could pass in a configurable URL that I could set from outside of the code - but I'd still rather not distract him unless it's really necessary).
I'm using an asis-server on port 80 to fake the Facebook responses, if that is relevant.
The solution we ended up using was a service on the test server that intercepted the HTTPS requests and redirected them to the HTTP service. Our ops person used nginx for this.
We're still not sure if this will work as a mock for the SUT - it depends on if the SUT is verifying the certificate information or ignoring it. I still might need to ask the developer to implement a feature to support mocking.

Spring Web Services: Redirect Web Service Request

I have different Spring Web Services, which are included into the context by the
Endpoint Annotation, so there are no dependencies despite the Annotation (no interface etc.). Therefore, no "context" information is present.
Now I want to chain a web service request, ie. an Endpoint is called which itself should call a web service on the same server. I can use Spring's WebServiceTemplate, however, I need the current server url for this request.
Is there any way how this url can be injected during application startup into the Endpoints? Since the Endpoints do not extend some class, there is no way to get this information anywhere inside the Endpoints, also the request parameters do not have this information (these are simple JAXB-classes, which are marshalled on request).
I believe the best option is to send the URL as part of the request.
This also enables you to dynamically change the URL to a third server later.

Redirect WebService

I want to redirect my webservice A to another webservice B. So, i set the redirection in IIS. However, consumers of my webservice A get an error while accessing the webservice because they get a 302 message; and they dont handle it. I dont want to force all my consumers to change their code to handle this. I dont want to change my webmethods to make them a wrapper to call webservice B.
What are my options?
Just trying to understand.
You have a new webservice. The old web service is being shut down. You want them same URL to go to the new webservice.
Are the two services hosted on the same box? Also, are the method's / interfaces the same between the two services?
If so, don't do an IIS level redirect. Instead, just bind the URL of the old service to the new service's IIS settings.
If not, then you need to tell your users that you are shutting down the old service, give them a time period on when it will happen that is long enough for them to make the appropriate changes. Then, on that day, turn the old service off.
If you don't have the possibility to change the dns records you could write a webservice with the same signature that just calls your new webservice and returns the result of your new webservice.

Retrieve calling url in Java Webservice

We have a web service that is deployed on 2 separate machines in different locations. Is it possible to monitor the url that a person used to call our webservice using java code? We have a 3DNS url set up and we want all clients to use this url as oppossed hitting the boxes directly with the correct port numbers in the url.
Have you taken a look at:
WebServiceContext wsContext;
This will return the context of the current message sent to your webservice. I've been able to get the IP address of the user from that.
This is assuming that you are using Java.
You might look into something like OWSM (Oracle Web Services Manager)... there may be open source alternatives.
OWSM creates a virtual endpoint that it handles and routes to the actual service hosts. This way, your service hosts can be hidden behind the firewall, with only the OWSM host visible to the world. When a user hits the virtual endpoint, OWSM can authenticate and pass them along to the balanced service host.
An alternative might be to use servlet filters on the real endpoints. The filter could do a couple of different things. It could simply log the requested URL from the HttpServletRequest, or it could even redirect to the correct URL for you (I'm not sure what the implications of that are for a web service, though).
All you would have to do is have the filter mapped to the same context path as the web service (axis uses /services/* for example).