Experiences using Wt C++ framework? [closed] - c++

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Has anyone seriously used Wt?
Did it work well?
Did you experience certain limitations? Or advantages?
Wt is a C++ library for developing web applications.
Please avoid the discussion of whether C++ is a good language for web development. I just want to give Wt a try because it seems like it could be a fun thing to do.

I've been using Wt to build apps that directly link to C++ libraries but don't particularly make a lot of effort to exercise the layout features such as CSS. So far, it works great as a replacement for GTK when building these kind of applications. I'm a Linux user exclusively and I'm also one of the unwashed heathen who actually enjoys programming in C++, and this framework is a perfect way for me to build an application that can actually be used across many platforms.

I have not personally used the framework, but have discussed it with a few people that have. They didn't really have any limitations, but I found it hard to believe they were compiling every time. Their main comment was that it was quite a light load on the server in terms of memory usage. Personally, I think the interpreted languages of php, python, ruby, etc work well with the nature of web development - but that's not the question you asked. Probably the biggest advantage is being able to use your existing skill set to work in a new medium.
There are also a few good comments online discussing pros and cons. Here is one I found http://discuss.joelonsoftware.com/default.asp?biz.5.599655.33
However, I think the main answer here is that without a specific project requirement in mind, it is going to be difficult to evaluate any framework for suitability. If you think it will be fun to try coding a few things with it, then give it a go. That is going to be the best (if not only) way to determine if it suits your needs.

I have tried several C++ embedded web servers. They tend to be a challenge to use, and not Windows friendly.
( You do not mention your platform. If you are on Unix, then I suspect you will find the available servers easier to use, and can probably ignore this answer. If you are on Windows, read on ... )
I have tried Wt, but was defeated by the massive installation, which takes hours to compile and generates page after page of warnings, and the extensive learning curve. Wt is modeled on Qt, so if you are familiar with Qt, the learning curve will be much less of a challenge.
I have tried Webio by John Bartas I liked the concept and it worked well. However, I found it overly complicated to use and the server code hard to understand. A lot of the complexity of Webio is caused by using an “HTML compiler” to hide the HTML pages that control the appearance of the GUI inside a file system embedded inside the application code. I prefer to have the HTML pages outside in plain view where I can adjust the GUI without recompiling the application.
I have also looked at TWS This is by Richard Hipp who is responsible for SQLITE and FOSSIL and of whom I am a great fan. However, TWS has not been maintained since 2001 and is not really WINDOWS, so I reluctantly decided not to pursue it.
In the end I rolled my own, called WEBEM based on a minimally modified version of the boost::asio web server. In concept similar to, but simpler than TWS, it permits html code to execute C++ methods.

To be honest, I had looked on it but I see one significant Wt design flaw -- it modeled after Qt. Trying to make web applications to look and behave like GUI.
I think, this approach is wrong. There should be clear separation between client side and server side.
If you are interested in C++ web programming take a look on CppCMS which has more traditional MVC model.
Note, I have biased opinion, because I'm developer of CppCMS.

Made a todo list app using it. works great, no problems.

I currently use it to develop a GPS measurements processing web application, based on processing algorithms implemented in C. It works well and has a good synergy with legacy C/C++ code.
It's documentation its not so extensive and the lack of learning tutorials and related books makes it somehow hard to learn.


C++ on the back end of web app

I have been searching the web for this information and I think I need some help with understanding this better.
I would like to learn how to write back-end of a web application in C++ and essentially how to output C++ to web pages and make it talk to a MySQL database. For the record I can write decent code in C++ but I never did it for web.
Wherever I go on the web and find people asking about this the first list of responses is WHY would you when yo have scripting languages. I am aware of the scripting languages, I have used them for years but I am running across cases where this is a requirement and I would like to learn more about it.
My intent it to write an app that uses Angularjs on the front and C++ on the back. I am a fairly well versed PHP developer and I might take this task on by writing PHP initially but I do need to account for a possibility of rewriting in C++ and this makes me think I should probably write it in C++ from the get go.
I understand that the most usual question is WHY I would use C++ instead of a scripting language so I will try and give a limited set of reasons. Please do understand I am not a pro in this aspect of C++ yet and I am evaluating the situation I am in.
So here are some of my reasons...
The project I am about to take on is bound to be very resource intensive and I would really like to gain all the speed I can possibly get from the get go. The more control I have over the app process the better. Essentially I need precision, I know and love C++ and it allows me to retain the control to a great degree..
The group of people I am talking to in the context of the project are aware of the advantages of C++ fro the resources and speed perspective and they hold a portion of the investment bag which gives them a vote in how the project will be approached. Time IS on my side, but i want to waste as little of it as possible.
I am comfortable with C++, have a C++ oriented mind and would love to use it in this context as much as possible.
So I guess my questions are...
Is there a good tutorial that can take me from the basics to
something intermediate?
How do I write a web site backend in C++?
How do I write C++ to work with MySQL on Linux.
Is there a way to do this on Linux servers?
(I believe Facebook it doing it).
I found this http://www.compileonline.com/compile_cpp_online.php on http://www.compileonline.com and it is giving me hope but I need more information to know how to get there.
I am aware that I am not asking an example code based question but I often find good reference posts on Stack that answer these types of questions so I hope someone can help me. I feel a bit lost here.
My preferred approach to building angular apps is to use the back-end pretty much strictly as a REST server.
Here are a few places that list options:
I'm searching a cgi lib in C to build a restful web service
How popular is C++ for making websites/web applications?
One option that seems to come up multiple times is http://cppcms.com/. Also http://www.webtoolkit.eu
Integrating angular will be pretty much the same as integrating with any other back-end. If you're using the back-end as a REST server you can pretty much statically serve all of the angular code.

I would like to know Pros and Cons of using HTML DB (now known as APEX) [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I found around 8 Strenghts and flaws of using APEX over another program(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oracle_Application_Express), but i am not sure i quite understand WHEN to use it.
From what i understand, if you want a fast and easy-to-use development tool related to Oracle, Apex is your first choice. While if you need a complex solution, APEX won't fit.
I would like to know you guys opinion on this. In my case, i need to know if i should recommand this product or not for a raquetball club. Since it is not a big company, i believe HTML DB would be the best choice because we want as less manipulations as possible once it's implemented. We also don't want the owner of the club to pay a lot of money to get somoeone who can develop updates.
Apex is free, and an oracle XE database is free too. Apex is rapid development.
But what you're asking depends on so much more.
From what i understand, if you want a fast and easy-to-use development
tool related to Oracle, Apex is your first choice.
Is an oracle database already being used?
Easy to use dev tool: yes, sure. But as with anything, it depends on whether you have some experience with it, what the specs and expectations are, ...
While if you need a complex solution, APEX won't fit.
Well,... Would a complex solution be so much less complex in another environment? Just how complex are we thinking? In my opinion, you can go pretty far in apex and adapt it to your needs. it might involve creating templates and plugins to set up a framework, but it is doable. An example would be apex projects whom have been completely integrated with ExtJS. Apex is not the answer to everything too, but it's good. If you'd stay within the Oracle stack for more involved/complex, i'd say the next thing is ADF. Personally, i'm not convinced by that one though. It also has its pros and cons (such as: requiring java knowledge. pro for some, con for others...)
In my case, i need to know if i should recommand this product or not for a raquetball club. Since it is not a big company, i believe HTML DB would be the best choice because we want as less manipulations as possible once it's implemented.
How large is this club? How intense will the website be used?
Is there a DB already? Is it Oracle?
Who has DBA knowledge (even basic)?
Who will develop?
If your specs are up to spec, then much fiddling shouldn't be necessary after the launch.
We also don't want the owner of the club to pay a lot of money to get somoeone who can develop updates
Who will host the server? Who will run it? Who will administrate it? Do you plan to go cloud-based?
I'd almost ventured to suggest PHP may be a good alternative if this is a small project. Those developers may be easier to find and less expensive than an apex/oracle developer. But then again, if you're planning to outsource it may be less of an issue. If your oracle instance would be in the cloud somewhere, you'd even be pretty safe i'd believe...
Really, what options are you trying to compare? You're asking about apex, do you have any experience with it?
Honestly, your question is not so much a question as it is an opener to a discussion. Each technology and database will have its pro's and cons, fans and dislikers.
Personally, i really like apex. It has a lot going for it, especially when you're already invested in the Oracle stack. And it is still growing, getting good support, and great releases with lots of new features.
I can't really say how it must be set up a (reliable) service from the ground up: server and database, doesn't matter how small, you'll need some understanding and knowledge for that. If you just wing it and cross your fingers, you'll burn them somewhere down the line. Same with development. But as far as i'm concerned that goes for any other tech. Unless you outsource those aspects of course.
Etc etc. There is much and more to be discussed this way.
I put a downvote there for these reasons: there is much to be discussed, it isn't really much of a question which has a conclusive answer. And it maybe only could fetch a conclusive answer if you put more specifications up there and get people of the concurrent platforms to respond.
I'd like to react on Daniel's post.
First I have to say that I am originally a PHP-Developer, and I really like this language and environment. Nevertheless I decided to do an internship this summer, where I am currently working with APEX. Together with another intern I am developing a bigger application, and I hope to give you some useful input. This only covers the development of the application, as I am not really involved in things like database administration and so on (although I have to say that a PHP Webspace with a MySQL Database also isn't to hard to administrate, especially if there are not too many users).
I'm a developer too, and i don't do server and database administration (corporate environment). Not that i haven't dabbled a bit here and there in my spare time, but i digress.
But my experience is that it gets very, very hard to solve tasks which are out of this range. That doesn't mean that you can't get multiple tables in one reports, some joining of tables is also not a big problem, and can be easily achieved. But if your application needs even more than this I cannot recommend APEX, so I totally agree with your rule, that complex applications should be created in another way.
So speaking as a PHP developer, would you even recommend PHP to achieve this? Would it be less or just as complex?
I'd also argue about complexity. I've worked on some large forms, which for me by now means there are more than your average amount of items, some dynamic actions, validations, maybe some custom process(es). I've not encountered extremely complex situations and honestly i'd question who created those expectations. Thinking outside the box may be a virtue at times, but that doesn't mean the box is always bad. Complex mechanisms or pages can maybe be broken down into more easily accomplishable parts. An example would be using modal pages to break it up.
I also think that the slogan with the limited programming experience is only partial true. It is only true if you have only easy applications, as you have already said. I personally also can't stand the mixing between an IDE and "easy to use"-forms.
I agree about limited programming experience: you'll only create the most basic forms and reports, and having almost no experience i'd think you'd shy away from even option pages in fear of breaking something. Same thing goes for even basic db and server administration: i wouldn't like to rely on such a person when there is no experienced backup (but a very small project as is apperently being described might be acceptable).
I too am only invested in the programming side.
It's also not very easy to create new templates and other things, at least in my opinion it would be much easier with other frameworks.
I'd say that the templates make things very flexible and are certainly not hard to use
And maybe even the worst thing: I think that this application is quite buggy. I don't know how many times simple deleting and new creation of a process/page/validation or whatever solved a problem, where you are simply not thinking of this solution.
Wow. I strongly disagree with this. I've maybe encountered one such thing over the course of a year and tons of forms. Not that i haven't heard of some problems on the OTN forums, but usually they had to do with upgrades.
Summary: I would only use APEX if you have application which REALLY fits it. That means just reports and forms, everything which is more results in pain debugging sessions (as this is also not easy in this environment...) and bad maintenance.
It is too bad that there are not that many large, public sites which use apex out there. As far as i'm aware, there are and have been large project involving apex, but those usually are in a corporate environment and thus are never shown off (can't be). I personally believe apex can be pushed a lot further than the basic forms+reports you mention (and i mean basic, because things will usually come down to forms+reports in this context).
Debugging does not have to be a pain though. If you provide enough debug messages and comments in your own code, that will help a great deal. Debugging the page, javascript console, and if needs be an autonomous error logging procedure to be used in your plsql packages,... I'd say there is plenty to help out (and if you're driven to this, you are working on some more complex material, and i assume that you have the knowledge to actually deal with the complexity you've set up).
And interesting point you raise lastly is maintenance though. I'd say a point on which apex should improve a lot is versioning, out of the box. Exports need to be improved so they can be broken up a lot easier.
Wow, look at that wall of text... I could've guessed this would turn out into a discussion.
First I have to say that I am originally a PHP-Developer, and I really like this language and environment. Nevertheless I decided to do an internship this summer, where I am currently working with APEX. Together with another intern I am developing a bigger application, and I hope to give you some useful input. This only covers the development of the application, as I am not really involved in things like database administration and so on (although I have to say that a PHP Webspace with a MySQL Database also isn't to hard to administrate, especially if there are not too many users).
To start we created a few applications, just to get a feeling. Afterwards we started with the easy parts of the application. APEX is really great if you only have to build some reports and forms to edit the entries of the database. It's very fast to create these things with the integrated wizards.
But my experience is that it gets very, very hard to solve tasks which are out of this range. That doesn't mean that you can't get multiple tables in one reports, some joining of tables is also not a big problem, and can be easily achieved. But if your application needs even more than this I cannot recommend APEX, so I totally agree with your rule, that complex applications should be created in another way.
I also think that the slogan with the limited programming experience is only partial true. It is only true if you have only easy applications, as you have already said. I personally also can't stand the mixing between an IDE and "easy to use"-forms. It's also not very easy to create new templates and other things, at least in my opinion it would be much easier with other frameworks.
And maybe even the worst thing: I think that this application is quite buggy. I don't know how many times simple deleting and new creation of a process/page/validation or whatever solved a problem, where you are simply not thinking of this solution.
Summary: I would only use APEX if you have application which REALLY fits it. That means just reports and forms, everything which is more results in pain debugging sessions (as this is also not easy in this environment...) and bad maintenance.
I am posting here as a guest--hopefully, I will create an account. I used O-HTML-DB from its early releases. We built pretty fine apps. I last used it in 2004, having moved to non-development roles.
Since 2007 though, I decided to revisit the tool and found out about APEX. I have since had my own test apps. I disagree with most of what the intern says.
If you have a limited objective (your business need and associated requirements), then your use of APEX will be limited. This is a very robust application, with sophisticated security features (I have been in InfoSec/Cyber since 2009.
Yes, you are correct than claims about APEX not requiring a solid development background are not accurate. You need to have a sound grasp of SQL/PL/SQL, JavaScript. But you c an also take great advantage of OTN, where developers generously share their know-how. When I started with O-HTML-DB, I had never built a DA in a business environment before. I had theoretical SQL skills. I was a Web Developer with a grasp of JavaScrip, training in Java from Learning Tree International (in addition to academics). But I and my colleague (we were two developers) learned a great deal from OTN. We built three Web apps, one of which supported over 6,000 users--just O-HTML-DB!
APEX has taken O-HTML-DB to new dimensions. You do not need to hard-code validations like we did with O-HTML-DB. Of course, you can modify, which requires a sound grasp of SQL/PL/SQL.
Maybe templating is somewhat confusing to many developers, understandably. But as you continue to "play" with APEX, I am sure you'll like it. It can do nearly anything. Only your limited vision will restrict it.

Which way to go in Linux 3D programming? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm looking for some answers for a project I'm thinking of. I've searched and from what I understand (correct me if I'm wrong) the only way the program I want to make will work is through 3D application. Let me explain.
I plan to make a studio production program but it's unique in the fact that I want to be able to make it fluid. Let me explain. Imagine Microsoft's Surface program where you're able to touch and drag pictures across the screen. Instead of pictures I want them to be sound samples (wavs,mp3,etc). Of course instead the input will be with the mouse but if I ever do finish the project I would totally add touch screen input compatibility! Anyway, I'm guessing there's "physics" to do with it which is why I'm thinking that even though it'll be a 2D application I'll need to code it in a 3D environment.
Assuming that I'm correct in how I want to approach my project, where can I start learning about 3D programming? I actually come from PHP programming which will make C++ easier for me to learn. But I don't even know where to start. If I'm not wrong OpenGL is the most up to date API as far as I know.
Anyway, please give me your insights guys. I could really use some guidance here since I could totally be wrong in everything that I wrote :)
I would like to add that I'm most likely looking for tutorials, Linux 3D programming sites, source/demos (google failed me for the most part).
Note: I also understand this is not a project I'll finish in weeks, months and might take years. That's fine, I want to get C++ under my belt however long it takes. I'm just looking for opinions, sources, tutorials and things that might help me (as stated above).
I don't know much about the MS Surface, but I'm a musician and multimedia artist working mostly with code, so... My advice is very much different - it doesn't matter if it's Irrlight, Orge, pure OpenGL or anything else. If you don't know much about 3D prgramming you'd better start with something different. There are several environments for artists to work with graphics, multimedia and code. Try one of them and watch the projects made in each of them on the project's websitees and on Vimeo. I think most of what you want to do is already done, but still can be very inspiring. The environments that come to my mind are:
Processing - great prototyping environment by Ben Fry and Casey Reas. I use it always before coding anything serious as it provides me with all the multimedia and communication libraries i need, it's simple like hell and it's Java so you can easli deploy your apps after all! (As far as I remember there is touch surface library for Processing)
openFramewoks - same as above but C++, but it's less clean and still under development. It's very easy to prototype in Processing and code finally in openFrameworks as the latter was very much influenced by the former. (The touch surface library is implemented for oF for sure)
NodeBox - great and very powerful environment in Python. Has a very strange but great and intuitive (after all) GUI with some very unique methodolody of work!!
SuperCollider is a wonderful sound processing and algorythimc composition programming language with a very easy to code GUI library and graphics API. It gives you everything you ever imagined about sound programming functionality.
Pure Data - graphical approach toward programming. Made by Miller Puckett (the co-author of Max/MSP) with OpenGL (GEM extension) functionality provided by the guys from IEM in Austria.
Final good advice: Books!!! Programming Interaction (O'Reilly), a few books on Processing website, classic work - Computer graphics for Java programmers (great one, really!!). Read as well all the chapters about domain languages and domain knowladge in "97 things every programmer should know". It can really help!!
BTW: if you don't concider heavy real-time procedures thing about Java (Java2D, Java3D, JOGL) - it's millions times easier then C++ and Processing is actually Java, so you have a very good prototyping environment that can produce ready to use Java classes and applets. I used Processing in real-time theatre productions where stage movement was controlling the sound (syths and hardware samplers) all made in Processing, so this "heavy real-tme" means HEAVY real-time!!
If any further questions about this particular domain programming - don't hesitate to email me.
Coming from PHP won't make C++ any easier to you as riding a bicycle won't make driving a car easier.
Now, I think for Linux, your only choice is OpenGL as an API, and use any of the many wrappers, 3D programming frameworks, and what not available.
Maybe you can go into an easier language, like Python, and if there are OpenGL bindings (which I am pretty sure there is) you can use that, that would make the learning curve more easy and fast.
Today I wouldn't recommand Ogre3D for a lot of reasons (including very poor long-term interface, which defeat the purpose of a dependency for long term usage - although it does have nice performance sinc v2.1).
There is currently a lot of other alternatives which work well on Linux.
Ogre, using OpenGL on Linux-based OSes, will save your life and time, compared to using OpenGL that is your sole alternative.
That said, to use Ogre, you'll have to know a fair amount of knowledge and practice in C++.
And you will have to know about "graphic pipeline".
You can use C with OpenGL, that seem simpler, but it make you loos time by not providing higher abstraction of the graphic pipeline as Ogre does.
And almost all graphic engines are written in C++ anyway.
Now, if you try to learn C++, take a good book like "Accelerated C++", take a deep and long breath and please forget all you learnt about php before. Be humble in your search for knowledge and you'll get it faster.
You'll be interested in:
OpenGL (obviously)
Box2D (a 2D physics engine)
SDL (a portable media library)
You can find basic tutorials for them on the web. However, think if you really want to code in C++. The language is very powerful, but not easy to learn, and really hard to master. Wouldn't it be better to use a rapid development language like Python with PyGame?
Don't get me wrong -- I love C++ and it's my language of choice, but unless you're working on top-notch performance, operating systems or compilers, it may be overkill to learn C++'s up and downsides the hard way.
You need neither 3D graphics or a physics engine for this. The UI could even be done in a browser using some funky javascript.
However, the audio engine for something like this is going to be a pretty complex, performance-oriented beast, and is probably best done in C++ (or maybe OpenCL).
Finally, are you sure you're not reinventing Pure Data?
I prefer Irrlicht as a lighter, easier-to-learn, but less feature-complete API than OGRE.
It's literally possible to write a prototype in a few minutes in Irrlicht, and the code itself is easier to understand.
The best thing about it is that it would interface seamlessly with Irrklang, a sound library that may help you with your project.

What is a good programming language for testers who are not great programmers? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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We would like to create some simple automated tests that will be created and maintained by testers. Right now we have a tester who can code in any language, but in the future we might want any tester with a limited knowledge of programming to be able to add or modify the tests.
What is a good programming language for testers who are not great programmers, or programmers at all?
Someone suggested LUA, but I looked into LUA and it might be more complicated that another language would be.
Preferably, the language will be interpreted and not be compiled. Let me know what you think.
Update: C and C++ are under the hood. No one is aspiring to be a programmer really ... it just might be something they could potentially work on if they can handle the task.
Update 2: I am a software engineer who happens to be a tester right now. I am very knowledgeable about the entire lifecycle ... including developing code, so for me I could go with any language but I'm trying to think of other testers who aren't as knowledgeable about programming as I am.
Update 3: The language will need to be able to make calls to the C++ code easily.
You may not even need language depending on what you are testing you can use
Test Modeling tools like CubicTest: http://cubictest.seleniumhq.org/
Highly recommend you check that out if you are doing Web Applications.
Our QA team had great success with it.
Otherwise I would recommend a Domain Specific Language over a General Purpose Language in your problem domain. The DSL might actually be a subset of a GPL (for example Rake for Ruby) so google carefully.
If you can not find an existing DSL then:
Create a DSL for your testers using Ruby or Scheme. Those two languages are the
easiest to create Domain Specific languages.
Python If all else fails and they need a GPL than Python is by far the easiest language to learn IMHO.
EDIT - Based on your updated requirements, Python might be the best fit. I have found it very easy to call C or C++ with Python CTypes. However I am sure Ruby has something equally as good.
I always reccomend Python.
People always think i am crazy, but it is the easiest and most flexible to show people. And you could always design some type of "test" framework, and only expose them to a very small subset of it.
And you can always refer them to :
(source: barnesandnoble.com)
I think that before actually choosing a language, we should define even more precisely what you are looking for.
Garbage collected, as we don't want people to have to understand memory management!!
Good number of modules/libraries around, so as not to reinvent the wheel
Preferably coming up with already existing (and tested) unit-test frameworks
Good documentation for the modules/libraries
Preferably scripting language, because tests have to be modified/run quickly
Easy interaction with C/C++, though the developers will have to provide the interface
And, perhaps most important of all:
clear and "english-like" syntax, so that it will be (at least) readable by non-tech people
Based on this list, I would recommend Python.
It's perhaps the programming language (having reached a critical mass) that is the closest to traditional english / algorithm expressions. It's certainly one of those with the least punctuation / weird symbols that throw off non-programmers
It comes immediately with so much modules that it's unlikely you'll have to dig for more any time soon... comprising a unittest module
The documentation is really good, generally illustrated by examples
It is quite simple to interface it with C
You can even run Python scripts from Java using JPython ;)
We have a in-house software for our non-regression tests. While it's been programmed in Java (probably for the GUI part and the Windows/Unix portability requirement), Python has been elected as the language to use within the non-regression tests themselves.
This is used mostly by our QA people, and even beginners usually take to it pretty easily, even when they don't have any programming background at all.
Note: I don't have any practical experience with LUA, so I am unable to choose between Python or LUA. However, having use both Python and Ruby, I must say that I have found Python much more readable (loop constructs / punctuation). Just make sure not to pick up Perl ;)
Depends a bit on what you want, but for my money Ruby is probably the most comprehensible language around.
Also if you're working with web stuff, then Watir gives you a lot of testing functionality right there.
If your ambition is at all to become a programmer, I'd suggest using the language of the system you're testing.
The experience will make you a better programmer, and the knowledge can only make you a better tester.
Python is a very simple and useful language to understand. Some even compare it to writing pseudocode. It also comes with its own unit testing framework.
EDIT: It also comes with a C API.
I think the better question might be what do you plan on doing with the programs created. I have done Java, html, css, php, mysql, vb, C#, etc, etc. Out of all of them, the fundementals remain the same. You always have the same type of logic from language to language. IF ELSE statements, for loops etc. However if your not planning on creating self loading programs then you would go for something that wouldn't do that.
Persoanlly Java is difficult but allows for a lot of portability. Don't just go with what's easiest, because you might not be able to do anything with it in the future.
if you are still interested, java has the ability to make calls to C++, but not without it's share of problems. Link this link has a look at making calls, but might be a little too involved if you're only hoping to show introductory programming.
Ok, as I understand the question it is really, how can I let non-programmer's write automated tests for an app written in c++? So in this context I would suggest taking a look at Fit and FitNesse.
Fit is essentially a table based F ramework for I ntegration T esting. The idea is that you hook fixtures up into the code to test and those fixtures are then controlled in different ways using nothing more than tables or in the case of FitNesse simple wiki markup which creates the tables under the hood.
The advantage of this is that there is no programming language involved at all. They just need to know what fixtures you have exposed and the proper usage for them.
The drawback of this is that it can be difficult at first to map out the fixtures you need/want for your tests. Also, it is generally more maintenance than using like a unit test framework where the tests are all just in code.

Are there any web frameworks for compiled languages like C++? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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On our embedded device, we currently use PHP for its web interface, and unfortunately it's quite slow. We've been experimenting with Python, but is seems (at least on FPU-less ARM architecture) to be as slow as PHP.
Therefore we're thinking about implementing web interface in some compiled language like C++, but so far the only thing we've found is Wt, which looks more like desktop than web framework and it's documentation is rather complicated for a beginner.
So my question is: do you know about any good web frameworks for C/C++? What would make me totally happy would be something like C++ Django, but I doubt such thing exists :-)
What is the reason your site is slow in PHP? Have you profiled the code to figure out the bottle necks? Replacing the entire codebase with another language is likely to be too large a tool for the job.
Perhaps if some portion is computationally intensive, then maybe you can implement a PHP module in C++ to do the job.
If I were you, I would give Wt a try. I don't think you will find another solution as complete and easy to use as Wt with similar performance. The mailinglist are active, and has regular posts of people who use it on embedded devices. The Wiki (here) of the project mentions some numbers for embedded deployment and performance on ARM.
You can take a look at CppCMS. I don't know how mature or good it is, but it sounds like what you are looking for.
Another option is to write the main application in Python/PHP and then rewrite the critical parts in C, which seems more sane to me.
I had just seen this link as a referrer to CppCMS. Several questions/answers about it.
Q. How is it mature?
A. There is a Wiki 100% based on it. Developers blog runs on CppCMS as well. So you can see it quite works.
well. At least for author.
Q. "What would make me totally happy would be something like C++ Django"
A. Actually it is "C++ Django". Many Ideas had been taken directly from Django, like
forms, template inheritance and some more. So you would probably feel at home
Q. Nanogear
A. I had taken a look on it... It has many plans but not-too-much code.
Q. How many projects using it.
A. Not many. It is quite new project.
Q. Who am I?
A. To be honest I'm the developer of CppCMS.
Do you really need a web framework or just an html templating library?
See here for template options: C++ HTML template framework, templatizing library, HTML generator library
One thing to look at here is using C++ for some sort of web service instead of an actual web app development environment. On one of my current projects we generate JSON(and parse for requests) then let the client(web browser) deal with the rest. You have a great deal of computing power available to you on the client machine, mix in some javascripty magic and boom, now your embedded device can go back to doing what its supposed to do. I personally kind of like Wt and think it is your best bet if you want to dev the whole "web app" thing in C++.
As to the specifics of how you get your C++ code to start serving up web services, you can use the amazing boost.asio library(they have an http server example) and json_spirit(I think its on codeproject)
How about Nanogear. I haven't used it, so I'm not sure if it is a good fit. Here is a quote from the website.
C++ is a great, general purpose
programming language but no modern,
easy-to-use and powerful C++ web
frameworks were made during these
years. We try to fill the gap with
Nanogear. Inspired by the Zend
Framework and Rails we want to bring
C++ to the web, easily.
Here is a link to the older googlecode site Google Code Nanogear Looks like there is more info there.
Try Lua. There is Xavante embeded web server somewhere on LuaForge.
It's very fast, very small and very extensible - as all about lua is.
You have power to use Lua where scripting fits betteer, and use C++ functions where in need of more speed and conection to existing native code.
Since no one else has said it, I will. Try Java. Java is a compiled language with a good web framework. It is also very scalable. Every coperation I have worked for uses java as its main web-technology, and this is mainly due to this scalability factor. Not sure if it will work with your architecture, but it answers the question:
Are there any web frameworks for compiled languages like C++?
You may give a try to embedded version of CppCMS.
It's quite new and exprerimental development but It looks like it is
much more suitable then Wt because it is ore web oriented (more closer to Django)
and not GUI like.
Check out the ffead c++ application framework (http://code.google.com/p/ffead-cpp/), its developed on the lines of Spring for JAVA.
You can have a look at Tntnet. It uses its own template language which looks a bit like PHP, only with much more additional tags.