scons - how to run something /after/ all targets have been built - unit-testing

I've recently picked up scons to implement a multi-platform build framework for a medium sized C++ project. The build generates a bunch of unit-tests which should be invoked at the end of it all. How does one achieve that sort of thing?
For example in my top level sconstruct, I have
subdirs=['list', 'of', 'my', 'subprojects']
for subdir in subdirs:
SConscript(dirs=subdir, exports='env', name='sconscript',
variant_dir=subdir+os.sep+'build'+os.sep+mode, duplicate=0)
Each of the subdir has its unit-tests, however, since there are dependencies between the dlls and executables built inside them - i want to hold the running of tests until all the subdirs have been built and installed (I mean, using env.Install).
Where should I write the loop to iterate through the built tests and execute them? I tried putting it just after this loop - but since scons doesn't let you control the order of execution - it gets executed well before I want it to.
Please help a scons newbie. :)

SCons, like Make, uses a declarative method to solving the build problem. You don't want to tell SCons how to do its job. You want to document all the dependencies and then let SCons solve how it builds everything.
If something is being executed before something else, you need to create and hook up the dependencies.
If you want to create dmy touch files, you can create a custom builder like:
import time
def action(target, source, env):
os.system('echo here I am running other build')
dmy_fh = open('dmy_file','w')
dmy_fh.write( 'Dummy dependency file created at %4d.%02d.%02d %02dh%02dm%02ds\n'%time.localtime()[0:6])
bldr = Builder(action=action)
env.Append( BUILDERS = {'SubBuild' : bldr } )
It is very important to put the timestamp into the dummy file, because scons uses md5 hashes. If you have an empty file, the md5 will always be the same and it may decide to not do subsequent build steps. If you need to generate different tweaks on a basic command, you can use function factories to modify a template. e.g.
def gen_a_echo_cmd_func(echo_str):
def cmd_func(target,source,env):
cmd = 'echo %s'%echo_str
print cmd
return cmd_fun
bldr = Builder(action = gen_a_echo_cmd_func('hi'))
env.Append(BUILDERS = {'Hi': bldr})
bldr = Builder(action = gen_a_echo_cmd_func('bye'))
env.Append(BUILDERS = {'Bye': bldr})
If you have something that you want to automatically inject into the scons build flow ( e.g. something that compresses all your build log files after everything else has run ), see my question here.

The solution should be as simple as this.
Make the result of the Test builders depend on the result of the Install builder
In pseudo:
test = Test(dlls)
result = Install(dlls)
The best way would be if the Test builder actually worked out the dll dependencies for you, but there may be all kinds of reasons it doesn't do that.

In terms of dependencies, what you want is for all the test actions to depend on all the program-built actions. A way of doing this is to create and export a dummy-target to all the subdirectories' sconscript files, and in the sconscript files, make the dummy-target Depends on the main targets, and have the test targets Depends on the dummy-target.
I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how to set up the dummy target, but this basically works:
(in top-level SConstruct)
dummy = env.Command('.all_built', 'SConstruct', 'echo Targets built. > $TARGET')
(in each sub-directory's SConscript)
for target in target_list:
Depends(dummy, targe)
for test in test_list:
Depends(test, dummy)
I'm sure further refinements are possible, but maybe this'll get you started.
EDIT: also worth pointing out this page on the subject.

Just have each SConscript return a value on which you will build dependencies.
SConscript file:
test = debug_environment.Program('myTest', src_files)
SConstruct file:
dep1 = SConscript([...])
dep2 = SConscript([...])
Depends(dep1, dep2)
Now dep1 build will complete after dep2 build has completed.


QBS build system, can't initialize environment with vcvars64.bat

I'm trying to implement my own module to build C++ on Windows with clang-cl toolchain as there's no built-in support in QBS right now.
I chose to use lld-link instead of microsoft linker, so I have to supply it with all the MS library include paths manually. With these paths hardcoded, I manage to build my apps fine. But I'd like to make my module more flexible and use %LIB% environment variable set by vcvars32.bat|vcvars64.bat
As far as I understand, this could (should?) be done inside module's setupBuildEnvironment script. Here's what I try to read the %LIB% and fail:
import qbs.Environment
import qbs.Process
var p = new Process();
p.exec("vcvars64.bat", [], true);
// makes no difference
// p.exec("cmd", ["/c", "vcvars64.bat"], true);
var lib = p.getEnv("LIB");
// this fails too
// var lib = Environment.getEnv("LIB");"LIB = " + lib);
This gives me LIB = so I'm getting nowhere. My guess is that the process is already terminated at the moment of querying the variable (p.getEnv("LIB")), hence the empty result. The QBS docs for Process.getEnv() state nothing in this regard.
What is the correct QBS way to initialize environment with vcvars64.bat, and more broadly, what is the correct way to get environment of a process inside setupBuildEnvironment?
Well, embarassingly, this was easy to work around by creating a simple batch and getting rid of setupBuildEnvironment script altogether:
#echo off
call vcvars64 && qbs
But I'd like to avoid batch scripting as much as possible, so the question still stands.
The vars batch files just dump some information onto the console. That does not set an environment on the calling process in any way. You would need to parse the process output. I suggest you take a look at the MsvcProbe item in the qbs sources to see how that is implemented for MSVC. You might be able to adapt the code for clang-cl.

how to make autotools tests read files?

my autotools project has a couple of unit-tests.
one of these tests (filereader) needs to read a file (data/test1.bin)
Here's my filesystem layout:
- libfoo/tests/filereader.c
- libfoo/tests/data/test1.bin
and my libfoo/tests/
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/foo
LDADD = $(top_builddir)/src/
EXTRA_DIST = data/file1.bin
TESTS = filereader
check_PROGRAMS= filereader
filereader_SOURCES = filereader.c
this works great, as long as i do in-tree builds.
However, when running the test-suite out-of-tree (e.g. make distcheck), the filereader test cannot find the input file anymore.
This is obviously because only the source tree contains the input file, but not the build tree.
i wonder what is the canonical way to fix this problem?
compile the directory of the test-file into the unittest (AM_CPPFLAGS+=-DSRCDIR=$(srcdir))
pass the qualified input file as a cmdline argument to the test? (e.g. $(builddir)/filereader $(srcdir)/data/file1.bin)
copy the input file from the source tree to the build tree? (cp $(srcdir)/data/file1.bin $(builddir)/data/file1.bin? how would a proper make-rule look like??)
Canonically, the solution would be to define the path to your file into the unittest, so the first option you laid out. The second one is also possible but it requires using an in-between driver script.
I would suggest avoiding the third one, but if you do want to go down that route, use $(LN_S) rather than cp; this way you reduce the I/O load of the test.
There is a way to do this with autoconf. From the netcdf-c
# Some files need to exist in build directories
# that do not correspond to their source directory, or
# the test program makes an assumption about where files
# live. AC_CONFIG_LINKS provides a mechanism to link/copy files
# if an out-of-source build is happening.

Using AsConfigured and still be able to get UnitTest results in TFS

So I am running into an issue when I go to build my projects using tfs build controller using the Output location "AsConfigred" it will not detect my unit tests. Let me give a little info on my setup.
TFS 2013 Update 2, Default Process Template
Here is a few screenshots that can hopefully help fill in what I can't in typing. I am copying my build out to a file share on our network so that we can use other utilities use the output. I don't want to use "PerProject" or "SingleFolder" because they mess up the file structure we have configured (These both will run the tests). So i have the files copy to folder names "SingleOutputFolder" which is a child of the DropLocation. I would like to be able to run from the drop folder or run from the bin folder for each of my tests (I don't care which). However it doesn't seem to detect/run ANY of the tests. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you need any additional information.
I have tried using ***test*.dll, Install\SingleFolderOutput**.test.dll, and $(TF_BUILD_DROPLOCATION)\Install\SingleFolderOutput*test*.dll
But I am not sure what variables are available and understand where the scope of its execution is.
Given that you're using Build Output location set to AsConfigured you have to change the default values of the Test sources spec setting to allow build to find the test libraries in the bin folders. Here's an example.
If the full path to the unit test libraries is:
E:\Builds\7\<TFS Team Project>\<Build Definition>\src\<Unit Test Project>\bin\Release\*test*.dll
This question was asked on MSDN forums here.
MSDN Forums Suggested Workaround
The suggested workaround in the accepted answer (as of 8 a.m. on June 20) is to specify the full path to the test projects' binary folders: For example:
which really should have been shown as
However this approach is very brittle, for the following reasons:
Any new test projects you add to the solution will not be executed until you add them to the build definition's list of test sources:
It will break under any of the following circumstances:
the build definition is renamed
the working folder in build agent properties is modified
you have multiple build agents, and a different agent than the one you specified in {id} runs the build
Improved Workaround
My workaround mitigates the issues listed in #2 (can't do anything about #1).
In the path specified above, replace the initial part:
so you have
This works because the internal working directory is apparently the \binaries\ folder that is a sibling of the \src\ folder. Navigating up to the parent folder (whatever it is named, we don't care) and back in to \src\ before specifying the path to the test projects binaries does the trick.
Note: If you have multiple test projects, you add additional entries, separated with semicolons:
What I ended up doing was adding a post build event to copy all of the test.dll into the staging location folder in the specific build that is basically equivalent to where it would go on a SingleFolder build and do that on each test project.
if "$(TeamBuildOutDir)" == "" (
echo "Building Interactively not in TFS"
) else (
echo "Building in TFS"
xcopy "$(TargetDir)*.*" "$(TeamBuildBinaries)\" /Y /E /S
MSBUILD parameter in the build def that told it to basically drop in the folder that TFS looks for them.
Kept the default Test assembly file specification:
View this link for the information on the variable that I used and what relative path it exists at.
Another solution is to do the reverse.
Leave all of the files in the root so that all of the built in functionality works. There is more than just test execution in there. What about static code analysis, impact analysis..among others. You would have to do something custom for them all.
Instead use a pre-drop powershell script to create your Install arrangement from the root files.
If it is an application then you can use the _ApplicationFolder Nuget package to create an _PublishApplications folder same as you get for web applications.

How to add test unit to a shared library project using autotools

I'm developing a library which should do a lot of calculation. It uses GNU autotools build system. There is a test project that links to this library and runs various test procedures. Each procedure compares results with pre-calculated values from MATLAB.
I found that testing process is boring and time consuming. Every time I need to do make, sudo make install in library and make in test project, then run the program and see what's going on.
What is the standard way to add check target to a library using autotools? It should meet this requirements:
User should be able to make check and see results without having to install the library itself. The executable should link to recently compiled, and not-yet-installed shared objects.
Running make check should also run the test program. (Not only compile it). Result of make check depends on return value of test unit program. The make should show error if test unit fails.
If user decides not to make check then no executable should be compiled.
Since you're already using autotools, you've got most of the infrastructure already. I don't know the directory layout, but let's say your have: SUBDIRS = soroush tests in a top-level, alternatively, you might have SUBDIRS = tests in the soroush directory. What matters is that a libtool-managed exists before descent into the tests directory.
The prefix check_ indicates that those objects, in this case PROGRAM, should not be built until make check is run. So in tests/ => check_PROGRAMS = t1 t2 t3
For each test program you can specify: t1_SOURCES =, etc. As a shortcut, if you only have one source file per test, you can use AM_DEFAULT_SOURCE_EXT = .cc, which will implicitly generate the sources for you. so far:
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(srcdir)/.. $(OTHER_CPPFLAGS) # relative path to lib headers.
LDADD = ../soroush/
check_PROGRAMS = t1 t2 t3
# or: t1_SOURCES =, t1_LDADD = ../soroush/, etc.
make check will build, but not execute, those programs. For that, you need to add:
What's really good about this approach is that if libsoroush is built as a shared library, libtool will take care of handling library search paths, etc., using the uninstalled library.
Often, the resulting t1 program will just be a shell script that sets up environment variables so that the real binary: .libs/t1 can be executed. I only mention this, because the whole point of using libtool is that you don't need to worry about how it's done.
Test feedback is more complicated, depending on what you require. You can go all the way with a parallel test harness, or just simple PASS/FAIL feedback. Unless testing is a major bottleneck, or the project is huge, it's easier just to use simple (or scripted) testing.

Scons and Boost.Test, my Test project cannot link with my main project object files

I'd like to use Boost.Test for Test Driven Development.
I asked scons to create two executables, the main one, and the test one.
All my main project files are in ./src/, and all my test dedicated files are in ./test/
The problem is:
the main project object files are put in ./build/src/
the test project object files are put in ./build/test/
and in such a configuration my executable Test cannot link since all the main project object files (of the classes on which I perform my tests) are not in the same directory.
Do you have an idea how I could tweak my scons file so as the linking of the executable Test can use the object files in ./src./ ?
Below is my main.scons file:
import os
env['ENV']['TERM'] = os.environ['TERM']
env.Program('Main', Glob('src/*.cpp'))
testEnv = env.Clone()
testEnv.Program('Test', Glob('test/*.cpp'))
While the "duplicate object lists" approach is fine for simple projects, you may run into limitations in which your test code doesn't need to link against the entire object space of your main program. For example, to stub out a database layer that's not the focus of a particular unit test.
As an alternative, you can create (static) libraries of common code that you link against your primary executable and your test framework.
common_sources = ['src/foo.cpp', 'src/bar.cpp'] # or use Glob and then filter
env.Library("common", common_sources)
program_sources = ['src/main.cpp']
env.Program("my_program", program_sources, LIBS=['common'])
testEnv['LIBPATH'] = ['.'] # or wherever you build the library
testEnv.Program("unit_test", test_sources, LIBS=['common'])
This also avoids the duplicate main() problem that you mention because only the program_sources and test_sources lists should contain the appropriate file with the main routine.
I have continued searching, and found This post on the web which intrigued me, using the scons env.Object. Indeed this object contains the list of all target object files.
And with slight modifications I have the scons file that does what I wanted (though now I have a problem of dupplicated main function but that's another problem):
import os
env['ENV']['TERM'] = os.environ['TERM']
# here I keep track of the main project object files
mainObjectFiles = env.Object( Glob('src/*.cpp'))
env.Program('PostgresCpp', mainObjectFiles)
testEnv = env.Clone()
# here I append all needed object files
testObjectFiles = Glob('test/*.cpp')
testedObjectFiles = Glob('src/*.cpp')
allObjectFilesExceptMain = [x for x in mainObjectFiles if x != 'src/main.o']