Importing third-party library source files into Eclipse CDT - eclipse-cdt

I've got a project set up very nicely with eclipse-cdt. I'm not building from eclipse, but the indexer works and all my makefile settings were picked up, including third party libraries headers.
What I would like, however, is to be able to view the actual source of those libraries - say, if I want to see some code in Qt or libc I'd like to be able to CTRL+click into the method from the relevant header file. You can do this in the java version of eclipse, whenever you are missing a source file, you have an option of "attaching source". I've looked everywhere with CDT and can't find a solution. I don't want to build these third party libs, I just want to be able to click-through to their source code, not only to their headers.
Does anyone know how to do this (am I missing something obvious)?

Ok, found the answer.
In the Project's Properties window, under "C/C++ General" there is a tab called "Source Location", your project's folder should be listed there. Click on "Link Folder", mark the "Link to Folder in the file system" and use "Browse" to find the folder where all he library's source code is.


Build failed with no stated reason on Segger Embedded Studio after adding custom source files

I'm modifying a simple example project (blinky) from the nRF SDK. I added a header file and a .c file in a new folder inside the project directory then added that path ./lib to the common preprocessor user include directories. I then included the header to main.c.
I can compile the new library on its own but when I build the whole project, I get Build failed error with no stated reason to follow up.
Here is an image of that:
Does anyone here know how to beat this?
I haven't used Segger Studio specifically, but it seems to be the CrossWorks IDE underneath.
In CrossWorks, you have to do the following:
Download & install all relevant libs from inside the IDE, under Tools -> Packages -> Install packages. Grab your specific target MCU as well as any specific boards or libraries you'll be using. In case some needed lib is missing here, you will get very weird errors.
In the project, click on the project name itself in "project explorer". Then in the properties window, check settings (this is a bit different in different versions of CrossWorks, might have to right click and pick properties in older versions). Under "user include directories" you should have something like this:
Where "NameOfMCU" is the name of the MCU family used, CMSIS should be there in case you are using any ARM, "NameOfDirectory" is the name of your custom directory (you can add several).
Also, get the debug build working first, before switching to release build.

create dll out of yaml-cpp source code

Newbie to windows. I need to use yaml-cpp library in a project, but I can't seem to compile it in windows. I tried everything (everhthing!) I could find but no place have the full answer, just tips for the process. but those tips don't help so much.
I did create shared lib in Ubuntu but can't create dll in windows.
can someone give the full explanation to get dll from source code?
(I also be grateful for explanation of how use the dll with it's includes).
Working with visual studio 2015.
So finally I got it.
for linux users - use cmake. for windows users - you can but I really don't recommend it unless you need cross compiling. Use visual studio: (explained for VS 2017)
First create new project with existing code.
The folder you pick should be "src" (in case of cpp-yaml).
When creating the project you need to choose type of project (exe, dynamic or static library), so choose dynamic library to create .dll or static to create .lib.
After creating your project go to your project properties, go to c/c++ tab --> General --> "additional include directories", and add your path to the headers folder ("include"). Do not add "cpp-yaml" inside the include folder, only "include".
Now build. In the console you can see where the library was created.
To use it, in case you made static library 4 things need to be done:
add to your project "#include cpp-yaml/yaml.h"
in properties:
in tab "c/c++" --> General --> "additional include directories", add the include folder path. (as before)
in tab "Linker" -->Input, add to the "Additional dependencies" your lib name (followed by semi-colon)
in tab "Linker" --> General, add to "additional library directories" the path to your lib.

How can I link winpcap in Code Blocks?

Id like to know the process to link the Wincap library and use it in my c++ project im developing in Code Blocks.
After struggling to do this myself I figured that I should post my solution here.
You will need to download the developer version of WinPCap and unzip it somewhere, lets say "C:\WpdPack_4_1_2".
In Code::Blocks, you need to add the "Include" sub directory to the search directories. To do this, go to settings->compiler and click on the "Search directories" tab. For the "Compiler" "Linker" and "Resource compiler" tabs you need to add the search path. Using the location above as an example, it would be C:\WpdPack_4_1_2\WpdPack\Include.
Once these have been added, click "OK" to return to the main screen.
Then, you need to add the library file to your project build settings. To do this, right click on your bolded project name on the left side and choose "Build options". Under the "Linker settings" tab add the path to the "libwpcap.a" file.
For example, it would be C:\WpdPack_4_1_2\WpdPack\Lib\libwpcap.a.
After I did this, the example programs compiled fine. Make sure to add the #include "pcap.h" in your program to use the library.

setup include path in eclipse CDT in mac os (headers from framework)

for example I need to include a header
#include <OpenGL/glext.h>
while it is actually a header file glext.h under OpenGL.framework/Headers/.
Therefore it is no way to give eclipse a physical path about "OpenGL/glext.h", and I always get unresolved inclusion warning.
I can still build and run them (with managed makefile project) but it is impossible to browse the functions or definitions from those "resolved" header files.
is there any solution?
While not ideal, my solution to this has been to create a folder "/Developer/Framework Headers" (though the name isn't important), and link from e.g. "/System/Library/Frameworks/Foo.framework/Headers" to "Foo" under said folder. Then in Eclipse I add "/Developer/Framework Headers" to a project's includes.
I say not ideal because apart from having to create links for the frameworks you need and add an include to each project, Eclipse seems to have trouble in certain cases such as nested frameworks (e.g. CoreGraphics beneath ApplicationServices), but YMMV.
Yes there is one. Right click on the project in "Project Explore" window and click on the "property". In there Open "C/C++ General" column and choose "Path and symbols". Now you see all of the include library path for this project. If your using C then add the OpenGL library into GNU C, or if you use C++ then add it into GNU C++. Unfortunately you have to do this for every new project. I have been searching for a while how to do this by default but nothing really useful. Hope this help you get rid of those annoying yellow wave lines.
Since current Eclipse CDT releases don't perform sub-framework header inclusion correctly, you can avoid sub-framework problems (like those generated by the CoreServices header files) by creating symbolic links to the include directories of each sub-framework. I elaborated on this subject, which stems from danhan answer on this question, in this blog post.
In order to automate this process, I've created a Z shell script which automates this process and creates the symlink to the specified frameworks' header directory, together with the links to the include directory of each one of their sub-frameworks. The script can be found in this GitHub repository.
Hope this helps.

installing opencv on windows(W32) to be used with code blocks

i am trying to use opencv library with code blocks(8.02).i have installed opencv2.1.
when i include the headers and link the library its all fine.i have gone through tutorial as well.but when i compile the project
it reports no error or just says exit with status 1.
i want to know if anyone who has used opencv with code blocks and can please help me out of this situation.
I had this exact same problem a couple of weeks ago and couldn't find an answer anywhere !
After messing around with it, I found out exactly how to do it.
1) Compile the library using Cmake.
2) After your library is compiled you should have two different OpenCV libraries - a compiled one, and a non-compiled one.
3)In Code Blocks, click on Settings (In the File Menu). Under Settings, select Compiler and Debugger.
4)Select the Search Directories tab.Select the compiler tab under search directories. Click Add. Browse to your NON-COMPILED version of the library. In the non-compiled directory, select the include folder. Under the include folder, select OpenCV. Click OK
5)In codeblocks, select the linker tab, which is under the Search Directories tab.. Click on add and this time browse to your COMPILED version of the library. In the compiled directory, select the lib folder and click OK.
6) Go to the linker settings tab in codeblocks. Click Add. Browse to the COMPILED version of the library. In the compiled directory select lib. In the lib folder select all the libraries. Make sure to only select only the dynamic library files (.dylib extention)
7) Codeblocks is setup!
8) Run your project and it should work fine.
Feel free to ask for more help if you are still having problems.