How to do unit testing in Visual Studio 2005? - unit-testing

Is there any support for unit testing in Visual Studio 2005? After googling for some time, I found out that we can do unit testing with Visual Studio Team System, but I do not have it.
I cannot install NUnit also because of some stupid rules of my organization. Does anyone knows how to do unit testing in Visual Studio?
Many Thanks

If you can't use NUnit (and presumably MBUnit etc.), then you have two options: upgrade to VS2005 Team System or VS2008 Professional. Sure, it will possibly cost money, but if challenged when presenting your case to the manager, point out that their "policy" is what's costing them the money.

If you upgrade to VS 2008, they changed their stance and included unit testing in the non Team suite level versions of the IDE.


Unit tests failing in Visual Studio 2017

I recently "upgraded" from Visual Studio 2012 to 2017, and now a number of tests which pass when run in 2012, fail in 2017. Application-specific Assertions fail and I am also getting the following exceptions:
Microsoft.QualityTools.Testing.Fakes.UnitTestIsolation.UnitTestIsolationException: UnitTestIsolation instrumentation failed to initialize. Please restart Visual Studio and rerun this test (needless to say, a restart does not resolve the issue)
System.InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.
All code, options, and settings are identical in both environments. I am using Microsoft's testing framework, not NUnit, XUnit, etc. The code is in VB.Net. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks.
The option to use Fakes Assemblies isn't available in the Professional version. We will need to upgrade to the Enterprise Edition, or continue using 2012.

How do Install Microsoft Fakes (Unit Test Isolation) on VS 2013 Professional edition

I want to start writing unit test cases using the Microsoft Fakes framework in Visual Studio 2013 Professional.
Please advise on how I can achieve this.
Fakes is only available with VS Ultimate and Premium. There is no installer that will allow you add the fakes functionality to VSPro
Although Fakes is only available to VS Ultimate/Enterprise users, its predecessor, Moles, is available for free.
They're largely the same, except Fakes uses a different naming scheme, and plays slightly better with non-MSTest testing frameworks.
There is also an open-source alternative named Prig which I know nothing about.

Tutorial for Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework?

I would like start to learn Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework on VS 2012 Express for Web.
Mainly for ASP.NET MVC project.
I already buy the hard copy of Art of unit test from amazon.
But it is lack of tutorial aims for VS unit testing framework.
So any resource i can have?
Another question, when i research on this forum,
I found someone said MSTEST is different from VS unit test framework.
Is the VS 2010 Express built-in unit test is subset of VSTS?
Thanks you.
For all practical purposes mstest is the unit testing framework in Visual Studio 2010. It continues to be the primary unit testing framework in 2012 as well. However now we support extensibility and many 3rd party frameworks like xunit/nunit/gtest etc have adapters for our platform.
For ASP.NET the best place to start is to download the MVC3/MVC4 solutions from Microsoft which contain a rich suite of unit tests with them.

Getting started with unit testing in VS2010?

I'm new to both unit testing and Visual Studio 2010 (just upgraded from 2008). I'm interested in using VS2010's new built-in unit testing tools, but would like to get the lay of the land first. I haven't been able to find any resources or tutorials on unit testing with VS2010 specifically - has anyone found a good walk-through?
I'm also open to persuasion that we should stick with NUnit or the like, if anyone knows a reason to avoid the built-in tools.
PEX and PEX Tutorial
Here's a Channel9 video titled "TestDriven Development with Visual Studio 2010".
She goes through the basics of the Test Project, and it seems a good intro, Channel9-style!
This is vintage 2008 material, and the GUI of Visual Studio doesn't look like RTM. You can see though, when she selects text, that it appears to highlight ala 2010.
I prefer using open source tools such as NUnit, the reason is, if you use the built-in testing tools in your projects, those will not be available to developers running express versions of Visual Studio. This might not be a good enough reason for you but it is for me, specially when you work with .NET open source projects.
Good luck!

Switching from MSTest to another unit test framework in VS 2010

Visual Studio 2010 offers a lot of comfortable tools for unit testing via its built in test runner. Unfortunately we can't use MSTest for our unmanaged c++ codebase. Is it possible to switch from MSTest to e.g. Google.Test and have it integrated with the built in Visual Studio test runner?
Thanks in advance!
I have not seen anyway to integrate another unit testing framework into the VS test runner.
You might look at some VS add-in test runners, and gallio are two.
It's possible to use gtest (google test) in VS2010 and have it integrated with the IDE thanks to the extension: GoogleTestAddin
You can be interested by this similar thread: Viewing Google Test results within Visual Studio