MSVCP90.dll not found? - c++

in my project if compile project in release, it asks me MSVCP90.dll.
if it is debug, it does not...
have you ever met such a situation?
and do you know why this .dll is desired? or what configuration makes it to be desired?
thanks for any advice..

I think you need to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package
which you can get from here.

i realized that i already installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package so i just repaired but it did not solved the problem.
then i looked for the configuration and saw that "Generate Manifest" is "No" in Release when it was "Yes" in Debug.
so i changed and tried again then it worked.
i did not know that this configuration may affect like that, (and i dont remember when i changed it)
anyway.. thanks for your other answers...

Have you searched your hard disk for the file? You may find it in a directory such as:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\redist\x86\Microsoft.VC90.CRT
If it's there, copy it to your \windows\system32 directory.
Also copy msvcm90.dll and msvcr90.dll while you're at it.
If this is not working then
the solution is download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package. Follow this link for download (cca 1.8 MB):
Check Here for multiple ways of sloving this issue :

Check your project settings. If you're not generating a manifest for your Release build, the DLL will need to be in the System32 directory.
Also, if your Release and Debug builds are going to the same directory, it could be seeing the Debug manifest, which would point it to the debug version of the DLL. Your best bet is to generate an embedded manifest for all builds.

You probably turned off manifest embedding in your project in release configuration.

There are several files that make Visual C++ Run-time and you can have the same problem with any of them. You might take a look at other questions regarding any of the following files.
msvcP90d.dll (debug version of msvcP90.dll)
msvcR90d.dll (debug version of msvcR90.dll)


Missing MSVCP120D.dll but don't have Visual Studios anymore

I dug up an old project of mine from college when we exclusively used Visual Studios, and I'm looking to run it again. I don't have the exe anymore, just the debug version. When I run the debug version, I get the missing MSVCP120D.dll error. I have no way to recompile this into the release version. Is there a way for me to download the missing dlls, without downloading Visual Studios?
Incase you didn't know, MSVCP120D.dll is a dynamic link library for the IDE "Microsoft Visual C++ 12.0", which I believe is from Visual Studio 2013.
If you know the version of Visual Studio that you used (You specified 2010 and 2012 in the tags), you can use the following link to download the toolchain, Visual C++:
Another option is reverse-engineering, but this will be an incredibly difficult process and cannot give you the source that you originally used to create the debug version. Your best bet is to find the version you're after, if not re-writing it.
This installation, should you have the administrator privileges to perform it, should cause the error to cease, as your system will be able to find it in Sys32/Syswow64.
Edit: I would be vary wary to download a .dll from any other site other than Microsoft's official site, malicious DLLs are readily available from dodgy sites.

LoadLibrary fails with error code 14001

I'm using Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition to create a resource only DLL.
The problem I'm facing is that running the application that makes use of the DLL
on another computer besides mine results in LoadLibrary() function failing with error code 14001.
Searching throught the internet it seems to be a dependecy problem of the computer
running the application lacking libraries of the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package.
My first step was to install the latest Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package but that didn't solved the problem.
Also I changed my project setting so the DLL compiles with static CRT linking assuming that
this way I will get rid the dependencies.
These options seem to be the workarounds for other people having the same issue.
Any idea in which direction to look is highly appreciated.
Thanks for your answers.
Both Dependency Walker and the event viewer indicated a side-by-side configuration
problem as I was missing a debug version library of the VC++ Redistributable Package.
I was careless and have compiled my DLL in debug mode, recompiling in release mode solved the problem.
Try to isolate missing library by Dependency Walker:
Just run your application on the second computer with this tool, it should tell you what library is missing. Be sure you are installing the right version of Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package; there are two of them, for VS 2008 with SP1 and without any SP...
Look in the eventviewer. Good chance there will be an error there from Windows SideBySide explaining which assembly is missing.
Likely it would be a VC CRT runtime which you will have to bundle with your dll.
(the VC redistributable is available here:
I had the same issues but with Visual Studio 2013; a debugging set of DLL's which required a manifest. In my case Microsoft.DTfW.DHL.manifest and dbghelp.dll had to be added to the path (I used the exe directory).

MSVCP100D.dll missing

When I try to debug my C++ application I get the error
The program can't start because MSVCP100D.dll is missing from your
computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
I found someone with a similar problem here: Remote debugging C++ on the Windows Server 2008 platform with VS2010; MSVCP100D.dll missing however the solution given there doesn't seem to show up when I go to the solution properties.
Would reinstalling Visual Studio fix this problem?
Usually you don't want MSVCP100D.dll on your system. It's for debugging purposes only. If you get this error for your release build you must make sure that you didn't accidently add a 'Debug'-tagged Project Output to your setup project.
If you really need to debug your software on a remote machine, I suggest you do the following:
Create a new Setup project called 'CRTDebug100Setup' and add the following Merge Modules (found under C:\Program Files\Common Files\Merge Modules):
Build, and deploy on your computer to be debugged!
Reinstalling Visual Studio fixed the problem.
This can also occur if Generate Debug info is not set to No
Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Debugging -> Generate Debug info
Followup on l33t's answer above (tried to revise it but it did not seem to appear).
Added later by gpicher 10 Jan 2012: I believe those .msm packages would be for a 9.x version of the DLL in question, not a 10.x version. I resolved a similar problem I had by making a setup project with Visual Studio 2010 installed on a 64 bit Windows installation, using the merge module Microsoft_VC100_DebugCRT_x86.msm in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Merge Modules. There's a similar x64 version of the .msm if the application showing the error dialog is a 64 bit application. In this case a third party was providing me a debug build of their application in order to develop and test new plugin code against, so I couldn't change build settings, and wanted the debug functionality.
Find the Visual Studio 2010 install iso file.
Extract file from the ISO.
Then extract file "F_REDIST_DLL_APPLOCAL_msvcp100d_x86" from the .cab file using 7z.
Rename the file to msvcp100d.dll.
For x64 version. The cab file name is and the file name is F_REDIST_DLL_APPLOCAL_msvcp100d_x64.
For similar issue such missing msvcr*d.dll for another visual studio version. Here is the way I used to find the answer:
Find the Visual Studio ISO.
Extract all the .cab file.
7z.exe t *.cab > filelist.txt
gvim filelist.txt
searching for the interested file name. Hope this helps.

Visual Studio 2005 Deployment

I have created an application on Windows XP, Visual Studio 2005, C++.
I want to run the application using its .EXE file on a different computer but it crashes.
I think it maybe related to some .dll missing files.
Am I in the right direction?
If so, how do I know which files are missing?
Is there a build option in the Visual to copy all the requested .dll to a specific place?
The most likely answer is that the other computer is missing the Microsoft VC++ redistributable files. You can download the VS2005 (or VS2005 SP1) file from Microsoft. It's name is vcredist_x86.exe (assuming standard x86 build). Just run it on the target PC and then retry your app.
If you assume it is a missing DLL you can also use the Dependency Walker
But I agree to Joel that most probably it will be the redist package that is missing or if you tried to use a debug version you might need the non redist package.
But you don't have to download them. They should be part of your VS installation. Somewhere in the VC/redist folder.
I use dependency walker to watch which dlls are missing for my program.
There's an in depth discussion of the options and steps required to get Visual Studio 2005 C++ Applications to run on machines which don't have Visual Studio installed here.
It includes detailed instruction for Visual C++ Express users too.

msvcp80d.dll not found while using TBB

I am using Intel TBB C++ for multithreading an application on visual studio 2008. When I run the executable I get a dialog saying "MSVCP80D.dll" was not found. There is so much on the net about this that it confuses me.
Please help.
EDIT: Based on answers, finally I was able to fix the "dll missing" problem. I had given a path to TBB lib of vc8 leading to dependency on vc8 dlls, which are used with visual studio 2005, not with 2008. (Using depends ( ) it is easy to determine the run-time dependencies of an executable.) I changed by project to depend on vc9 dlls, not vc8 and then it worked fine.
Another thing to note is use of manifest files on windows. Manifest files describe dependencies. The manifest files must be generated while writing an application as it is necessary.
You can find them online at various places. Just scan it for a virus and put it in your program's path and everything should work fine. You may need more than one of the debug dlls, you can use depends32.exe to see what you are missing.
MSVC80D is VS 2005. As part of VS2008 you would have MSVC90D instead.
Your app is compiled with debug version. Debug version of VC runtime is not in path.
Try to generate release version.
Are you running the program on your development machine? If you are not, you might get this error. The "D" at the end of the filename means that the DLL is a debug DLL, and often not on computers without Visual Studio installed. You're not supposed to redistribute it (copy it around), either. You should compile a "release" version of your application and run that. If you really can't do that for some reason, and it's only one or two computers, then try installing the express version of visual studio on that computer.
If you are having this problem on your development machine, it can apparently be caused by a compiler/linker problem. Try doing a clean build ("clean", then "build" in Visual Studio).
Ok, after a lot of search, and by chance, I landed on this forum which says something I interpret as "the version of TBB I am using does not support VS 2008".
But this still uncertain.