How does Subsonic handle concurrency? - concurrency

Can somebody shed some light for me on how SubSonic 3.x handle concurrency? I checked out the document online but it's rather sparse at the moment. Any pointers and/or examples would be greatly appreciated.

It doesn't...

I've found a solution for this here that I am currently testing.


Where can I find django(ORM) practice problems?

I'm really finding it very difficult to source practice problems for Django and its ORMs. I've heard Mosh's paid course has such exercises. I'm just getting started with Django mostly referring to youtube and its official documentation. I hope one of you who reads this could help me out.
I don't know if this is the right forum to ask.
Thanks in advance!

ILDASM: How does it work?

While there are many examples of how to use ILDASM, I have yet to find any information as to how ILDASM populates its data. Can anyone please help shed some light on this for me?
Edit: I should mention that I am interested in doing this from C++.
It uses the common .NET runtime support interfaces to read data from assemblies, IMetaDataAssemblyImport for example.
Best way to get insight is to look at its source code. Which is available in the SSCLI20 distribution. After you installed it, navigate to the clr/src/ildasm subdirectory and have a look-see.

How to use django-discussion application?

I recently learned about django-discussion. I don't know it may be a great application but I couldn't find any documentation, no example anywhere on the web.
Can somebody please guide me to the right direction? How can I integrate it with other application?
According to the lists of django forum applications here and here, there are better alternatives like django-threadedcomments, djangobb or pybbm - take a look.
Plus, django-discussion is not actively developed now.
Hope that helps.

OpenSceneGraph FirstPerson Walking Camera

I am new to OpenSceneGraph and would appreciate help figuring out which of the existing CameraManipulator classes, or even any out there, I would need to use for Walking/Running/Jogging simulations. So far I have checked out about 10 of the manipulators but none of them seem to do what I need here which is simulate walking/jogging/running with ease.
Thanks in advance.
How about FirstPersonManipulator (formerly DoomLikeManipulator)

MSBuild 4.0 Regex parsing

I have heard that MSBuild 4.0 has increased Regex parsing support. However, I am unable to find any detailed documentation/links/material on this. Can anyone give a brief description of the new features and/or possibly give pointers to more material?
Thanks in advance.
Check out
I think you might have heard wrong. I haven't heard of this, and the MSBuild team has been communicating changes to me.