I've recently had some trouble moving the location of the indexes folder (for the in built Sitecore Lucene indexes).
I have updated the setting "IndexFolder" (originally in web.config but moved out into include). The config output in http://{mydomain}/sitecore/admin/showconfig.aspx is correct, the setting has the correct path (now in the Data folder instead of Website folder).
However, when I jump into the control panel and rebuild the index, it is still created in the default location ("/indexes", relative to the web application).
Has anyone had a similar problem in Sitecore not using the correct path?
Make sure the new folder is writable by ASPNET-user or NETWORK SERVICES.
If that's not working, list a Sitecore support case.
OK, when adding settings to an include file make sure you get the xml path correct.
I had:
<setting name="IndexFolder" value="C:\...\Indexes" />
Should have had:
<setting name="IndexFolder" value="C:\...\Indexes" />
All is well in Lucene world. Thanks for your help everyone, but it turns out I'm a victim of my own stupidity.
When I login to ColdFusion 2018 admin console the screenshot below shows up. The close button is not working. Neither is the search box. Restarting the WebLogic server and reopening console are not helpful. How to fix this? I never had this issue using ColdFusion console before this.
This is the console log in browser. No error reported in Eclipse.
You are missing the /cf_scripts mapping that serves the jQuery script that is required to run the frontend of the CF2018 admin console.
The mapping should point to /ColdFusion2018/cfusion/wwwroot/cf_scripts/.
If you are using the built-in Tomcat, locate /ColdFusion2018/cfusion/runtime/conf/server.xml and adjust your context:
<Context path="" docBase="/your-webroot/" workDir="/ColdFusion2018/cfusion/runtime/conf/Catalina/localhost/tmp">
<PreResources className="org.apache.catalina.webresources.DirResourceSet" base="/ColdFusion2018/cfusion/wwwroot/CFIDE" webAppMount="/CFIDE" />
<PreResources className="org.apache.catalina.webresources.DirResourceSet" base="/ColdFusion2018/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF" webAppMount="/WEB-INF" />
<PreResources className="org.apache.catalina.webresources.DirResourceSet" base="/ColdFusion2018/cfusion/wwwroot/cf_scripts" webAppMount="/cf_scripts" />
If you are using IIS, you can simly add a virtual directory. A symlink would probably work too for that matter.
It seems to be an incorrect value in your neo-runtime.xml file. CfFormScriptSrc value should be just "/cf_scripts/scripts/". For those who don't understand, refer to the discussion at https://forums.adobe.com/message/10705035
Currently working on a sitecore solution which is running version 6.6 and we're experiencing some odd behavior. The site is setup to have multiple targets which are all pointing to individual databases for a webserver for instance web1 - web3 etc... I can confirm that all connection strings are correct and that the web servers are able to communicate to/from the sitecore cms server.
With a lot of reading I found out about the EnableEventQueues (http://www.sitecore.net/learn/blogs/technical-blogs/getting-to-know-sitecore/posts/2010/07/introducing-the-sitecore-event-queue.aspx) which in theory should have resolve this problem, however having enabled this on all web nodes and the cms server it's still experiencing issues.
Our other theory was to recycle an app pool to check if sitecore had cached old content and was waiting on a period to update its cache? However this seemed to fail but pointing the connection string to a working on then worked, so it was like sitecore had only published the changed to a select few nodes.
We're currently at a stand still as to what could be causing this, unless there's any other configs which require enabling?
The ScalabilitySettings.config looks like:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns:patch="http://www.sitecore.net/xmlconfig/">
<setting name="EnableEventQueues">
<patch:attribute name="value">true</patch:attribute>
<setting name="InstanceName">
<patch:attribute name="value"></patch:attribute>
<setting name="Publishing.PublishingInstance">
<patch:attribute name="value"></patch:attribute>
<setting name="Counters.InstanceName">
<patch:attribute name="value"></patch:attribute>
<setting name="Caching.SecurityCacheExpiration">
<patch:attribute name="value">00:20:00</patch:attribute>
<setting name="Media.DisableFileMedia">
<patch:attribute name="value">false</patch:attribute>
<setting name="Media.FileFolder">
<patch:attribute name="value">/App_Data/Replicated/MediaFiles</patch:attribute>
Many thanks,
Can you show your scalability settings? Specifically, the Instance Name and Publishing Instance Name for your CDs and CMs?
Usually, it is the event queues, as you surmised, but perhaps you have something off in those particular files for the instance names. They should all have the same publishing instance name value and unique values for the instance name.
Now that I see your scalability settings, I can see the issue. You will need to give your content management instance where publishing is occurring a name. Perhaps something as simple as "CM".
On the content management server, the scalability settings will need to be setup with the same value in the Publishing.PublishInstance and InstanceName settings (e.g. "CM").
On your content delivery servers, the scalability settings will need to be setup with the publishing instance value (e.g. Publishing.PublishInstance = "CM")
You can provide unique InstanceName values on each CD if you like, or leave it blank and Sitecore will generate a unique value for each CD.
Why is this needed?
The event queue informs all sitecore instances connected to it about the events coming from the publishing instance. Each instance needs to know who their associated publisher is so that they know which events to process.
I am getting this error
Required license is missing: Runtime
I have checked datafolder path
<sc.variable name="dataFolder" value="C:\Path\Data" />
and license file settings
<setting name="LicenseFile" value="$(dataFolder)/license.xml" />
also checked permission all is correct but still it is giving error.
The most likely cause is a patch file in the include folder that is changing your path. Sometimes this is called "DataFolder.config" and may have the default path set in it, which will overwrite the setting value you might have in another patch config or in the Web.config file.
There are some tools that let you track down config settings without having a working Sitecore instance. I would try out the Config Builder (https://marketplace.sitecore.net/Modules/Sitecore_ConfigBuilder.aspx) which should be able to load up all your config settings and help you track down the problem.
I know it is a pretty late to answer, but for folks who end up here - this might be helpful.
There could be couple of reasons why you get this error. Since OP had already mentioned that his license file has not expired - Another viable reason is
The datafolder path is wrong. the first line of the Sitecore.config line defines the datafolder path. For eg: something like this:
<sc.variable name="dataFolder" value="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\sitecoredev\Data\"/>
if you have any developer create a different instance name or folder and checks it in, it will not find the path and hence you will get this error.
Check if the licence file has expired:
Confirm that the expiration date in the licenses has not been reached or passed. Open the license.xml file with a text editor and search for “expires”; find the line corresponding to the “20060319”. If the date has been reached or passed (for instance, if it is March 19, 2006 or later), the license will not work; obtain an updated license.
I have installed 8.2 update 5 on my local machine. The default installation adds a folder called 'zzz' in App_config/include folder and creates DataFolder.config in that folder and references the data folder name from that config file. My publish overwrote/deleted that folder and i got the error 'Required license is missing: Runtime Sitecore'.
Adding that folder 'zzz' from my backup site resolved that issue.
I have also noticed that even if after fixing the path you may still see this error. Once you fix path with valid license, DON'T forget to reset IIS/ Apppool.
Below are the possibilities for the error.
Verify if the license file is present - You can check this in the default data directory of the Sitecore installation path. If the file is not there add it here and restart the IIS.
The path of the License file is wrong - The default path of the Sitecore license file will be specified in the “web.config,” and if you are using the Sitecore 8+ version, then verify Sitecore.config file(App_config/Sitecore.config) where LicenseFile settings are provided
Overriding the License file path - If you are using any Patch files or thrid-party libraries like brainjocks then make sure the patch file is not overriding the default path.
License expired - Don't forget the check if you provided license is been still active or expired. You can do this by opening the license.xml in editor and verifying the field "expiry" and the date.
Config File settings
<sc.variable name="dataFolder" value="/data" />
<setting name="LicenseFile" value="$(dataFolder)/license.xml" />
Source - Sitecore Required license is missing: Runtime [Solved]
Something to watch out for: I had multiple config files for different environments (e.g. DataFolder.QA.config, DataFolder.Live.config) which were overriding my DataFolder.config with values that were incorrect for my local environment. Deleting the unneeded environment configs got this working.
if you have doubt whether sitecore is looking into correct place, check out /sitecore/admin/showconfig.aspx page. this is what sitecore really uses after combining all configurations. You can chekc both <sc.variable name="dataFolder" value="C:\Path\Data" /> and <setting name="LicenseFile" value="$(dataFolder)/license.xml" /> there. Of course this page only shows <sitecore>...</sitecore> part of configuration.
Also make sure that NETWORK SERVICE account or <your IIS app pool name here> account (depending on which Identity is bound to your App Pool instance) has full access to Data folder and also App_Data subfolder inside webroot, just to rule out any read/write access issue
I've recently created an aspx and aspx.cs page that needs to run alongside a sitecore website. Does anyone know how i can add these pages into the site? Our set up is very odd and would like to know recommendations before trying anything and risking breaking our setup.
You don't necessarily have to add your page to the IgnoreUrlPrefixes.
Before the ItemResolver is executed, the FileResolver is executed which checks if your request points directly to a file on disk.
You do need to configure the allowed URL extensions in the FilterUrlExtensions processor of the preprocessRequest pipeline, as such:
<processor type="Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.FilterUrlExtensions, Sitecore.Kernel">
<param desc="Allowed extensions (comma separated)">aspx, ashx, asmx</param>
<param desc="Blocked extensions (comma separated)">*</param>
So that configuration will allow *.aspx, *.ashx and *.asmx to be requested directly (it's the default configuration in Sitecore 7.0).
If you're using Sitecore 6.6 or lower, the FilterUrlExtensions processor can be found in the httpRequestBegin pipeline.
If you just drop the ASPX page in at the path you'd like it to reside, by default, Sitecore should let it be served as is by going to the corresponding URL.
Just add the pages to the projects as normal (as DustinDavis suggested) but you also need to modify IgnoreUrlPrefixes in web.config (or add a config patch file) and include the pages or folders as pipe delimited values that you want the Sitecore handlers to ignore.
You can configure the value attribute of the
/configuration/sitecore/settings/setting element in web.config with
name IgnoreUrlPrefixes to prevent Sitecore from processing specific
requests, causing ASP.NET to process the request without Sitecore.
From Sitecore Presentation Component Reference
There is more information about the how and why in this blog post by Alex Ahyba
If you have sitecore open in Visual Studio, just add them in to the project. You can access the new page directly.
The media library URL (/sitecore/shell/Applications/Media/MediaShop/default.aspx) is being picked up by the SiteCore handler and redirected to the page-not-found page Sitecore uses (/sitecore/service/notfound.aspx). The file is a physical file and is actually there. I've seen things like this happen with items in the Sitecore content tree, but not with physical files. Any ideas where to look would be appreciated. Thanks.
Update: So, the issue as described above is fixed, but it's clear that there are other problems, seemingly also media related. This file: /sitecore/shell/applications/media/mediafolder/mediafolder.js is showing the same symptoms I've described above. They file is there on the server, but Sitecore is redirecting to it's 404 page.
Ok...here it is: Found this line in the web.config:
<handler trigger="/media/" handler="sitecore_media.ashx"/>
Which should be this:
<handler trigger="~/media/" handler="sitecore_media.ashx" />
After I made that change, everything worked great.
It looks like the physicalFolder attribute of your sites configuration is not set properly.
startItem="/Hello Home"
domain="extranet" />
Double check if this parameter for the site is set properly. According to the Sitecore documentation, the files stored in the physical folder always take precedence over the Sitecore Items. Here are some details about the physicalFolder part of the sites config:
site Attribute Properties: physicalFolder
If it's not a problem with the sites configuration you may try to put a txt file or an image in the same directory and check whether Sitecore serves them properly.
I apologize if this is patronizing, but I'll post it anyway in case it helps.
Have you registered the path to be ignored in the "IgnoreUrlPrefixes" setting? I don't see that anyone has mentioned that, but perhaps that's because it's obvious.
<setting name="IgnoreUrlPrefixes" value="/sitecore/shell/Applications/Media/MediaShop/default.aspx" />