ColdFusion 2018 Admin Console Shows Indestructible Search Bar - coldfusion

When I login to ColdFusion 2018 admin console the screenshot below shows up. The close button is not working. Neither is the search box. Restarting the WebLogic server and reopening console are not helpful. How to fix this? I never had this issue using ColdFusion console before this.
This is the console log in browser. No error reported in Eclipse.

You are missing the /cf_scripts mapping that serves the jQuery script that is required to run the frontend of the CF2018 admin console.
The mapping should point to /ColdFusion2018/cfusion/wwwroot/cf_scripts/.
If you are using the built-in Tomcat, locate /ColdFusion2018/cfusion/runtime/conf/server.xml and adjust your context:
<Context path="" docBase="/your-webroot/" workDir="/ColdFusion2018/cfusion/runtime/conf/Catalina/localhost/tmp">
<PreResources className="org.apache.catalina.webresources.DirResourceSet" base="/ColdFusion2018/cfusion/wwwroot/CFIDE" webAppMount="/CFIDE" />
<PreResources className="org.apache.catalina.webresources.DirResourceSet" base="/ColdFusion2018/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF" webAppMount="/WEB-INF" />
<PreResources className="org.apache.catalina.webresources.DirResourceSet" base="/ColdFusion2018/cfusion/wwwroot/cf_scripts" webAppMount="/cf_scripts" />
If you are using IIS, you can simly add a virtual directory. A symlink would probably work too for that matter.

It seems to be an incorrect value in your neo-runtime.xml file. CfFormScriptSrc value should be just "/cf_scripts/scripts/". For those who don't understand, refer to the discussion at


Elmah applicationName="myApplication" isn't working

I've found many posts about this issue, however I cannot find any resolution or even hints of where to start to make the "applicaitonName" attribute work. It still shows the Application column as a blank value. I've tried this with multiple projects and new projects and I get the same result. Elma logs everything else correctly but never with an application name.
Any ideas?
<security allowRemoteAccess="false" />
<errorLog type="Elmah.SqlErrorLog, Elmah" connectionStringName="MyConnectionString" applicationName="MyApplication"/>
I just created a new database in SQL Server Express, ran the Elmah.SqlServer.sql creation script, created a new web project, installed the NuGet packages: ELMAH and elmah.sqlserver.
In web.config, ELMAH configuration looks like this:
<errorLog type="Elmah.SqlErrorLog, Elmah" connectionStringName="elmah-sqlserver" applicationName="HelloWorld" />
When forcing 404 errors on the new website, new errors are logged to SQL Server express with HelloWorld in the application column.
Please be aware that the application name is not shown anywhere in the ELMAH UI (/elmah.axd). To see the application name, you should check the database or view the Raw/Source data in XML or in JSON through the errors details.

One or more files could not be uploaded. See the Log file for more details in sitecore 7.1

I get this "One or more files could not be uploaded. See the Log file for more details." error when i tried to upload an image file using firefox browser. In other browsers (IE and Chrome), it works fine. I checked whether WebDav.config causing the issue and i removed this config but didn't help. Also, I checked the anonymous access on Applications/FlashUpload and /Applications/Media.
Does anyone encountered this scenario?
May i know what is the cause.
Sitecore version : sitecore 7.1
Firefox 27.0.1
Please try modifying the following settings:
<setting name="Upload.Classic" value="true" />
answer from user459491 will solve the problem, but it simply changes the controls used for file downloads. I had same issue and the reason was that our website used windows authentication and authentication. The solution is explained here:
"I have then lodged a ticket with Sitecore support. Few days later they come back with a solution that is to enable "Anonymous" authentication in IIS for ‘/sitecore/shell/Applications/FlashUpload’ and ‘/sitecore/shell/Applications/Media’."

Getting Sitecore 404 for physical files

The media library URL (/sitecore/shell/Applications/Media/MediaShop/default.aspx) is being picked up by the SiteCore handler and redirected to the page-not-found page Sitecore uses (/sitecore/service/notfound.aspx). The file is a physical file and is actually there. I've seen things like this happen with items in the Sitecore content tree, but not with physical files. Any ideas where to look would be appreciated. Thanks.
Update: So, the issue as described above is fixed, but it's clear that there are other problems, seemingly also media related. This file: /sitecore/shell/applications/media/mediafolder/mediafolder.js is showing the same symptoms I've described above. They file is there on the server, but Sitecore is redirecting to it's 404 page. it is: Found this line in the web.config:
<handler trigger="/media/" handler="sitecore_media.ashx"/>
Which should be this:
<handler trigger="~/media/" handler="sitecore_media.ashx" />
After I made that change, everything worked great.
It looks like the physicalFolder attribute of your sites configuration is not set properly.
startItem="/Hello Home"
domain="extranet" />
Double check if this parameter for the site is set properly. According to the Sitecore documentation, the files stored in the physical folder always take precedence over the Sitecore Items. Here are some details about the physicalFolder part of the sites config:
site Attribute Properties: physicalFolder
If it's not a problem with the sites configuration you may try to put a txt file or an image in the same directory and check whether Sitecore serves them properly.
I apologize if this is patronizing, but I'll post it anyway in case it helps.
Have you registered the path to be ignored in the "IgnoreUrlPrefixes" setting? I don't see that anyone has mentioned that, but perhaps that's because it's obvious.
<setting name="IgnoreUrlPrefixes" value="/sitecore/shell/Applications/Media/MediaShop/default.aspx" />

310 Redirect loop error in chrome due to Machii Redirect event

I am getting a 310: Too many redirects error in Chrome when I run my website. However this is not the case for IE or Firefox.
I am using Mach-ii framework and this is the case where I am using redirect in an event-handler.
<event-handler event="A">
<announce event="B">
<announce event="C">
<event-handler event="C">
<redirect event="D">
<event-handler event="D">
<view-page name="foo">
So, if I get to this page, it renders perfectly. But if I hit browser back and then next button again, I get the error.
Some common solutions to this kind of error from Chrome could be
Delete all the site's cookies and restart your browser.
Synchronize your computers time. In the date and time settings for your computer, sync it to a time server.
I've also heard of different update channels having the issue and others not. As in the Beta channel for Chrome would not have this issue, but the Stable version does have the issue. I've heard of things like plugins (chrome scripts) being a problem. I suppose as a last solution remove Chrome completely and install it from fresh.
I personally dont think its a Mach-ii or Coldfusion issue. Hope you come right.

Sitecore IndexFolder (override default setting) not working

I've recently had some trouble moving the location of the indexes folder (for the in built Sitecore Lucene indexes).
I have updated the setting "IndexFolder" (originally in web.config but moved out into include). The config output in http://{mydomain}/sitecore/admin/showconfig.aspx is correct, the setting has the correct path (now in the Data folder instead of Website folder).
However, when I jump into the control panel and rebuild the index, it is still created in the default location ("/indexes", relative to the web application).
Has anyone had a similar problem in Sitecore not using the correct path?
Make sure the new folder is writable by ASPNET-user or NETWORK SERVICES.
If that's not working, list a Sitecore support case.
OK, when adding settings to an include file make sure you get the xml path correct.
I had:
<setting name="IndexFolder" value="C:\...\Indexes" />
Should have had:
<setting name="IndexFolder" value="C:\...\Indexes" />
All is well in Lucene world. Thanks for your help everyone, but it turns out I'm a victim of my own stupidity.