Linux c++ error: undefined reference to 'dlopen' - c++

I work in Linux with C++ (Eclipse), and want to use a library.
Eclipse shows me an error:
undefined reference to 'dlopen'
Do you know a solution?
Here is my code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
void *handle;
double (*desk)(char*);
char *error;
handle = dlopen ("/lib/", RTLD_LAZY);
if (!handle) {
fputs (dlerror(), stderr);
desk= dlsym(handle, "Apply");
if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) {
fputs(error, stderr);

You have to link against libdl, add
to your linker options

#Masci is correct, but in case you're using C (and the gcc compiler) take in account that this doesn't work:
gcc -ldl dlopentest.c
But this does:
gcc dlopentest.c -ldl
Took me a bit to figure out...

this doesn't work:
gcc -ldl dlopentest.c
But this does:
gcc dlopentest.c -ldl
That's one annoying "feature" for sure
I was struggling with it when writing heredoc syntax and found some interesting facts. With CC=Clang, this works:
$CC -ldl -x c -o app.exe - << EOF
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
if(dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL))
printf(" loading succeeded\n");
printf(" loading failed\n");
return 0;
as well as all of these:
$CC -ldl -x c -o app.exe - << EOF
$CC -x c -ldl -o app.exe - << EOF
$CC -x c -o app.exe -ldl - << EOF
$CC -x c -o app.exe - -ldl << EOF
However, with CC=gcc, only the last variant works; -ldl after - (the stdin argument symbol).

I was using CMake to compile my project and I've found the same problem.
The solution described here works like a charm, simply add ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} to the target_link_libraries() call

The topic is quite old, yet I struggled with the same issue today while compiling cegui 0.7.1 (openVibe prerequisite).
What worked for me was to set: LDFLAGS="-Wl,--no-as-needed"
in the Makefile.
I've also tried -ldl for LDFLAGS but to no avail.

you can try to add this
LIBS=-ldl CFLAGS=-fno-strict-aliasing
to the configure options

You needed to do something like this for the makefile:
make install
That'll pass the linker flags from make through to the linker. Doesn't matter that the makefile was autogenerated.

I met the same problem even using -ldl.
Besides this option, source files need to be placed before libraries, see undefined reference to `dlopen'.

In order to use dl functions you need to use the -ldl flag for the linker.
how you do it in eclipse ?
Press Project --> Properties --> C/C++ build --> Settings --> GCC C++ Linker --> Libraries -->
in the "Libraries(-l)" box press the "+" sign --> write "dl" (without the quotes)-> press ok --> clean & rebuild your project.

$gcc -o program program.c -l <library_to_resolve_program.c's_unresolved_symbols>
A good description of why the placement of -l dl matters
But there's also a pretty succinct explanation in the docs
From $man gcc
-l library
Search the library named library when linking. (The second
alternative with the library as a separate argument is only for POSIX
compliance and is not recommended.)
It makes a difference where in the command you write this option; the
linker searches and processes libraries and object files in the order
they are specified. Thus, foo.o -lz bar.o searches library z after
file foo.o but before bar.o. If bar.o refers to functions in z,
those functions may not be loaded.

Try to rebuild openssl (if you are linking with it) with flag no-threads.
Then try to link like this:
target_link_libraries(${project_name} dl pthread crypt m ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS})

In earlier versions(~2.7) of GNU tool chain, glibc did not have direct interface to link loader(dlopen and dlsym functions), so you had to provide -ldl(libdl) at compile time. You don't have to do that anymore with latest glibc version. Just include <dlcfn.h> and you are good to go.


is there any way that I can add my own custom c/c++ header file to where the standard header functions come from so that I can use them at any time [duplicate]

I am having trouble installing a dependency for a program that itself depends on pcre.h. I have this installed to /opt/local/include, but the C compiler does not see it and thus gives me:
error: pcre.h: No such file or directory
I have confirmed this by writing a hello world program that tries to include it:
#include <pcre.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
printf("hello, world\n");
return 0;
This also gives the error unless I specify the path as </opt/local/include/pcre.h>.
I would like the C compiler to find this by default but I do not know where this is configured. Tab completion hasn't revealed any HEADER_PATH environment variables and I cannot find anything like it that isn't specific to XCode. I am, however, using Mac OSX Snow Leopard on the off chance that makes a difference.
Use -I /opt/local/include on the command line or C_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/local/include in the environment.
Use the pcre-config utility to get the right flags:
$ pcre-config --libs --cflags
-L/opt/local/lib -lpcre
If you're compiling via the command line,
$ gcc -Wall -g `pcre-config --libs --cflags` main.c

Need some help figuring out compile-time error: 'Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "boost::system::system_category()"' [duplicate]

I'm trying to compile a program on Ubuntu 11.10 that uses the Boost libraries. I have the 1.46-dev Boost libraries from the Ubuntu Repository installed, but I get an error when compiling the program.
undefined reference to boost::system::system_category()
What is it that I do wrong?
The boost library you are using depends on the boost_system library. (Not all of them do.)
Assuming you use gcc, try adding -lboost_system to your compiler command line in order to link against that library.
Linking with a library that defines the missing symbol (-lboost_system) is the obvious solution, but in the particular case of Boost.System, a misfeature in the original design makes it use boost::system::generic_category() and boost::system::system_category() needlessly. Compiling with the flag -DBOOST_SYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED disables that code and lets a number of programs compile without requiring -lboost_system (that link is of course still needed if you explicitly use some of the library's features).
Starting from Boost 1.66 and this commit, this behavior is now the default, so hopefully fewer and fewer users should need this answer.
As noticed by #AndrewMarshall, an alternative is to define BOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY which enables a header-only version of the code. This was discouraged by Boost as it can break some functionality. However, since 1.69, header-only seems to have become the default, supposedly making this question obsolete.
Another workaround for those who don't need the entire shebang: use the switch
If you use CMake, it's add_definitions(-DBOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY).
The above error is a linker error... the linker a program that takes one or more objects generated by a compiler and combines them into a single executable program.
You must add -lboost_system to you linker flags which indicates to the linker that it must look for symbols like boost::system::system_category() in the library
If you have main.cpp, either:
g++ main.cpp -o main -lboost_system
g++ -c -o main.o main.cpp
g++ main.o -lboost_system
When using CMAKE and find_package, make sure it is :
find_package(Boost COMPONENTS system ...)
and not
find_package(boost COMPONENTS system ...)
Some people may have lost hours for that ...
I got the same Problem:
g++ -mconsole -Wl,--export-all-symbols -LC:/Programme/CPP-Entwicklung/MinGW-4.5.2/lib -LD:/bfs_ENTW_deb/lib -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -LC:/Programme/CPP-Entwicklung/boost_1_47_0/stage/lib \
D:/bfs_ENTW_deb/obj/test/main_filesystem.obj \
-o D:/bfs_ENTW_deb/bin/filesystem.exe -lboost_system-mgw45-mt-1_47 -lboost_filesystem-mgw45-mt-1_47
undefined reference to `boost::system::generic_category()
Solution was to use the debug-version of the system-lib:
g++ -mconsole -Wl,--export-all-symbols -LC:/Programme/CPP-Entwicklung/MinGW-4.5.2/lib -LD:/bfs_ENTW_deb/lib -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -LC:/Programme/CPP-Entwicklung/boost_1_47_0/stage/lib \
D:/bfs_ENTW_deb/obj/test/main_filesystem.obj \
-o D:/bfs_ENTW_deb/bin/filesystem.exe -lboost_system-mgw45-mt-d-1_47 -lboost_filesystem-mgw45-mt-1_47
But why?
When I had this, problem, the cause was the ordering of the libraries. To fix it, I put libboost_system last:
g++ mingw/timer1.o -o mingw/timer1.exe -L/usr/local/boost_1_61_0/stage/lib \
-lboost_timer-mgw53-mt-1_61 \
-lboost_chrono-mgw53-mt-1_61 \
This was on mingw with gcc 5.3 and boost 1.61.0 with a simple timer example.
in my case, adding -lboost_system was not enough, it still could not find it in my custom build environment. I had to use the advice at Get rid of "gcc - /usr/bin/ld: warning lib not found" and change my ./configure command to:
./configure CXXFLAGS="-I$HOME/include" LDFLAGS="-L$HOME/lib -Wl,-rpath-link,$HOME/lib" --with-boost-libdir=$HOME/lib --prefix=$HOME
for more details see Boost 1.51 : "error: could not link against boost_thread !"
...and in case you wanted to link your main statically, in your Jamfile add the following to requirements:
and perhaps also:

Undefined Reference Error When Linking to Static Library

I am trying to compile a project that depends on the Xerces XML Parser. The project compiles for Windows without any difficulty, but I'm having some trouble compiling it with g++ in Cygwin.
In order to use Xerces, I am trying to compile my code against the static library libxerces-c.a. But when I do so, I get errors that look like this:
/tmp/cc2QGvMh.o:test.cpp:(.text+0x3a): undefined reference to `xercesc_2_8::DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation(unsigned short const*)'
I've inspected the static library using ar, and confirmed that it contains the DOMImplementationRegistry.o file that defines the function that I am calling.
ar -t libxerces-c.a
I've also extracted the object files from the library, and used 'nm' to make sure that the function I am calling actually exists:
ar -x libxerces-c.a
nm --demangle DOMImplementationRegistry.o
00000080 T xercesc_2_8::getDOMImplSrcVectorMutex()
00000300 T xercesc_2_8::DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation(unsigned short const*)
000002a0 T xercesc_2_8::DOMImplementationRegistry::addSource(xercesc_2_8::DOMImplementationSource*)
Since I can compile everything for Windows but not with g++, I thought that the error could be in the linker order (similar to the problem described in this question). However, even after changing the linker order, I am still getting the same compiler error. I have tried both
g++ -o test.exe test.cpp -Llib -lxerces-c
g++ -o test.exe test.cpp lib/libxerces-c.a
Any ideas?
Your project uses method from xercesc_2_6 namespace as pointed by compiler error message but your library offers xercesc_2_8 version. Problem is probably caused by mismatch between headers you use and library object file.
You didn't say the source of the archive. If it isn't compiled with cygwin, it could be a name mangling problem. Compiling the library from source might well fix this.
It could also be that the archive is built incorrectly so that it has internal resolution problems. Try giving the library name twice.
g++ -o test.exe test.cpp lib/libxerces-c.a lib/libxerces-c.a
If this works, the archive is broken and you should look for or build a new one.
Try the linker option --enable-stdcall-fixup (see 'man ld'). It will care for name mangling and calling conventions:
g++ -o test.exe test.o -Wl,--enable-stdcall-fixup -Llib -lxerces-c

undefined reference to boost::system::system_category() when compiling

I'm trying to compile a program on Ubuntu 11.10 that uses the Boost libraries. I have the 1.46-dev Boost libraries from the Ubuntu Repository installed, but I get an error when compiling the program.
undefined reference to boost::system::system_category()
What is it that I do wrong?
The boost library you are using depends on the boost_system library. (Not all of them do.)
Assuming you use gcc, try adding -lboost_system to your compiler command line in order to link against that library.
Linking with a library that defines the missing symbol (-lboost_system) is the obvious solution, but in the particular case of Boost.System, a misfeature in the original design makes it use boost::system::generic_category() and boost::system::system_category() needlessly. Compiling with the flag -DBOOST_SYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED disables that code and lets a number of programs compile without requiring -lboost_system (that link is of course still needed if you explicitly use some of the library's features).
Starting from Boost 1.66 and this commit, this behavior is now the default, so hopefully fewer and fewer users should need this answer.
As noticed by #AndrewMarshall, an alternative is to define BOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY which enables a header-only version of the code. This was discouraged by Boost as it can break some functionality. However, since 1.69, header-only seems to have become the default, supposedly making this question obsolete.
Another workaround for those who don't need the entire shebang: use the switch
If you use CMake, it's add_definitions(-DBOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY).
The above error is a linker error... the linker a program that takes one or more objects generated by a compiler and combines them into a single executable program.
You must add -lboost_system to you linker flags which indicates to the linker that it must look for symbols like boost::system::system_category() in the library
If you have main.cpp, either:
g++ main.cpp -o main -lboost_system
g++ -c -o main.o main.cpp
g++ main.o -lboost_system
When using CMAKE and find_package, make sure it is :
find_package(Boost COMPONENTS system ...)
and not
find_package(boost COMPONENTS system ...)
Some people may have lost hours for that ...
I got the same Problem:
g++ -mconsole -Wl,--export-all-symbols -LC:/Programme/CPP-Entwicklung/MinGW-4.5.2/lib -LD:/bfs_ENTW_deb/lib -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -LC:/Programme/CPP-Entwicklung/boost_1_47_0/stage/lib \
D:/bfs_ENTW_deb/obj/test/main_filesystem.obj \
-o D:/bfs_ENTW_deb/bin/filesystem.exe -lboost_system-mgw45-mt-1_47 -lboost_filesystem-mgw45-mt-1_47
undefined reference to `boost::system::generic_category()
Solution was to use the debug-version of the system-lib:
g++ -mconsole -Wl,--export-all-symbols -LC:/Programme/CPP-Entwicklung/MinGW-4.5.2/lib -LD:/bfs_ENTW_deb/lib -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -LC:/Programme/CPP-Entwicklung/boost_1_47_0/stage/lib \
D:/bfs_ENTW_deb/obj/test/main_filesystem.obj \
-o D:/bfs_ENTW_deb/bin/filesystem.exe -lboost_system-mgw45-mt-d-1_47 -lboost_filesystem-mgw45-mt-1_47
But why?
When I had this, problem, the cause was the ordering of the libraries. To fix it, I put libboost_system last:
g++ mingw/timer1.o -o mingw/timer1.exe -L/usr/local/boost_1_61_0/stage/lib \
-lboost_timer-mgw53-mt-1_61 \
-lboost_chrono-mgw53-mt-1_61 \
This was on mingw with gcc 5.3 and boost 1.61.0 with a simple timer example.
in my case, adding -lboost_system was not enough, it still could not find it in my custom build environment. I had to use the advice at Get rid of "gcc - /usr/bin/ld: warning lib not found" and change my ./configure command to:
./configure CXXFLAGS="-I$HOME/include" LDFLAGS="-L$HOME/lib -Wl,-rpath-link,$HOME/lib" --with-boost-libdir=$HOME/lib --prefix=$HOME
for more details see Boost 1.51 : "error: could not link against boost_thread !"
...and in case you wanted to link your main statically, in your Jamfile add the following to requirements:
and perhaps also:

xerces-c 2.8 : error while loading shared libraries

I'm trying to compile a program running on an HP UX server on a Red Hat Linux.
It uses xerces-c library to parse xml files. Compilation is ok, but when i try to run it, I get the following message
./a.out: error while loading shared
libraries: cannot
open shared object file: No such file
or directory
I wrote a very simple program to try and understand whats going on:
#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/TransService.hpp>
#include <xercesc/parsers/SAXParser.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/OutOfMemoryException.hpp>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return 0;
And compiled it like this:
g++ test.cpp
-L./xml/xerces-c_2_8_0/lib -lxerces-c -I./xml/xerces-c_2_8_0/include
Surprisingly the file is actually there:
lib]$ ls
libxerces-c.a libxerces-depdom.a
Any thoughts ? I feel i'm missing something, but don't know what.
Thanks in advance.
run ldd a.out and see if the linker can resolve the right .so file
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the current folder (in the same manner as the PATH variable) and check ldd again
the good way to do what you want is the following one:
g++ test.cpp -Xlinker -R ./xml/xerces-c_2_8_0/lib -lxerces-c -I./xml/xerces-c_2_8_0/include
g++ test.cpp -Wl,-rpath ./xml/xerces-c_2_8_0/lib -lxerces-c -I./xml/xerces-c_2_8_0/include
Xlinker or Wl options allow you to use specific linking options, you do not need to modifiy
You need to tell the runtime c library where to find the various symbols that arent compiled statically in your code and arent in the usualy /lib and /usr/lib locations.
You do this by adding the path to your shared library to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. In this case, this will be what you have been putting for the -L argument to the compiler.