If i iterate over a STL container i sometimes need to know if the current item is the last one in the sequence. Is there a better way, then doing something like this? Can i somehow convert rbegin()?
std::vector<int> myList;
// ....
std::vector<int>::iterator lastit = myList.end();
for(std::vector<int>::iterator it = myList.begin(); it != myList.end(); it++) {
if(it == lastit)
// Do something with last element
// Do something with all other elements
Try the following
std::vector<int>::iterator it2 = (++it);
if ( it2 == myList.end() ) {
The following should work as well
if ( it+1 == myList.end() ) {
// it is last
Maybe you can iterate backwards (use rbegin/rend) and put your special task before the loop or replace the end check with it != lastit and put the special handling after the loop
I would have some doubts about my design if some elements need to be treated differntly, but this suggestion is a bit cleaner for me (don't forget to test for empty containers)
std::vector<int>::iterator lastit = myList.end();
if (lastit != myList.begin())
for(std::vector<int>::iterator it = myList.begin(); it != lastit; ++it)
// Do
// Do with last
Use reversed iteration, this way you will have only one end()-1-like computation (notice the rbegin()+1) and no comparsions:
for(vector<int>::iterator it = myValues.rbegin()+1; it != myValues.rend(); it++) {
cout << *it << endl;
cout << "Process last one: " << *myValues.rbegin() << endl;
Also, for the vector<>, computing end()-1 is probably fast, so you can also do it like following:
for(vector<int>::iterator it = myValues.begin(); it != myValues.end()-1; it++) {
cout << *it << endl;
cout << "Process last one: " << *myValues.rbegin() << endl;
If you don't want to process the element after the loop, you can:
for(vector<int>::iterator it = myValues.rbegin(); it != myValues.rend(); it++) {
if(it == myValues.rbegin())
cout << "Process last one: " << *it << endl;
cout << *it << endl;
For a random access iterator like that for vector, you don't need the temporarary. You can say:
if ( it + 1 == v.end() ) {
// at one before end
Edit: And even for non-random access types one could use std:;distance:
if ( distance( it, v.end() ) == 1 ) {
// at one before end
An important question is: why create a loop if you do something special for 1 element. Why not do something special to the 3rd element? To every 4rth? ...
Just iterate over the elements to be treated the same, write separate code to treat the others.
Have a look at answers to this question, too.
Why not:
last_it = myList.begin() + myList.size()-1;
last_it = myList.end();
last_it = myList.empty() ? myList.end() : myList.begin() + myList.size() - 1;
If you're using a vector, it's actually much simpler to use an integer index to iterate:
std::vector<int> myList;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < myList.size(); i++)
if (i == (myList.size() - 1))
processDifferently (myList[i])
process (myList[i])
Minimizing the number of calls to myList.size() is left as an exercise for the OP :)
How can I use the following vector to read true/false from using a while or for loop.
With this implemtation of the loop I get an error for the oprator !=
no operator "!=" matches these operands
vector<bool> Verification;
for (int it = Verification.begin(); it != Verification.end(); it++) {
if (it==true) cout<<"true";
else if (it == false) cout<<"false";
You are declaring it as the wrong type. The result of Verification.begin() is a std::vector<bool>::iterator. But you don't need to specify that.
Use a range-for loop instead
for (bool b : Verification)
std::cout << std::boolalpha << b;
There are various ways to iterate over an std::vector
Using iterator
Long example:
for( std::vector<bool>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it ) std::cout << *it;
or the same but shorter:
for( auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it ) std::cout << *it;
Using index
for( unsigned int i = 0; i != v.size(); ++i ) std::cout << v[i];
Range loop
for( bool b : v ) std::cout << b;
(there are some more but we will omit them for clarity)
Looks like you mixed 1 and 2 hense you have compilation errors. Choose one.
The problem is that Verification.begin() gives you an iterator while it is an int.
To solve this you could modify your for loop to:
for (std::vector<bool>::iterator it = Verification.begin(); it != Verification.end(); it++) {
if (*it==true) cout<<"true";
else if (*it == false) cout<<"false";
Note *it means we're dereferencing the iterator it and then comparing the result.
Also you don't need the else if because you can just use else.
Alternative solution
You can also use a range-base for loop as shown below:
for (bool element : Verification)
std::cout << std::boolalpha << element;
I am learning c++ and I am working my way double linked lists, but I noticed something very peculiar when I was trying to delete elements from my list.
Problem: I am inserting an element before the value of 2 in my list , numbers, and then I am trying to delete any element that has the value 1.
Expected: After I call erase() in my conditional statement in my first loop my list, numbers, should get adjusted. The only values that numbers should should contain 0,1234,2,3.
Observed: My list numbers contains the values 0,1,1234,2,3. It is as if nothing was erased.
Code Example:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
int main()
list<int> numbers;
list<int>::iterator it = numbers.begin();
numbers.insert(it, 100);
cout << "Element: " << *it << endl;
list<int>::iterator eraseIt = numbers.begin();
eraseIt = numbers.erase(eraseIt);
cout << "Element: " << *eraseIt << endl;
for (list<int>::iterator it = numbers.begin(); it != numbers.end(); it++)
if (*it == 2)
numbers.insert(it, 1234);
if (*it == 1)
it = numbers.erase(it);
for (list<int>::iterator it = numbers.begin(); it != numbers.end(); it++)
cout << *it << endl;
return 0;
I would greatly appreciate any assistance with this problem. Thank you for your time.
You should remove the it++ at the end of the for loop declaration, because it might be increased inside the for loop too; when it gets inscreased twice some elements will be skipped. i.e.
for (list<int>::iterator it = numbers.begin(); it != numbers.end(); )
It's quite enough to remember the next iterator value before doing any deletion/insertion at the current position. This will help you to keep yourself careless about what and when are your modifications concretely doing.
list<int>::iterator it = numbers.begin();
while (it != numbers.end()) {
list<int>::iterator next_it = it;
// Do your insertion or deletion here
it = next_it;
First of all, I'm using C++98/03
I'm iterating my multimap starting from the second element:
multimap<pair<string, string>, pair<string, int> >::iterator it = paths.begin();
I have a conditional statement: if first element of first pair in current iterator is equal to the first element of first pair in a previous iterator, then do something, eg. print these elements.
for(; it != paths.end(); it++) {
if((*it).first.first == (*it--).first.first ) {
cout << (*it).first.first << " ";
cout << (*it--).first.first << endl;
else {
My question is how can I use a copy of an iterator instead of incrementing it back after every (*it--)?
Create an utility similar to C++11's std::prev:
#include <algorithm>
template <class T>
T prev(T it)
std::advance(it, -1);
return it;
Then use it as follows:
for(; it != paths.end(); it++) {
if((*it).first.first == prev(it)->first.first ) {
cout << (*it).first.first << " ";
cout << prev(it)->first.first << endl;
else {
Just use another iterator:
typedef multimap<pair<string, string>, pair<string, int> >::iterator iterator;
for( iterator it = paths.begin(); it != paths.end(); ) {
iterator prev = it++;
if( it == paths.end() )
if( prev->first.first == it->first.first ) {
// output here
Note your code is incorrect, first of all it has UB as == is not sequenced. But even if you use different iterator on the left side, you would get wrong behaviour:
iterator it1 = it;
if((*it1).first.first == (*it--).first.first ) { // not UB anymore, but result is always true as you compare the same element
Here i am trying to print the frequency of each word in the sentence, which is stored in the vector of string
void display_by_word (vector<string> vs) //pass by value is necessary because we need to delete the elements.
vector<string> :: size_type vec_size, i;
string to_cmp = vs[0];
int occ = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < vs.size(); ++i){
vector <string> :: iterator it = vs.begin() + 1;
occ = 1;
for ( it ; it != vs.end(); ++it){
if ( vs[i] == *it){
cout << vs[i] << " " << occ << endl;
Sometimes it works fine but sometimes it crashes.what is wrong?
See http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/vector/erase
Invalidates iterators and references at or after the point of the erase [...]
After the erase has happened, you cannot reuse it because it has been invalidated. It's undefined behaviour, which can include random crashes.
However, erase returns an iterator to the element following the erased one, or to end() if it was the last element, which is why the solution with it = vs.erase(it); works.
Alternatively, consider using std::remove_if, followed by the two-argument erase, which is known as the Erase-Remove Idiom. It may turn out to be more elegant and more readable than a hand-written loop. Or just rewrite the whole function to use std::count_if.
You may want to rewrite the loop as something like this
while(it != vs.end())
if ( vs[i] == *it){
it = vs.erase(it);
You may should do as below:
for ( it ; it != vs.end(); ){
if ( vs[i] == *it){
it = vs.erase(it);
Given a map, I need to retrieve and operate two immediately stored items.
To me, working on a vector is litter easier since I can do "iter + 1" or "iter - 1".
While for map, I am out of luck.
For example, I give a simple example as follows:
Note: in my real application, I don't simply subtract those numbers.
int main ()
map<char,int> mymap;
map<char,int>::iterator it;
mymap['b'] = 100;
mymap['a'] = 200;
mymap['c'] = 300;
// show content:
map<char,int>::iterator firstItem = mymap.begin();
map<char,int>::iterator secondItem = ++mymap.begin();
for ( ; secondItem != mymap.end(); ++firstItem, ++secondItem )
cout << secondItem->second - firstItem->second << endl;
return 0;
Question> Is there a better solution for this?
Thank you
Instead of incrementing both iterators in the loop control (incrementing is a bit slow), just assign firstItem = secondItem then increment secondItem.
You can do it with a single iterator. Move the increment from the header to the middle of your loop, and exit the loop when you hit the end of your map, like this:
map<char,int>::iterator item = mymap.begin();
for (;;) {
int first = item->second;
if ( item == mymap.end()) break;
cout << item->second - first << endl;
This is a matter of style. You can do eg.
auto first = m.begin();
if (first != m.end())
auto second = first;
for (; second != m.end(); first = second++)
You can also bailout more elegantly in the case where the map is empty. For instance you can do:
if (m.empty()) return;
auto first = m.begin(), second = first;
for (second++; second != m.end(); first = second++)
I'd favor the latter if I can, and use the former only if I must.
Your current loop will show undefined behaviour if the map is empty.
Your loop could be rewritten (more simply, and checking for an empty map) like so:
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
map<char,int> mymap;
map<char,int>::iterator it;
mymap['b'] = 100;
mymap['a'] = 200;
mymap['c'] = 300;
for ( it = ( mymap.begin() == mymap.end() ? mymap.end() : std::next(mymap.begin()) ) ; it != mymap.end(); ++it )
cout << it->second - std::prev(it)->second << endl;
return 0;
Your code will have undefined behavior if the map is empty but other than that it seems to be a reasonable approach, depending on your overall goal. Since map iterators are not random access you can't just add or subtract one, only increment/decrement.
An alternate approach is to make a copy of the iterator and then incrementing inside the loop.
Neither better, nor worse, just an alternative:
if (map.size() >=2)
[](mymap_type::const_iterator iprev, mymap_type::value_type const& entry)->mymap_type::const_iterator
/* do something */;
return ++iprev;