Ways to implement manipulation handles in 3d view - opengl

I'm building a simple solid modeling application. Users need to be able to manipulate object in both orthogonal and perspective views. For example, when there's a box in the screen and the user clicks on it to select it, it needs to get 'handles' at the corners and in the center so that the user can move the mouse over such a handle and drag it to enlarge or move the box.
What strategies are there to do this, and which one is the best one? I can think of two obvious ones:
1) Treat the handles as 3d objects. I.e. for a box, add small boxes to the scene at the corners of the 'main' box. Problems: this won't work in perspective view, I'd need to determine the size of the boxes relative to the current zoom level (the handles need to have the same size no matter how far the user is zoomed in/out)
2) Add the handles after the scene has been rendered. Render to an offscreen buffer, determine the 2d locations of the corners somehow and use regular 2d drawing techniques to draw the handles. Problems: how will I do hittesting? I'd need to do a two-stage hittesting approach, as well; how do I draw in 2d on a 3d rendered image? Fall back to GDI?
There are probably more problems with both approaches. Is there an industry-standard way of tackling this problem?
I'm using OpenGL, if that makes a difference.

I would treat the handles as 3D objects. This provides many advantages - it's more consistant, they behave well, hit testing is easy, etc.
If you want the handles to be a constant size, you can still treat them as 3D objects, but you will have to scale their size as appropriate based off the distance to camera. This is a bit of a hassle, but since there are typically only a few handles, and these are usually small objects, it should be fine performance wise.
However, I'd actually say let the handles scale with the scene. As long as you pick a rendering style for the handle that makes them stand out (ie: bright orange boxes, etc), the perspective effects (smaller handles in the background) actually makes working with them easier for the end-user in many ways. It is difficult to get a sense of depth from a 3D scene - the perspective effects on the handles help provide more visual clues as to how "deep" the handle is into the screen.

First off, project the handle/corner co-ordinates onto the camera's plane (effectively converting them to 2D coordinates on the screen; normalize this against the screen dimensions.)
Here's some simple code to enable orthogonal/2D-overlay drawing:
void enable2D()
int wind[4];
void disable2D()
enable2D() caches the current modelview/projection matrices and replaces the projection matrix with one normalized to the screen (i.e. the width/height of the screen) and restores the identity matrix for modelview.
After making this call, you can make glVertex2f() calls using screen/pixel coordinates, allowing you to draw in 2D! (This will also allow you to hit-test since you can easily get the mouse's current pixel coords.)
When you're done, call disable2D to restore your old modelview/projection matrices :)
The hardest part is computing where the hitboxes fall on the 2D plane and dealing with overlaying (if two project to the same place, which to select on click?)
Hope this helped :)

I've coded up a manipulator with handles for a 3d editing package, and ran into a lot of these same issues.
First, there's an open source manipulator. I couldn't find it in my most recent search, probably because there's a plethora of names for these things - 3d widgets, gizmos, manipulators, gimbals, etc.
Anyhow, the way I did it was to add a manipulator object to the scene that, when drawn, draws all of the handles. It does the same thing for bounding box computation, and selection.
Reed's idea about keeping them the same size is interesting for handles that exist on objects, and might work there. For a manipulator, I found that it was more of a 3d UI element, and it was much more usable if it did not change size. I had a bug where the size was only determined based on the active viewport, which resulted in horrible huge/tiny manipulators in other viewports, very useless. If you're going to add them to the scene, you might want to add them per-viewport, or make them actually have a fixed size.

I know the question is really old. But just in case someone needs it:
Interactive Techniques in Three-dimensional Scenes (Part 1): Moving 3D Objects with the Mouse using OpenGL 2.1
Article is good and has an interesting link section at the bottom.


Terrain minimap in OpenGL?

So I have what is essentially a game... There is terrain in this game. I'd like to be able to create a top-down view minimap so that the "player" can see where they are going. I'm doing some shading etc on the terrain so I'd like that to show up in the minimap as well. It seems like I just need to create a second camera and somehow get that camera's display to show up in a specific box. I'm also thinking something like a mirror would work.
I'm looking for approaches that I could take that would essentially give me the same view I currently have, just top down... Does this seem feasible? Feel free to ask questions... Thanks!
One way to do this is to create an FBO (frame buffer object) with a render buffer attached, render your minimap to it, and then bind the FBO to a texture. You can then map the texture to anything you'd like, generally a quad. You can do this for all sorts of HUD objects. This also means that you don't have to redraw the contents of your HUD/menu objects as often as your main view; update the the associated buffer only as often as you require. You will often want to downsample (in the polygon count sense) the objects/scene you are rendering to the FBO for this case. The functions in the API you'll want to check into are:
There is a write-up on using FBOs on gamedev.net. Another potential optimization is that if the contents of the minimap are static and you are simply moving a camera over this static view (truly just a map). You can render a portion of the map that is much larger than what you actually want to display to the player and fake a camera by adjusting the texture coordinates of the object it's mapped onto. This only works if your minimap is in orthographic projection.
Well, I don't have an answer to your specific question, but it's common in games to render the world to an image using an orthogonal perspective from above, and use that for the minimap. It would at least be less performance intensive than rendering it on the fly.

How to keep track of OpenGL state across function calls?

Since OpenGL is a state machine, I am constantly glEnable() and glDisable()-ing things in my program. There are a select few calls that I make only at the beginning (such as glClearColor) but most others I flip on and off (like lighting, depending on if I'm rendering a model or 3d text or the gui).
How do you keep track of what state things in? Do you constantly set/reset these things at the top of each function? Isn't that a lot of unnecessary overhead?
For example, when I write a new function, sometimes I know what state things will be in when the function is called, and I leave out glEnable or glDisable or other related state-switching calls at the top of the function. Other times, I'm just writing the function in advance and I add in these sorts of things. So my functions end up being very messy, some of them modifying OpenGL state and others just making assumptions (that are later broken, and then I have to go back and figure out why something turned yellow or why another thing is upside down, etc.).
How do you keep track of OpenGL across functions in an object oriented environment?
Also related to this question, is how to know when to use push and pop, and when to just set the value.
For example, let's say you have a program that draws some 3D stuff, then draws some 2D stuff. Obviously the projection matrix is different in each case. So do you:
set up a 3d projection matrix, draw 3D, set up a 2d projection matrix, draw 2d, loop
set up a 3d projection matrix at the program; then draw 3d, push matrix, draw 2d, pop matrix, loop
And why?
Great question. Think about how textures work. There are an insane amount of textures for OpenGL to switch between, and you need to enable/disable texturing after every object is drawn. You generally try to optimize this by drawing all objects with the same texture at once, but there's still a remarkable amount of state-switching that goes on. Because of this fact, I do my best to draw everything with the same state at once, but I'm not sure if it's terribly important to optimize it the way you're thinking.
As for pushing and popping between 3D and 2D projection modes, pushing and popping is intended to be used for hierarchical modeling. If you need your 2D projection to be at a location relative to a 3D object, by all means, push the matrix and switch to 2D projection mode, then pop when you're done. However, if you're writing a 2D GUI overlay that has a constant location on the screen, I see no reason why pushing and popping is important.
You might be interested to read more about scene graph libraries. They are meant to manage your graphics from a higher level. They don't handle everything well, but they excel at organizing your geometry for optimized rendering. They can additionally be used for sorting your scenes based on OpenGL state, although many do not do this. By sorting on state, you can render your geometry in an order that results in the fewer state transitions. Here's a nice overview about scene graph libraries:
I think the simplest approach would be to write your own render class, wrapping all OpenGL state manipulation functions you are using and do book keeping of the states you set. You need to take into account that changing screen resolution or toggling fullscreen mode will invalidate your current OpenGL render context's states and data, which means that after such an event you will have to set all states, re-upload all textures and shader programs, etc.

Combining OpenGL renderings into one view

I have a simple solid modeling application in which I want to implement several "navigation modes", ways for the user to navigate the camera through 3d space. One of them is the ubiquitous 'drag and pan/rotate' that is used in SketchUp, Blender etc.; I also want to implement something that is more relevant to my specific application. Specifically, I want to implement a mode where the camera floats on a 'ring' above the object being modeled (a building), and always looks at the center of the model; this way, a user can easily 'circle' around the object, a common operation in my application.
So, what I want to do is render the building in my view, and display a torus in the top right of the view, with a small sphere on the torus to represent the camera location. There would be a north arrow in the torus, and the user would drag the camera around the model object by dragging the sphere; moving the sphere would reposition the camera and redraw the scene.
It looks like what I should do is the following: render the 'main view', i.e. the building; then render the torus and sphere (with different perspective settings and lighting) to an offscreen buffer, and blit it from there to my main view.
Then however I get to the hit testing. I want to detect if the user clicks on the sphere, or the torus; from what I understand from OpenGL picking (it seems to be a hard subject :/ ), all picking methods apply only for selecting in one 'scene'. Apart from that, I still want to detect 'normal' picking operations in the building model, obviously.
So, my questions:
How do I render to an offscreen buffer and blit into another OpenGL context (with alpha blending & transparence like for the center of the torus)?
How do I do hit testing in the described scenario?
I don't think you need to do off-screen rendering for this. You should be able to just re-set the camera and viewport and render the overlay after the main scene. You might have issues with Z-ordering and/or buffering, but perhaps the "sub-scene" is simple enough for that not to matter, or you could of course just clear the Z buffer before rendering it.
As far as drawing the torus/sphere goes, create a separate class for that and implement a "draw" method. Have the class contain the location of both the sphere and torus and have draw() render those things on the screen.
Then just call myRing.draw() in your main drawing method and you'll have a sphere and torus!
If you mean you want to have a a circle/ring rendered in 2D (which might be easier) in the top right corner of the window, then the same sort of idea would apply as in your hitbox post (except without that annoying projection calculation!)
Lastly, I'd consider using a function key in combination with mouse drags to implement the functionality you want... E.g. the user holds "shift" and then click-drags the mouse across the screen. These mouse events are caught and the x-delta is used to compute the angle of rotation. The camera's location is updated as this happens and you get a smooth sliding motion :)
I agree with #unwind; you don't need an offscreen buffer. If you want to anyway, search for "render-to-texture".
As for hit testing, The OpenGL FAQ has an entry on it. It describes several solutions: using GL_SELECTION render mode, using gluUnproject() to get a 3D collision ray and a simple 2D solution using unique colors.

In openGL, how can you get items to draw back to front?

By default it seems that objects are drawn front to back. I am drawing a 2-D UI object and would like to create it back to front. For example I could create a white square first then create a slightly smaller black square on top of it thus creating a black pane with a white border. This post had some discussion on it and described this order as the "Painter's Algorithm" but ultimately the example they gave simply rendered the objects in reverse order to get the desired effect. I figure back to front (first objects go in back, subsequent objects get draw on top) rendering can be achieved via some transformation (gOrtho?) ?
I will also mention that I am not interested in a solution using a wrapper library such as GLUT.
I have also found that the default behavior on the Mac using the Cocoa NSOpenGLView appears to draw back to front, where as in windows I cannot get this behavior. The setup code in windows I am using is this:
glViewport (0, 0, wd, ht);
glOrtho (0.0f, wd, ht, 0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f);
The following call will turn off depth testing causing objects to be drawn in the order created. This will in effect cause objects to draw back to front.
glDepthFunc(GL_NEVER); // Ignore depth values (Z) to cause drawing bottom to top
Be sure you do not call this:
glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Enables Depth Testing
For your specific question, no there is no standardized way to specify depth ordering in OpenGL. Some implementations may do front to back depth ordering by default because it's usually faster, but that is not guaranteed (as you discovered).
But I don't really see how it will help you in your scenario. If you draw a black square in front of a white square the black square should be drawn in front of the white square regardless of what order they're drawn in, as long as you have depth buffering enabled. If they're actually coplanar, then neither one is really in front of the other and any depth sorting algorithm would be unpredictable.
The tutorial that you posted a link to only talked about it because depth sorting IS relevant when you're using transparency. But it doesn't sound to me like that's what you're after.
But if you really have to do it that way, then you have to do it yourself. First send your white square to the rendering pipeline, force the render, and then send your black square. If you do it that way, and disable depth buffering, then the squares can be coplanar and you will still be guaranteed that the black square is drawn over the white square.
Drawing order is hard. There is no easy solution. The painter's alogorithm (sort objects by their distance in relation to your camera's view) is the most straightforward, but as you have discovered, it doesn't solve all cases.
I would suggest a combination of the painter's algroithm and layers. You build layers for specific elements on your program. So you got a background layer, objects layers, special effect layers, and GUI layer.
Use the painter's algorithm on each layer's items. In some special layers (like your GUI layer), don't sort with the painter's algorithm, but by your call order. You call that white square first so it gets drawn first.
Draw items that you want to be in back slightly behind the items that you want to be in the front. That is, actually change the z value (assuming z is perpendicular to the screen plane). You don't have to change it a lot to get the items to draw in front of eachother. And if you only change the z value slightly, you shouldn't notice much of an offset from their desired position. You could even go really fancy, and calculate the correct x,y position based on the changed z position, so that the item appears where it is supposed to be.
Your stuff will be drawn in the exact order you call the glBegin/glEnd functions in. You can get depth-buffering using the z-buffer, and if your 2d objects have different z values, you can get the effect you want that way. The only way you are seeing the behavior you describe on the Mac is if the program is drawing stuff in back-to-front order manually or using the z-buffer to accomplish this. OpenGL otherwise does not have any functionality automatically as you describe.
As AlanKley pointed out, the way to do this is to disable the depth buffer. The painter's algorithm is really a 2D scan-conversion technique used to render polygons in the correct order when you don't have something like a z-buffer. But you wouldn't apply it to 3D polygons. You'd typically transform and project them (handling intersections with other polygons) and then sort the resulting list of 2D projected polygons by their projected z-coordinate, then draw them in reverse z-order.
I've always thought of the painter's algorithm as an alternate technique for hidden surface removal when you can't (or don't want to) use a z-buffer.

Drawing "point-like" shapes in OpenGL, indifferent to zoom

I'm working with Qt and QWt3D Plotting tools, and extending them to provide some 3-D and 2-D plotting functionality that I need, so I'm learning some OpenGL in the process.
I am currently able to plot points using OpenGL, but only as circles (or "squares" by turning anti-aliasing off). These points act the way I like - i.e. they don't change size as I zoom in, although their x/y/z locations move appropriately as I zoom, pan, etc.
What I'd like to be able to do is plot points using a myriad of shapes (^,<,>,*,., etc.). From what I understand of OpenGL (which isn't very much) this is not trivial to accomplish because OpenGL treats everything as a "real" 3-D object, so zooming in on any openGL shape but a "point" changes the object's projected size.
After doing some reading, I think there are (at least) 2 possible solutions to this problem:
Use OpenGL textures. This doesn't seem to difficult, but I believe that the texture images will get larger and smaller as I zoom in - is that correct?
Use OpenGL polygons, lines, etc. and draw *'s, triangles, or whatever. But here again I run into the same problem - how do I prevent OpenGL from re-sizing the "points" as I zoom?
Is the solution to simply bite the bullet and re-draw the whole data set each time the user zooms or pans to make sure that the points stay the same size? Is there some way to just tell openGL to not re-calculate an object's size?
Sorry if this is in the OpenGL doc somewhere - I could not find it.
What you want is called a "point sprite." OpenGL1.4 supports these through the ARB_point_sprite extension.
Try this tutorial
and see if it's what you're looking for.
The scene is re-drawn every time the user zooms or pans, anyway, so you might as well re-calculate the size.
You suggested using a textured poly, or using polygons directly, which sound like good ideas to me. It sounds like you want the plot points to remain in the correct position in the graph as the camera moves, but you want to prevent them from changing size when the user zooms. To do this, just resize the plot point polygons so the ratio between the polygon's size and the distance to the camera remains constant. If you've got a lot of plot points, computing the distance to the camera might get expensive because of the square-root involved, but a lookup table would probably solve that.
In addition to resizing, you'll want to keep the plot points facing the camera, so billboarding is your solution, there.
An alternative is to project each of the 3D plot point locations to find out their 2D screen coordinates. Then simply render the polygons at those screen coordinates. No re-scaling necessary. However, gluProject is quite slow, so I'd be very surprised if this wasn't orders of magnitude slower than simply rescaling the plot point polygons like I first suggested.
Good luck!
There's no easy way to do what you want to do. You'll have to dynamically resize the primitives you're drawing depending on the camera's current zoom. You can use a technique known as billboarding to make sure that your objects always face the camera.