Drawing "point-like" shapes in OpenGL, indifferent to zoom - opengl

I'm working with Qt and QWt3D Plotting tools, and extending them to provide some 3-D and 2-D plotting functionality that I need, so I'm learning some OpenGL in the process.
I am currently able to plot points using OpenGL, but only as circles (or "squares" by turning anti-aliasing off). These points act the way I like - i.e. they don't change size as I zoom in, although their x/y/z locations move appropriately as I zoom, pan, etc.
What I'd like to be able to do is plot points using a myriad of shapes (^,<,>,*,., etc.). From what I understand of OpenGL (which isn't very much) this is not trivial to accomplish because OpenGL treats everything as a "real" 3-D object, so zooming in on any openGL shape but a "point" changes the object's projected size.
After doing some reading, I think there are (at least) 2 possible solutions to this problem:
Use OpenGL textures. This doesn't seem to difficult, but I believe that the texture images will get larger and smaller as I zoom in - is that correct?
Use OpenGL polygons, lines, etc. and draw *'s, triangles, or whatever. But here again I run into the same problem - how do I prevent OpenGL from re-sizing the "points" as I zoom?
Is the solution to simply bite the bullet and re-draw the whole data set each time the user zooms or pans to make sure that the points stay the same size? Is there some way to just tell openGL to not re-calculate an object's size?
Sorry if this is in the OpenGL doc somewhere - I could not find it.

What you want is called a "point sprite." OpenGL1.4 supports these through the ARB_point_sprite extension.
Try this tutorial
and see if it's what you're looking for.

The scene is re-drawn every time the user zooms or pans, anyway, so you might as well re-calculate the size.
You suggested using a textured poly, or using polygons directly, which sound like good ideas to me. It sounds like you want the plot points to remain in the correct position in the graph as the camera moves, but you want to prevent them from changing size when the user zooms. To do this, just resize the plot point polygons so the ratio between the polygon's size and the distance to the camera remains constant. If you've got a lot of plot points, computing the distance to the camera might get expensive because of the square-root involved, but a lookup table would probably solve that.
In addition to resizing, you'll want to keep the plot points facing the camera, so billboarding is your solution, there.
An alternative is to project each of the 3D plot point locations to find out their 2D screen coordinates. Then simply render the polygons at those screen coordinates. No re-scaling necessary. However, gluProject is quite slow, so I'd be very surprised if this wasn't orders of magnitude slower than simply rescaling the plot point polygons like I first suggested.
Good luck!

There's no easy way to do what you want to do. You'll have to dynamically resize the primitives you're drawing depending on the camera's current zoom. You can use a technique known as billboarding to make sure that your objects always face the camera.


Why does stereo 3D rendering require software written especially for it?

Given a naive take on 3D graphics rendering it seems that stereo 3D rendering should be essentially transparent to the developer and be entirely a feature of the graphics hardware and drivers. Wherever an OpenGL window is displaying a scene, it takes the geometry, lighting, camera and texture etc. information to render a 2D image of the scene.
Adding stereo 3D to the scene seems to essentially imply using two laterally offset cameras where there was originally one, and all other scene variables stay the same. The only additional information then would be how far apart to make the cameras and how far out to to make their central rays converge. Given this it would seem trivial to take a GL command sequence and interleave the appropriate commands at driver level to drive a 3D rendering.
It seems though applications need to be specially written to make use of special 3D hardware architectures making it cumbersome and prohibitive to implement. Would we expect this to be the future of stereo 3D implementations or am I glossing over too many important details?
In my specific case we are using a .net OpenGL viewport control. I originally hoped that simply having stereo enabled hardware and drivers would be enough to enable stereo 3D.
Your assumptions are wrong. OpenGL does not "take geometry, lighting camera and texture information to render a 2D image". OpenGL takes commands to manipulate its state machine and commands to execute draw calls.
As Nobody mentions in his comment, the core profile does not even care about transformations at all. The only thing it really provides you with now is ways to provide arbitrary data to a vertex shader, and an arbitrary 3D cube to do rendering to. Wether that corresponds or not to the actual view, GL does not care, nor should it.
Mind you, some people have noticed that a driver can try to guess what's the view and what's not, and this is what the nvidia driver tries to do when doing automatic stereo rendering. This requires some specific guess-work, which amounts to actual analysis of game rendering to tweak the algorithms so that the driver guesses right. So it's typically a per-title, in-driver change. And some developers have noticed that the driver can guess wrong, and when that happens, it starts to get confusing. See some first-hand account of those questions.
I really recommend you read that presentation, because it makes some further points as to where the camera should be pointing towards (should the 2 view directions be parallel and such).
Also, It turns out that is essentially costs twice as much rendering for everything that is view dependent. Some developers (including, for example, the Crytek guys, see Part 2), figured out that to a great extent, you can do a single render, and fudge the picture with additional data to generate the left and right eye pictures.
The amount of saved work here is worth a lot by itself, for the developer to do this themselves.
Stereo 3D rendering is unfortunately more complex than just adding a lateral camera offset.
You can create stereo 3D from an original 'mono' rendered frame and the depth buffer. Given the range of (real world) depths in the scene, the depth buffer for each value tells you how far away the corresponding pixel would be. Given a desired eye separation value, you can slide each pixel left or right depending on distance. But...
Do you want parallel axis stereo (offset asymmetrical frustums) or 'toe in' stereo where the two cameras eventually converge? If the latter, you will want to tweak the camera angles scene by scene to avoid 'reversing' bits of geometry beyond the convergence point.
For objects very close to the viewer, the left and right eyes see quite different images of the same object, even down to the left eye seeing one side of the object and the right eye the other side - but the mono view will have averaged these out to just the front. If you want an accurate stereo 3D image, it really does have to be rendered from different eye viewpoints. Does this matter? FPS shooter game, probably not. Human surgery training simulator, you bet it does.
Similar problem if the viewer tilts their head to one side, so one eye is higher than the other. Again, probably not important for a game, really important for the surgeon.
Oh, and do you have anti-aliasing or transparency in the scene? Now you've got a pixel which really represents two pixel values at different depths. Move an anti-aliased pixel sideways and it probably looks worse because the 'underneath' color has changed. Move a mostly-transparent pixel sideways and the rear pixel will be moving too far.
And what do you do with gunsight crosses and similar HUD elements? If they were drawn with depth buffer disabled, the depth buffer values might make them several hundred metres away.
Given all these potential problems, OpenGL sensibly does not try to say how stereo 3D rendering should be done. In my experience modifying an OpenGL program to render in stereo is much less effort than writing it in the first place.
Shameless self promotion: this might help

Perfect filled triangle rendering algorithm?

Where can I get an algorithm to render filled triangles? Edit3: I cant use OpenGL for rendering it. I need the per-pixel algorithm for this.
My goal is to render a regular polygon from triangles, so if I use this triangle filling algorithm, the edges from each triangle wouldn't overlap (or make gaps between them), because then it would result into rendering errors if I use for example XOR to render the pixels.
Therefore, the render quality should match to OpenGL rendering, so I should be able to define - for example - a circle with N-vertices, and it would render like a circle with any size correctly; so it doesn't use only integer coordinates to render it like some triangle filling algorithms do.
I would need the ability to control the triangle filling myself: I could add my own logic on how each of the individual pixels would be rendered. So I need the bare code behind the rendering, to have full control on it. It should be efficient enough to draw tens of thousands of triangles without waiting more than a second perhaps. (I'm not sure how fast it can be at best, but I hope it wont take more than 10 seconds).
Preferred language would be C++, but I can convert other languages to my needs.
If there are no free algorithms for this, where can I learn to build one myself, and how hard would that actually be? (me=math noob).
I added OpenGL tag since this is somehow related to it.
Edit2: I tried the algo in here: http://joshbeam.com/articles/triangle_rasterization/ But it seems to be slightly broken, here is a circle with 64 triangles rendered with it:
But if you zoom in, you can see the errors:
Explanation: There is 2 pixels overlapping to the other triangle colors, which should not happen! (or transparency or XOR etc effects will produce bad rendering).
It seems like the errors are more visible on smaller circles. This is not acceptable if I want to have a XOR effect for the pixels.
What can I do to fix these, so it will fill it perfectly without overlapped pixels or gaps?
Edit4: I noticed that rendering very small circles isn't very good. I realised this was because the coordinates were indeed converted to integers. How can I treat the coordinates as floats and make it render the circle precisely and perfectly just like in OpenGL ? Here is example how bad the small circles look like:
Notice how perfect the OpenGL render is! THAT is what I want to achieve, without using OpenGL. NOTE: I dont just want to render perfect circle, but any polygon shape.
There's always the half-space method.
OpenGL uses the GPU to perform this job. This is accelerated in hardware and is called rasterization.
As far as i know the hardware implementation is based on the scan-line algorithm.
This used to be done by creating the outline and then filling in the horizontal lines. See this link for more details - http://joshbeam.com/articles/triangle_rasterization/
Edit: I don't think this will produce the lone pixels you are after, there should be a pixel on every line.
Your problem looks a lot like the problem one has when it comes to triangles sharing the very same edge. What is done by triangles sharing an edge is that one triangle is allowed to conquer the space while the other has to leave it blank.
When doing work with a graphic card usually one gets this behavior by applying a drawing order from left to right while also enabling a z-buffer test or testing if the pixel has ever been drawn. So if a pixel with the very same z-value is already set, changing the pixel is not allowed.
In your example with the circles the line of both neighboring circle segments are not exact. You have to check if the edges are calculated differently and why.
Whenever you draw two different shapes and you see something like that you can either fix your model (so they share all the edge vertexes), go for a z-buffer test or a color test.
You can also minimize the effect by drawing edges using a sub-buffer that has a higher resolution and down-sample it. Since this does not effect the whole area it is more cost effective in terms of space and time when compared to down-sampling the whole scene.

MipMapping problems in OpenGL

I'm loading 3D objects (obj or 3ds or collada files) into my openGL application. The 3 environment is quite large (a few hundred metres in all axis').
My problem is that smaller 3D objects (i.e. in the order of ~< 1-2m ) don't appear to be depth-tested properly. Depending on the zoom of the camera, I can sometimes see the back face of the object (I have been using a simple cube for testing) or other faces becoming visible/invisible/torn. Please see the attached images for a better explanation.
I am led to believe the problem is due to mipmapping being enabled. I would either like to disable mipmapping (can someone suggest a simple, fast way to do this) or set the resolution to be greater for the mipmapped objects. Or am I barking up the wrong tree completely?
That's the result of insufficient z-buffer precission, which is an issue in games that have huge worlds but (relatively) small objects. The immediate solution would be to try using a 24 bit z-buffer instead of a 16 bit one. Another way to tackle this would be to render the game world it two steps, first the big distant objects, then clearing the zbuffer and then drawing the closer objects.
This specific problem is called z-fighting by the way, here's a great resource on this issue: http://www.codermind.com/articles/Depth-buffer-tutorial.html
The take-away is the last paragraph of the article above:
the true issue is that you can't draw
both objects that are very far and
objects that are very near with the
same depth buffer equations. If you
want to draw very far objects then you
need to sacrifice your near view by
pushing it further. To avoid clipping
artifacts you can make your collision
envelope large enough so that your
clip plane will never intercept an
existing object within your frustum.
Or you can make object gradually
disappear with transparency as they
come near your clip plane.
If you want to keep near objects and
at the same time draw mountains (or
planets) in the far distance, then you
can cut your rendering in parts. First
drawing your far objects, then
clearing the depth buffer and
rendering the near objects with a
different z buffer.
Like Julio, I believe that this is a depth precision issues, not something related to mip-mapping. However, I suggest you start by adjusting your near and far clipping plane before changing anything else (You are probably already using a 24-bit depth buffer anyways, as that is the default on most drivers/cards). Particularly the near plane should be as far away as possible for your scene. Look for calls to glFrustum or gluPerspective.

3d rendering of a surface from a depthmap

Using stereovision, I am producing depthmaps representing the 3d environment as viewed from a camera. There is one depthmap per "keyframe" associated with a camera position. The goal is to translate those 2d depthmaps into the 3d space (and later merge them to reconstruct the whole environment).
What would be the best (efficient) way to translate those depthmaps in 3d? Each depthmap is 752x480 large, so the number of triangles can grow quite fast. I would like an automatic system to manage the level of detail of the objects.
My team uses Ogre3d so it would be great to find a solution with it. What I am looking for is very similar to what Terrain do, except that I want to be able to put the resulting objects wherever I want (translation, rotation) and I think Terrain can't do that.
I am quite new to Ogre3d so please forgive me if there is a straightforward solution I should know. If another tool than Ogre3d is more appropriate to my problem, I'd be happy to learn about it!
Not clear what you want to do "merge depahtmap with envirronement" ?
Anyway, in your case, you seems stuck to make them 3d using terrain heightmap techniques.
In you case, as the depthmap is screen aligned, use a screen space simple raycasting technique. So you must do a compositor in ogre3D that takes that depth map and transform it on the pixel you want.
Translation and rotation from a depth map may be limited to xy on screen, as like terrain heightmap (you cannot have caves using heightmaps), you do miss a dimension.
Not directly related but might help: in pure screen space, there is a technique "position reconstruction" that help getting object world space positions, but only if you have a load of infos on the camera used to generate the depthmap you're using, for example: http://www.gamerendering.com/2009/12/07/position-reconstruction/

Ways to implement manipulation handles in 3d view

I'm building a simple solid modeling application. Users need to be able to manipulate object in both orthogonal and perspective views. For example, when there's a box in the screen and the user clicks on it to select it, it needs to get 'handles' at the corners and in the center so that the user can move the mouse over such a handle and drag it to enlarge or move the box.
What strategies are there to do this, and which one is the best one? I can think of two obvious ones:
1) Treat the handles as 3d objects. I.e. for a box, add small boxes to the scene at the corners of the 'main' box. Problems: this won't work in perspective view, I'd need to determine the size of the boxes relative to the current zoom level (the handles need to have the same size no matter how far the user is zoomed in/out)
2) Add the handles after the scene has been rendered. Render to an offscreen buffer, determine the 2d locations of the corners somehow and use regular 2d drawing techniques to draw the handles. Problems: how will I do hittesting? I'd need to do a two-stage hittesting approach, as well; how do I draw in 2d on a 3d rendered image? Fall back to GDI?
There are probably more problems with both approaches. Is there an industry-standard way of tackling this problem?
I'm using OpenGL, if that makes a difference.
I would treat the handles as 3D objects. This provides many advantages - it's more consistant, they behave well, hit testing is easy, etc.
If you want the handles to be a constant size, you can still treat them as 3D objects, but you will have to scale their size as appropriate based off the distance to camera. This is a bit of a hassle, but since there are typically only a few handles, and these are usually small objects, it should be fine performance wise.
However, I'd actually say let the handles scale with the scene. As long as you pick a rendering style for the handle that makes them stand out (ie: bright orange boxes, etc), the perspective effects (smaller handles in the background) actually makes working with them easier for the end-user in many ways. It is difficult to get a sense of depth from a 3D scene - the perspective effects on the handles help provide more visual clues as to how "deep" the handle is into the screen.
First off, project the handle/corner co-ordinates onto the camera's plane (effectively converting them to 2D coordinates on the screen; normalize this against the screen dimensions.)
Here's some simple code to enable orthogonal/2D-overlay drawing:
void enable2D()
int wind[4];
void disable2D()
enable2D() caches the current modelview/projection matrices and replaces the projection matrix with one normalized to the screen (i.e. the width/height of the screen) and restores the identity matrix for modelview.
After making this call, you can make glVertex2f() calls using screen/pixel coordinates, allowing you to draw in 2D! (This will also allow you to hit-test since you can easily get the mouse's current pixel coords.)
When you're done, call disable2D to restore your old modelview/projection matrices :)
The hardest part is computing where the hitboxes fall on the 2D plane and dealing with overlaying (if two project to the same place, which to select on click?)
Hope this helped :)
I've coded up a manipulator with handles for a 3d editing package, and ran into a lot of these same issues.
First, there's an open source manipulator. I couldn't find it in my most recent search, probably because there's a plethora of names for these things - 3d widgets, gizmos, manipulators, gimbals, etc.
Anyhow, the way I did it was to add a manipulator object to the scene that, when drawn, draws all of the handles. It does the same thing for bounding box computation, and selection.
Reed's idea about keeping them the same size is interesting for handles that exist on objects, and might work there. For a manipulator, I found that it was more of a 3d UI element, and it was much more usable if it did not change size. I had a bug where the size was only determined based on the active viewport, which resulted in horrible huge/tiny manipulators in other viewports, very useless. If you're going to add them to the scene, you might want to add them per-viewport, or make them actually have a fixed size.
I know the question is really old. But just in case someone needs it:
Interactive Techniques in Three-dimensional Scenes (Part 1): Moving 3D Objects with the Mouse using OpenGL 2.1
Article is good and has an interesting link section at the bottom.