C++ and Thrift: Reference needed to get started - c++

I have read about Thrift while trying to find out how to use Google Protocol Buffers. I have been searching for some reference that shows how to go about using it with a simple working example for C++. It's been frustrating not being able to find any such site. It is a bit surprising that almost all the examples use Java, a language that has cross-platform RMI already at its disposal. May be I have missed something in searching, and I would very much appreciate if anyone can give a reference to a tutorial with a working example, however small.

I've never used Thrift, but Googling for "thrift" brought me to this page - http://incubator.apache.org/thrift/ - which has a C++ example at the bottom of the page.
The thrift wiki has this page - http://wiki.apache.org/thrift/ThriftUsageC%2B%2B - which has more info on using it with C++

once when you install thrift in folder tutorial you have example of thrift file,
server&client implementations in different languages and README file.
This is good place to start!

Because there were no tutorial on the web, I created one in my blog.
You can check my full tutorial about Thrift in: My Blog
Since it's too long, I cannot post my answer here. But I think my blog is a good resource for anyone who wants to get started with Thrift.


VoIP c++ references

I'm having troubles with finding tutorials/examples of how a simple VoIP application would look like. I've searched the web and found an out-dated step-by-step tutorial, so it wasn't much of a help and that's about it considering tutorials. However I've managed to find some nice API's like libosip ( oSIP ). It would be a great thing if anyone would know any good tutorial; or if anything a small VoIP open source app that i could checkout. I don't really have any troubles with understanding someone else's code if it wasn't commented/explained.
There is a great sip framework called PJSIP. look at this example for a short, but yet complete demo. Also take a look in the PJSUA API.

What is the best way to integrate Google Analytics into a C++ OpenFrameworks desktop project?

I'm currently building an OpenFrameworks project and need to use Google Analytics to track user interactions. I have yet to find any existing C++ libraries for doing so, and am considering writing my own. Is the API open enough to allow a custom library to be created? If one doesn't exist, any ideas on where to begin coding my own?
Yes it is possible and easy to extend openframeworks!
You can look here if there is an addon which fits your need. Maybe ofxCurl or ofxHttpUtils are the right ones to create an request like the one mentioned in the comment by yahelc.
If you don't find a solution there, you can look here to find first informations about creating addons for openFrameworks. If you have any further questions, please ask in the official openframeworks forums which you can find here.
Looks like you'll have to build your own solution... I'd use ofxHttpUtils to ping Google's Analytics API. You should also consider wrapping your work as an OF addon and sharing in openframewors.cc
I've built an OpenFrameworks add-on to do just that:

good/full Boot Spirit examples using version 2 syntax

Almost all of the examples I've gone and looked at so far from: http://boost-spirit.com/repository/applications/show_contents.php use the old syntax. I've read and re-read the actual documentation at http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_42_0/libs/spirit/doc/html/index.html and the examples therein. I know Joel is starting a compiler series on the blog http://boost-spirit.com/home/ but that hasn't gotten in full swing yet. Any other resources to see worked examples using some more sophisticated/involved aspects in the context of fully working applications?
Well, there is always the examples directory in Boost SVN: $BOOST_ROOT/libs/spirit/example containing a couple of more sophisticated things to look at. The tests directory adjacent to this contains a huge amount of small tests scrutinizing each and every technique we know of as well.
In addition, Joel and I will have a presentation about the progress we made with the compiler thing you mentioned at BoostCon next week. All of the material will be available right after the talk and all the related code is already in the examples directory in Boost SVN (trunk). We probably will start writing about this effort on the Spirit website after the conference.
I know this is not as much as we have for Spirit.Classic in the application repository, but we really hope to get there over time... Everything depends on what will get contributed by the people using Spirit!

Parsing HTML to find specific links (Without Keywords)

I posted about this sort of earlier, but I am not sure how to post back to my original question as I can only comment or answer my own question.
Anyways, I need to get 4 links from a website, the latest stable build links for windows and linux, and the latest development build links for windows and linux (4 links total) within my C++ application.
I can download the page (http://www.sourcemod.net/snapshots.php) with LibCURL which is already implemented in the project, but after that I am not sure. I was looking at parsers, but I can't think of how I am going to discern link from link. Obviously using a parser I could get the first link from each table, but this does not seem efficient and would only provide me with the links to windows builds.
It looks like the links I need will be in the fourth in both tables, but I am just very familiar with a good way to go about this, so any help would be appreciated.
Maybe you'll find the location of the actual downloads, http://www.sourcemod.net/smdrop/, easier to parse.
I'm not too familiar with c++, but if you don't come across any better solutions there's BeautifulSoup for Python that is really nice for parsing Html and even deals with malformed documents well. And here's an highly rated CodeProject article on embedding Python in C/C++ that claims "This is written for programmers who are more experienced in C/C++ than in Python, the tutorial takes a practical approach and omits all theoretical discussions."
(I haven't read through it personally, as I mentioned, not terribly familiar with C++)

Please help my learning in Django

Hi All I am new on Django and python.I want to wirte program with Django .So please share me useful ideas and concept.How can I set up djanog in my window OS.
I little confuse and occur some errors while I read ebooks.
Share me with all experiences please in step by step.
Thank for all
http://www.djangobook.com is your friend. Free, well written and generally ace.
First, if you're new in python read dive into python, you must use python 2.5 or 2.6 not 3 (for django at least)
For windows here's a good tutorial. Then read the djangobook
For further information you can read Pro Django
And remember the oficial docs is very well written.
This may help you to start
This is great resource for you Getting Started with Django
The first thing you should do is get yourself a project, it can be anything. The classic django-learning project is a blog.
Python is fairly easy to learn once you have some programming experience. I recommend that you go through the official tutorial. This google class also looks pretty good. You don't need to know the standard library all that much -- just enough python to find your way around whenever you need something. I'd say you can pick up python in a few afternoons of work.
After that, go through the django tutotial to get an idea of how to get started. Then start with your project using the docs which are quite good. They also contain an overview and installation section which may be handy. After you've gotten your feet wet, read the django book and then go fix all the things that could be better about your project.
Just like with any kind of programming, the key is to be constantly practicing and improving your code.