How can you make buttons on a MSVS C++ CToolBar larger along with their images? - c++

We have a touch screen, and the toolbar is too small to hit with my meaty fingers. Is there an easy way I can have an option to make the toolbar buttons bigger and easier to hit?
So far I've attempted a few things:
m_toolbar.SetSizes( CSize(64,64), CSize(50,50) );
m_toolbar.SetSizes( CSize(64,64), CSize(50,50) );
m_toolbar.GetToolBarCtrl().SetButtonWidth( 64, 64 );
m_toolbar.GetToolBarCtrl().SetButtonSize( CSize(64, 64) );
None of these approaches stretches the images as well. The buttons get larger, and are fully functional, but the images do not overlap the buttons the way they normally would. I would prefer to keep a single image list for the icons, and have the images stretched to fit.

At toolbar creation time, create an empty CImageList with size 64x64 (let's call it large). Load the original image list from resources (we call it small).
Iterate over each image in small and copy/resize it to large.
Then assign large to your toolbar. Somewhat cumbersome bui should work.

As far as I know there is no way to make images resize with the size of the buttons. MFC applications use bmp and not vectorial images.
So you will have to supply a bmp images with the disired sizes.
You can use a CImageList and SetImageList to set the images but then you will have to
initialize images there with the disired size also.


SHGetImageList returns an icon that is too small for the size

I'm trying to retrieve file icons on Windows. I follow this guide
I use SHIL_JUMBO to get the maximum size possible. However, not all icons returned are big enough, such as the QuickTime icon in the attached image. The size of the whole pixmap returned is still 256x256 but it does not fill the entire space. My program will then scale it down, making it too tiny to see.
I'm wondering if I can retrieve some extra info such as the size of the original icon, so I know that it's too small to scale down.

What size of ImageList icons do I need to make & load for my app (considering higher DPI)?

I have a CListCtrl control (or a ListView in Win32) that is created with LVS_REPORT style.
I am intending to display icons in its items as such:
But the question is what size of icons do I need to make and load?
Let me explain. From the old Win32 samples, I can see that everyone creates image lists with 15x15 pixel icons. But the issue with those is that it looks horribly pixelated on any modern PC with higher DPI settings. Thus I was looking for a dynamic way to determine the appropriate size of image lists for the CListCtrl.
And also the first part of the question, what icon size should I make originally?
PS: Since DPI scaling came up, how do you find it out? I'm currently using the following approach:
//No error handling for brevity
HDC hDC = ::GetDC(hAppsMainWindowHandle);
int nCx = ::GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSX);
int nCy = ::GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY);
::ReleaseDC(hAppsMainWindowHandle, hDC);
//I technically get horizontal & vertical scaling --
//can those be different?
double scalingCx = (double)nCx / 96.0; //1.0 = 100%
double scalingCy = (double)nCy / 96.0;
Is font scaling something different?
A list view uses a "small" or "large" image list depending on its mode. In report mode, it uses the "small" image list. You can use GetSystemMetrics() to get the dimensions of "small" images using the SM_CXSMICON and SM_CYSMICON metrics (use SM_CXICON and SM_CYICON for "large" images).
Note that the returned values will be virtual/scaled if your app is not DPI-aware, so to get accurate values, make sure it is DPI-aware via SetProcessDPIAware(), SetProcessDpiAwareness(), or a DPI manifest.
Update: I just ran across this function, might be useful for you when writing a DPI-aware app:
Make larger images and let the API scale them down to smaller sizes.
The report style list view wants small icons, that is icons with SM_CXSMICON by SM_CYSMICON metrics. Assuming your app is high DPI aware, then the actual value of these metrics depends on the user's chosen font scaling or DPI setting. So up front you cannot know what size icons should be used. You have to query the system metrics at runtime, and use appropriately sized icons.
Now, what size icons you include in your executable depend on what DPI settings you wish to support. Back in XP days you could reasonably expect to encounter 100% and 125% font scaling. These days, high density display panels are common and you really need to support larger ratios. At least 150% and 200%, and quite probably 175%.
The closest I can find to guidelines is in this MSDN article:
This article was written around the Vista time frame and already shows its age. I think you have to use these articles as a guide and adapt to the hardware of the day.
You will also find that people run their machines at font scaling values in between the round numbers listed above, and in the article I link to. One of my colleagues runs at 120%. Interestingly this has highlighted various bugs in our code so it's always useful to have someone dog-fooding your program.
When you build your image lists at runtime, size them according to system metrics. And try to avoid scaling icons. For instance, if system metrics suggest an 18px icons, and you only have 16px and 20px icons, then make a new 18px icons. Fill the image with transparent pixels, and blit the 16px icon into the middle of this 18px image. Make the icon out of that. This approach will avoid aliasing problems.

C++ Win API Specify Custom toolbar Bitmap?

Picture and c++ files can be found here:
Ok so I have been having a lot of problems with my toolbars. such as them not displaying correctly, can't set the button size via height and width no matter what I do, the bitmaps are off set by 1 pixel to the right which are the back,forward,stop, etc icons. and the other icons such as the clip board and new file which is the last tool bar under the rest are cut off bad. I think its still trying to strip the tool bar list as 16x16 but the bitmap I have icons as 14x14.
The icons are within a bmp file which is 32 bit depth
one is 16x16 while the last one is 14x14
I have no idea what is going on and no matter what I can't seem to get it working like it should:

Limiting rendered image size in CView::onDraw()

In a MFC SDI application containing a single CView, I pass the output device context pDC->m_hDC to a mapping library to render the map within the CMyView::OnDraw() method.
I would like the rendered image to appear in the centre of the cview surrounded by a black background, i.e. the image size would be smaller than the CView client rect size. I have experimented with CDC::SetViewportOrg() and set the device size in the mapping library, however unfortunately the mapping library draws outside of the device size set.
What is the best way of limiting the image to the desired size? Should I be looking at clipping functions? Or do I have to manually draw over the undesired parts of the image.
Well you can do it 2 ways.
1) You could SetBoundsRect to the boundaries you want.
2) You could just bit blt the section of the image you want into the DC.
Method 2 would be my preferred method as there is no extra logic. It only ever even tries to draw the part you are blitting :)

How to display different size images in CListCtrl

In my MFC program,I want to display different size images in a list!
I use CListCtrl and CImageList!
But the CImageList only can load fixed images!
Variable row heights in CListCtrl is not supported. You could take a look at this article that describes a control based on CWnd that handles drawing of variable row heights.
I would consider to use the so called "owner drawn" mode to draw these myself. I don't know about another option (there is no built-in mode)... Maybe you can also take the biggest size and fit the smaller images into the bigger frames but I think it will be the same effort and be less efficient...
I mean use the
Create a "grid," a non-symmetrical grid most likely, on a dialog or Form. Then populate it with irregular shaped images as you choose. If you need more space look into a Scrollable “whatever,” view, dialog, etc.
Irregular or non rectangular shaped bitmaps seems a good place to start.