print a page using xslt - xslt

How can print a page using xslt.
i need a link, or a button which when clicked invokes the print page printer dialog box.

I suspect you need to specify a bit more about what you are trying to do.
XSLT is simply a way to turn one block of text into another. The input is generally an xml buffer and the output is some text rendering of that buffer.
It is possible that you are trying to generate a script using XSLT and that you want that script to be able to open a print dialog when it is run by something e.g. you generate javascript, that then runs on a browser.
Can you describe in more detail what you want to achieve?
The following in an html page gives you a print link:

XSLT is a language for transforming XML documents. That means you can add/modify content. Assuming your output is HTML, you can do this:
<xsl:template match="top">
<input name="print" type="button" value="Print"
<xsl:apply-templates />
But of course, where exactly the button has to go depends on your needs. I'd additionally, add a media=print specific CSS at the top so that the document comes out neat!


Remove specific title from TOC generated from wkhtmltopdf

I have several html files starting with a title and the author name, but I don't want them in the table of content. I used remove toc from toc in wkhtmltopdf to hard code the value of the h1/h2 to remove but I would like the xlst toc file to be independent of the name of the document and the author.
So I gave these specific titles a class attribute. The problem lies in the xlst filter, I didn't find a way to test or extract the class attribute.
Here is a part of the html file :
<h1 class="title">Me</h1>
<h2 class="author">My Title</h2>
Here is the xslt toc file part :
<xsl:template match="outline:item">
<xsl:if test="(#title!='') and (#title!='My little TOC')and (#class!='author')and (#class!='title')">
I'm a total newbie to xslt and don't know what outline:item really is, but it seems that it doesn't get the original class attribute. How could I get the job done ?
One simple solution is to use div tags instead of headings. In your CSS, make sure you specify display: block;.
if you run the
--dump-outline toc.xml
flag when you generate the pdf and look at the xml file you will see the xml nodes and attributes.
You can then test for either the title, page number, link and backlink the document. You can use these attributes for your if statment.
For example:
<xsl:if test="((#page!=1) and (#page!=2) and (#page!=5))">
blah blah blah
Note the brackets around the full test.
You can even then nest the if statements further if needed:
<xsl:if test="((#page!=1) and (#page!=2) and (#page!=5))">
<xsl:if test="(#title!='A title')">
more code

Goutte with behat: xml string as textarea value is filled with html entities

I have a page that contains a form with some input elements, including a textarea. Those input fields are populated with some values. Think of this whole page as an edit page for some entity. Textarea contains an XML string that shows properly within normal browser (eg. firefox and chrome) and looks like following:
<!-- top row -->
But when i run the test case with goutte mink driver the page is loaded and the value of textarea is encoded with special characters, like so:
<!-- top row -->
And when i press submit button that mess is sent to the server and saved instead of initial correct xml. Note that i do not touch it at all. I can just load the page and press submit button and it's all screwed. This happens only with goutte, but not with, say, selenium2.
So the question is: how can i force goutte interpret those html entities automatically and send them as correct data, not that encoded mess?
there's no solution for that. It seems as normal behavior of Goutte/Guzzle. As a workaround we ended up with following solution: in case Goutte driver is used we check page contents for all <textarea> elements, and if any found then for each we get their contents and plainly reinsert as follows:
$elements = $this->pageContent->findAll('xpath', '//textarea');
foreach ($elements as $element) {

Remove whitespace in output HTML code

Consider test.cfm file with the following content:
<cfif foo EQ bar>
<cfset test = "something" />
When run in the browser, the source code of the output of this file will look like this:
Is there any way to fix this?
Is there any way to fix this?
There's nothing to fix - the HTML is perfectly valid and functional.
If your issue is the size of request, use gzip encoding.
If your issue is reading the source for debugging/etc, use developer tools such as Firebug/etc.
However, general things you should be doing to improve maintainability (which at the same time also reduces whitespace output) are:
1) Move anything that isn't display logic out of your views.
2) Convert display logic to functions and custom tags as appropriate, which both make it easier to prevent/control output.
To prevent unwanted content being output, you can:
Wrap the entire section in cfsilent, to ensure nothing gets output.
Enable enablecfoutputonly attribute of cfsetting then only use cfoutput around things you want to be output.
Always set output=false on component and function tags.
When you want to selectively output some text, wrap non-tag non-output segments in CFML comments <!---...---> (e.g. useful for preventing newline output in custom tags)
(I never bother with cfprocessingdirective, everything mentioned above solves the issues better.)
If you have access to the CF Administrator, there is an option to suppress white space.
It is under 'Server Settings' --> 'Settings' its called 'Enable Whitespace Management'.
Try <cfprocessingdirective suppressWhiteSpace="true">

Embedding issuu

I need to embed an issuu document inside a website. The website administrator should be allowed to decide which document is displayed on the frontend.
This is an easy task, using the embed link on the issuu page. But I need to customize some options - for instance, disable sharing, set the dimensions and so on. I cannot rely on the administrators doing this process every time they need to change the document.
I can easily customize the issuu embed code to my taste, and all that I need is the document id. Unfortunately, the id is not included in the issuu page for the document. For instance, the id for this random link happens to be 110209071155-d0ed1d10ac0b40dda80dad24166a76ee, which is nowhere to be found, neither in the URL nor easily inside the page. You have to dig into the embed code to find it.
I thought the issuu API could allow me to get a document id given its URL, but I cannot find anything like this. The closest match is the search API, but if I search for the exact name of the document I get only one match for a different document!
Is there some easy way to be able to embed a document only knowing its URL? Or an easy way for a non techie person to find a document id in the page?
Unfortunate the only way for you to costomize is to pay for the service wich is 39$ for month =/.
You can force a fullscreen mode without ads by using
<body style="margin:0px;padding:0px;overflow:hidden">
<iframe src="YOUR ISSU EMBED" frameborder="0" style="overflow:hidden;height:105%;width:105%;position:absolute;" height="100%" width="100%""></iframe>
You can embed of course stacks but that isnt showed on Issuu site. This is code (its old code but it works):
<iframe src=";theme=theme1&rows=1&thumbSize=large&roundedCorners=true&showTitle=true&showAuthor=false&shadow=true&effect3d=true" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" width="100%" height="200"></iframe>
FOLDERID is number of 36 chars that you get on address bar when you enter stacks (example: When you replacing that in code you must paste 36 chars in this format 8-4-4-4-12 with - between chars. And voila its working.
You can change theme and other stuffs in code.
The Document ID is found in the HTML source of every document. It is in the og:video meta property.
<meta property="og:video" content="">
You can easily handle it by using the DomDocument and DomXPath php classes.
Here is how-to using PHP:
// Your document URL
$url = '';
// Turn off errors, loads the URL as an object and then turn errors on again
$dom = DomDocument::loadHTMLFile($url);
// DomXPath helps find the <meta property="og:video" content="http://hereyoucanfindthedocumentid?documentId=xxxxx-xxxxxxx"/>
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$meta = $xpath->query("//html/head/meta[#property='og:video']");
// Get the content attribute of the <meta> node and parse its query
$vars = [];
parse_str(parse_url($meta[0]->getAttribute('content'))['query'], $vars);
// Ready. The document ID is here:
$docID = $vars['documentId'];
// You can print it:
echo $docID;
You can try it with the URL of your own Issu document.
You can use the Issuu URL of your document to complete this iframe :
<iframe width="100%" height="283" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" span="" id="CmCaReT"></iframe>
You just need to replace "nantucketchamber" by a user name and "program-update1" by the file name in the Issuu URL
(for this example the URL is

Umbraco copy-of not showing xml markup

I’m using Umbraco 4.7.0
My goal is to get the image path from a hard coded media node id of 4191. If I create a new macro with the code:
<xsl:copy-of select="umbraco.library:GetMedia(4191, false())"/>
I get the output:
/media/17675/my image.jpg50033618497jpg
I was expecting some well formed xml, however, it appears I’m missing all the tags. I therefore cannot reference the path for the image directly.
Am I missing something really simple here?
I discovered how to get the raw xml output from my copy-of statement. I needed to wrap it in a <textarea> tag:
<xsl:copy-of select="umbraco.library:GetMedia(4191, false())"/>
This should do it:
<xsl:copy-of select="umbraco.library:GetMedia(4191, 0)/umbracoFile"/>
See also