Functor class doing work in constructor - c++

I'm using C++ templates to pass in Strategy functors to change my function's behavior. It works fine. The functor I pass is a stateless class with no storage and it just overloads the () operator in the classic functor way.
template <typename Operation> int foo(int a)
int b=Operation()(a);
/* use b here, etc */
I do this often, and it works well, and often I'm making templates with 6 or 7 templated functors passed in!
However I worry both about code elegance and also efficiency. The functor is stateless so I assume the Operation() constructor is free and the evaluation of the functor is just as efficient as an inlined function, but like all C++ programmers I always have some nagging doubt.
My second question is whether I could use an alternate functor approach.. one that does not override the () operator, but does everything in the constructor as a side effect!
Something like:
struct Operation {
Operation(int a, int &b) { b=a*a; }
template <typename Operation> int foo(int a)
int b;
/* use b here, etc */
I've never seen anyone use a constructor as the "work" of a functor, but it seems like it should work. Is there any advantage? Any disadvantage? I do like the removal of the strange doubled parenthesis "Operator()(a)" , but that's likely just aesthetic.

Any disadvantage?
Ctors do not return any useful value -- cannot be used in chained calls (e.g. foo(bar()).
They can throw.
Design point of view -- ctors are object creation functions, not really meant to be workhorses.

Compilers actually inline the empty constructor of Operation (at least gcc in similar situations does, except when you turned off optimization)
The disadvantage of doing everything in the constructor is that you cannot create a functor with some internal state this way - eg. functor for counting the number of elements satisfying a predicate. Also, using a method of a real object as a functor allows you to store the instance of it for later execution, something you cannot do with your constructor approach.

From a performance pov the code demonstrated with get completely optimized with both VC and GCC. However, a better strategy often is to take the functor as a parameter, that way you get a lot more flexibility and identical performance characteristics.

I'd recommend defining functor that work with the STL-containers, i.e. they should implement operator(). (Following the API of the language you're using is always a good idea.)
That allow your algorithms to be very generic (pass in functions, functors, stl-bind, boost::function, boost::bind, boost::lambda, ...) which is what one usually wants.
This way, you don't need to specify the functor type as a template parameter, just construct an instance and pass it in:
my_algorithm(foo, bar, MyOperation())

There does not seem any point in implementing the constructor in another class.
All you are doing is breaking encapsulation and setting up your class for abuse.
The constructor is supposed to initialize the object into a good state as defined by the class. You are allowing another object to initialize your class. What guarantees do you have that this template class knows how to initialize your class correctly? A user of your class can provide any object that could mess with the internal state of your object in ways not intended.
The class should be self contained and initialize itself to a good state. What you seem to be doing is playing with templates just to see what they can do.


C++ using struct arguments for functions instead of multiple arguments?

Anybody think there are advantages to using a class or struct to pass arguments ?
Like instead of
Where Args is struct with int,float,string members.
Advantage is easy to create multiple default parameters and not have to change function signature when new arguments added.
The obvious benefit would be to have logical grouping of semantically related data items.
Once you do, add some (member) operations on the structure that will guarantee your invariants.
The encapsulation raises the abstraction level of your code and this makes it easier to maintain/reason about.
See also Law Of Demeter
I think the great advantage is not having to rely to parameter order. Rely on order is error prone if you are changing frequently the interface, instead if you change the parameter struct you are always explicitly assigning values to a member variable which has a specific semantic.
Take for example Direct3D11 ID3D11Device::CreateDepthStencilState function: passing a const D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC *pDepthStencilDescis a lot more clear than asking for all the parameter it require.
Moreover think about modifiability: you don't need to change this method signature but only the underlying data structure during refactoring. I've found this especially useful when working collaboratively, where someone specify the interface and someone else have to implement it.
Anybody think there are advantages to using a class or struct to pass arguments ?
Yes, I think there's a lot of advantages.
Having large parameter lists on functions will distract client code from semantical parameter consistency, which can be better managed within an appropriate struct or class.
Also it's more flexible to use a struct, if additional (possibly optional) parameters need to be added later.
Whether you use one argument contained in a class/struct or multiple arguments depends on the meanings of the arguments.
Bad use of a struct:
struct Foo
char const* source;
char* destination;
Foo strcpy(Foo foo);
Good use of a struct:
struct Point
int x;
int y;
int distanceFromOrigin(Point p) { ... }
instead of
int distanceFromOrigin(int x, int y) { ... }
Doing the devil advocate here. There are also drawbacks here, mostly semantical. The first and foremost, it will require a lot of code if some of those args are passed by reference, another one by constant reference, the third one by const pointer and the forth by value. Would require you to explicitly write move constructor and default constructor for the argument struct, which will quickly become tedious. It would also be tedious to add members to that struct.
I also think using a struct is better: You can circumvent the hustle with parameter types and order. Suppose you have foo(A, B) (for types A and B). But still foo(b, a) might compile, depending on implicit constructions etc.
This concept can also be generalized using some kind of Context classes. Relying on C++11 variadic templates you could pass a "parameter superset context" to a subset one.

Why is it bad to impose type constraints on templates in C++?

In this question the OP asked about limiting what classes a template will accept. A summary of the sentiment that followed is that the equivalent facility in Java is bad; and don't do this.
I don't understand why this is bad. Duck typing is certainly a powerful tool; but in my mind it lends itself confusing runtime issues when a class looks close (same function names) but has slightly different behavior. And you can't necessarily rely on compile time checking because of examples like this:
struct One { int a; int b };
struct Two { int a; };
template <class T>
class Worker{
T data;
void print() { cout << data.a << endl; }
template <class X>
void usually_important () { int a = data.a; int b = data.b; }
int main() {
Worker<Two> w;
Type Two will allow Worker to compile only if usually_important is not called. This could lead to some instantiations of Worker compiling and others not even in the same program.
In a case like this, though. The responsibility is put on to the designer of ENGINE to ensure that it is a valid type (after which they should inherit ENGINE_BASE). If they don't, there will be a compiler error. To me this seems much safer while not imposing any restrictions or adding much additional work.
class ENGINE_BASE {}; // Empty class, all engines should extend this
template <class ENGINE>
class NeedsAnEngine {
// Do stuff with ENGINE...
This is too long, but it might be informative.
Generics in Java are a type erasure mechanism, and automatic code generation of type casts and type checks.
templates in C++ are code generation and pattern matching mechanisms.
You can use C++ templates to do what Java generics do with a bit of effort. std::function< A(B) > behaves in a covariant/contravariant fashion with regards to A and B types and conversion to other std::function< X(Y) >.
But the primary design of the two is not the same.
A Java List<X> will be a List<Object> with some thin wrapping on it so users don't have to do type casts on extraction. If you pass it as a List<? extends Bar>, it again is getting a List<Object> in essence, it just has some extra type information that changes how the casts work and which methods can be invoked. This means you can extract elements from the List into a Bar and know it works (and check it). Only one method is generated for all List<? extends Bar>.
A C++ std::vector<X> is not in essence a std::vector<Object> or std::vector<void*> or anything else. Each instance of a C++ template is an unrelated type (except template pattern matching). In fact, std::vector<bool> uses a completely different implementation than any other std::vector (this is now considered a mistake because the implementation differences "leak" in annoying ways in this case). Each method and function is generated independently for the particular type you pass it.
In Java, it is assumed that all objects will fit into some hierarchy. In C++, that is sometimes useful, but it has been discovered it is often ill fitting to a problem.
A C++ container need not inherit from a common interface. A std::list<int> and std::vector<int> are unrelated types, but you can act on them uniformly -- they both are sequential containers.
The question "is the argument a sequential container" is a good question. This allows anyone to implement a sequential container, and such sequential containers can as high performance as hand-crafted C code with utterly different implementations.
If you created a common root std::container<T> which all containers inherited from, it would either be full of virtual table cruft or it would be useless other than as a tag type. As a tag type, it would intrusively inject itself into all non-std containers, requiring that they inherit from std::container<T> to be a real container.
The traits approach instead means that there are specifications as to what a container (sequential, associative, etc) is. You can test these specifications at compile time, and/or allow types to note that they qualify for certain axioms via traits of some kind.
The C++03/11 standard library does this with iterators. std::iterator_traits<T> is a traits class that exposes iterator information about an arbitrary type T. Someone completely unconnected to the standard library can write their own iterator, and use std::iterator<...> to auto-work with std::iterator_traits, add their own type aliases manually, or specialize std::iterator_traits to pass on the information required.
C++11 goes a step further. for( auto&& x : y ) can work with things that where written long before the range-based iteration was designed, without touching the class itself. You simply write a free begin and end function in the namespace that the class belongs to that returns a valid forward iterator (note: even invalid forward iterators that are close enough work), and suddenly for ( auto&& x : y ) starts working.
std::function< A(B) > is an example of using these techniques together with type erasure. It has a constructor that accepts anything that can be copied, destroyed, invoked with (B) and whose return type can be converted to A. The types it can take can be completely unrelated -- only that which is required is tested for.
Because of std::functions design, we can have lambda invokables that are unrelated types that can be type-erased into a common std::function if needed, but when not type erased their invokation action is known from there type. So a template function that takes a lambda knows at the point of invokation what will happen, which makes inlining an easy local operation.
This technique is not new -- it was in C++ since std::sort, a high level algorithm that is faster than C's qsort due to the ease of inlining invokable objects passed as comparators.
In short, if you need a common runtime type, type erase. If you need certain properties, test for those properties, don't force a common base. If you need certain axioms to hold (untestable properties), either document or require callers to claim those properties via tags or traits classes (see how the standard library handles iterator categories -- again, not inheritance). When in doubt, use free functions with ADL enabled to access properties of your arguments, and have your default free functions use SFINAE to look for a method and invoke if it exists, and fail otherwise.
Such a mechanism removes the central responsibility of a common base class, allows existing classes to be adapted without modification to pass your requirements (if reasonable), places type erasure only where it is needed, avoids virtual overhead, and ideally generates clear errors when properties are found to not hold.
If your ENGINE has certain properites it needs to pass, write a traits class that tests for those.
If there are properties that cannot be tested for, create tags that describe such properties. Use specialization of a traits class, or canonical typedefs, to let the class describe which axioms hold for the type. (See iterator tags).
If you have a type like ENGINE_BASE, don't demand it, but instead use it as a helper for said tags and traits and axiom typedefs, like std::iterator<...> (you never have to inherit from it, it simply acts as a helper).
Avoid over specifying requirements. If usually_important is never invoked on your Worker<X>, probably your X doesn't need a b in that context. But do test for properties in a way clearer than "method does not compile".
And sometimes, just punt. Following such practices might make things harder for you -- so do an easier way. Most code is written and discarded. Know when your code will persist, and write it better and more extendably and more maintainably. Know that you need to practice those techniques on disposable code so you can write it correctly when you have to.
Let me turn the question around on you: Why is it bad that the code compiles for Two if usually_important isn't called? The type you gave it meets all the needs for that particular instantiation and the compiler will immediately tell you if a particular instantiation no longer meets the interface needed for the needed functionality in the template.
That said if you insist that you need an Engine object, don't do it with templates at all, instead treat it as a sort of strategy pattern with a non-template (using this approach enforces at compile time that the user-defined type adheres to a specific interface, not just that it looks like a duck):
class Worker
explicit Worker(EngineBase* data) : data_(data) {}
void print() { cout << data_->a() << endl; }
template <class X>
void usually_important () { int a = data_->a(); int b = data_->b(); }
EngineBase* data_;
int main()
Worker w(new ConcreteEngine);
I don't understand why this is bad. Duck typing is certainly a
powerful tool; but in my mind it lends itself confusing runtime issues
when a class looks close (same function names) but has slightly
different behavior.
The probability that you can define a non-trivial interface and then by accident have another interface that has different semantics but can be substituted is minimal. This never, ever happens.
Type Two will allow Worker to compile only if usually_important is not
That is a good thing. We depend on it all the time. It makes class templates more flexible.
Matching a compile-time interface is strictly superior to a run-time one. This is because run-time interfaces can't differ in key ways that compile-time ones can (e.g. different types in the interface), and require a bunch of run-time abstraction like dynamic allocation that may be unnecessary.
In a case like this, though. The responsibility is put on to the
designer of ENGINE to ensure that it is a valid type (after which they
should inherit ENGINE_BASE). If they don't, there will be a compiler
error. To me this seems much safer while not imposing any restrictions
or adding much additional work.
It is not safer. It is utterly pointless. It is stupendously unlikely that the user will accidentally instantiate the class with the wrong type but it will compile successfully due to circumstantial interface match.
What it really boils down to is this: you should only require what you really need. Absolutely definitely must have in order to function. Everything else, don't require it. This is a core tenet of making software maintainable. You cannot possibly imagine what shenanigans I might conceive of long after you have written this class to use it in ways that you never thought it could be used for.

Designing hiearchical classes with template function

I am writing a class Base which has a member function taking a template parameter:
class Base {
template<class T>
void func(const T& t) { ... }
There's a class Derived which conceptually inherits natures of Base and has the same function func with different implementation.
At first I thought of deriving Derived from Base and make func virtual, but I can't because it's template.
I also thought of CRTP, but it's an option because instances must be able to put into a container and be accessible without knowing exact types of them:
std::vector<Base*> v = ...;
Overloading for possible types of T is also not an option.
What is the best solution to this situation?
And aside from the topic, would you recommend references (preferably books) for such kind of problems?
You cannot mix compile time polymorphism (templates) with runtime polymorphism like that. The problem is that with a template, the compiler will generate the code on-demand when it is used, and in your particular case, you want to decide what member function to instantiate based on the runtime type of the object in the vector.
If the number of types that can be used with the methods is limited, you can provide different virtual overloads, if you don't want to do that manually, you can probably define a type list with all of the types T, and then use that typelist to generate the methods... but that will be awful to code and maintain.
I recommend that you state the actual requirements of the problem (rather than the requirements of your proposed solution), and people will be able to provide alternative approaches.
This is not something easily done with C++. It's related to something called "first class polymorphism", which means it would be easy if the values in C++ could have polymorphic types. This is not the case.
If you'll be fine with a generic solution (that means the code f must be the same for all T), you can maybe do it, but it will be a laborious task.
Basically, you'll want to replace your const T &t parameter with a parameter whose type that wouldn't be generic, but will capture "inside" all the behaviour f needs from ts of all possible types.
For an example, let's say T is meant to be a functor, that f calls with an int argument. In this case, you'll change the declaration to
virtual void func(const std::function<void(int)>& t) { ... }
and virtual functions will start to work. However, that means the interface of Ts will have to be fixed before you start to implement it in derived classes (meaning if you change your mind and want to call t with an argument of type ostream, you're out of luck).
However, creating such polymorphic wrappers ranges from easy (as is boost::any, boost::function) to hard or even impossible (any_iterator). It's very dependent on what you want to do.

boost::bind accessors?

Suppose I have the following code:
int f(int, int);
int main()
SomeFunc(boost::bind(f, 1, 2));
From the SomeFunc() function, is it possible to access the arguments held by the bound type? Something like this (pseudo code):
// Obvious syntax issues...
void SomeFunc(boost::bind& functor)
if(functor.function == &f)
if(functor.argument1 == 1)
Can I pull this information out of the boost::bind type?
boost::bind is a templated function, not a type. The real type returned by that function is some kind of functor of an unspecified type. As a matter of fact, it probably returns many different unspecified types depending on what the arguments to the boost::bind function are.
As the type is unspecified and the library only states that is CopyConstructible, that implements operator() with the appropriate number and type of arguments (one for each placeholder, types deduced from the bound method/function) and that it offers an inner type result_type that is the same as the return type of that operator().
The interface of those unspecified classes is, well, unspecified. It will probably not offer accessors to the arguments, and even if it does, and you get inside knowledge from studying the internals of the library, you risk having your code break with upgrades to the library (the implementor is free to change the type and all the interface that is not publicly documented).
The whole library is built around the fact that you do not really care about what the arguments are or even if any argument is defined or only placeholders are used, you only care that the resulting object will be callable with a given interface.
So no, you cannot.
The real question is why would you want to do that?
I suspect you can't but the fact that you are trying is a bit worrying.
No, you cannot do that with boost::bind.
boost::bind just generates a sort of functor object where all details are hidden. Than you construct boost::function or boost::signal with it and the only thing you can do: execute. You even cannot compare boost::function objects.
Anyway, it is not clear that the problem you are solving. Such approach looks awkward to me. Are you sure you really need that?

Why is is it not possible to pass a const set<Derived*> as const set<Base*> to a function?

Before this is marked as duplicate, I'm aware of this question, but in my case we are talking about const containers.
I have 2 classes:
class Base { };
class Derived : public Base { };
And a function:
void register_objects(const std::set<Base*> &objects) {}
I would like to invoke this function as:
std::set<Derived*> objs;
The compiler does not accept this. Why not? The set is not modifiable so there is no risk of non-Derived objects being inserted into it. How can I do this in the best way?
I understand that now the compiler works in a way that set<Base*> and set<Derived*> are totally unrelated and therefor the function signature is not found. My question now however is: why does the compiler work like this? Would there be any objections to not see const set<Derived*> as derivative of const set<Base*>
The reason the compiler doesn't accept this is that the standard tells it not to.
The reason the standard tells it not to, is that the committee did not what to introduce a rule that const MyTemplate<Derived*> is a related type to const MyTemplate<Base*> even though the non-const types are not related. And they certainly didn't want a special rule for std::set, since in general the language does not make special cases for library classes.
The reason the standards committee didn't want to make those types related, is that MyTemplate might not have the semantics of a container. Consider:
template <typename T>
struct MyTemplate {
T *ptr;
struct MyTemplate<Derived*> {
int a;
void foo();
struct MyTemplate<Base*> {
std::set<double> b;
void bar();
Then what does it even mean to pass a const MyTemplate<Derived*> as a const MyTemplate<Base*>? The two classes have no member functions in common, and aren't layout-compatible. You'd need a conversion operator between the two, or the compiler would have no idea what to do whether they're const or not. But the way templates are defined in the standard, the compiler has no idea what to do even without the template specializations.
std::set itself could provide a conversion operator, but that would just have to make a copy(*), which you can do yourself easily enough. If there were such a thing as a std::immutable_set, then I think it would be possible to implement that such that a std::immutable_set<Base*> could be constructed from a std::immutable_set<Derived*> just by pointing to the same pImpl. Even so, strange things would happen if you had non-virtual operators overloaded in the derived class - the base container would call the base version, so the conversion might de-order the set if it had a non-default comparator that did anything with the objects themselves instead of their addresses. So the conversion would come with heavy caveats. But anyway, there isn't an immutable_set, and const is not the same thing as immutable.
Also, suppose that Derived is related to Base by virtual or multiple inheritance. Then you can't just reinterpret the address of a Derived as the address of a Base: in most implementations the implicit conversion changes the address. It follows that you can't just batch-convert a structure containing Derived* as a structure containing Base* without copying the structure. But the C++ standard actually allows this to happen for any non-POD class, not just with multiple inheritance. And Derived is non-POD, since it has a base class. So in order to support this change to std::set, the fundamentals of inheritance and struct layout would have to be altered. It's a basic limitation of the C++ language that standard containers cannot be re-interpreted in the way you want, and I'm not aware of any tricks that could make them so without reducing efficiency or portability or both. It's frustrating, but this stuff is difficult.
Since your code is passing a set by value anyway, you could just make that copy:
std::set<Derived*> objs;
register_objects(std::set<Base*>(objs.begin(), objs.end());
[Edit: you've changed your code sample not to pass by value. My code still works, and afaik is the best you can do other than refactoring the calling code to use a std::set<Base*> in the first place.]
Writing a wrapper for std::set<Base*> that ensures all elements are Derived*, the way Java generics work, is easier than arranging for the conversion you want to be efficient. So you could do something like:
template<typename T, typename U>
struct MySetWrapper {
// Requirement: std::less is consistent. The default probably is,
// but for all we know there are specializations which aren't.
// User beware.
std::set<T> content;
void insert(U value) { content.insert(value); }
// might need a lot more methods, and for the above to return the right
// type, depending how else objs is used.
MySetWrapper<Base*,Derived*> objs;
// insert lots of values
(*) Actually, I guess it could copy-on-write, which in the case of a const parameter used in the typical way would mean it never needs to do the copy. But copy-on-write is a bit discredited within STL implementations, and even if it wasn't I doubt the committee would want to mandate such a heavyweight implementation detail.
If your register_objects function receives an argument, it can put/expect any Base subclass in there. That's what it's signature sais.
It's a violation of the Liskov substitution principle.
This particular problem is also referred to as Covariance. In this case, where your function argument is a constant container, it could be made to work. In case the argument container is mutable, it can't work.
Take a look here first: Is array of derived same as array of base. In your case set of derived is a totally different container from set of base and since there is no implicit conversion operator is available to convert between them , compiler is giving an error.
std::set<Base*> and std::set<Derived*> are basically two different objects. Though the Base and Derived classes are linked via inheritance, at compiler template instantiation level they are two different instantiation(of set).
Firstly, It seems a bit odd that you aren't passing by reference ...
Secondly, as mentioned in the other post, you would be better off creating the passed-in set as a std::set< Base* > and then newing a Derived class in for each set member.
Your problem surely arises from the fact that the 2 types are completely different. std::set< Derived* > is in no way inherited from std::set< Base* > as far as the compiler is concerned. They are simply 2 different types of set ...
Well, as stated in the question you mention, set<Base*> and set<Derived*> are different objects. Your register_objects() function takes a set<Base*> object. So the compiler do not know about any register_objects() that takes set<Derived*>. The constness of the parameter does not change anything. Solutions stated in the quoted question seem the best things you can do. Depends on what you need to do ...
As you are aware, the two classes are quite similar once you remove the non-const operations. However, in C++ inheritance is a property of types, whereas const is a mere qualifier on top of types. That means that you can't properly state that const X derives from const Y, even when X derives from Y.
Furthermore, if X does not inherit from Y, that applies to all cv-qualified variants of X and Y as well. This extends to std::set instantiations. Since std::set<Foo> does not inherit from std::set<bar>, std::set<Foo> const does not inherit from std::set<bar> const either.
You are quite right that this is logically allowable, but it would require further language features. They are available in C# 4.0, if you're interested in seeing another language's way of doing it. See here:
Didn't see it linked yet, so here's a bullet point in the C++ FAQ Lite related to this:
I think their Bag-of-Apples != Bag-of-Fruit analogy suits the question.