boost::bind accessors? - c++

Suppose I have the following code:
int f(int, int);
int main()
SomeFunc(boost::bind(f, 1, 2));
From the SomeFunc() function, is it possible to access the arguments held by the bound type? Something like this (pseudo code):
// Obvious syntax issues...
void SomeFunc(boost::bind& functor)
if(functor.function == &f)
if(functor.argument1 == 1)
Can I pull this information out of the boost::bind type?

boost::bind is a templated function, not a type. The real type returned by that function is some kind of functor of an unspecified type. As a matter of fact, it probably returns many different unspecified types depending on what the arguments to the boost::bind function are.
As the type is unspecified and the library only states that is CopyConstructible, that implements operator() with the appropriate number and type of arguments (one for each placeholder, types deduced from the bound method/function) and that it offers an inner type result_type that is the same as the return type of that operator().
The interface of those unspecified classes is, well, unspecified. It will probably not offer accessors to the arguments, and even if it does, and you get inside knowledge from studying the internals of the library, you risk having your code break with upgrades to the library (the implementor is free to change the type and all the interface that is not publicly documented).
The whole library is built around the fact that you do not really care about what the arguments are or even if any argument is defined or only placeholders are used, you only care that the resulting object will be callable with a given interface.
So no, you cannot.

The real question is why would you want to do that?
I suspect you can't but the fact that you are trying is a bit worrying.

No, you cannot do that with boost::bind.
boost::bind just generates a sort of functor object where all details are hidden. Than you construct boost::function or boost::signal with it and the only thing you can do: execute. You even cannot compare boost::function objects.
Anyway, it is not clear that the problem you are solving. Such approach looks awkward to me. Are you sure you really need that?


Is it safe to reinterpret_cast from std::function<void()> * to std::function<std::monostate()> *?

std::function<std::monostate()> convert(std::function<void()> func){
return *reinterpret_cast<std::function<std::monostate()> * >(&func);
Are std::function<void()> and std::function<std::monostate()> considered "similar" enough for reinterpret_cast to be safe?
Edit: someone asked me to clarify what I am asking. I am not asking if the general case of foo<X> and foo<Y> are similar but whether foo<void> and foo<std::monostate> are.
No this is unsafe and leads to undefined behavior. In particular, there's no guarantee that the two layouts will be compatible. Of course, you might get away with it with some compiler and runtime combinations, but then it might break if some future release of your compiler decides to implement certain forms of control flow integrity.
The safe way to do what you want, albeit at a small cost in performance, is just to return a new lambda, as in:
std::function<std::monostate()> convert(std::function<void()> func){
return [func=std::move(func)]() -> std::monostate { func(); return {}; };
Are std::function<void()> and std::function<std::monostate()> considered "similar" enough for reinterpret_cast to be safe?
No. Given a template foo and distinct types X and Y, the instantiations foo<X> and foo<Y> are not similar, regardless of any perceived relationship between X and Y (as long as they are not the same type, which is why they were qualified as "distinct"). Different template instantiations are unrelated unless documented otherwise. There is no such documentation for std::function.
The rules for "similar" make allowances for digging into pointer types, but there is nothing special for templates. (Nor could there be, since a template specialization could look radically different than its base template.) Different types as template arguments yield dissimilar templated classes. No need to dig deeper into those arguments.
I am not asking if the general case of foo<X> and foo<Y> are similar but whether foo<void> and foo<std::monostate> are.
There is nothing special about void and std::monostate that would make them two names for the same type. (In fact, they cannot be the same type, as the former has zero values, while the latter has exactly one value.) So, asking about foo<void> and foo<std::monostate> is the same as asking about the general case, just with a greater possibility of seeing connections that do not exist.
Also, the question is not about foo<void> and foo<std::monostate> but about foo<void()> and foo<std::monostate()>. The types used as template arguments are function types, not object types. Function types are very particular in that two function types are the same only when all of their parameter and return types are exact matches; none of the conversions allowed when invoking a function are considered. (Not that there is a conversion from void to std::monostate.) The function types are different, so again the templates instantiated from those types are not similar.
Perhaps a more focused version of this question would have asked about function pointers instead of std::function objects.
(from a comment:) I was looking at the assembly code of std::monostate() functions and void() functions and they generate the same assembly verbatim.
Generated assembly means nothing as far as the language is concerned. At best, you have evidence that with your compiler, it seems likely that you could get away with invoking a function pointer after casting it from void (*)() to std::monostate (*)(). Not "safe" so much as "works for now". And that assumes that you use the function pointer directly instead of burying it inside a std::function (a complex adapter of types).
C++ is a strongly typed language. Different types are different even if they are treated the same at the level of assembly code. This might be more readily apparent if we switch to more familiar types. On many common systems, char is signed, making it equivalent to signed char at the assembly code level. However, this does not affect the similarity of functions. The following code is illegal, even if changing char to signed char has no effect on the assembly code generated for foo().
char foo() { return 'c'; }
int main()
signed char (*fun)() = foo; // <-- Error: invalid conversion
// ^^^^^^ -- because the return type is signed char, not char
One can downgrade this error to a warning with a reinterpret_cast. After all, it is legal to cast a function pointer to any function pointer type. However, it is not safe to invoke the function through the cast pointer (unless cast back to the original type), hence the warning. Invoking it might work very reliably on your system, but that is due to your system, not the language. When you ask about "safe", you are asking for guidance from the language specs, not merely what will probably work on your system.

What is the advantage of using boost::bind?

The definition and application of boost::bind are clearly outlined in the boost website, yet I hardly could find what is the benefit of using it over using a normal function call? Or to put it simply in which scenarios it might come in handy?
Sometimes you have a set of arguments that you are going to pass to the function, but you wish to call the function later without needing to pass the arguments that are already known. One reason to need this may be because the call may need to conform to an interface that doesn't allow those arguments. This is typical in the (functor style) "callback" idiom.
That situation can be solved by defining a class that stores the arguments as members, and defines function call operator overload that delegates to the original function and passes the arguments stored as members.
boost::bind is a structured way to represent such "argument binding" without needing to define the class yourself. The standard library used to have std::bind1st and std::bind2nd which were more limited, less generic forms of bind.
boost::bind is rarely needed anymore since it was introduced to the standard library as std::bind in C++11, and furthermore lambdas were introduced in C++11 and improved in C++14 and they have largely obsoleted bind.
bind provides a way to take a function or a function object with a certain arity and transform it to another function with lesser arity by precisely binding one or more arguments. And you can do it in place.
bind and functions don't have a good comparison.
bind is more comparable to simple lambdas that call a function and fix certain parameters in their implementation.
The big difference between boost::bind and a modern lambda is that the bind object has a certain degree of instrospection associated with it that the lambda doesn't have.
For example you could in principle recover the original function and reconstruct what is the argument bound.
In a lambda everything is private, even the simplest implementation.
In other words, the result of boost::bind is an "expression" and the type has well defined pattern (e.g. boost::bind_t<...> or something, and that can be matched in a template function argument).
Lambdas instead are each their own unknowable sui generis type.
Admittedly, few people maybe interested in the difference, but it is there and I played with it once or twice to implement a symbolic system (for derivatives).
I can't say the same about std::bind because the object returned is unspecified by the standard and it could be more difficult to reconstruct the full bind "expression".

boost::bind with overloaded functions?

I have two overloaded member functions with the following signatures:
class MyClass
void f(int, int, int);
void f(int, int, int, double);
I am using boost::bind as follows:
boost::bind(&MyClass::f, _1, 1, 2, 3); // _1 is a placeholder for the implicit parameter
My problem is actually that there is no problem. According to boost::bind documentation (at this should "usually" result in an error, and I should need to cast to the function pointer type. However my code compiles without error, and appears to run as expected.
The example given in the documentation is one where the only difference in the overloaded functions is that one is const while the other is not. My guess therefore is that I do not have a problem because the compiler can tell the difference between the two overloaded functions due to the fact that the number (and types) of arguments is different, whereas in the documentation's example there is no way for the compiler to tell which version you intend simply from the arguments passed to boost::bind. On the other hand, I am skeptical of my guess because I question how the compiler knows that the last 3 arguments passed to boost::bind in my example are linked to the function pointer in the first argument (and therefore form part of its signature) - it seems to me that that is an internal matter for boost::bind which the compiler should have no knowledge of.
Neither the documentation nor any other advice I can find upon googling this issue specify that there is only an issue with overloaded functions which have the same argument types. So, I would be grateful if anyone could confirm that my guess is correct (and by implication, why my skepticism is wrong), before I begin relying on my code under the (possibly false) assumption that it is valid. My concern is that the compiler is simply choosing which function to bind based on reasoning which I did not intend e.g. picking the first one it comes across.
If there is only one choose that is semantically correct, then you are fine (like in your example). If there are more, don't guess what it will pick, pick for it (like in boost's example).
Since bind, like everything else in c++, is strongly typed, the compiler can't just shrink the function or something so it will not make impossible chooses like picking the first in your example.

How can I cast or convert boost bind to C function pointer?

Suppose I have this:
void func(WCHAR* pythonStatement) {
// Do something with pythonStatement
And I need to convert it to void function(void) like this:
bind(func, TEXT("console.write('test')"))
Now I have struct like this:
typedef void (__cdecl * PFUNCPLUGINCMD)();
struct FuncItem {
// ...
How can I set the pFunc of my struct to bind(func, "something")? Bind returns lambda_functor not a function pointer, so how can I cast this functor to function pointer?
Ended up using the wrapping "solution" (GitHub)
I think that you can't, unless you make the resulting lamba_functor a global variable.
In that case, you could declare a function that invokes it:
void uglyWorkaround() {
and set pFunc to uglyWorkaround().
Just a sidenote: if you are binding static text to the function call, you may completely omit bind() call and write just:
void wrapper() {
and set pFunc to wrapper().
Bind returns lambda_functor not a function pointer, so how can I cast this functor to function pointer?
I don't think you can. However, off the top of my head, I can think of several alternatives:
Use boost::function<void()> (or std::function() if your compiler supports TR1 or C++11) instead of void (*)().
It has the ability to bind to just about anything with a somewhat compatible signature.
Put the whole code into a template, make PFUNCPLUGINCMD a template parameter, and let function template argument deduction figure out the exact type.
That's a variation on the former, actually, where you would use the result of bind() directly instead of having boost::function abstract away the gory details.
Create a wrapper that calls the functor returned by boost::bind().
A function template might help to let the compiler figure out the exact types and generate a suitable function, although I haven't tried to do that. However, since you cannot use the result of bind() as a template argument, but need to have give the function access to it nevertheless, you will need a global variable for this. (The ability to avoid this is one of the main advantages of function objects, a very versatile of which is std::function.)
Extend your PFUNCPLUGINCMD callback type to support a user-provided parameter. For C callbacks, this usually is a void*. However, if you pass the address of the object returned by bind() to your callback, you would need to convert it into a pointer to the correct type - which, AFAIK, depends on the arguments provided to bind(). In order to avoid that, you'd need to pass something that abstracts away the exact type. Again, std::function comes to the rescue.
The first idea would be the best, but it requires you to be able to change PFUNCPLUGINCMD. The last one might be best when PFUNCPLUGINCMD needs to be compatible with C, as it uses the common C callback idiom.
You can't do this, unless you want to write your own Just-In-Time compiler. Alternatively, if you control the receiving code, then you could use a boost::function<>, which will accept a variety of function types, including pointers and function objects like those produced by boost::bind.

Functor class doing work in constructor

I'm using C++ templates to pass in Strategy functors to change my function's behavior. It works fine. The functor I pass is a stateless class with no storage and it just overloads the () operator in the classic functor way.
template <typename Operation> int foo(int a)
int b=Operation()(a);
/* use b here, etc */
I do this often, and it works well, and often I'm making templates with 6 or 7 templated functors passed in!
However I worry both about code elegance and also efficiency. The functor is stateless so I assume the Operation() constructor is free and the evaluation of the functor is just as efficient as an inlined function, but like all C++ programmers I always have some nagging doubt.
My second question is whether I could use an alternate functor approach.. one that does not override the () operator, but does everything in the constructor as a side effect!
Something like:
struct Operation {
Operation(int a, int &b) { b=a*a; }
template <typename Operation> int foo(int a)
int b;
/* use b here, etc */
I've never seen anyone use a constructor as the "work" of a functor, but it seems like it should work. Is there any advantage? Any disadvantage? I do like the removal of the strange doubled parenthesis "Operator()(a)" , but that's likely just aesthetic.
Any disadvantage?
Ctors do not return any useful value -- cannot be used in chained calls (e.g. foo(bar()).
They can throw.
Design point of view -- ctors are object creation functions, not really meant to be workhorses.
Compilers actually inline the empty constructor of Operation (at least gcc in similar situations does, except when you turned off optimization)
The disadvantage of doing everything in the constructor is that you cannot create a functor with some internal state this way - eg. functor for counting the number of elements satisfying a predicate. Also, using a method of a real object as a functor allows you to store the instance of it for later execution, something you cannot do with your constructor approach.
From a performance pov the code demonstrated with get completely optimized with both VC and GCC. However, a better strategy often is to take the functor as a parameter, that way you get a lot more flexibility and identical performance characteristics.
I'd recommend defining functor that work with the STL-containers, i.e. they should implement operator(). (Following the API of the language you're using is always a good idea.)
That allow your algorithms to be very generic (pass in functions, functors, stl-bind, boost::function, boost::bind, boost::lambda, ...) which is what one usually wants.
This way, you don't need to specify the functor type as a template parameter, just construct an instance and pass it in:
my_algorithm(foo, bar, MyOperation())
There does not seem any point in implementing the constructor in another class.
All you are doing is breaking encapsulation and setting up your class for abuse.
The constructor is supposed to initialize the object into a good state as defined by the class. You are allowing another object to initialize your class. What guarantees do you have that this template class knows how to initialize your class correctly? A user of your class can provide any object that could mess with the internal state of your object in ways not intended.
The class should be self contained and initialize itself to a good state. What you seem to be doing is playing with templates just to see what they can do.