What would be the correct design for keeping configuration settings in c++? - c++

Say I have ini/json to store configuration setting of my desktop application,Will it be ok to have a static object with all property loaded at startup/when ever it is required or is there any other better alternative?
Since this is the very first time I am doing this ,so just wanted to know whether static object is fine or singleton pattern or something else would be better

I usually use Boost.Program_options, and I usually use a singleton.

Either way is fine.
If it was me, I would have it on construction of the config object.
cConfig Config("config.ini");
This Config class would load the settings found in the file. Any code can access the settings by doing
For testability purposes, if there is no file in the construction, the class' settings is set to default or a log file is created with a line advising the user of the missing settings.
And then for functions that needs the config, I would pass the Config instance as part of the parameters:
DoStuff(Config, [...]);
and have DoStuff get the variables from the Config class.
This makes the class testable (you can mock Config class), readeable (at a glance, you can tell which function requires Configs) and you don't have to rely on static instances (singletons are dangerous if you don't know how to use them).
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If the config settings is going to be modified by the user to determine the way the application is going to run, then it might be better to keep it in some ini file. Some users like to edit ini files directly rather than do it through the GUI. It is better to give both the options.
Also some user have multiple ini files and rotate among them for settings they need at that point of time.

Loading all your settings at startup (or the first time a setting is needed) will work most of the time, but the user will have to restart the application in order for any edits to the config file to take effect. For most users this will never be an issue, but for advanced users who like to edit config files directly this could be frustrating. On UNIX based OSs it is possible to handle the SIGHUP signal which has become a accepted trigger to re-read configuration files. There is no similar method that I know of for Windows. An alternative approach would be to keep track of the modification time of the config file to determine if the settings should be re-read.


how to mock file copy in a functional test

I have a controller which duty is copying a file passed along with the request (through a body POST) to a specific path under web/images. The path is specified by a property living into the specific Controller.
What I would like to do is testing it with a functional test, but I wouldn't like it to overwrite files in my project, so I would like to use vfs or change the path before my test case sends the request.
Is there a good-straight way to accomplish this?
A common approach is to load configuration that may change between environments as an environmental variable. (I have not ever used symfony before, so there may be tools to help with env vars)
The upload path could then be
$upload_path = getenv('WEB_IMAGE_UPLOAD_PATH') ?
getenv('WEB_IMAGE_UPLOAD_PATH') : 'web/images'
This will allow you to specify a temp (/tmp ?) directory when starting up your server in integration mode.
Ah cool, (disclaimer: i'm not a php person) it looks like php has IO streams that may be able to help in functional testing, and allow easy cleanup.
I believe you may be able to set your 'WEB_IMAGE_UPLOAD_PATH' to be one of those streams
I'll try to answer myself: I refactored my code in order to have a property that specifies the path I would like to copy/overwrite my file.
Then, inside a PHPUnit class I replace the object property's value with a vfsStream path. By doing like that I get the behavior I need, without touching my real files/paths. Everything will live inside the virtual file system and my object will use it.
Parameters are important for a clean and reusable code, but even more when you want to unit-test: I think Unit testing is helping me to force to parameterize everything in place of relapsing to hardcoding when you don't have so much time. In order to help me writing unit tests I created a class that accesses methods and properties, irrespective of their accessibility.
I'm quite sure there's already something more sophisticated, but this class fullfills my needs in this very moment. Hope it helps :-)

Win32: Prevent folder modification?

I want to make sure no other process changes the contents of a particular folder. I'd like to stop other processes from creating, deleting, or modifying files within a folder. Further, I'd like this restriction to nest down into subfolders.
I can get close to what I want by enumerating the contents of the folder and calling CreateFile on each file. This has problems in that it doesn't stop new files from being created and requires I acquire lots of handles.
Is there an easier way to get what I want?
Update: Addressing some comments, what I want to do is to prevent modification while my program is running. It's OK if the file get modified between runs.
In terms of ACLS, the app has read access to all files within the folder.
ACLs would be the best way to go but if you can't get that to work for whatever reason (you're fairly thin on the details) then use a file system filter driver. Note that this isn't very straightforward. Not rocket science either, but you have to be extra careful with driver development.

Application settings methods? c++

I am thinking about adding configurable settings to an application, and I think the easiest ways are an external file or win registry (its a win only app).
Which way would be better?
I was wondering, an user with not enough permissions may not be able to create/write the config file. And in the case of the registry, would todays antivirus allow me to add/edit/remove keys? Or they only monitor certain keys?
Also, if someone knows a class/lib to manage config settings (in pure win32) in vc++ please post it.
As far as I know:
an user with not enough permissions may not be able to create/write the config file
You should be able to make files inside user's "home directory" or "application data" directory, regardless of permissions. Normally those directories should be writeable.
would todays antivirus allow me to add/edit/remove keys?
Haven't ever seen my antivirus interfere with registry manipulation. You probably will be fine as long as you aren't doing anything suspicious in registry.
Which way would be better?
It is matter of taste. I think that text file is better - allows easier migration of settings. Just don't leave junk behind after uninstall.
Also, if someone knows a class/lib to manage config settings in vc++
QSettings in Qt 4. But using entire Qt for just saving settings is definitely an overkill. You could also check configuration languages like JSON, use lua for settings (less overkill than using Qt 4) or get any XML library. Also, working with registry directly or writing configuration files using iostreams or stdio shouldn't be hard. And you can always write your own configuration library - if you feel like it.
Is "Windows-only" a restriction or a restriction-relief? If you don't mind being cross-platform then I suggest you give boost::program_options a go. The library supports program options through commandline, through evironment-variables and through INI files. Boost's program_options also integrates and glues the various parsers very nicely with variables_map, which you can view as a map between options and their value.
For simple stuff, you might as well just use the registry. However, there are many benefits to a config file... you can save/load several different configs for different uses of your app, it's easier to share or migrate settings between users or machines, etc.
If you end up going the file route, I would recommend Boost's Property Tree library:
It has a pretty nice syntax:
boost::property_tree::ptree properties;
std::string name = properties.get<std::string>("blah.name");
int score = properties.get<int>("blah.score");
properties.put("blah.name", "Inverse");
properties.put("blah.score", 1000);
It also supports reading and writing to various formats, like xml and others.
I think the new default thing is to write a configuration file in the user's "AppData" folder under the user's folder which should be safe to write/read from.
We're using a simple XML formatted file to store settings; but you could use a INI file type formatting.
If you save your configuration file in the Application Data directory SHGetFolderPath() with CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA all users will be able to see the configuration. If you use CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA then only the one user will be able to see the configuration. The registry is not necessarily the place to save all configuration data.

How to store the Visual C++ debug settings?

The debug settings are stored in a .user file which should not be added to source control. However this file does contain useful information. Now I need to set each time I trying to build a fresh checkout.
Is there some workaround to make this less cumbersome?
Edit: It contains the debug launch parameters. This is often not really a per-user setting. The default is $(TargetPath), but I often set it to something like $(SolutionDir)TestApp\test.exe with a few command line arguments. So it isn't a local machine setting per se.
Well, I believe this file is human readable (xml format I think?), so you could create a template that is put into source control that everyone would check out, for instance settings.user.template. Each developer would than copy this to settings.user or whatever the name is and modify the contents to be what they need it to be.
Its been a while since I've looked at that file, but I've done similar things to this numerous times.
Set the debug launch parameters in a batch file, add the batch file to source control. Set the startup path in VS to startup.bat $(TargetPath).

Best way of handling user settings in a program

I want to know what are the best ways/practices of handling user settings in a program. I'm writing a program and want to allow users to save settings which can be loaded automatically as soon as the program starts. I'm not just asking for codes, but the best practices of handling such as how to handle the settings at run time, should I need to create an object such as UserSettings (I'm using Java)? Which format is best for saving the settings (XML/JSON?)? Is it good to have the file format human readable? what are the things that I should take care of? I like to hear the thoughts/advices of some professional stackoverflow users out there.
Having a human-readable format is great; if for some reason a setting makes the program completely unusable it is then possible to go in and frob the setting to something sane.
If your users will roam from computer to computer then having user settings in a database or some centralised repository makes sense.
Otherwise, a locally-saved, human-readable .INI (with named sections) or a .XML file.
If using a .XML file, try to avoid making it too 'dense', and sprinkle with appropriate comments.