Win32: Prevent folder modification? - c++

I want to make sure no other process changes the contents of a particular folder. I'd like to stop other processes from creating, deleting, or modifying files within a folder. Further, I'd like this restriction to nest down into subfolders.
I can get close to what I want by enumerating the contents of the folder and calling CreateFile on each file. This has problems in that it doesn't stop new files from being created and requires I acquire lots of handles.
Is there an easier way to get what I want?
Update: Addressing some comments, what I want to do is to prevent modification while my program is running. It's OK if the file get modified between runs.
In terms of ACLS, the app has read access to all files within the folder.

ACLs would be the best way to go but if you can't get that to work for whatever reason (you're fairly thin on the details) then use a file system filter driver. Note that this isn't very straightforward. Not rocket science either, but you have to be extra careful with driver development.


Can you embed files into exe, and update them with each use?

I'm trying to make an application which to manage information about several providers.
Target system is windows and I'll be coding with c++.
The users are not expected to be handy on anything related to computers, so I want to make it as fool-proof as possible. Right now my objective is to distribute only an executable, which should store all the information they introduce in there.
Each user stores information of their own providers, so I don't need the aplication to share the data with other instances. They do upload the information into a preexisting system via csv, but I can handle that easily.
I expect them to introduce new information at least once a month, so I need to update the information embedded. Is that even possible? Making a portable exe and update its information? So far the only portable apps I've seen which allow saving some personification do so by making you drag files along with your exe.
I try to avoid SQL to avoid compatibility problems (for my own applications I use external TXTs and parse the data), but if you people tell me it's the only way, I'll use sql.
I've seen several other questions about embedding files, but it seems all of them are constants. My files need to be updatable
Thanks in advance!
Edit: Thanks everyone for your comments. I've understood that what I want is not worth the problems it'd create. I'll store the data separatedly and make an effort so my coworkers understand what's the difference between an executable and it's data (just like explaining the internet to your grandma's grandma...)
While I wouldn't go as far as to say that it's impossible, it will definitely be neither simple nor pretty nor something anyone should ever recommend doing.
The basic problem is: While your .exe is running, the .exe file is mapped into memory and cannot be modified. Now, one thing you could do is have your .exe, when it's started, create a temporary copy of itself somewhere, start that one, tell the new process where the original image is located (e.g., via commandline arguments), and then have the original exit. That temporary copy could then modify the original image. To put data into your .exe, you can either use Resources, or manually modify the PE image, e.g., using a special section created inside the image to hold your data. You can also simply append arbitrary data at the end of an .exe file without corrupting it.
However, I would like to stress again that I do not recommend actually doing stuff like that. I would simply store data in separate files. If your users are familiar with Excel, then they should be familiar with the idea that data is stored in files…

Create read only undeletable file

I tried to create file that will not be deletable and read only. (Its an exe, so maybe I need execute too.)
I tried to achieve it with this:
but it only protected against writes (it lets read it but not write to it), while against delete it's doing nothing, even though according to MSDN it's supposed to protect from deletion also:
A file that is read-only. Applications can read the file, but cannot write to it or delete it. This attribute is not honored on directories. For more information, see "You cannot view or change the Read-only or the System attributes of folders in Windows Server 2003, in Windows XP, or in Windows Vista
How can I prevent the file from being deleted?
The file system is NTFS.
It's for protection. The files are for kids' use, and I want to prevent them from deleting the file. (Or, make deleting hard as possible.)
I am looking for a programmatic solution
Deleting a file is a directory change, actually, not a file change. And as noted you can't use attributes, you need full-blown NTFS Access Control Lists (ACL) for that. In particular, what you need is an Access Control Entry (ACE) that
To Everyone
The right to modify the entire directory
You may optionally prefix another ACE to the ACL with the properties
To yourself
The right to modify the entire directory
ACE's on an ACL are processed in order, so this prevents you from locking yourself out.

Monitor file after cut and paste (Windows Shell Extension?)

I'm currently in the idea phase for a small application that requires keeping track of specific, user chosen files.
I want the system to be intuitive, such that a user can change the file name, directory name, or move the file to a new location, and the application would still be able to keep track of the file.
Now, I know that I can monitor directories already, for the majority of these kinds of changes, with windows system calls.
The problem I'd have is finding if/when a file is cut, copied, or pasted somewhere. I've read a little about shell extensions, but they have actually rather confused me (since I haven't had the time to actually read good and long about them yet). Is there a way I could monitor a file for being cut/pasted/copied, so that my application could continue to track the file in it's new location? Would I have to do this through a shell extension?
You can use shortcut objects to track files even if they are renamed or moved.

How I could to forbid show of hidden/system files in TOpenDialog?

I tried to write a program for safe deleting files. However, I have a problem with deleting system files (recycle bin etc.). Now my question is. Which way to hidden files (from users) at this dialog. Other files I add to listview and then rewrite them zeroes. After that I delete this files without recycle.
The only way guaranteed to do this is to write your own open file dialog. But I'd advise that you find a better way of doing this, since that's considered pretty bad form.
It just occurred to me, but what you could do (and I'm not saying it's easy or nice) is launch the open file dialog, then using the handle to the window gain access to the listbox, and manually remove any system files from that list per your own heuristics. It should work, but I can't guarantee that the items will remain removed (i.e. I think Windows will auto-refresh every so often), so you'll have to experiment and YMMV.
Bottom line: find a different way of preventing the user from selecting them. Like Mat says, perhaps just give a message and leave it at that. Failing that, write your own dialog (yuck!).

Change file order in a Windows Directory in C

Like when you drag a file on top of another one and change the order, like that.
I'm going to assume you're asking about how to rearrange the order in which files are displayed in a folder. I'm not exactly sure how to do it, but you'll want to use the various functions from the Windows shell to accomplish this. See the Shell Developer's Guide.
There is no way to do this (except maybe by hacking the directory structures on the disk using raw, sector-based APIs). The order of files on the disk is managed by the file system according to it's design and needs.
For what its worth, FAT directory entries are stored in the order in which they are added. NTFS actually indexes its directory entries, but I thought creation order still played some role in which order they're retrieved. Maybe not. Nearly every UI that does file listings does some type of sorting on display, though, usually alphabetical.
Bottom line-- if its not application-sorted and its not creation time, then there's nothing you can do.