C/C++ Console Windows WIN32 - c++

I know how to "hide" them. I know about FreeConsole(); and then finding the handle and changing it's attributes. However with these methods the window still pops up for a second than goes away. How can I stop it from showing up completely?

Have you considered creating a windows application (with windows subsystem) instead of a console application? That should hide the console window all together.
Try looking at WinMain

I believe you need to be a GUI application to not have the console displayed. Check out /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS


How to get the window state of a C++ console application

I'm writing a console app in C++ but can't seem to find how to figure out the console window state (i.e. normal, minimized, etc.). Any idea on how to do this?
For Windows use GetConsoleWindow to get a handle to the window, then e.g. GetWindowPlacement.
But what on Earth are you planning to use this information for?

Portable way to hide console window in GLUT application?

Hey, I'm creating a little GLUT application and need help with hiding/removing the console window.
I am developing on windows and I already know of the various methods to hide the console window on a windows system, however is there no portable method of hiding it?
You don't really want to "hide" the console window. What you want is to configure your compiler to generate a "Windows application" instead of a "Console application". That will tell windows to never create a console for your application. You'll need to consult your compiler's documentation to figure out how to do that. For Visual Studio, it is a step on one of the wizards.
There isn't really a good way to control the console inside of a console application. The console is designed so that the application knows nothing about it. While it is possible, as you said, it's not very portable or clean.
The correct approach if you need fine-grained control over the "console" is to implement your own window which provides a text output area where you can print things. Then you can do pretty much anything with your "console" because it isn't really a console, it's just another window owned and operated by your application.

Console App Whereabouts c++

How would you set the initial position of a Console App on your Screen?
It's a console app, so it has no concept of where its window is, as it doesn't know what a window is.
For Windows, you could use the GetConsoleWindow function followed by SetWindowPos with the SWP_NOSIZE and SWP_NOZORDER flags set.
I think that you're going to be more specific. With a console app, the output goes to stdout without any real control over how the console deals with it. The console deals with displaying it and normally just prints it out.
If you want more control over the console like being able to reposition the cursor or being able to erase or redraw portions of the console, then you'll likely need to look into a library like ncurses.
You can't. Put simply. If you use non-standard extensions, for example, if you made your own console via WinAPI, you might be able to make such an effect. However, within terms of just cin/cout, then you can't.
If you're in windows, then you have to set the position of the final executable. If you click the application icon and then click "Defaults" on the resulting menu, one of the options is for position.
Unfortunately, no idea how to do that on other platforms.

Can you create a start-up window in console program?

I want to a create dialog box like window before displaying the console window. I haven't actually tried anything yet but was just wondering if it can be displayed as a start-up window.
If you compile your win32 application as a console app, the console window will appear before you get a chance to do anything else.
To get around this, you need to use a windows application - this won't display a console window at all by default. Some time after startup you can then call AllocConsole to create a console window.
I'm not sure, but if it's a windowed application already, it might be worth making your own console window to redirect standard IO. It'll certainly look nicer. If you want the exact behavior of the regular console, such as the same copy/paste, you'd have to reimplement it.

How to make a console program doesn't have console window

I'm writing a console program.
The program doesn't print anything.
So, it doesn't need to a console window.
I tried to call FreeConsole() function at program starting point.
When I execute the program from windows explorer, a console window appears and then disappears.
But I wish the console window never appears.
How can I do that?
Thanks in advance.
If you are using Visual Studio .Net then create a normal console application and change the output type to Windows application.
Use WinMain instead of main as your program's entry point: WinMain at MSDN