Docking a CControlBar derived window - c++

How can I dock a CControlBar derived window to the middle of a splitter window (CSplitterWnd)? I would like the bar to be repositioned whenever the splitter is moved.
To make it a little clearer as to what I'm after, imagine the vertical ruler in the Dialog Editor in Visual Studio (MFC only). It gets repositioned whenever the tree view is resized.

In case of VS, there's no splitter used:
The resource view is a resizable ControlBar (It looks and feels like a splitter but it isn't a CSplitterWnd).
The rest is a child frame (either tabbed or MDI. Go to Tools/Options/Environment/General and choose Multiple Documents to convince yourself). The ruler is part (controlbar?) of the child frame.
In your case, I think you don't want a 3 panes splitter. You need a 2 pane splitter and the control bar should be part of your view (it wouldn't be a CControlBar per se). Unless you use MDI in which case you can make it a true ControlBar in your child frame.

I apologize, I wasn't very clear. The splitter would be between the resource view and the ruler bar. It would looke like this:
Resource View | Vertical ruler | View
In any case, I found the (now obvious) answer: split the main frame into three windows:
m_wndSplitter.CreateStatic(this, 1, 3);
m_wndLeftPane.Create(&m_wndSplitter,WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE,m_wndSplitter.IdFromRowCol(0, 0));
m_ruler.Create(&m_wndSplitter,WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE,m_wndSplitter.IdFromRowCol(0, 1));
m_wndSplitter.CreateView(0, 2, pContext->m_pNewViewClass, CSize(300, 0), pContext);
SetActiveView((CScrollView*)m_wndSplitter.GetDlgItem(m_wndSplitter.IdFromRowCol(0, 2)));


How to add vertical splitter for Viewer and QScrollArea?

I have a Viewer contained inside a QFrame like this:
The white area is Viewer and grey area is QFrame.
What is want to have is another QscrollArea with the Viewer layed out vertically with a vertical splitter like this:
But even after selecting both QScrollArea and Viewer and then clicking the layout vertically in splitter button. The splitter does not appear? Any idea as to how to achieve this?
This is the answer you're looking for:
On a not layed out area, add the children widgets, select them with CTRL key pressed and then lay them out using a vertical splitter (there's a button on the layout toolbar above the form preview)
Assuming that by "viewer" you mean a QListView for example, i had no problem to define this using Qt Designer. You should select the QFrame and the QScrollArea from the object inspector and then click on the vertical splitter layout inside Qt Designer.
Here is the result :
Here is my object inspector :
Hope this helps.

scrollbars of a CScrollView in a CDockablePane are disabled

I've designed a toolbox control. It's inside a CDockablePane object. Since the tools inside it may need to be scrolled, I've created a CScrollView as a child of the pane and have inserted the tools inside it as children. Based on the pane size, scrollbars of the CScrollView object appear properly, but clicking on them doesn't scroll the view. It seems that they're disabled. When I use SS_NOTIFY style when creating the CScrollView, the CScrollView object receives mouse clicks, but when i don't use the style, it doesn't. But it seems that the scroll bars inside the view control don't receive clicks. When mouse hover over them, no visual effect in scroll bars appears. It seems that the scroll bars are disabled, while I've not created nor manipulate them.
What's wrong?
mouse wheel works. click on scrollbars is received by the scroll view, not by the scrollbars. inside handler, i wrote this code:
CScrollBar *pScroll = GetScrollBarCtrl(SB_VERT);
if (pScroll->GetSafeHwnd())
if is not true. this means that the scroll view has not a scroll bar, but if so, how is it shown?!
any idea?
since i didn't get answer, i'm going to clarify my question with a sample code:
in this sample, how can i scroll my view as i do with other views like class view and file view?
the sample code screenshot:
Did you initialize by calling SetScrollSizes? The scroll bars are enabled only when the sizeTotal is larger than the view window size.

QT: How to position a IconTool box on the right side of a window

QT 4.8, C++
I have a few dock-able icon tool box widgets in my window.
They are all displayed horizontally, on the first line.
I would like to anchor (by default) one of the tool boxes to the right corner of the window, as displayed in the pic.
Note that the the tool bar needs to keep anchored as I resize the window. Also, since the tool bars are dock-able, then can be moved or re-ordered by the user.
This is an example I made (with paint, with Visual Studio windows) that exemplify the issue:
You could probably create a QWidget and use it as a spacer in the left tool bar. Place the spacer after the undo/redo buttons and set the size policy and it's minimum width (or alternatively subclass and re-implement it's size hint) to get a desired behaviour:
QWidget spacer;
spacer.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);

MFC Tab control without tabs?

I'm wanting to make something like a tab control, but without visible tabs at the top.
I would prefer to have the tabs selected from a list or tree at the left hand side of the page, something like this...
Selecting the list/tree item at the left changes everything on the right-hand side of the dialog.
I know I could do this by individually showing/hiding all the fields on the RHS, depending on the selected view, but this is unmanageable to design, when there are at least 10 different designs. C++ doesn't let me design groups and make them visible/invisible in one go. I would prefer to design them as totally separate dialog resources, and then bring them in, like a tab control.
I believe Windows Forms has a ContentControl, which is like a tab control without the tabs, which sounds perfect, but MFC doesn't seem to have this.
Is there a way to do this nicely? Or maybe even a 3rd party control to handle it?
In MFC you would do this by making a child modeless dialog for each group. For each dialog turn off the titlebar style and border style and it will blend in to the parent window instead of looking like a dialog. Create all the dialogs, then use ShowWindow to show/hide one at a time.
Minor detail: Put an invisible control (like a group box) on the parent window to serve as a landmark. When you create each dialog use MoveWindow to position and size it on the landmark.
Use window style WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT in the parent window to help with tab key navigation from parent to child.
Yes you can using DIALOG resources. Set the DIALOG Style to Child, Border to None, Title Bar to False. You can then add implementation classes/files for each DIALOG. The dialogs are then inserted/removed to and fro the parent as a child components by setting the containing window as the dialog's parent (i.e., SetParent)

Creating a ruler bar in MFC

What's the best way to go about creating a vertical and horizontal ruler bars in an SDI app? Would you make it part of the frame or the view? Derive it from CControlBar, or is there a better method?
The vertical ruler must also be docked to a pane and not the frame.
To make it a little clearer as to what I'm after, imagine the vertical ruler in the Dialog Editor in Visual Studio (MFC only). It gets repositioned whenever the tree view is resized.
I would not use control bars. I have no good reason other then (IMOHO) are difficult to get to do what you want - if what you want if something other than a docking toolbar.
I would just draw them directly on the View window using GDI calls.
I guess I might think about making each ruler its own window, and draw the rulers on their own window. I would then create these two CWnd derived classes in the view and position as child windows. This is good if you want to interact with the mouse on these rulers (easier to sort out what messages are for the rulers).
I ended up deriving the ruler from CWnd as you suggested and skipping the control bar route. This code works in either case:
m_wndSplitter.CreateStatic(this, 1, 3);
m_wndLeftPane.Create(&m_wndSplitter,WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE,m_wndSplitter.IdFromRowCol(0, 0));
m_ruler.Create(&m_wndSplitter,WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE,m_wndSplitter.IdFromRowCol(0, 1));
m_wndSplitter.CreateView(0, 2, pContext->m_pNewViewClass, CSize(300, 0), pContext);
SetActiveView((CScrollView*)m_wndSplitter.GetDlgItem(m_wndSplitter.IdFromRowCol(0, 2)));