ie useragent wxWidgets - c++

Im currently using ie as an active x com thing on wxWidgets and was wanting to know if there is any easy way to change the user agent that will always work.
Atm im changing the header but this only works when i manually load the link (i.e. call setUrl)

The only way that will "always work," so far as I've been able to find, is changing the user-agent string in the registry. That will, of course, affect every web browser instance running on that machine.
You might also try a Google search on DISPID_AMBIENT_USERAGENT. From this Microsoft page:
MSHTML will also ask for a new user
when navigating to clicked hyperlinks.
This ambient property can be
overridden, but it is not used when
programmatically calling the Navigate
method; it will also not cause the
userAgent property of the DOM's
navigator object or clientInformation
behavior to be altered - this property
will always reflect Internet
Explorer's own UserAgent string.
I'm not familiar with the MSHTML component, so I'm not certain that's helpful.
I hope that at least gives you a place to start. :-)

I did a bit of googling today with the hint you provided head geek and i worked out how to do it.
wxWidgets uses an activex rapper class called FrameSite that handles the invoke requests. What i did was make a new class that inherits from this, handles the DISPID_AMBIENT_USERAGENT event and passes all others on. Thus now i can return a different user agent.
Thanks for the help.

Head Geek already told you where in the registy IE will look by default.
This is just a default, though. If you implement [IDocHostUIHandler::GetOptionKeyPath]( or [IDocHostUIHandler2::GetOverrideKeyPath](, IE will use that registry entry instead.
You'll probably want to use SysInternal's RegMon to debug this.


How figure out methods and properties of jQuery object returned by apex.region(region_static_id).widget() method?

I am using APEX apex.region(region_static_id).widget() method should return a jQuery object according to the documentation. I am trying to figure out how to know what the object's properties and methods are, especially when they are not mentioned in the documentation. I tried running apex.region(calendar_region_static_id).widget() to return the object and inspect what properties and methods it has but I got S.fn.init [div#CAL_calendar.fc.ui-widget.fc-ltr, prevObject: S.fn.init(1)] 0: div#CAL_calendar.fc.ui-widget.fc-ltr length: 1 prevObject: S.fn.init [document] __proto__: Object(0)
I did not get the object. I do not know what s.fn.init or the rest of the returned code is?!
I see code like apex.region("calendar_static_id").widget().fullCalendar("getView"), so I assumed I should have gotten the jQuery object which has the "fullCalendar" method and more when I ran apex.region(calendar_region_static_id).widget(), but I have not.
Is this not the right way to inspect a jQuery object's properties and methods?
APEX integrates the FullCalendar widget, but it doesn't duplicate its documentation. Have a look here for a list of the FullCalendar methods and options.
In general, most (interactive) APEX regions are implemented as jQuery UI widgets. That means you can use them like this:
$('selector').widgetName('methodName'); //invokes said method
$('selector').widgetName('methodName', 'param1'); //invokes said method with a parameter
$('selector').widgetName('option', 'optionName'); //gets a specific option
$('selector').widgetName('option', 'optionName', 'newVal'); //sets a specific option
What's more, you can inspect all available options by running:
And even have a look at the internal object, see all methods, public and otherwise, via:
Moreover, via its region interface, APEX offers an even easier way to reach those methods and options, even without having to know a region's widgetName:
// this
$('widgetSelector', 'staticId').widgetName('methodName');
// is equivalent to
// is quivalent to
The last way is the shortest and doesn't require knowing the real widget's id or widget name.
All of this helps when dealing with regular APEX widgets, such as the Interactive Grid.
apex.region('emp').call('instance'); //inspects all methods
apex.region('emp').call('option'); //inspects all options
This however does not work on the FullCalendar region, for reasons that are beyond me. It should help you navigate all other APEX regions, but for the FullCalendar you'll have to resort to their API docs.
Hope this helps a bit.

How could I modify django-tracking2 so users can opt out of tracking

I'm making a website right now and need to use django-tracking2 for analytics. Everything works but I would like to allow users to opt out and I haven't seen any options for that. I was thinking modifying the middleware portion may work but honestly, I don't know how to go about that yet since I haven't written middleware before.
I tried writing a script to check a cookie called no_track and if it wasn't set, I would set it to false for default tracking and if they reject, it sets no_track to True but I had no idea where to implement it (other than the middle ware, when I tried that the server told me to contact the administrator). I was thinking maybe I could use signals to prevent the user being tracked but then that would slow down the webpage since it would have to deal with preventing a new Visitor instance on each page (because it would likely keep making new instances since it would seem like a new user). Could I subclass the Visitor class and modify __init__ to do a check for the cookie and either let it save or don't.
Thanks for any answers, if I find a solution I'll edit the post or post and accept the answer just in case someone else needs this.
I made a function in my tools file (holds all functions used throughout the project to make my life easier) to get and set a session key. Inside the VisitorTrackingMiddleware I used the function _should_track() and placed a check that looks for the session key (after _should_track() checks that sessions is installed and before all other checks), with the check_session() function in my tools file, if it doesn't exist, the function creates it with the default of True (Track the user until they accept or reject) and returns an HttpResponse (left over from trying the cookie method).
When I used the cookie method, the firefox console said the cookie will expire so I just switched to sessions another reason is that django-tracking2 runs on it.
It seems to work very well and it didn't have a very large impact on load times, every time a request is made, that function runs and my debug tells me if it's tracking me or not and all the buttons work through AJAX. I want to run some tests to see if this does indeed work and if so, maybe I'll submit a pull request to django-tracking2 just in case someone else wants to use it.
A Big advantage to this is that you can allow users to change their minds if they want or you can reprompt at user sign up depending on if they accepted or not. with the way check_session() is set up, I can use it in template tags and class methods as well.

Did Google recently change UI to grant public access to bucket objects in Google Cloud Platform?

Ok, I've been using Google Cloud Platform for some video files
that are are viewable from a few web pages I built. I started this two or three years ago, and I have loved it.
But, now it appears they broke it, without warning/telling us.
So, in the platform's console, yesterday (for first time since a month or two ago), I uploaded another video...that part went fine. But, when it came time to click on the checkbox to grant public access, the checkbox is now GONE. (The only part of the UI that looks NEW,
is the column labeled 'public access'. Instead of just a check-box to toggle on or off, now there's a yellow-triangle and an oval-shaped symbol. Once or twice, I was able to get a popup to appear saying 'edit permission', but that quickly led into the weeds.)
After half an hour or so, I finally thought to call platform support, and explained my problem to a guy (with just enough Australian accent to cause me to have to ask for repeats quite a bit...sigh).
So, they logged me a case# and I suggested I was headed to bed, and asked that we now use email (rather than the phone) to continue. Just before bed, I got the case#, and a query about whether it was ok for them to 'change my console'. I replied to the email, saying yes, and went to bed.)
So that was last nite. This morning, re-reading their email, it seems to say that it could be 3 or 4 days, before a more technical person will contact me.
Some re-reading their platform-console docs, I'm now GUESSING that maybe they just nuked the public-access checkbox, and that now I'm supposed to spend hours (days?) taking a short-course on IAM-permmissions, and learn some new long-winded method.
(This whole mess could have been avoided, if they'd just emailed us an informational warning of this UI-change, with some new 5-step short list or tutorial of how to learn to use their 'new, much more complicated,
way to specify public-access'. From where I sit, this change is equivalent to Microsoft saying 'instead of that checkbox, you'll need to learn to make registry edits...see our platform docs on how to do that.)
Right now, I have more than half-a-mind, to seriously consider bailing out of Google's cloud storage, and consider switching to one of the others. But, I'm not quite ready yet, to make that jump (from the frying-pan into the fire?). :^)
Anyone else been down this road? What meeting did I miss? Is there a quicker way out of my dilemma, than just waiting for Google-support to get back to me?
It looks like the change you mention was introduced on July 18th. I’m not sure why, but judging by the change description, it looks like it is aimed to avoid accidentally making sensitive information public: “Objects can no longer be made public through one-click actions”.
You can find the procedure to make a single object public here. It can be achieved through the Console and won't take you more than a few minutes. Once the object is shared publicly, you can use the icon in the “public access” column to get the URL for the object.
You can also make all the content of a bucket public using a similar approach.
When you upload your objects into a bucket, you can upload with ACL as publicRead
and all your objects will have public URL.
public async Task UploadObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName, Stream source, string contentType = "image/jpeg")
var storage = StorageClient.Create();
await storage.UploadObjectAsync(bucketName, objectName, contentType, source, new UploadObjectOptions()
PredefinedAcl = PredefinedObjectAcl.PublicRead
As I suspected. (I still wonder if they even considered sending an email to each registered/existing customer.)
Ok, yes, (finally, after some practices), this solves it! Thx for those two answers.
(But in my view, their UI-change is still a work-in-progress) So, I have a SUGGESTION for ya, Google. Once one is into the permissions-edit-dialog, and remembers to do an 'add', there's are the 3 fields. The first and third are fine...drop-downs with choices. But that middle entry needs about doing something like an auto-guess-ahead...initialize the field to a suggested value of 'allUsers', so we don't have to remember what to type and how to spell it, or something along those lines.
EDIT: [Actually, it ought to be possible to make that field a drop-down-list choice, with 'allUsers' as one suggested value, and a second value as a text-entry (for specific user-names, etc).]
Unfortunately, 8 Ball Pool it is not possible to list files Google Hangouts without access to the Omegle bucket that contains them. This is due to the current design of the library, which requires that the bucket is loaded before listing its files.

Can a Custom DataProvider class expose Custom Templates?

I am currently in the process of writing a custom DataProvider. Using the Intergrate External Data documentation.
I've managed to show the external data in the Sitecore back end. However whenever I try to view the data in the items I created, I am getting an error
Null ids are not allowed. <br> Parameter name: displayName
There seems to be precious little on the subject on how to create a custom DataProvider on the Sitecore Developer Network.
The example on their website seems to only show how to import a SINGLE item into a static database. However I am simply trying to merge some items into the hierarchy and I can't find any useful documentation.
It seems that one of your methods that should return an ID doesn't. It might be GetChildIds and/or GetParentId.
Nick Wesselman wrote a good article about it gathering all the information including an example on the Marketplace. I think that is your best start. You can read it here.
Turns out I needed to include at the very least, the Fields->Section->Template in the GetParent method. To be on the safe side I included the Fields/Sections/Templates into my implementations of
It wasn't obvious that this was the case, since I had in fact implemented the GetTemplates method correctly, and I had expected that should be enough.

khtml library tutorials/guides?

I'm trying to use the khtml library, basically just the DOM html implementation from there, but I even failed to create a basic HTMLDocument from a file using load(), and when I tried to create a HTMLDOcument by mutating it via appendChild I get DOMException with errorcode == 8 (NOT FOUND).
Can anyone please point me to some sample code which uses khtml's dom model without obtaining the document from the GUI components?
Ok, I see what the problem was.
First, if you're using a local html file, your uri needs to be absolute when you call DOM::HTMLDocumemt::load(const DOM::DOMString&).
Secondly, you need to create a DOM document, but it's read-only by default after creation.
So, before you actually call load(), you need to make it editable via
DOM::Document::setDesignMode(bool designOn).
That fixes it.
If I may recommend, WebKit is far superior to khtml now, even konqueror will be using webkit by default next release.
Check QtWebkit.