As a programmer with no CS degree, do I have to learn C++ extensively? - c++

I'm a programmer with 2 years experience, I worked in 4 places and I really think of myself as a confident, and fluent developer.
Most of my colleagues have CS degrees, and I don't really feel any difference! However, to keep up my mind on the same stream with these guys, I studied C (read beginning C from novice to professional), DataStructures with C, and also OOP with C++.
I have a reasonable understanding of pointers, memory management, and I also attended a scholarship which C, DataStructures, and C++ were a part of it.
I want to note that my familiarity with C and C++ does not exceed reading some pages, and executing some demos; I haven't worked on any project using C or C++.
Lately a friend of mine advised me to learn C, and C++ extensively, and then move to OpenGL and learn about graphics programming. He said that the insights I may gain by learning these topics will really help me throughout my entire life as a programmer.
PS: I work as a full-time developer mostly working on ASP.NET applications using C#.

For practical advancement:
From a practical sense, pick a language that suites the domain you want to work in.
There is no need to learn C nor C++ for most programming spaces. You can be a perfectly competent programmer without writing a line of code in those languages.
If however you are not happy working in the exact field you are in now, you can learn C or C++ so that you may find a lower level programming job.
Helping you be a better programmer:
You can learn a lot from learning multiple languages though. So it is always good to broaden your horizons that way.
If you want more experience in another language, and have not tried it yet, I would recommend to learn a functional programming language such as Scheme, Lisp, or Haskell.

First, having a degree has nothing to do with knowing C++. I know several people who graduated from CS without ever writing more than 50 lines of C/C++. CS is not about programming (in the same sense that surgery is not about knives), and it certainly isn't about individual languages. A CS degree requires you to poke your nose into several different languages, on your way to somewhere else. CS teaches the underlying concepts, an understanding of compilers, operating systems, the hardware your code is running on, algorithms and data structures and many other fascinating subjects. But it doesn't teach programming. Whatever programming experience a CS graduate has is almost incidental. It's something he picked up on the fly, or because of a personal interest in programming.
Second, let's be clear that it's very possible to have a successful programming career without knowing C++. In fact, I'd expect that most programmers fall into this category. So you certainly don't need to learn C++.
That leaves two possible reasons to learn C++:
Changing career track
#2 is simple. If you want to transition to a field where C++ is the dominant language, learning it would obviously be a good idea. You mentioned graphics programming as an example, and if you want to do that for a living, learning C++ will probably be a good idea. (however, I don't think it's a particularly good suggestion for "insights that will help throughout your live as a programmer". There are other fields that are much more generally applicable. Learning graphics programming will teach you graphics programming, and not much else.)
That leaves #1, which is a bit more interesting. Will you become a better programmer simply by knowing C++? Perhaps, but not as much as some may think. There are several useful things that C++ may teach you, but there also seems to be a fair bit of superstition about it: it's low-level and has pointers, so by learning C++, you will achieve enlightenment.
If you want to understand what goes on under the hood, C or C++ will be helpful, sure, but you could cut out the middle man and just go directly into learning about compilers. That'd give you an even better idea. Supplement that with some basic information on how CPU's work, and a bit about operating systems as well, and you've learned all the underlying stuff much better than you would from C++.
However, some things I believe are worth picking up from C++, in no particular order:
(several of them are likely to make you despair at C#, which, despite adopting a lot of brilliant features, is still missing out some that to a C++ programmer seems blindingly obvious)
Paranoia: Becoming good at C++ implies becoming a bit of a language lawyer. The language leaves a lot of things undefined or unspecified, so a good C++ programmer is paranoid. "The code I just wrote looks ok, and it seems to be have ok when I run it - but is it well-defined by the standard? Will it break tomorrow, on his computer, or when I compile with an updated compiler? I have to check the standard". That's less necessary in other languages, but it may still be a healthy experience to carry with you. Sometimes, the compiler doesn't have the final word.
RAII: C++ has pioneered a pretty clever way to deal with resource management (including the dreaded memory management). Create an object on the stack, which in its constructor acquires the resource in question (database connection, chunk of memory, a file, a network socket or whatever else), and in its destructor ensures that this resource is released. This simple mechanism means that you virtually never write new/delete in your top level code, it is always hidden inside constructors or destructors. And because destructors are guaranteed to execute when the object goes out of scope, even if an exception is thrown, your resource is guaranteed to be released. No memory leaks, no unclosed database connections. C# doesn't directly support this, but being familiar with the technique sometimes lets you see a way to emulate it in C#, in the cases where it's useful. (Obviously memory management isn't a concern, but ensuring that database connections are released quickly might still be)
Generic programming, templates, the STL and metaprogramming: The C++ standard library (or the part of it commonly known as the STL) is a pretty interesting example of library design. In some ways, it is lightyears ahead of .NET or Java's class libraries, although LINQ has patched up some of the worst shortcomings of .NET. Learning about it might give you some useful insights into clever ways to work with sequences or sets of data. It also has a strong flavor of functional programming, which is always nice to poke around with. It's implemented in terms of templates, which are another remarkable feature of C++, and template metaprogramming may be beneficial to learn about as well. Not because it is directly applicable to many other languages, but because it might give you some ideas for writing more generic code in other languages as well.
Straightforward mapping to hardware: C++ isn't necessarily a low level language. But most of its abstractions have been modelled so that they can be implemented to map directly to common hardware features. That means it might help provide a good understanding of the "magic" that occurs between your managed .net code and the CPU at the other end. How is the CLR implemented, what do the heap and stack actually mean, and so on.
p/invoke: Let's face it, sometimes, .NET doesn't offer the functionality you need. You have to call some unmanaged code. And then it's useful to actually know the language you might be using. (if you can get around it with just a single pinvoke call, you only need to be able to read C function signatures on MSDN so you know which arguments to pass, but sometimes, it may be preferable to write your own C++ wrapper, and call into that instead.
I don't know if you should learn C++. There are valid reasons why doing so may make you a better programmer, but then again, there are plenty of other things you could spend your time on that would also make you a better programmer. The choice is yours. :)

Experience is the best teacher.
While you can read about things like memory management, data structures (and their implementations), algorithms, etc., you won't really get it until you've had a chance to put it in to practice. While I don't know if it's truly necessary to use C or C++ to learn these things I would put some effort into actually writing some code that manages its own memory and implements some common data structures. I think you'll learn things that will help you to understand your code better; to know what's really going on under the hood, so to speak. I would also recommend reading up on computer organization and operating systems, computer security, and boolean logic. On the other hand, I've never really found a need to do any OpenGL programming, though I did do some X Windows stuff once upon a time.

Having degree has got nothing to do with C/C++ actually. Now, stuff like big O() estimation, data structures or even mathematical background. For example linear algebra results very useful, even in context that seemingly have nothing to do (eg. search engines).
For example typical error that a good coder, but without any theoretical knowledge, might commit is to try to solve NP-complete problems by exact algorithm, rather than approximation.
Now, why in universities they teach you C/C++? Because it let's you see how it's all working "under the hood". You get opportunity to see how call stack works, how memory management works, how pointers work. Of course you don't need that knowledge to use most modern languages. But you need that to understand how their "magic" works. Eg. you can't understand how GC works, if you got no idea about pointers and memory allocation.

I've often asked this question (to myself). I think the more general version is, "how can I call myself a programmer if I don't know how to kick around a language that doesn't have automatic garbage collection, with pointers and all that 'complex' stuff'?" I've never learned C++ except to do a few HelloWorlds, so my answer is limited by that lack:
I think that the feeling that you need to learn C++ (or assembler, really) comes from the feeling that you're always working on someone else's abstractions: the "rocket scientists" who write the JVM, CLR, whatever. So if you can get to a lower level language, you'll really know what you're talking about. I think this is quite wrong. One is always building on a set of abstractions: even Assembler is translated into binary, which can be learned as well. And beyond that, you still couldn't make a computer out of firewood, even if you had a pair of pliers and a bit of titanium.
In my experience as a corporate trainer in software dev (in Java, mostly), the best people were not those who knew C++, but rather those that took the language that they are working in as an independent space for "play." Although memory management comes up all the time in C# and Java, you never have to think about anything beyond freeing your object from references (and a few other cliche places, like using streams instead of throwing around huge objects in memory). Pointers and all that stuff do not help you there, except as a right of passage (and a good one, I'm sure).
So in summary, work in the language you're in and branch out into as many relevant things as possible. These days I find myself dipping into Javascript though the APIs are supposed to make this unecessary, and doing some stuff in Fireworks while I mess with CSS by hand. And this is all in addition to the development I'm really doing in RoR, PHP and Actionscript. So my point is: focus on abstractions that you need, because they're more likely to be relevant than the lower-level stuff that underlies your platform.
Edit: I made some slight changes in response to jalf's comments, thanks.

I have a 1st class Software Engineering degree and work for a large console manufacturer developing a game engine in a team of programmers all of whom program across a wide range of languages from Asm to C++ to C# to LUA and know the hardware inside out.
I would say that 5% of my degree was useful and that by far and away the most important trait to furthering my career has been enthusiam and self development.
In fact many of the colleagues I've worked with haven't had a degree and on average have probably been the better ones.
I'd say this is because they've had to replace that piece of paper from a university degree with actual working code that they've developed in thier own spare time learning the skills off thier own back rather than being spoon fed it.
My driving instructor use to tell me that I would only start learning how to drive after I pass my test ie you only really learn from the practical application of the basics. A CS degree gives you the basics which if you've had a job programming any of the major languages for 6 months you will already have. A degree just opens up doors that you may not have otherwise - it doesn't help that much once inside the door.
Knowing how the software interacts with the hardware by the sounds of it is the most important area for you at the moment only then does the 'mystery' or 'magic' really disappear and you can be confident of what your talking about else where. Learning C and C++ will undoubtedbly help in this respect as will knowing an API like OpenGL.
But I'd say the most important thing is to find something you have interest in and code that. If you have real enthusiam for it you will naturally learn more low level information and become a better programmer, if indeed that is what your definition of being a better programmer is!

I've been working as a developer with no degree for almost 15 years now. I started with Ada and moved quickly into C/C++, but it's been my experience that there will always be some language that you "have to learn." If it's not C++, it will be C# or C or Java or Lisp. My advice is make sure you're solid on the basics that apply to any language(my best friend as a dev with no degree was the CLR book), and you should be able to move relatively easily between languages and frameworks.

You don't absolutely have to learn C/C++, but both languages will teach you to think about how your software interacts with the underlying OS and hardware, which is a essential skill. You say that you already know about pointers, memory management and so on, which is great. Many programmers without a CS degree lack this important knowledge.
Another good reason to learn C/C++ is that there's a lot of code written in these languages and a good way to learn more about programming is to read other people's code. If you're interested in writing low level code like drivers, OS, file systems and the like C/C++ is pretty much the only way to go.

Do you have to learn it extensively? I expect not.
However it's best to always be learning things that help you look at programming from a different perspective. Learning C or C++ are worth it for the insight into how things work at a lower level. For C and C++ programmers the same thing might be accomplished by learning assembly. Most people won't use assembly in a project, but knowing how it works can be very helpful from time to time.
My recommendation is always to learn as much as you can. If you're not working on a C++ project in the near future I wouldn't be too worried about learning the ins and outs, but it's always good to be able to look at problems from another angle and learning new languages is one way to do that.

Today for the majority of applications, C and C++ can be viewed as an academic exercise: "How can we write programs without garbage collection?"
The answer is: you can, but it's a mostly painful experience. Most of the details of best practices in C++ are related to the lack of garbage collection.
Given the brilliant performance of modern GCs, and the general increase in computing power, even cell phones have GCs these days. And in a platform with a GC, you can always code in such a way as to limit the pressure you put on the GC.

Listen or read SO podcast 44, where Joel plays his favorite song Write in C
Spolsky: Yeah, it's not paying the proper royalties to the Beatles anyway. We'll link to that from the shownotes. Awesome song, Write in C.
Atwood: That's right, Joel's favourite song. Write everything in C, because Joel does in fact write everything in C, don't you, Joel?
Spolsky: I started using a little bit of C99, the latest version of C, which let you declare variables after you written some statements.

Without a professional reason (other than the good practice of self-improvement) to learn C or C++, then you should have a passionate side project planned out that you could write in C or C++. Once the going gets tough on the side project, you'll need your enthusiasm and curiosity to take you over the hump (since on a side project, you naturally don't have the motivation of pay or de-motivation of a superior looming over you).
Also, most CS degrees are using Java as their language of choice now. This just proves the point that experience gained in the language of choice and exposure to some of the theory involved in the other classes in the degree is the main benefit for people with CS degrees, and not so much the specific language (though I think the higher they go up the abstraction scale, the worse it is for the students in the long run).

Without a practical reason for learning a programming language it is pretty hard going.
If you can think of particular problems or a specific task which the language is suit for - Then the learning experience is driven by needs, rather than simple academics.
I only just recently switched from VB to C# (1 month ago) while not as significantly different as a switch from C# to C, because I switch for a particular reason I found it much easier to learn. I had dabbled previous without a specific problem to solve, needless to say I switched back

If you have a different style of learning as in self-taught then my recommendation to be a better programmer is to research topics regarding your domain. From bottom to top, slowly climb up the ladder.There is a fairly amount of different programmers, no one will excel in all, so don't start off with that context in mind.
Best of luck to you.

C++ is just a programming language. What you don't have that other students (if they paid attention in class) have is the deeper understanding that comes through studying concepts.
Being a programmer is not and should not be the end goal of any CS graduate. However it is as far as most people get without such a degree.
Here is an analogy: An engineer and an architect both at some point learn to draft buildings using CAD. Also, someone completely untrained can come in and start work using CAD and be very effective. This is a good career and it pays well, but for both the engineer and the architect it is not where you want to be when you are 30.

One value of knowing C is that many other languages including C#, Java, C++, JavaScript, Python, and PHP have their roots in C syntax.
Another value, and arguably more important, is that it will build your confidence. Programmers are a confident group and very optimistic (you have to be confident to think that you can write the equivalent of a 1000 page book without a single spelling or grammatical error). And confidence in your ability to learn and effectively use any language will grow considerably with a pure C application or two under your belt.
So write a non trivial program in C; something that at least reads and writes files, allocates and deallocates memory, and manages a data structure like a queue or binary tree.
Your confidence will thank you.


Best C++ programming practices in professional game development environments? [closed]

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I'm well educated in the C++ programming language regarding syntax, STL, etc. I haven't done any true projects with it yet other than some college courses. My goal is to start writing progams but attempt to keep it to industry best practices. One of my main goals is to work in the game industry. A door is opening which lead me to ask these questions.
Are C++ game developers usually limited on using all the C++ features? Is it true more or less for each platform?
Is STL used these days in the environment, or should I avoid it?
Do they treat C++ as "everything must be an object" or is it a mix of paradigms?
Any features they tend to not use?
Is C still used, and is it good to show a project completed in it?
I did talk to a famous game designer and he said they don't use STL and said to use basic encapsulation with classes, but he said not to use all other advanced C++ features. The idea is to keep it simple. Is this common?
Thanks in advance!
Bear in mind that "games development" covers everything from phones to websites to PSPs and DS to Wii, Xbox, PS3 and PC/Mac, so the answers you get may vary from one product/developer/platform to another.
1) Yes. Games development can mean that you have to use a particular compiler for your target platform, which may not support some of the "newer" features of C++. You may be restricted on which libraries the development studio will allow you to use. In addition, hardware restrictions on some platforms may influence how you code (e.g. on some systems the cost of virtual functions can be excessively high compared to a PC, so your designs can be restricted away from pure OO for performance reasons. Some systems have limited resources (memory, disk, etc) which will influence your design a lot. On the Playstation3 you may need to write vector-processing SPU tasks rather than traditional single/multithreaded code. etc).
2) Yes. (it's commonly used, as there's usually no point wasting time rolling your own, probably less efficient, equivalents)
3) A mix. Generally in games the key goals are (in rough order): Deliver the impossible on time (why are you going home now, it's only 10pm?), deliver high performance, and try not to crash.
4,6) Generally keep the code simple and flexible so you can develop fast and change to suit the producer's latest vision. You usually have tight deadlines so a lot of design and careful coding tends to be difficult to achieve. The industry unfortunately tends to work on the "churn out the code quickly so we can throw it away and start on the next product", although it is slowly coming around to the idea of re-usable libraries (and more methodical professional practices like unit tests, etc).
A typical scenario is to be asked to code up a quick and dirty demo for the boss, and then when you think you'll be able to throw it away and write it properly, the boss says "we don't have time to rewrite something that already works, start on the next level". So if you're asked to be quick'n'dirty, try not to burn too many bridges or you'll regret it.
5) You may use C, but it depends on the platform and the development house. These days most devlopment will be C++ even if parts of the code are effectively "little more than C" in terms of syntax and features used.
These questions are not at all unique to game development. You will find they vary as much by field as they do by company. I can think of two game design firms that use STL off the top of my head, and also of a few that don't.
1) Define "all C++ features". They typically don't use goto, if that's what you mean.
2) Yes STL is used. You shouldn't avoid it, or not avoid it - use the tools you need to get the job done every time you have a job that needs to get done. Keeping what you use in line with other ways similar problems were tackled -within that project or context- is importent.
3) Depends where you are, both in games and out of games. Some are graduated C guys who want things more C like. Others are C#/Java guys who are more OO (Object Obsessed).
4) goto
5) Yes, and yes. Knowing more than one language is always a good thing. Even if it's just C to C++.
6) Again, use the tools available to solve your problems. Keeping it simple is good when you can, sure.
1) No limitation really, except that you should follow programming guides so as to use them properly (i.e. avoid dinosaurs when using goto's).
2) Yes, its used, and Boost also (which is kinda the preview of the next STL).
3) Mix, always a mix. To say that C++ is only object-oriented is to misunderstand the language. "Everything is an object" is really a Java (or things like it) thing; check out C++'s concept of POD, as an example of how not everything is an object.
4) same as 1)
5) It is used, but as far as I've seen, no new project is being created in C.
6) No... he kinda said the opposite of what I've just said.
Generally, some parts of C++ are limited for patform and performance reasons.
Exceptions and RTTI are normally disabled. Exceptions are expensive when they unwind the stack, and RTTI uses too much memory. Lack of exceptions is particularly a pain because rather than come up with another error handling system, programmers tend to just return NULL. :)
Floats are used almost exclusively over doubles, for performance reasons.
Virtual functions and inheritence can be used, but the virtual table lookup can be costly so sometimes it's optimised out.
The STL can be used, but you normally have to write your own allocators to avoid fragging memory (see It's more common to see custom containers - of varying quality. I've never come across boost being used in a console project.
Most code is OO, almost to a fault.
Best C++ programming practices in professional game development environments?
The question is too broad.
Are C++ game developers usually limited on using all the C++ features? Is it true more or less for each platform?
No, or at least extremely unlikely. Depends on platform/compiler.
Is STL used these days in the environment, or should I avoid it?
You shouldn't avoid it, but:
you'll definitely need a profiler if you want stl containers
STL containers are extremely slow in debug builds. This might be a problem, because if you're frequently accessing them, there will be a huge performance drop (say, from 300 fps to 50) in debug build (when compared to release build). Debug code is already slower, and stl containers have large amount of "security check" in debug build.
Do they treat C++ as "everything must be an object"
Every idea is bad if you take it to extremes. "Everything must be an object" is one of those.
Any features they tend to not use?
Why? Unless there is a compiler bug or performance loss there is no point in avoiding feature. Besides, there are commercial 3D games written in java, so I see no point in avoiding feature of compiled language.
Is C still used, and is it good to show a project completed in it?
Some opensource projects may use C, but I can't remember a game completely written in it. There is Q3 engine, but afaik it is mix of C/C++.
I did talk to a famous game designer and he said they don't use STL and said to use basic encapsulation with classes, but he said not to use all other advanced C++ features.
They could decide to avoid stl simply because containers are slow in debug build. It is unclear what exactly you call "advanced C++ features". Also, keep in mind that he is designer, not programmer.
The idea is to keep it simple. Is this common?
The idea may or may not be common, but it is a correct idea for a small teams. With limited human resources everything should be made as simple as possible - to reduce development costs. If you stick to concept like "everything should be an object", decide to build "nice-looking" class hierarchy, etc, AND if you have limited resources, then you are doomed - It is very possible that you'll never finish your project and will be rewriting code forever and trying to decide what should be derived from what. Needless project flexibility and extensibility may kill small project. Game engine doesn't have to be complicated.
Large teams may afford complex solutions, but complexity leads to additional bugs. For example, you could look at sims 3 - it has a VERY advanced system (object "plugins", game resource management, GPU resource management, content "streaming", etc, and I think they even put game logic into a few .NET modules that are stored within game archive...), but extensibility of the system resulted in mountain of bugs after certain updates.
Electronic Arts as one example uses STL, but felt compelled to create their own version of it called EASTL.
Are C++ game developers usually limited on using all the C++ features? Is it true more or less for each platform? These days, I think it's pretty good on the main console platforms but if you were developing for mobile devices I doubt it's quite so even
Is STL used these days in the environment, or should I avoid it? It is used and should be used... but some people don't trust it because in the past STL support was much less even, and sometimes had performance problems
Do they treat C++ as "everything must be an object" or is it a mix of paradigms? Far too general. Varies from person to person and company to company. On average, game developers have a reputation for being less focused on software engineering and more on hacking code, but that's far too generalised to really be of use. However spouting for 30min about design patterns and frameworks and abstractions in an interview is probably not a wonderful plan
Any features they tend to not use? STL still has a bad rep amongst those who worked on older platforms. Exceptions also and RTTI, probably sicne they weren't well supported (and maybe are still not)
Is C still used, and is it good to show a project completed in it? I'm sure it is, and if you have a project then show it, but it's not anywhere near as widely used as C++
I did talk to a famous game designer and he said they don't use STL and said to use basic encapsulation with classes, but he said not to use all other advanced C++ features. The idea is to keep it simple. Is this common?
That view is pretty common but it doesn't mean it's right. You might want to tread carefully to avoid upsetting a 20-year veteran who has not moved with the times
I'm going to assume you're referring to people who develop full-price games for consoles and PC.
"Are C++ game developers usually limited on using all the C++ features?"
I think most are avoiding exceptions, RTTI, and many avoid the STL part of the standard library. They're probably using templates, though not much metaprogramming. I don't think this varies much across platform. But it does vary from company to company.
"Is STL used these days in the environment, or should I avoid it?"
It is used by many, but not all. Don't avoid it - it's a useful tool that is very good at the tasks it is designed for. Just make sure you can get by without it.
"Do they treat C++ as "everything must be an object" or is it a mix of paradigms?"
Different places will work in different ways. There's nothing intrinsic to object orientation in C++ that makes it good or bad for game development. Bear in mind that there is often legacy code or 3rd party libraries that are written in C or designed to be operated from C, so it's very rare that you'll have C++ throughout.
"Any features they tend to not use?"
I think we covered this above.
"Is C still used, and is it good to show a project completed in it?"
Yes, and no. Life is too short to spend on mastering every related language and dialect before you get your first job. Showing the ability to use a C-style library (eg. SDL) should suffice. Obviously if you set your goals on joining a company that just uses C, you will have to consider that.
"I did talk to a famous game designer and he said they don't use STL and said to use basic encapsulation with classes, but he said not to use all other advanced C++ features. The idea is to keep it simple. Is this common?"
See above. Incidentally, game "designers" typically aren't programmers, so watch your terminology. If you apply for a game designer role, you won't usually be showing programming skills.

What's the best way to move on to advanced C++?

And what's your suggestion to move to the next level of C++ programming for someone who may be called, well, an intermediate C++ programmer?
Intermediate Programmer: Understands ISO C++ reasonably well, can read and modify other's code with some luck, good with data structures and algorithms but not great
Learn C++0x
Learn what kind of assembly code gets generated for different construct types, maybe for x86
Forget language nuances and get the fundamentals -- automata theory from somewhere like Sipser or Papadimitriou
If you know OOP or at least think you do, consider how to incorporate functional programming skills with C++
Work on something on the lines of a compiler and open-source like LLVM or GNU Toolchain
The whole idea is busted -- the next level means more sophisticated data structures. So if you know AVL, consider learning left leaning red black trees et al
Now obviously nobody can do everything in this list without prioritizing, so we need some suggestion on what might be the best way forward.
NOTE: Thank you all for the very helpful responses.
I'd say you can do everything on the list, just not all at once. At least IMO, you're looking at things a bit backwards though. Learning C++ (or any other language) is a means to an end, not an end in itself.
Learning more advanced language techniques, more advanced data structures, etc., should mostly be done when and as needed to accomplish something. You certainly need a reasonable starting "base" to do much, but beyond a fairly small set of basics, most advanced techniques, data structures, etc., are also relatively specialized.
Instead of trying to learn something for it's own sake, write some code. When something seems clumsy, unnecessarily difficult, inflexible, etc., find a better way to handle it. This way, you'll not only learn the more advanced technique, data structure, etc., but also a good idea of what it really accomplishes so you'll have a decent idea of when, how, and why to use it (and just about as importantly, at least some idea of its limitations and when it's probably not applicable or useful).
To answer your specific questions:
Learn C++0x
You definitely need to do this. So possibly you have your answer right there...
Learn what kind of assembly code gets generated for different construct
types, maybe for x86
I would say learn how to understand the assembly language the compiler generates, in outline if not in detail. You certainly should not be trying to predict what the compiler will do, however.
Forget language nuances and get the fundamentals -- automata theory from
somewhere like Sipser or Papadimitriou
If it turns you on, I suppose...
If you know OOP or at least think you do, consider how to incorporate
functional programming skills with C++
Of all of the paradigms C++ supports, functional programming is probably the worst supported - if you want to learn FP, learn Haskell (or whatever), not C++.
Work on something on the lines of a compiler and open-source like LLVM or
GNU Toolchain
GNU is written in C, so it's not likely to boost your C++ skills - I know little about LLVM.
The whole idea is busted -- the next level means more sophisticated
data structures. So if you know AVL,
consider learning left leaning red
black trees et al
RB trees are not much more sophisticated than AVL trees - same basic concept. If you understand the basic structures covered in a data structures textbook, I don't see the need to dig further, unless the subject particularly interests you.
I'd learn about BOOST.
You can start piecemeal, just by using it, and as you get deeper into the libraries, you will find yourself thinking "How does that work?".
Using it will make you a more
productive and better C++ programmer!
Understanding how it works will get
you a "guru" badge!!
Contributing to and extending it will
ensure immortality!!!
If you know the basic language:
Then in this sort of order (though there will be some back tracking)
Learn study and digest RAII
Figure out how to use RAII in all C contexts so you are never stuck with C code.
Figure out Exceptions and what the exception guarantees are.
Figure out how to implement methods so that each of the different types of guarantees holds.
Learn about the standard containers.
Learn about the requirements required of each container.
Learn about iterators
Learn about iterator traits and how they work in conjunction with pointers.
Learn about the algorithms library
Learn about the stream library
Go back and learn how streams and iterators work
Learn about the method pointers and how they can be used in algorithms
Figure out what a functor is and how to use it.
Learn about bind and look at boost bind
Learn about the boost containers and how they differ from the standard containers.
Learn about smart pointers.
What are the different types and when to use each one effectively.
Start reading about the other things available in boost.
At this point you will be at the start of learning how to use C++
Learning assembly (e.g. to write assembly) might be a good idea, but I strongly suggest you don't become attached to the particulars of what your compiler generates, as that will change from version to version and optimization level to optimization level.
I would be a strong proponent of #4. Learning functional programming is very valuable. I haven't done a whole lot of it in C++, so I don't know how natural a fit it is, but I love how Ruby and Scala do functional programming.
I suggest you go into the designing part of programming. Learn how to design, write good code, learn good programming practices. Design patterns, UML, unit tests belong here.
As one hardly does the same thing all the time I also recommend, as you said, the assembly language. Learning assembly is fun and it really makes you understand computers better. Nothing beats the feeling of knowing how computers work at the lowest level.
Having knowledge of both low and high level programming beats everything else.
Don't worry too much about C++0x right now... make sure you really really really understand the basics first. This means make sure you understand references, pointers, L-values, R-values, templates, inheritance, memory management, etc etc. I'm not just saying grab a basic understanding of these, I'm saying really know the C++ memory model and what each expression means.
I really like #4 and #6. In regards to #6, try coding up some really advanced data structs in C++. Nothing will make you learn the language faster then trying to solve some problems that advanced data structs entail.
I'd say the next step is to read Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs from cover to cover and do the exercises.
Study how other people solve difficult problems in an elegant way. Very important: just practice, without forgetting to evaluate. Have your code or problem solving methods reviewed.
Yes (referring to point 4), learn other programming languages, especially those that have specific advantages over c++, rather than applying their techniques directly in C++. Focus on finding methods for yourself to code with as few errors disrupting your workflow as possible, find a calibrated systematic and abstract approach that you can always apply to problem solving and implementation.
Collect/build a set of tools/libraries and coding practices that allow you to stop inventing the wheel, but deal with all the most common tasks in the best ways. Cause if you think about it, appart from bugs, readability, scalability and extensibility and in much lesser degree performance, if you write code that gets the job done, you have actually shown yourself a good programmer.
I aim at productivity here. If you are more into theory, you might as well just occupy yourself with little snippets and obscure language features.
For another point of view: 7. Learn other programming languages, as different from C++ as is practical. Definitely learn about functional programming, and don't worry about how it applies to C++ yet. Some languages to consider: Scheme, Common Lisp, Haskell, Prolog, Forth, Smalltalk. You don't have to become proficient in them, but you should try to understand how they work and what's good code in those languages.
If all you know is one language, your thinking will be restricted to what's natural in that language. If you know more than one, you'll be able to think in more different ways. You'll be more flexible in your approach to problems.
Anything you mentioned above will make you become a better C++ programmer. You need to make a choice based on your career plan. For example, if you want to develop hardware driver with C++, you should learn assembly code generated.

What next generation low level language is the best bet when migrating a code base? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Let's say you have a company running a lot of C/C++, and you want to start planning migration to new technologies so you don't end up like COBOL companies 15 years ago.
For now, C/C++ runs more than fine and there is plenty dev on the market for it.
But you want to start thinking about it now, because given the huge running code base and the data sensitivity, you feel it can take 5-10 years to move to the next step without overloading the budget and the dev teams.
You have heard about D, starting to be quite mature, and Go, promising to be quite popular.
What would be your choice and why?
D and Go will probably just become as popular as Python and Ruby are today. They each fill a niche, and even though D was supposed to be a full-fledged replacement of C++, it probably will never acquire enough mass to push C++ away. Not to mention that they both aren't stable/mature enough, and it's unknown whether you'll have support for these languages in 10-20 years for the then-current hardware and operating systems. Considering that C/C++ is pretty much the compiled language and is used in the great majority of operating systems and native-code applications, it's very unlikely that it'll go away in the foreseeable future.
C and C++ are a pretty much unbeatable combo when it comes to native/unmanaged/"lowlevel" languages.
Not because they're the best languages, far from it, but because they're there, they do the job, and they're good enough. There's little doubt that D, for example, is better than C++ in most respects. But it fails in the most important one: Compatibility with all the existing C++ code. Without that requirement, most of that code would be written in a managed language today anyway. The only reason so many codebases use C++ today is because they used it last year, and it'd be too much of a pain to switch to something else. But if and when they switch, they typically don't switch to D. They switch to C# or Java or Python.
The problem for D and other "upcoming" languages competing for the same niches, is that while they're better, they're not groundbreaking enough to motivate people to actually switch to them.
So C and C++ are here to stay. C is unlikely to evolve much further. It is as it is, and one of the niches it has to fill is "simplicity, even for compiler writers". No other language is likely to beat it in that niche, even if they never revise the standard again.
C++ is evolving much more dramatically, with C++0x getting nearer, and they've already got a huge list of features they want to do afterwards. C++ isn't a dead end in any way.
Both languages are here to stay. Perhaps in 50 years other languages will have replaced them, but it won't happen this decade.
I currently use D regularly. I wouldn't recommend it yet for people writing production code because it's too bleeding edge. I get away with it because most of my code is research prototypes in bioinformatics. However, the language is starting to stabilize. Andrei Alexandrescu is releasing a book titled "The D Programming Language" next March, and right now there is a push to stabilize the spec for version 2 of the language in time for the book.
While D is not a formal superset of C, it is what I'd call an idiomatic superset except for the lack of a preprocessor. In other words, any code written in C proper (ignoring the preprocessor), can be trivially translated to D without a redesign, because C concepts like pointers and inline ASM are there and work the same in D as in C. D also supports direct linking to C code and the D standard library includes the entire C standard library.
Also, despite D's lack of libraries because it is still a bleeding edge language, it's a library writer's dream because of its metaprogramming capabilities. If it takes off, it will probably have some pretty impressive libs. For a preview of this, see std.range or std.algorithm in the D2 standard library (Phobos). As another example, I implemented an OpenMP-like parallelism model (parallel foreach, parallel map, parallel reduce, futures) as a pure library in D, without any special compiler support. (See
Given that you're mostly interested in the long term, I'd say give D 6 months to stabilize (given Andrei's book and the current push to stabilize the language, version 2 should be stable by then) and then take a hard look at it.
Edit: Now that the core language spec is relatively stable and the focus has turned to toolchain and library development, I would recommend D for small production projects unless you are in a very risk-averse environment. Larger projects that absolutely must have good toolchain and library support should still wait, though.
If you believe in the lean manufacturing principles, you should strive to "decide as late as possible". The moment should be the last responsible moment, meaning the moment at which failing to make a decision eliminates an important alternative.
I think this principle can be applied to your situation. Instead of committing now to a language (that you don't even know will be around in 10 years), you should keep your options open. Maybe refactor some of your code so it is a bit more generic or is built on more abstractions, so that when it is indeed required to migrate, the process will be easier.
Stick with C and C++. I don't see it going the way of COBOL, it runs as well as anything, and you'll have no problem finding people to code in C and C++.
C++ -- it is relatively young and updated... It has a big number of compiler vendors and got
improved all the time.
C -- it would live for a long time filling the gap between assembler and higher level languages. It is also very simple and easy to implement language, so it would remain the
first language for various "strange" architectures like embedded or extremely new ones.
D is promising but still very new and unstable specifications and libraries.
Go was born few weeks ago... Never use anything of version 0 for big important projects. Also it is significantly more limited the C++ or D.
2019 update: C++ will stay around for the next 10 years... (if not, I will correct this answer, when it will not be relevant any more....)
the reason companies works with COBOL today is b/c they already have millions of COBOL code written. if the could throw it - they will do it at once, on the other hand - companies work with C/C++ as part of their needs and new projects using this language b/c they can't / don't want to use java/c# any other framework based language - so COBOL is not the analogy here.
Like dsimcha said the D way is currently risky. Yet the language has a huge potential, it is low-level and i've experienced drastically better productivity with D (instead of C++). Perhaps what people feel with dynamic languages.
Go is so much blog-marketed it seems like a joke to me.
Dispatching an interface method is not trivial, and actually slower than dispatching a regular single-inheritance method.
If you'd have a huge codebase the decision is of course more difficult, I would advise only to switch for new projects, not for existing ones.
I wouldn't concentrate on a language but more on the libraries surrounding it. C++ in combination with the boost libraries are an excellent choice. People who develop in C++ tend to have a better understanding of computing, I myself started of with Java which made my life easier by hiding a lot of fundamental stuff, which is good, however I only really started to understand programming once I learned C/C++ (pointers etc).
I do recognise that C++ can be hard (e.g. memory management) so I think it's good to have a 'add on' language where performance is not essential and readability (==maintainability) scores high: I recommend Python for this.
There are countless machines running C++ software, I don't see them shutting down all at once. If C++ will go in the way of COBOL there will be a huge market for application migration. There will be specialized tools developed to translate C++ applications to the popular language of the time (Z++ ???).
So I guess the best advice is to cross that bridge when you come to it.
Check out IntelĀ® Cilk++ Software Development Kit if you want to spark your interest in C++/Multi-Core development. I don't see C or C++ going away anytime soon either.
Comparing C* to Cobol is questionable
Comparing C* to Cobol may lead to the wrong conclusion. C was perfect for its day, a huge leap forward on its introduction, and it still gets the job done today.
I would sum up Cobol on my most charitable day with "nice try".
C and C++ will survive for a long time because they fit the bill well as implementation languages. This won't ever really change.
Also, consider that the main negative issue with C/C++ is the lack of memory safety. This tends to be less and less of a problem as codes mature. This means there will not be a serious reason to replace the old codes.
I expect that software systems will grow outwards from C. Look at the hierarchy today:
application written in a framework such as Rails
application back-end written in Ruby, PHP, Python, C#, whatever
Ruby, PHP, Python, or C# run-time implementation (written in C*)
OS kernel (written in C89)
I don't think the old layers will vanish, and I think legacy higher layers written in C and C++ will simply be supported that way for an indefinite period of time, eventually being phased out for their replacements written in Ruby, Python, C#, or a future development.
We have no idea if Go will find acceptance. Just being by Google is probably not going to be enough.
D? Well, some nice things are being said about it but it won't be taking off either. No user base to speak of. D is #20 in popularity on the TIOBE Index, and dropping fast.
You may say that a language's popularity has little to do with how well it's suited for your company's work. But it has a lot to do with how easy it will be to find people qualified to program in it.
Java is on top and I would be surprised if it went far away in the next 20 years. It's not considered a systems programming language but performs well enough that there are few tasks you'd do in C++ that you couldn't in Java. Certainly these days nobody is willing to task human programmers with the job done (flawlessly and often more effectively) by the garbage collector. I for one considered Java a significant step up from C++ in terms of programming effectivity.
I'm quite impressed by Ruby. It's an elegant, expressive language: You can accomplish a lot with not too much code, yet that code is still mostly legible. One of Ruby's main principles is to be consistent and not hold surprises for the developer. This is an extremely good idea, IMO, and boosts productivity. At the time of the big Rails hype (which may still be ongoing), I made a wide berth around Ruby because its reference implementation is abysmally slow. However, the JRuby folks at Sun have made it blazingly fast on a JVM, so now it's definitely worth some consideration. Ruby provides closures and a good handful of functional programming capabilities (see below for why this important), though it's not really considered a FP language. TIOBE index: 10 and rising.
Something to consider for the future is the fact that CPU makers have run up against a performance limit imposed by physics. No longer is there a 30% faster CPU available every Christmas, as it was in the past. So now to get more performance you need more cores. Software development will need all the help it can get in supporting multi-core concurrent programming. C++ leaves you mostly alone with this, and Java's solutions are horrible by modern standards.
In view of this, there's a certain trend toward functional programming (which eliminates much of the hassle associated with concurrency) as well as languages with better concurrency support. Erlang was written specifically for this and for the ability to swap code in a running program (Ericsson wanted incredible uptimes). Scala is similar to Java but with much stronger support for functional programming and concurrency. Clojure, ditto, but it's a Lisp and it's not even in the top 50 (yet!!).
Scala was developed academics, and shows it: It's sophisticated and downright pedantic about data types; it tries to be the Swiss Army Knife of programming languages. I believe a lot of medium-smart programmers will have trouble getting a grip on Scala. Ruby is less FP and doesn't do so much about concurrency, but it's pragmatic, and fun and easy to get stuff done in. Also, running on the JVM, there is an enormous amount of code readily available in Java libraries, which Ruby can interface with. So:
My bet would be on Ruby, with an outside chance on Scala. But there are plenty of alternatives!
Java. For most low level things Java is fine these days. Why go with a partial solution to C/C++ such as D or Go when you can have something as safe and easy to develop with as Java? If you are looking for a real time solution, D and Go are definitely not it, not to mention they are probably even less supported than Java.
Java is now a system programming language. I don't see how you can consider anything with unsafe constructs such as pointers "next gen". The only reason those insecure constructs ever existed is because it was the pragmatic approach to building a turing complete language. There was no concern of representing the memory in discrete objects, because they just wanted to build something that worked. There are already hard and soft realtime applications in Java, a variety of hardware bytecode processors, and over 2 billion mobile devices running Java. At most all you would have to do is add some constructs for interoperability with devices, which wouldn't be that much code; even in C/C++ you'd still have to add these constructs...
What are you programming? 8-bit microcontrollers with 1KB ram? In that case, it would be pointless to use anything other than the assembler for that platform...

Is it Bad Practice to use C++ only for the STL containers?

First a little background ...
In what follows, I use C,C++ and Java for coding (general) algorithms, not gui's and fancy program's with interfaces, but simple command line algorithms and libraries.
I started out learning about programming in Java. I got pretty good with Java and I learned to use the Java containers a lot as they tend to reduce complexity of book keeping while guaranteeing great performance. I intermittently used C++, but I was definitely not as good with it as with Java and it felt cumbersome. I did not know C++ enough to work in it without having to look up every single function and so I quickly reverted back to sticking to Java as much as possible.
I then made a sudden transition into cracking and hacking in assembly language, because I felt I was concentrated too much attention on a much too high level language and I needed more experience with how a CPU interacts with memory and whats really going on with the 1's and 0's. I have to admit this was one of the most educational and fun experiences I've had with computers to date.
For obviously reasons, I could not use assembly language to code on a daily basis, it was mostly reserved for fun diversions. After learning more about the computer through this experience I then realized that C++ is so much closer to the "level of 1's and 0's" than Java was, but I still felt it to be incredibly obtuse, like a swiss army knife with far too many gizmos to do any one task with elegance. I decided to give plain vanilla C a try, and I quickly fell in love. It was a happy medium between simplicity and enough "micromanagent" to not abstract what is really going on. However, I did miss one thing about Java: the containers. In particular, a simple container (like the stl vector) that expands dynamically in size is incredibly useful, but quite a pain to have to implement in C every time. Hence my code currently looks like almost entirely C with containers from C++ thrown in, the only feature I use from C++.
I'd like to know if its consider okay in practice to use just one feature of C++, and ignore the rest in favor of C type code?
The short answer is, "This is not really the most effective way to use C++."
When used correctly, the strong type system, the ability to pass by reference, and idioms like RAII make C++ programs more likely to be correct, readable, and maintainable.
No one can stop you from using the language the way you want to. But you may be limiting yourself by not learning and leveraging actual C++ features.
If you write code that other people will have to read and maintain, they will probably appreciate the use of "real C++" instead of "C with classes" (in the words of a previous commenter).
Seems fine to me. That's the only part of C++ that I really use as well.
Right now, I'm writing a number cruncher. There's no polymorphism, no control delegation, no interaction. <iostream> was a bottleneck so I rewrote I/O in C.
The functions are mostly inside one class which represents a work thread. So that's not so much OO as having thread-local variables.
As well as vector, I use <algorithms> pretty heavily. But the heavy-duty data structures are written in plain C. Mainly circular singly-linked lists, which can't even easily have distinct begin() and end(), meaning not only containers but sequences (and for-loops) are off-limits. And then templates help the preprocessor to generate the main inner loop.
The most natural way of solving your problem is probably right. You don't want solutions in search of a problem. Learning to use C++ is well and good, but object orientation is suited to some problems and not others.
On the other hand, using bsearch from stdlib.h in a C++ program would be wrong.
You should use C++ in whatever way makes the most sense for you.

How to deal with seniors' bad coding style/practices? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am new to work but the company I work in hires a lot of non-comp-science people who are smart enough to get the work done (complex) but lack the style and practices that should help other people read their code.
For example they adopt C++ but still use C-like 3 page functions which drives new folks nuts when they try to read that. Also we feel very risky changing it as it's never easy to be sure we are not breaking something.
Now, I am involved in the project with these guys and I can't change the entire code base myself or design so that code looks good, what can I do in this situation?
PS> we actually have 3 page functions & because we do not have a concept of design, all we can do is assume what they might have thought as there is no way to know why is it designed the way it is.
I am not complaining.I am asking for suggestion,already reading some books to solve the issues Pragmatic Programmer; Design portion from B.Stroustrup; Programming and principles by B.Stroustrup;
The best and most important thing you can do is lead by example. Do things the right way and try to improve things slowly. You aren't going to fix anything overnight.
Make sure every piece of code that you are responsible for is better after you are done with it. Over time, the system will tangibly be better because of your efforts.
After you build a strong reputation with your co-workers, try go start some code reviews or lunch-training sessions to get everyone up to speed on better ways to do things.
In a nutshell: it will be difficult and frustrating, but it's possible. Good luck.
Your best bet is to NOT to handle it at all. Here are potential problems if you try:
You will be criticized for doing something you were not told to (makes performance reviews go real bad.)
You will have less time to do your own work.
You will not advance your career by cleaning working code- if it is not broke then do not touch it.
Never make enemies with people who control your career- unintentionally implying they are obsolete morons does not help your cause (especially in a bad economy).
Focus on making your own code great. Battling poorly written code is part of the ill of being a Software Engineer. You are in the wrong profession if you will not stand for it.
A little off point but important- You may need to switch jobs or teams if possible once the economy picks up. Mixing with a truckload of bad coders who do not bother to update their knowledge and practices dulls your own programming skills and weakens your marketability.
If you're a junior dev, then the only thing you can really do is write code as elegantly and readable as possible.
If your style is indeed better, other people might notice and say "hey we should adopt this formula"
Actions speak louder than complaints, which is something I noticed.
The present is embodied in Hexagram 47 - K'un (Oppression): Despite exhaustion, there may yet be progress and success. For the firm and correct, the really great man, there will be good fortune. He will fall into no error. If he make speeches, his words cannot be made good.
The future is embodied in Hexagram 6 - Sung (Conflict): Though there is sincerity in one's contention, he will yet meet with opposition and obstruction. If he cherish an apprehensive caution, there will be good fortune. If he prosecute the contention to the bitter end, there will be evil. It will be advantageous to see the great man. It will not be advantageous to cross the great stream.
I was in the exact same shoes before. I got hired as a C++ programmer to 'lead the team' on how to use C++ by an enthusiastic manager. That was about a decade ago. Some of the newer engineers loved me, the seniors despised me. Our system was basically a pseudo-C++ system. It was like C with classes, but it appeared that people didn't even understand the usefulness of things like constructors since they hardly appeared.
You complain about functions that are 3 pages long; we had functions that were 8000 lines long full of long jumps, function pointer casts, etc. One of the seniors even formatted the code with 2-space indentations so that super deep nested blocks can be written without using much horizontal space since the seniors seemed to be allergic to writing functions and procedural programming in general. Someone even inlined a 2000 line function thinking it would make things faster. You might be dealing with some bad code, but I was dealing with the most horrid copy-and-paste code imaginable.
Unfortunately I was very young and cocky. I didn't get along with the seniors, I fought against them in territorial battles over code. They responded by creating coding standards which no sane C++ programmer could follow (ex: it's okay to use operator new, but don't use exception handling, don't use constructors or destructors, etc). As a result I wrote the most bizarre and stupid standards-workaround C++ code just to kind of rebel against those standards since I refused to write C-style code given the reason I was hired (I didn't hate C so much, but writing C code was not part of the job description: I was hired essentially as a C++ consultant), even though the standards made C-style coding the only practical way to do things. I only kept my job because I put in so much overtime to make sure that my code works very well in spite of these ridiculous coding standards.
It wasn't until years later when others started to see things my way that we lifted the silly standards and started writing more natural, easy-to-read C++ code complete with STL and boost goodies, RAII, exception-handling, etc. That isolated the seniors who refused to write code in a more sane fashion and they were finally forced to adapt.
In retrospect, I could have done things much better. The seniors were intent not to allow me to be put in a teaching position, but I think I would have gotten my point across much faster with my head down. The biggest regret I have is trying to work around the impossible coding standards rebelliously rather than getting them rectified through clear and rational discussions. As a result, I have really stupid and obfuscated C++ code in the system which people attribute to me even though that's not how I normally write C++ code. The regular developers I work with understand this, but the seniors still point to it as an example of why C++ is bad.
In short, I recommend that you focus on making more friends rather than enemies. Your friends will support you, and if your way is better and you can clearly demonstrate it, you can isolate the few who will never agree.
Being enthusiastic to code the right way is a good trait to possess and in the software industry we will always encounter other developers who write code that is not quite in line with our "perfect way" of coding. This should never be interpreted as rubbish code, or inept coders, because we all start out like that in some shape or form.
Always respect your peers around you as you want them to respect you. It's certainly not easy to do in an environment that highly regards ego, but attempting to approach a topic like this is never easy.
It's how you communicate
Try different approach angles, remember you are there to learn as much as to render a service.
So commenting on the "poor" code style in an "in-your-face" kind of approach might not be the result you were looking for. So then back up a bit and try approaching the topic with "I was considering the style of code used and have a few suggestions..." and see the difference that gives.
Where I work now, the one thing I've learnt is that it's fine to comment on something that's might not be good quality but then I had better have a better solution to present.
In other words, be prepared to back up your words with useful solutions and not because you feel so.
This is the most basic reason why establishing coding standards and code review processes are a good idea.
I will not write three page functions no matter what coding standards and processes are established, but some people will. They will create 20 local variables at the beginning, without initializing any of them. You'll have pointers and integers with unspecified values. You won't know the exact meaning and scope of each variable. Etc etc.
Try to convince your manager and, later, your team, with solid arguments. Maybe you could start with a shared reading of Effective C++ or C++ Coding Standards. Try to stress the point that, when working this way and creating better code, everybody wins. If they see this as a win-win situation, they will be more open to the change.
I can empathize.
I'm below two senior programmers who have very unique styles that I find frustrating. We have code that consists of one main function that's 1000 lines long. (That is not a typo.) Our coding standards discourage globals, so we make every program one App object. Now our globals are member variables! When we need an iteration interface for C++ classes, why should we use the begin, end, and operator++ conventions, when First, AtLast, and Next can be used instead. We've wrapped up third party libraries in custom interfaces for no good reason. (We've wrapped log4cxx and lost functionality for no reason I can tell, and one of our date classes consists of a shared pointer to a boost::date object with a fraction of the functionality.)
Here's how I've kept my sanity. I've focused on the new languages and tools. This is our company's first project involving Python, and I've spent my time writing utilities and programs there. While the senior programmers code in what they're familiar with, I've got near free rein of all the Python code. I couldn't stand the C++ APIs we use, so I duplicated most of the same functionality in Python in a much more friendly way, and the other developers prefer it too.
Likewise, we have little familiarity with log4cxx and less with boost-build, both of which I've taken time to study in depth and know good enough that people come to me with questions. I've written a handful of resources on our wiki giving usage tips for log4cxx and numpy and other tools.
This is how it is, get used to it or quit and find a place where it isn't like that. You will be marginalized if you criticize their efforts and they may feel threatened if you do indeed write your own, better code or improve theirs. At the end of the day they deliver code and management sees a black box that works and that's all that matters. Plus, you'll be just another kid from college who thinks he knows something about development at a business and laughed at and ostracized when not around. Honestly, a lot of the times these systems are built like this because of shaky requirements, lots of functionality bolted on with time and managements lack of respect for a stable software development process.
Not all companies are like this. I'd start looking for a new job to be honest.
I fervently hope, this is the best opportunity to grow by facing the challenge.As Robert said,try to lead by example.If possible let them adopt your pattern.
You are not alone. I too faced recently, luckily we have support from Senior Management for Code Reviews.
1. Even a single line change for Bug fix should be reviewed online.
Comments on code can be classified as CodingStandard/Suggestion/Clarification/Major/Minor etc
While giving comments to senior you can start with Clarification/CodingStandard rather than Major
You could address the issue of "we are afraid to touch it for fear of breaking it" by writing extensive unit tests. Once you get the unit tests in place, you will be freed to refactor at will. If your unit tests still pass after the refactoring, you can be confident you haven't broken anything.
Just place a copy of "Clean Code" (Martin), "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code" (Fowler) or "Effective C++" somewhere in the office where people may start browsing the books. From now on, word will spread. Seriously, its never too late to learn! ;)