C++ time spent allocating vectors - c++

I am trying to speed up a piece of code that is ran a total of 150,000,000 times.
I have analysed it using "Very Sleepy", which has indicated that the code is spending the most time in these 3 areas, shown in the image:
The code is as follows:
double nonLocalAtPixel(int ymax, int xmax, int y, int x , vector<nodeStructure> &nodeMST, int squareDimension, Mat &inputImage) {
vector<double> nodeWeights(8,0);
vector<double> nodeIntensities(8,0);
bool allZeroWeights = true;
int numberEitherside = (squareDimension - 1) / 2;
int index = 0;
for (int j = y - numberEitherside; j < y + numberEitherside + 1; j++) {
for (int i = x - numberEitherside; i < x + numberEitherside + 1; i++) {
// out of range or the centre pixel
if (j<0 || i<0 || j>ymax || i>xmax || (j == y && i == x)) {
else {
int centreNodeIndex = y*(xmax+1) + x;
int thisNodeIndex = j*(xmax+1) + i;
// add to intensity list
Scalar pixelIntensityScalar = inputImage.at<uchar>(j, i);
nodeIntensities[index] = ((double)*pixelIntensityScalar.val);
// find weight from p to q
float weight = findWeight(nodeMST, thisNodeIndex, centreNodeIndex);
if (weight!=0 && allZeroWeights) {
allZeroWeights = false;
nodeWeights[index] = (weight);
// find min b
int minb = -1;
int bCost = -1;
if (allZeroWeights) {
return 0;
else {
// iteratate all b values
for (int i = 0; i < nodeWeights.size(); i++) {
if (nodeWeights[i]==0) {
double thisbCost = nonLocalWithb(nodeIntensities[i], nodeIntensities, nodeWeights);
if (bCost<0 || thisbCost<bCost) {
bCost = thisbCost;
minb = nodeIntensities[i];
return minb;
Firstly, I assume the spent time indicated by Very Sleepy means that the majority of time is spent allocating the vector and deleting the vector?
Secondly, are there any suggestions to speed this code up?

use std::array
reuse the vectors by passing it as an argument of the function or a global variable if possible (not aware of the structure of the code so I need more infos)
allocate one 16 vector size instead of two vectors of size 8. Will make your memory less fragmented
use parallelism if findWeight is thread safe (you need to provide more details on that too)


Fill Matrix in Spiral Form from center

I recently finished making an algorithm for a project I'm working on.
Briefly, a part of my project needs to fill a matrix, the requirements of how to do it are these:
- Fill the matrix in form of spiral, from the center.
- The size of the matrix must be dynamic, so the spiral can be large or small.
- Every two times a cell of the matrix is filled, //DO STUFF must be executed.
In the end, the code that I made works, it was my best effort and I am not able to optimize it more, it bothers me a bit having had to use so many ifs, and I was wondering if someone could take a look at my code to see if it is possible to optimize it further or some constructive comment (it works well, but it would be great if it was faster, since this algorithm will be executed several times in my project). Also so that other people can use it!
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned short u16_t;
const u16_t size = 7; //<-- CHANGE HERE!!! just odd numbers and bigger than 3
const u16_t maxTimes = 2;
u16_t array_cont[size][size] = { 0 };
u16_t counter = 3, curr = 0;
u16_t endColumn = (size - 1) / 2, endRow = endColumn;
u16_t startColumn = endColumn + 1, startRow = endColumn + 1;
u16_t posLoop = 2, buffer = startColumn, i = 0;
void fillArray() {
if (curr < maxTimes) {
if (posLoop == 0) { //Top
for (i = buffer; i <= startColumn && curr < maxTimes; i++, curr++)
array_cont[endRow][i] = counter++;
if (curr == maxTimes) {
if (i <= startColumn) {
buffer = i;
} else {
buffer = endRow;
} else {
buffer = endRow;
} else if (posLoop == 1) { //Right
for (i = buffer; i <= startRow && curr < maxTimes; i++, curr++)
array_cont[i][startColumn] = counter++;
if (curr == maxTimes) {
if (i <= startRow) {
buffer = i;
} else {
buffer = startColumn;
} else {
buffer = startColumn;
} else if (posLoop == 2) { //Bottom
for (i = buffer; i >= endColumn && curr < maxTimes; i--, curr++)
array_cont[startRow][i] = counter++;
if (curr == maxTimes) {
if (i >= endColumn) {
buffer = i;
} else {
buffer = startRow;
} else {
buffer = startRow;
} else if (posLoop == 3) { //Left
for (i = buffer; i >= endRow && curr < maxTimes; i--, curr++)
array_cont[i][endColumn] = counter++;
if (curr == maxTimes) {
if (i >= endRow) {
buffer = i;
} else {
buffer = endColumn;
posLoop = 0;
} else {
buffer = endColumn;
posLoop = 0;
int main(void) {
array_cont[endColumn][endColumn] = 1;
array_cont[endColumn][endColumn + 1] = 2;
u16_t max = ((size * size) - 1) / maxTimes;
for (u16_t j = 0; j < max; j++) {
curr = 0;
for (u16_t x = 0; x < size; x++) {
for (u16_t y = 0; y < size; y++)
printf("%-4d ", array_cont[x][y]);
return 0;
Notice that the numbers along the diagonal (1, 9, 25, 49) are the squares of the odd numbers. That's an important clue, since it suggests that the 1 in the center of the matrix should be treated as the end of a spiral.
From the end of each spiral, the x,y coordinates should be adjusted up and to the right by 1. Then the next layer of the spiral can be constructed by moving down, left, up, and right by the same amount.
For example, starting from the position of the 1, move up and to the right (to the position of the 9), and then form a loop with the following procedure:
move down, and place the 2
move down, and place the 3
move left, and place the 4
move left, and place the 5
Thus the code looks something like this:
int size = 7;
int matrix[size][size];
int dy[] = { 1, 0, -1, 0 };
int dx[] = { 0, -1, 0, 1 };
int directionCount = 4;
int ringCount = (size - 1) / 2;
int y = ringCount;
int x = ringCount;
int repeatCount = 0;
int value = 1;
matrix[y][x] = value++;
for (int ring = 0; ring < ringCount; ring++)
repeatCount += 2;
for (int direction = 0; direction < directionCount; direction++)
for (int repeat = 0; repeat < repeatCount; repeat++)
y += dy[direction];
x += dx[direction];
matrix[y][x] = value++;
I saw already many approaches for doing a spiral. All a basically drawing it, by following a path.
BUT, you can also come up with an analytical calculation formula for a spiral.
So, no recursion or iterative solution by following a path or such. We can directly calculate the indices in the matrix, if we have the running number.
I will start with the spiral in mathematical positive direction (counter clockwise) in a cartesian coordinate system. We will concentrate on X and Y coordinates.
I made a short Excel and derived some formulas from that. Here is a short picture:
From the requirements we know that the matrix will be quadratic. That makes things easier. A little bit trickier is, to get the matrix data symmetrical. But with some simple formulas, derived from the prictures, this is not really a problem.
And then we can calculate x and y coordinates with some simple statements. See the below example program with long variable names for better understanding. The code is made using some step by step approach to illustrate the implementation. Of course it can be made more compact easily. Anyway. Let's have a look.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
int main() {
// Show some example values
for (long step{}; step < 81; ++step) {
// Calculate result
const long roundedSquareRoot = std::lround(std::sqrt(step));
const long roundedSquare = roundedSquareRoot * roundedSquareRoot;
const long distance = std::abs(roundedSquare - step) - roundedSquareRoot;
const long rsrIsOdd = (roundedSquareRoot % 2);
const long x = (distance + roundedSquare - step - rsrIsOdd) / (rsrIsOdd ? -2 : 2);
const long y = (-distance + roundedSquare - step - rsrIsOdd) / (rsrIsOdd ? -2 : 2);
// Show ouput
std::cout << "Step:" << std::setw(4) << step << std::setw(3) << x << ' ' << std::setw(3) << y << '\n';
So, you see that we really have an analytical solution. Given any number we can calculate the x and y coordinate using a formula. Cool.
Getting indices in a matrix is just adding some offset.
With that gained know how, we can now easily calculate the complete matrix. And, since there is no runtime activity needed at all, we can let the compiler do the work. We will simply use constexpr functions for everything.
Then the compiler will create this matrix at compile time. At runtime, nothing will happen.
Please see a very compact solution:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <array>
constexpr size_t MatrixSize = 15u;
using MyType = long;
static_assert(MatrixSize > 0 && MatrixSize%2, "Matrix size must be odd and > 0");
constexpr MyType MatrixHalf = MatrixSize / 2;
using Matrix = std::array<std::array<MyType, MatrixSize>, MatrixSize >;
// Some constexpr simple mathematical functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// No need for <cmath>
constexpr MyType myAbs(MyType v) { return v < 0 ? -v : v; }
constexpr double mySqrtRecursive(double x, double c, double p) {return c == p? c: mySqrtRecursive(x, 0.5 * (c + x / c), c); }
constexpr MyType mySqrt(MyType x) {return (MyType)(mySqrtRecursive((double)x,(double)x,0.0)+0.5); }
// Main constexpr function will fill the matrix with a spiral pattern during compile time -------------------------------------
constexpr Matrix fillMatrix() {
Matrix matrix{};
for (int i{}; i < (MatrixSize * MatrixSize); ++i) {
const MyType rsr{ mySqrt(i) }, rs{ rsr * rsr }, d{ myAbs(rs - i) - rsr }, o{ rsr % 2 };
const size_t col{ (size_t)(MatrixHalf +((d + rs - i - o) / (o ? -2 : 2)))};
const size_t row{ (size_t)(MatrixHalf -((-d + rs - i - o) / (o ? -2 : 2)))};
matrix[row][col] = i;
return matrix;
// This is a compile time constant!
constexpr Matrix matrix = fillMatrix();
// All the above has been done during compile time! -----------------------------------------
int main() {
// Nothing to do. All has beend done at compile time already!
// The matrix is already filled with a spiral pattern
// Just output
for (const auto& row : matrix) {
for (const auto& col : row) std::cout << std::setw(5) << col << ' '; std::cout << '\n';
Different coordinate systems or other spiral direction can be adapted easily.
Happy coding.

Space Invaders – 2D Vector Movement Algorithm

I'm building Space Invaders in C++ (using the MBed platform) for a microcontroller. I've used a 2D Vector of object pointers to organise the invaders.
The movement algorithm is below, and runs in the main while loop for the game. Basically, I get the highest/lowest x and y values of invaders in the vector, and use those to set bounds based on screensize (the HEIGHT variable);
I also get the first invader's position, velocity, and width, which I apply changes to based on the bounds above.
Then I iterate through the whole vector again and apply all those changes. It sort of works – the invaders move – but the bounds don't seem to take effect, and so they fly off screen. I feel like I'm missing something really dumb, thanks in advance!
void Army::move_army() {
int maxy = HEIGHT - 20;
int Ymost = 0; // BOTTOM
int Yleast = 100; // TOP
int Xmost = 0; // LEFT
int Xleast = 100; // RIGHT
int first_row = _rows;
int first_column = _columns;
int firstWidth = 0;
Vector2D firstPos;
Vector2D firstVel;
for (int i = 0; i < _rows; i++) {
for (int n = 0; n < _columns; n++) {
bool state = invaders[i][n]->get_death();
if (!state) {
if (i < first_row && n < first_column) {
firstPos = invaders[i][n]->get_pos();
firstVel = invaders[i][n]->get_velocity();
firstWidth = invaders[i][n]->get_width();
Vector2D pos = invaders[i][n]->get_pos();
if (pos.y > Ymost) {Ymost = pos.y;} // BOTTOM
else if (pos.y < Yleast) {Yleast = pos.y;} // TOP
else if (pos.x > Xmost) {Xmost = pos.x;} // LEFT
else if (pos.x < Xleast) {Xleast = pos.x;} // RIGHT
firstVel.y = 0;
if (Xmost >= (WIDTH - 8) || Xleast <= 2) {
firstVel.x = -firstVel.x;
firstPos.y += _inc;
// reverse x velocity
// increment y position
else if (Ymost > maxy) {
_inc = -_inc;
// reverse increment
else if (Yleast < 2) {
_inc = -_inc;
// reverse increment
for (int i = 0; i < _rows; i++) {
int setx = firstPos.x;
if (i > 0) {firstPos.y += 9;}
for (int n = 0; n < _columns; n++) {
setx += firstWidth + 2;
It looks like you have your assignment cases reversed. Assignment always goes: right <- left, so in the first case you're changing the YMost value, not pos.y. It looks like if you swap those four assignments in your bounds checking it should work. Good luck!

How to fill the middle of a dynamic 2D array with a smaller one?

I am working with a dynamic square 2D array that I sometimes need to enlarge for my needs. The enlarging part consist in adding a new case on each border of the array, like this:
To achieve this, I first copy the content of my actual 2D array in a temporary other 2D array of the same size. Then I create the new 2D array with the good size, and copy the original content of the array in the middle of the new one.
Is there any quick way to copy the content of the old array in the middle of my new array? The only way I have found so far is only by using two for sections:
for(int i = 1; i < arraySize-1; i++)
for(int j = 1; j < arraySize-1; j++)
array[i][j] = oldArray[i-1][j-1];
But I'm wondering if there is no quicker way to achieve this. I thought about using std::fill, but I don't see how it would be possible to use it in this particular case.
My EnlargeArray function:
template< typename T >
void MyClass<T>::EnlargeArray()
const int oldArraySize = tabSize;
// Create temporary array
T** oldArray = new T*[oldArraySize];
for(int i = 0; i < oldArraySize; i++)
oldArray[i] = new T[oldArraySize];
// Copy old array content in the temporary array
for(int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < arraySize; j++)
oldArray[i][j] = array[i][j];
const int newArraySize = arraySize;
// Enlarge the array
array= new T*[newArraySize];
for(int i = 0; i < newArraySize; i++)
array[i] = new T[newArraySize] {0};
// Copy of the old array in the center of the new array
for(int i = 1; i < arraySize-1; i++)
for(int j = 1; j < arraySize-1; j++)
array[i][j] = oldArray[i-1][j-1];
for(int i = 0; i < oldArraySize; i++)
delete [] oldArray[i];
delete [] oldArray;
Is there any quick way to copy the content of the old array in the middle of my new array?
(Assuming the question is "can I do better than a 2D for-loop?".)
Short answer: no - if your array has R rows and C columns you will have to iterate over all of them, performing R*C operations.
std::fill and similar algorithms still have to go through every element internally.
Alternative answer: if your array is huge and you make sure to avoid
false sharing, splitting the copy operation in multiple threads that deal with a independent subset of the array could be beneficial (this depends on many factors and on the hardware - research/experimentation/profiling would be required).
First, you can use std::make_unique<T[]> to manage the lifetime of your arrays. You can make your array contiguous if you allocate a single array of size row_count * col_count and perform some simple arithmetic to convert (col, row) pairs into array indices. Then, assuming row-major order:
Use std::fill to fill the first and last rows with zeros.
Use std::copy to copy the old rows into the middle of the middle rows.
Fill the cells at the start and end of the middle rows with zero using simple assignment.
Do not enlarge the array. Keep it as it is and allocate new memory only for the borders. Then, in the public interface of your class, adapt the calculation of the offets.
To the client of the class, it will appear as if the array had been enlarged, when in fact it wasn't really touched by the supposed enlargement. The drawback is that the storage for the array contents is no longer contiguous.
Here is a toy example, using std::vector because I cannot see any reason to use new[] and delete[]:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
template <class T>
class MyClass
MyClass(int width, int height) :
inner_data(width * height),
void Enlarge()
assert(border_data.empty()); // enlarge only once
border_data.resize((width + 2) * 2 + (height * 2));
width += 2;
height += 2;
int Width() const
return width;
int Height() const
return height;
T& operator()(int x, int y)
assert(x >= 0);
assert(y >= 0);
assert(x < width);
assert(y < height);
if (border_data.empty())
return inner_data[y * width + x];
if (y == 0)
return border_data[x]; // top border
else if (y == height - 1)
return border_data[width + x]; // bottom border
else if (x == 0)
return border_data[width + height + y]; // left border
else if (x == width - 1)
return border_data[width * 2 + height * 2 + y]; // right border
return inner_data[(y - 1) * (width - 2) + (x - 1)]; // inner matrix
std::vector<T> inner_data;
std::vector<T> border_data;
int width;
int height;
int main()
MyClass<int> test(2, 2);
test(0, 0) = 10;
test(1, 0) = 20;
test(0, 1) = 30;
test(1, 1) = 40;
for (auto y = 0; y < test.Height(); ++y)
for (auto x = 0; x < test.Width(); ++x)
std::cout << test(x, y) << '\t';
std::cout << '\n';
std::cout << '\n';
test(2, 0) = 50;
test(1, 1) += 1;
test(3, 3) = 60;
for (auto y = 0; y < test.Height(); ++y)
for (auto x = 0; x < test.Width(); ++x)
std::cout << test(x, y) << '\t';
std::cout << '\n';
10 20
30 40
0 0 50 0
0 11 20 0
0 30 40 0
0 0 0 60
The key point is that the physical representation of the enlarged "array" no longer matches the logical one.

Placing random numbers in a grid

I need to place numbers within a grid such that it doesn't collide with each other. This number placement should be random and can be horizontal or vertical. The numbers basically indicate the locations of the ships. So the points for the ships should be together and need to be random and should not collide.
I have tried it:
int main()
int Grid[64];
int battleShips;
bool battleShipFilled;
for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
for(int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
battleShips = 1;
while(battleShips != 5)
int horizontal = rand()%2;
if(horizontal == 0)
battleShipFilled = false;
int row = rand()%8;
int column = rand()%8;
while(Grid[(row)*8+(column)] == 1)
row = rand()%8;
column = rand()%8;
int j = 0;
if(i == 1) j= (i+1);
else j= i;
for(int k = -j/2; k <= j/2; k++)
int numberOfCorrectLocation = 0;
while(numberOfCorrectLocation != j)
if(row+k> 0 && row+k<8)
if(Grid[(row+k)*8+(column)] == 1) break;
if(numberOfCorrectLocation !=i) break;
for(int k = -j/2; k <= j/2; k++)
Grid[(row+k)*8+(column)] = 1;
battleShipFilled = true;
battleShipFilled = false;
int row = rand()%8;
int column = rand()%8;
while(Grid[(row)*8+(column)] == 1)
row = rand()%8;
column = rand()%8;
int j = 0;
if(i == 1) j= (i+1);
else j= i;
for(int k = -j/2; k <= j/2; k++)
int numberOfCorrectLocation = 0;
while(numberOfCorrectLocation != i)
if(row+k> 0 && row+k<8)
if(Grid[(row)*8+(column+k)] == 1) break;
if(numberOfCorrectLocation !=i) break;
for(int k = -j/2; k <= j/2; k++)
Grid[(row)*8+(column+k)] = 1;
battleShipFilled = true;
But the code i have written is not able to generate the numbers randomly in the 8x8 grid.
Need some guidance on how to solve this. If there is any better way of doing it, please tell me...
How it should look:
What My code is doing:
Basically, I am placing 5 ships, each of different size on a grid. For each, I check whether I want to place it horizontally or vertically randomly. After that, I check whether the surrounding is filled up or not. If not, I place them there. Or I repeat the process.
Important Point: I need to use just while, for loops..
You are much better of using recursion for that problem. This will give your algorithm unwind possibility. What I mean is that you can deploy each ship and place next part at random end of the ship, then check the new placed ship part has adjacent tiles empty and progress to the next one. if it happens that its touches another ship it will due to recursive nature it will remove the placed tile and try on the other end. If the position of the ship is not valid it should place the ship in different place and start over.
I have used this solution in a word search game, where the board had to be populated with words to look for. Worked perfect.
This is a code from my word search game:
bool generate ( std::string word, BuzzLevel &level, CCPoint position, std::vector<CCPoint> &placed, CCSize lSize )
std::string cPiece;
if ( word.size() == 0 ) return true;
if ( !level.inBounds ( position ) ) return false;
cPiece += level.getPiece(position)->getLetter();
int l = cPiece.size();
if ( (cPiece != " ") && (word[0] != cPiece[0]) ) return false;
if ( pointInVec (position, placed) ) return false;
if ( position.x >= lSize.width || position.y >= lSize.height || position.x < 0 || position.y < 0 ) return false;
bool used[6];
for ( int t = 0; t < 6; t++ ) used[t] = false;
int adj;
while ( (adj = HexCoord::getRandomAdjacentUnique(used)) != -1 )
CCPoint nextPosition = HexCoord::getAdjacentGridPositionInDirection((eDirection) adj, position);
if ( generate ( word.substr(1, word.size()), level, nextPosition, placed, lSize ) ) return true;
return false;
CCPoint getRandPoint ( CCSize size )
return CCPoint ( rand() % (int)size.width, rand() % (int)size.height);
void generateWholeLevel ( BuzzLevel &level,
blockInfo* info,
const CCSize &levelSize,
vector<CCLabelBMFont*> wordList
for ( vector<CCLabelBMFont*>::iterator iter = wordList.begin();
iter != wordList.end(); iter++ )
std::string cWord = (*iter)->getString();
// CCLog("Curront word %s", cWord.c_str() );
vector<CCPoint> wordPositions;
int iterations = 0;
while ( true )
//CCLog("iteration %i", iterations );
CCPoint cPoint = getRandPoint(levelSize);
if ( generate (cWord, level, cPoint, wordPositions, levelSize ) )
//Place pieces here
for ( int t = 0; t < cWord.size(); t++ )
if ( iterations > 1500 )
generateWholeLevel(level, info, levelSize, wordList);
I might add that shaped used in the game was a honeycomb. Letter could wind in any direction, so the code above is way more complex then what you are looking for I guess, but will provide a starting point.
I will provide something more suitable when I get back home as I don't have enough time now.
I can see a potential infinite loop in your code
int j = 0;
if(i == 1) j= (i+1);
else j= i;
for(int k = -j/2; k <= j/2; k++)
int numberOfCorrectLocation = 0;
while(numberOfCorrectLocation != i)
if(row+k> 0 && row+k<8)
if(Grid[(row)*8+(column+k)] == 1) break;
if(numberOfCorrectLocation !=i) break;
Here, nothing prevents row from being 0, as it was assignd rand%8 earlier, and k can be assigned a negative value (since j can be positive). Once that happens nothing will end the while loop.
Also, I would recommend re-approaching this problem in a more object oriented way (or at the very least breaking up the code in main() into multiple, shorter functions). Personally I found the code a little difficult to follow.
A very quick and probably buggy example of how you could really clean your solution up and make it more flexible by using some OOP:
enum Orientation {
struct Ship {
Ship(unsigned l = 1, bool o = Horizontal) : length(l), orientation(o) {}
unsigned char length;
bool orientation;
class Grid {
Grid(const unsigned w = 8, const unsigned h = 8) : _w(w), _h(h) {
grid.resize(w * h);
foreach (Ship * sp, grid) {
sp = nullptr;
bool addShip(Ship * s, unsigned x, unsigned y) {
if ((x <= _w) && (y <= _h)) { // if in valid range
if (s->orientation == Horizontal) {
if ((x + s->length) <= _w) { // if not too big
int p = 0; //check if occupied
for (int c1 = 0; c1 < s->length; ++c1) if (grid[y * _w + x + p++]) return false;
p = 0; // occupy if not
for (int c1 = 0; c1 < s->length; ++c1) grid[y * _w + x + p++] = s;
return true;
} else return false;
} else {
if ((y + s->length) <= _h) {
int p = 0; // check
for (int c1 = 0; c1 < s->length; ++c1) {
if (grid[y * _w + x + p]) return false;
p += _w;
p = 0; // occupy
for (int c1 = 0; c1 < s->length; ++c1) {
grid[y * _w + x + p] = s;
p += _w;
return true;
} else return false;
} else return false;
void drawGrid() {
for (int y = 0; y < _h; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < _w; ++x) {
if (grid.at(y * w + x)) cout << "|S";
else cout << "|_";
cout << "|" << endl;
cout << endl;
void hitXY(unsigned x, unsigned y) {
if ((x <= _w) && (y <= _h)) {
if (grid[y * _w + x]) cout << "You sunk my battleship" << endl;
else cout << "Nothing..." << endl;
QVector<Ship *> grid;
unsigned _w, _h;
The basic idea is create a grid of arbitrary size and give it the ability to "load" ships of arbitrary length at arbitrary coordinates. You need to check if the size is not too much and if the tiles aren't already occupied, that's pretty much it, the other thing is orientation - if horizontal then increment is +1, if vertical increment is + width.
This gives flexibility to use the methods to quickly populate the grid with random data:
int main() {
Grid g(20, 20);
unsigned shipCount = 20;
while (shipCount) {
Ship * s = new Ship(qrand() % 8 + 2, qrand() %2);
if (g.addShip(s, qrand() % 20, qrand() % 20)) --shipCount;
else delete s;
cout << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) g.hitXY(qrand() % 20, qrand() % 20);
Naturally, you can extend it further, make hit ships sink and disappear from the grid, make it possible to move ships around and flip their orientation. You can even use diagonal orientation. A lot of flexibility and potential to harness by refining an OOP based solution.
Obviously, you will put some limits in production code, as currently you can create grids of 0x0 and ships of length 0. It's just a quick example anyway. I am using Qt and therefore Qt containers, but its just the same with std containers.
I tried to rewrite your program in Java, it works as required. Feel free to ask anything that is not clearly coded. I didn't rechecked it so it may have errors of its own. It can be further optimized and cleaned but as it is past midnight around here, I would rather not do that at the moment :)
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random generator = new Random();
int Grid[][] = new int[8][8];
for (int battleShips = 0; battleShips < 5; battleShips++) {
boolean isHorizontal = generator.nextInt(2) == 0 ? true : false;
boolean battleShipFilled = false;
while (!battleShipFilled) {
// Select a random row and column for trial
int row = generator.nextInt(8);
int column = generator.nextInt(8);
while (Grid[row][column] == 1) {
row = generator.nextInt(8);
column = generator.nextInt(8);
int lengthOfBattleship = 0;
if (battleShips == 0) // Smallest ship should be of length 2
lengthOfBattleship = (battleShips + 2);
else // Other 4 ships has the length of 2, 3, 4 & 5
lengthOfBattleship = battleShips + 1;
int numberOfCorrectLocation = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < lengthOfBattleship; k++) {
if (isHorizontal && row + k > 0 && row + k < 8) {
if (Grid[row + k][column] == 1)
} else if (!isHorizontal && column + k > 0 && column + k < 8) {
if (Grid[row][column + k] == 1)
} else {
if (numberOfCorrectLocation == lengthOfBattleship) {
for (int k = 0; k < lengthOfBattleship; k++) {
if (isHorizontal)
Grid[row + k][column] = 1;
Grid[row][column + k] = 1;
battleShipFilled = true;
Some important points.
As #Kindread said in an another answer, the code has an infinite loop condition which must be eliminated.
This algorithm will use too much resources to find a solution, it should be optimized.
Code duplications should be avoided as it will result in more maintenance cost (which might not be a problem for this specific case), and possible bugs.
Hope this answer helps...

C++: Time for filling an array is too long

We are writing a method (myFunc) that writes some data to the array. The array must be a field of the class (MyClass).
class MyClass {
MyClass(int dimension);
void myFunc();
float* _nodes;
MyClass::MyClass(int dimension){
_nodes = new float[dimension];
void MyClass::myFunc(){
for (int i = 0; i < _dimension; ++i)
_nodes[i] = (i % 2 == 0) ? 0 : 1;
The method myFunc is called near 10000 times and it takes near 9-10 seconds (with other methods).
But if we define myFunc as:
void MyClass::myFunc(){
float* test = new float[_dimension];
for (int i = 0; i < _dimension; ++i)
test[i] = (i % 2 == 0) ? 0 : 1;
our programm works much faster - it takes near 2-3 seconds (if it's calles near 10000 times).
Thanks in advance!
This may help (in either case)
for (int i = 0; i < _dimension; )
test[i++] = 0.0f;
test[i++] = 1.0f;
I'm assuming _dimension is even, but easy to fix if it is not.
If you want to speed up Debug-mode, maybe help the compiler, try
void MyClass::myFunc(){
float* const nodes = _nodes;
const int dimension = _dimension;
for (int i = 0; i < dimension; ++i)
nodes[i] = (i % 2 == 0) ? 0.0f : 1.0f;
Of course, in reality you should focus on using Release-mode for everything performance-related.
In your example code, you do not initialise _dimension in the constructor, but use it in MyFunc. So you might be filling millions of entries in the array even though you have only allocated a few thousand entries. In the example that works, you use the same dimension for creating and filling the array so you are probably initialising it correctly in that case..
Just make sure that _dimension is properly initialised.
This is faster on most machine.
void MyClass::myFunc(){
float* const nodes = _nodes;
const int dimension = _dimension;
if(dimension < 2){
if(dimension < 1)
nodes[0] = 0.0f;
nodes[0] = 0.0f;
nodes[1] = 1.0f;
for (int i = 2; ; i <<= 1){
if( (i << 1) < dimension ){
memcpy(nodes + i, nodes, i * sizeof(float));
memcpy(nodes + i, nodes, (dimension - i) * sizeof(float));
Try this:
memset(test, 0, sizeof(float) * _dimension));
for (int i = 1; i < _dimension; i += 2)
test[i] = 1.0f;
You can also run this piece once and store the array at static location.
For each consecutive iteration you can address the stored data without any computation.