Selecting values from list in dictionary python - list

I've been working on a small contact importer, and now I'm trying to implement a block that automatically selects the output file format based on the number of contacts to be imported.
However, every time it results in the error:
KeyError: 'q'
I can't figure out for the life of me why this is happening, and I would love any help offered.
My idea of scalability is that the dictionary personDict would be of the format personDict = {nameid:[name,email]}, but nothing works.
Any help is good help,
def autoFormat():
while True:
name = input("Enter the person's name \n")
if name == "q":
email = input("Enter the person's email \n")
personDict[name] = [name, email]
if len(personDict) <= 10:
keyValue = personDict[name]
for keyValue in personDict:
for key, value in personDict.iteritems():
combined = "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:4.0\n" + "FN:" + name + "\n" + "EMAIL:" + email + "\n" + "END:VCARD"
fileName = name + ".vcl"
people = open(fileName, 'a')
print("Created file for " + name)

The main problem is that when the user types "q" your code leaves the while loop
with name keeping "q" as value. So you should remove this useless line:
keyValue = person_dict[name]
Since there is no element with key "q" in your dictionary.
Also in the export part you write in file values different from those you loop with.
Your code becomes:
if len(personDict) <= 10:
for name, email in personDict.values():
combined = "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:4.0\n" + "FN:" + name + "\n" + "EMAIL:" + email + "\n" + "END:VCARD"
fileName = name + ".vcl"
people = open(fileName, 'a')
print("Created file for " + name)


How to email variable value using raspberry pi and smtplib

I am working on this project where i have 3 string variables which I want to email their values to an email address. I was able to email a plain text message; however, I couldn't include these variables values in. Below is my codes:
import serial
import smtplib
import time
serialport = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 115200, timeout = 0.5)
user= ''
password= 'password'
receiver= '
subject= 'Solar tracker status'
header = 'To: ' + email + '\n' + 'From: ' + email + '\n' + 'Subject: ' +
while True:
line = serialport.readline()
result = line.find(";")
if result > 0:
str = line.split(";")
body = "\n" + + "Voltage: " + volt + "\n" + "Power: " + power + "\n" + "Temp: " + temp
print header + '\n' + body
s.login(email, password)
s.sendmail(email, email, header + '\n\n' + body)
When running this script, i got this error message :
File "", line 23, in <module>
body = "\n" + + "Voltage: " + volt
TypeError: bad operand type for unary +: 'str'
I have tried converting the variable into string using str(volt), then got this error message:
File "", line 23, in <module>
TypeError: 'list' object is not callable
I can't understand this because they are originally in string format since i was able to write them into a text file using %s without having to convert it.
I think i just don't know how to pass a variable into the body of the email.
Please help!

There are a order in identifier?

My Question:
I have this exercise ;
If the verb ends in e, drop the e and add ing (if not exception: be, see, flee, knee, etc.)
If the verb ends in ie, change ie to y and add ing
For words consisting of consonant-vowel-consonant, double the final letter before adding ing
By default just add ing
Your task in this exercise is to define a function make_ing_form() which given a verb in infinitive form returns its present participle form. Test your function with words such as lie, see, move and hug. However, you must not expect such simple rules to work for all cases.
My code:
def make_ing_form():
a = raw_input("Please give a Verb: ")
if a.endswith("ie"):
newverb = a[:-2] + "y" + "ing"
elif a.endswith("e"):
newverb = a[:3] + "ing"
elif a[1] in "aeiou":
newverb = a + a[-1] + "ing"
newverb = a + "ing"
print newverb
With this code all is gut , but when i change the placement ;
def make_ing_form():
a = raw_input("Please give a verb: ")
if a.endswith("e"):
newverb = a[:3] + "ing"
elif a.endswith("ie"):
newverb = a[:-2] + "y" + "ing"
elif a[1] in "aeiou":
newverb = a + a[-1] + "ing"
newverb = a + "ing"
print newverb
the answer who i come are not on present participle , how i Understand here , when the identifier change to another statement ( from If to Elif), it "forget" the if statement .If that's the case , why i to receive this result ?
sorry about my English ....
In the second code it will never enter the first elif ( elif a.endswith("ie"): ) because if a verb ends in ie (ex. lie) it would enter the if, as lie ends in e. You should have the condition as in the first code. If you have more problems with your first code let me know.

How do I dynamically search for text in a file and write to another file

I'll try to be as specific as I can. Keep in mind I just started learning this language last week so I'm not a professional. I'm trying to make a program that will read a vocabulary file that I created and write the definition for the word to another preexisting file with a different format.
Example of the two formats and what I'm trying to do here:
Word 1 - Definition
Word 1 (page 531) - Definition from other file
What I'm currently doing with it is I'm opening both files and searching a word based on user input, which isn't working. What I want to do is I want the program to go into the output file and find the word, then find the same word in the input file, get the definition only, and paste it into the output file. Then move to the next word and loop until it finds the end of file. I really don't know how to do that so I'm currently stuck. How would you python pros here on stackoverflow handle this?
Also for those who are suspicious of my reasons for this program, I'm not trying to cheat on an assignment, I'm trying to get some of my college work done ahead of time and I don't want to run into conflicts with my formatting being different from the teachers. This is just to save me time so I don't have to do the same assignment twice.
Edit 1
Here is the full code pasted from my program currently.
import os
print("Welcome to the Key Terms Finder Program. What class is this for?\n[A]ccess\n[V]isual Basic")
class_input = raw_input(">>")
if class_input == "A" or class_input == "a":
class_input = "Access"
chapter_num = 11
elif class_input == "V" or class_input == "v":
class_input = "Visual Basic"
chapter_num = 13
print("Incorrect Input")
print("So the class is " + class_input)
i = 1
for i in range(1, chapter_num + 1):
os.makedirs("../Key Terms/" + class_input + "/Chapter " + str(i) + "/")
except WindowsError:
print("What Chapter is this for? Enter just the Chapter number. Ex: 5")
chapter_input = raw_input(">>")
ChapterFolder = "../Key Terms/" + class_input + "/Chapter " + str(chapter_input) + "/"
inputFile = open(ChapterFolder + "input.txt", "r")
outputFile = open(ChapterFolder + "output.txt", "w")
line = inputFile.readlines()
i = 0
print("Let's get down to business. Enter the word you are looking to add to the file.")
print("To stop entering words, enter QWERTY")
word_input = ""
while word_input != "QWERTY":
word_input = raw_input(">>")
outputArea = word_input
linelen = len(line)
while i < linelen:
if line[i] == word_input:
print("Word Found")
i = i + 1
i = 0
Not a python pro , however, I will try to answer your question.
with open('input.txt','r') as f:
for line in f:
with open('output.txt','r') as f:
for line in f:
index = word.index(new_line)
print index
meaning = definition[index]
print meaning
output.append(new_line+" - "+meaning)
except ValueError as e:
output.append(new_line+" - meaning not found")
print e
Here, input.txt is the file where word and definition is present.
output.txt is the file which has only words ( it was unclear to me what output.txt contained I assumed only words ).
Above code is reading from output.txt , looking into input.txt and gets the definition if found else it skips.
Assumption is word and definition are separated by -
Does this helps?

Python CSV export writing characters to new lines

I have been using multiple code snippets to create a solution that will allow me to write a list of players in a football team to a csv file.
import csv
data = []
string = input("Team Name: ")
fName = string.replace(' ', '') + ".csv"
print("When you have entered all the players, press enter.")
# while loop that will continue allowing entering of players
done = False
while not done:
a = input("Name of player: ")
if a == "":
done = True
string += a + ','
string += input("Age: ") + ','
string += input("Position: ")
print (string)
file = open(fName, 'w')
output = csv.writer(file)
for row in string:
tempRow = row
print("Team written to file.")
I would like the exported csv file to look like this:
and so on. However, when I check the exported csv file it looks more like this:
and so on.
Does anyone have an idea of where i'm going wrong?
Many thanks
Your string is a single string. It is not a list of strings. You are expecting it to be a list of strings when you are doing this:
for row in string:
When you iterate over a string, you are iterating over its characters. Which is why you are seeing a character per line.
Declare a list of strings. And append every string to it like this:
done = False
strings_list = []
while not done:
string = ""
a = input("Name of player: ")
if a == "":
done = True
string += a + ','
string += input("Age: ") + ','
string += input("Position: ") + '\n'
Now iterate over this strings_list and print to the output file. Since you are putting the delimiter (comma) yourself in the string, you do not need a csv writer.
a_file = open(fName, 'w')
for row in strings_list:
string is a name of a standard module in Python. It is wise not to use this as a name of any variable in your program. Same goes for your variable file

django make log that works for all models

I am trying to make my own log that makes a string of changed data between object (my old object and my new object) However i keep getting back empty string,
My code:
def log_fields(old_obj, new_obj):
fields = new_obj.__class__._meta.fields
changed_fields = ""
old_data = ""
new_data = ""
# get all changed data
for field in fields:
old_field_data = old_obj.__getattribute__(
new_field_data = new_obj.__getattribute__(
if old_field_data != new_field_data:
count =+ 1
# convert changed data to strings
# number + space + data + 5 spaces for next string
changed_fields.join(str(count)).join(" ").join(str(field)).join(" ")
old_data.join(str(count)).join(" ").join(str(old_field_data)).join(" ")
new_data.join(str(count)).join(" ").join(str(new_field_data)).join(" ")
print changed_fields
print old_data
print new_data
I got a feeling something with the string .join combination something is going wrong, cause trying this manually in shell seems to work up to the comparison. Not sure tho hos i should change the string
changed_fields = changed_fields + str(count) + "." + str( + " "
old_data = old_data + str(count) + "." + str(old_field_data) + " "
new_data = new_data + str(count) + "." + str(new_field_data) + " "
Seems to do the job, so for now, ill keep it at this