What method can I use to call a web service from VBA? - web-services

What is the easiest way to call a web service from Excel (I am using version 2002)? Please, no third party tools or libraries. This has to be easy with some VBA that I can paste there, use it, and ever touch.

I don't think there is any especially easy way to talk to SOAP directly from VBA, but a web service with a RESTful interface (i.e. the whole thing can be done via a URL) is easier: I was looking at this article just today. Another article I just found is here.
If you're stuck with SOAP, however, you could start by reading this and this. Frankly, it all looks a bit nasty.


Can SOAPUI be used to create REST Test Cases before the Webservice is developed?

I'm a QA and know a little about coding, the developers will convert our SOAP webservice to REST and I want to write tests for this. Basically I want to read our SOAP XML, understand the request/parameters and create a REST Test Case in SOAPUI to be run when they finish the implementation.
Is it possible?
Sorry for my poor english, it's not my native language.
Technically, it's possible.
However, if the developers will be aiming for REST level 3, testing this through hard-coded URLs inside SOAPUP kinda defeats the purpose - ideally you'd be able to navigate between resources through discoverable links.
HAL Browser is one useful tool for navigating such RESTful APIs, however you need a dedicated tool for testing.
Here's an very detailed possible answer for your question.

Want to learn Restful api, don't know where to start

I'm android developer I'm making app with simple login and sending and receiving messages and pictures. Searching on internet making me really confuse. I don't know where to start and what to use. There are many ways to make and many libraries like node.js php phalcon, asp.net mvc, ruby sinatra etc. I just want to where should i start and what should i use.
Because you mentioned Android, Java has many options for creating RESTful backends. Dropwizard is fairly straight-forward and comes with its own built-in server, which means you won't have to worry about setting that up yourself. Play is another good option. There's a bit of a learning curve with it, but once you figure it out, it has a lot of tools out of the box that help you make REST APIs.
Here's the documentation for Play:
P.S. - This question is likely to get flagged as not being the right fit for SO. You'll probably still get replies, but asking for opinions is something that people will try to discourage you from doing.

How can I find what services are offered in a WSDL file?

I am a SOAP/WebServices newbie, and have been given a WSDL file that has a bunch of web services that I can connect to.
What is the easiest way to parse this and show me what services are offered, and what the input and output parameters are that are required? I really don't want anything more than this, but for whatever reason I can't seem to google an answer.
The closest I've gotten is using wsdl2java from Apache Axis, however it creates a whole bunch of Java objects. What I really want is very basic, which is give me a list of all of the services available, and the input/output parameters.
Does such a thing exist or do I need to build this myself?
Without installing anything I suppose this link would work but it requires that your WSDL be web accessible...
Other online parsers may be better. Personally I'd recommend installing Eclipse with the web services plugin or the demo version of SOAPSonar, but if you only need to peek at what a WSDL offers without having to dig through the XML, then the above link might be an acceptable option.

Calling a webservice through a mobile client

I am working with phonegap and jquery mobile at the moment. I just want to know whether there is a library that I can use or a way to call SOAP an RESTful webservices to my mobile client.
I did a lot of research and did not find anything that I can use. Do I need to write this from scratch?
Thank you.
First forget about SOAP, at from pure javascript point of view. On the other hand if you are willing you can use Java to create a web service client side code. Next step would be to connect jQuery and native Java part of Phonegap. It can be done easily if you create your own plugin.
Then again if this is a to much job for you there is also another solution. Same function used for jQuery REST call can be also used for jQuery SOAP call. More information can be found in this tutorial. But be warned, you will need to write client side XML. Still this is not that great solution.
On the other hand I would rather choose REST over SOAP. While SOAP is great it creates to much data overhead and we need smallest possible data footprint. Because Phonegap is HTML/JS/CSS wrapper it is commonly used to communicate via XHR/Ajax. So in our case it's better to use jQuery Ajax functions. Here you can find an excellent tutorial.
One great thing about using $.ajax function inside a Phonegap app for REST call is that you don't need to worry about CROSS-DOMAIN calls.
There's also third solution, rather hard but probably best of them all. Instead of using jQuery $.ajax function you should think about using Backbone MVC framework with jQuery Mobile. It will take time to master this combination but from my experience this is No. 1 solution if you want to use REST to communicate with your server.

What is a good platform for devoloping web services in C++?

We're looking at developing a Web Service to function as a basis for a browser display/gui for a networked security prototype written in C++. My experience with web services has been limited to Java. I prefer Web Services in Java because it's on the "beaten path".
One sure was to do this would be to simply code a Java client which invokes the web service, and call it as a command line with parameters from the C++ code.
It's not ideal, since generally speaking an API is preferable, but in this case it would work and be a pretty safe solution.
A resource which does handles web service development in C++ is called gSOAP, at this url: http://gsoap2.sourceforge.net
Any thought on which is a better approach? Has anyone used gSOAP, and if so, what did you think?
I'd done things with gSOAP, it's not awful. I'm increasingly opposed to the RPC model for web services, though; it forces you into a lot of connection and session state that adds complexity. A REST interface is simpler and more robust.
To me is Axis C++.
For RPC style, have a look at Thrift,
I found it quite better ( faster, clearer, a lot of languages implementations) than soap.
My colleague ended up using a combination of Axis2 / java (for the service) and gsoap for the client. He created the wsdl from the Java service by generating it from a C++ header (using c2wsdl (?) or something like that. He said it was better than using a Java interface because that generated two sets of wsdl, for seperate versions of soap.
Then he used wsdl2java to generate the webservice and a test web client. Once we got that working, he used gsoap to create the web client (in C++), and it worked fine.
thanks for all the answers! I ended using a combination of them.
I had very good experience with gsoap - very simple, performance is good.
If it is acceptable to run only on Windows, there is a brand-new API for that purpose: WWSAPI
Instead of calling the java client from the command line, you can create a java virtual machine inside your C app, instantiate the class and call any methods. This is what the java.exe app does and I think the source code is included in the jdk.
Depends on how low level you want to go. You might checkout yield.