Is there a good lightweight multiplatform C++ timer queue? - c++

What I'm looking for is a simple timer queue possibly with an external timing source and a poll method (in this way it will be multi-platform). Each enqueued message could be an object implementing a simple interface with a virtual onTimer() member function.

Boost::ASIO contains an asynchronous timer implementation. That might work for you.

There is a nice article in CodeProject, here, that describes the various timers available in Windows, and has chapters titled "Queue timers" and "Make your own timer".
For platform independence, you'd have to make implementations for the different platforms inside #ifdef -- #endif pairs. I can see nothing less ugly than that.

It doesn't fit all of your criteria, but... I wrote a series of blog posts about a timer queue for windows that is implemented in terms of an external time provider and that is either polled or driven by a thread. The series comes with source code and tests and the point of it was to demonstrate the testing of reasonably complex code. Anyway, you might be able to make use of some of the code or ideas if nobody comes up with a better fit.
Articles start here:


Simple Discrete event simulation library (C++) for process/task scheduling?

Simple question:
I built a quasi-processor simulator that takes a precedence graph, determines priorities (and "ready" instructions), schedules the tasks on available functional units, etc. Pretty much a very basic simulator.
But I realized I should have built it on top of a DES engine, as I have no capacity (other than setting a flag and checking every node on every "clock tick") for saying things like "In 10 cycles, do this" (i.e. raising signals at pre-defined times and handling events that are supposed to happen in the future or when predetermined criteria have been met).
I could obviously implement this myself; built an "event" class, stick them on a queue, and at the end (or beginning) of every cycle, check the queue and see what's on there, but I figure there's no point in reinventing the wheel.
So complex network simulators are obviously WAY overkill. I don't need fancy modeling, or queuing or anything like that. All I need is a built in clock, and the ability to set events to happen, raise flags when things happen, etc, as I described above.
Freeware and C++ would be great.
Anyone have any ideas? (The closest I've come -- thanks to some other somewhat related questions -- is something called SIMLIB.)
Thank you so much!
You could try Open Virtual Platforms (OVP). It seems to provide the type of simulator that you are looking for.
Try SystemC, it's a freeware library. I'd warn though that it's not "open-source" since the license is not FOSS-compatible.

What is the point of Boost::Signals?

Firstly, I am an absolute beginner in programming, so don't make fun of me too much.
The only thing that I have seen signals used for are GUI toolkits, and GUI toolkits all come with their own signaling. So, can Boost:Signals even be used with these GUI toolkits? Would this be a good idea? What other applications do signals have?
Signals is an event messaging implementation, much like Smalltalk/Objective C Messages or Events in various other (e.g. C#) lanugages.
You can use them for a wide variety of tasks, take a look at the Observer Pattern
Why would you use the Observer Pattern?
The benefits are largely organisational, when you work with large applications it's is important to apply patterns of reuse that help maintain development team coherence.
When the implementation of a particular pattern becomes de facto (or close to) it's especially useful because it means that lead up times for new team members are likely to be expedited, not only if they have used the implementation before, but also because the popularity of the implementation will mean that there are widespread resources, and documentation available to speed learning.
From a pure code perspective, ALL patterns appear as bloat, but when you begin to understand that upwards of 60% of the costs involved in software development are in maintenance life-cycle, it is well worth the additional code to gain coherence.
The other benefit is to aid in software reuse, depending on the style of implementation, the Observer Pattern can assist in modularising and decoupling classes from one another. I would suggest that this is also an organisational benefit, in as much that different teams can build components more easily, or simply because components are easier to replace.
Just my two cents, signals are not only used in (or for) GUI toolkits. They are used in contexts where you want to decouple the producer of a datum with the receiver of it (the observer pattern mentioned above, for example). If you mix that idea with threads, you can implement actors easily, an interesting pattern for concurrent tasks (Erlang and Scala use actors, for instance).
One possible use would be in the implementation of a GUI toolkit. You'd basically set up the wiring to get messages (or whatever they happen to be called) from the native system to produce signals. From there, the code for routing and handling signals can be (at least somewhat) portable.
In addition to the Observer pattern that others have mentioned, anytime you find yourself having to write a callback function, so that one class can notify another that something has happened, then you can use Signals and Slots instead. The great advantage over callbacks is that it takes care of lots of the boiler plate code to add and remove the callback function, and deals with automatically disconnecting when either the caller or the callee go out of scope.
Callbacks are really just an instance of the Observer pattern though.

discrete event simulators for C++

I am currently looking for a discrete event simulator written for C++. I did not find much on the web written specifically in OO-style; there are some, but outdated. Some others, such as Opnet, Omnet and ns3 are way too complicated for what I need to do. And besides, I need to simulate agent-based algorithms capable of simulating systems of thousands of nodes.
Does anybody know anything suitable for my needs?
Others have good direct answers, but I'm going to suggest an alternative. If I understand you right, you want a system in C++ or such where you can post events that fire in the future, and code is run when those events fire.
I had a project to do like this, and I started out trying to write such an event system in C++ and then quickly realized I had a better solution.
Have you considered writing your program in behavioral Verilog? That may seem strange to write software in a hardware description language, but a Verilog simulator is an event-based system underneath, and behavioral Verilog is a very convenient way to express events, timing, triggers, etc. There is a free Verilog simulator (which is what I used) called Icarus Verilog. If you're not using Ubuntu or some Linux distro with Icarus already in a package, building from source is straightforward.
I would recommend having a second look to OmNet++. At first sight it may look quite complex, but if you look it into more detail you will find that most of the complexity is in the network add-on (the INET Framework). Unless you are going to do a detailed network simulation you do not need the INET.
Using OmNet++ core is not specially difficult and it may be simpler than other similar tools.
You may want to have a look to an intro.
One of the things that makes OmNet++ attractive to me is its scalability. Is possible to run large simulations in a desktop. Besides, it is possible to scale the same simulation to a cluster without rewriting the code.
You should consider SystemC, although I'd also recommend taking a second look at OmNet++.
We use SIMLIB at my school. It is very fast, easy to understand, object oriented, discrete and continuous simulator. It might look outdated but it is still maintained.
There is CSIM from Mesquite Software which supports developing models in C, C++ and Java. However, it is paid-commercial, AFAIK.
Take a look at GBL library. It's written in modern C++ and even supports C++0x features like move semantics and lambda functions. It offers several modeling mechanisms: synchronous and asynchronous event handlers, preemptive threads, and fibers. You can create purely behavioral, cycle accurate, and real-time models, or any mixture of those.

How to design a C++ API

I'm fairly new to advanced C++ program techniques such as templates,
but I am developing a simple API for a project I'm working on.
The function or method that you call can take a long time to complete.
Essentially it's transferring a file over the network.
It looks a bit like this.
int WriteFile();
int ReadFile();
But I want to have a couple of options here.
call WriteFile and have it block.
Call WriteFileAsync and not have it block.
In the async version be flexible about how I know the task is done.
Be able to poll the client to find out where it's up to with my current Read or Write
I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to design this nicely the C++ way.
It's a requirement to avoid using boost, but I could use a boost-like approach.
Although, I looked through some of the headers and got very much confused. Anything beyond
basic template programming for me I find confusing.
What I'm after is a nice way of being notified of event completion and be able to wait for
an event to complete.
My advice would be looking at the docs and tutorial for boost::asio (which you can use as part of boost or as part of the independent asio project, but I guess that the requirement is no external libs, not just no boost).
Usually blocking calls are simple to define, while non-blocking operations require some callback mechanism as to notify the user of the result of the operation whenever that completes. Again, take a look at the tutorials and docs to get an idea of a clean interface, that will be much easier to browse over than the headers.
EDIT: ASIO has support for different protocols, so it might be more complex than what you need, read one of the examples and get the ideas of how to use callback mechanisms.
Regarding the use of asynchronous calls, I would suggest reading about the design of the future for C++0x.
Basically, the idea is to hand a proxy to the user, instead of a plain type. This proxy is aware of the threading and can be used to:
poll about the completion
get the result
You can also add clever mechanisms like trying to get the result for a fixed duration or up to a fixed point in time and abandon (for the moment) if the task hasn't completed in time (for example to do something else and try again later, or to simple go forward and forget about this).
The new threading API of C++0x has been very cleverly designed (taking mainly after Boost.Threads) and would give you much insight as to how to design for multi-threading.

Task oriented thread pooling

I've created a model for executing worker tasks in a server application using a thread pool associated with an IO completion port such as shown in the posts below:
Are there any classes in boost that can help with this programming model?
Not really, at least, not last time I looked. I mean, boost::thread_group might make things marginally tidier in places, but not so as would make much of a difference, I don't think.
Boost's thread support seems marginally useful when writing something that's cross-platform, but given that what you're writing is going to be Win32-specific anyway (due to the use of IOCPs) there doesn't really seem to be much benefit from that.
You might want to check out the threadpool project, which looks like a nice threadpool implementation on top of boost. I haven't tried it myself, but it looks fairly nice.
I haven't seen anything in boost that helps with the structure that you tend to end up with when using IO Completion Ports, but then I haven't looked that recently... However, slightly off-topic, you might like to take a look at the IOCP based thread pool that is part of my free IOCP server framework. It might give you some ideas if nothing else. You can find the code here. The thread pool supports expansion and contraction based on demand and has been in use in production systems for over 6 years.
ACE has some reactors that you can use to model things around your IOCPs. Some of these could have been added to boost, but boost makes building them pretty easy.