Populating a database with file names from directories - c++

I have an application which behaves as a slideshow for all pictures in a folder. It is written in Borland's C++ Builder (9). It currently uses some borrowed code to throw the filenames into a listbox and save the listbox items as a text file.
I want to update this so that the filenames are stored in a proper database so that I can include extra fields and do proper SQL things with it.
So basically I would be able to work it out if I saw some 'sample' code doing the same thing.
So if anyone knows of any code that does this I would be greatful. It needs to be able to do it on certain file types... not just all the files.

You basically neeed to write a recursive function with a TDataSet parameter.
(I could not compile my code, so you get it "as is")
void AddFiles(AnsiString path, TDataSet *DataSet)
TSearchRec sr;
int f;
f = FindFirst(path+"\\*.*", faAnyFile, sr);
while( !f )
if(sr.Attr & faDirectory)
if(sr.Name != "." && sr.Name != "..")
path.sprintf("%s%s%s", path, "\\", sr.Name);
AddFiles(path, DataSet);
DataSet->FieldByName("Name")->Value = sr.Name;
/* other fields ... */
f = FindNext(sr);


Reading multiple files from FileChooserDialog GTK 3

I am trying to open a Gtkmm::FileChooserDialog to choose multiple files and print their paths along with filenames to a label. I can open the dialog and choose the files but I am having a hard time reading the filenames to my variables.
FileChooserDialog openFileDialog("", FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN);
openFileDialog.add_button("Cancel", RESPONSE_CANCEL);
openFileDialog.add_button("Open", RESPONSE_OK);
openFileDialog.set_current_folder(ustring::compose("%1/Desktop", ustring(getenv("HOME"))));
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::FileFilter> fileFilter = Gtk::FileFilter::create();
fileFilter->set_name("Text Files (*.txt)");
fileFilter = Gtk::FileFilter::create();
fileFilter->set_name("All Files (*.*)");
if (openFileDialog.run() == RESPONSE_OK)
label.set_text(ustring::compose("File = %1", ustring(openFileDialog.get_filename())));
return true;
You can use Gtk::FileChooser::get_filenames (Gtkmm 3.24):
if (openFileDialog.run() == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK)
for(const auto& fileName : openFileDialog.get_filenames())
label.set_text(Glib::ustring::compose("File = %1", Glib::ustring(fileName)));
which returns a std::vector of file names.
Note: In my answer, I keep overwriting the label variable because it was all the context there was in your code snippet. My be you have multiple labels or you want to pack all the file names somehow in a single label. I let this part to you.

How do I make an interactive command line interface?

I am trying to write a tool to compare my files but I found it difficult to interactive with. I want to support 2 operations: 1) load my files into memory 2) compare the files already loaded.
The idea is like below
while (true) {
getline(&line, &linesize, stdin);
if (strlen(line) < 2) continue;
token = strtok(line, DELIM);
if (!strcmp(token,"load")) {
puts("you want to load something");
} else if (!strcmp(token, "compare")) {
puts("you want to compare something");
} else if (!strcmp(token, "exit")) {
} else {
puts("Cannot parse, try again");
In terminal, if I want to compare some MyVeryLongFileNameFile.foo and AnotherVeryLongFileNameFile.bar, I can just type diff My\tab Ano\tab \enter and it will auto completes the filenames for me.
I would like to also have these kind of features in my program, like using tab to autocomplete, using up/down to choose from previous commands, etc. How should I achieve this?
Using the ncurses.h library help you accomplish this.

Java: return a LinkedHashSet

Basically, I'm trying to return a collection of strings in Java.
each string must be unique because they're all the names of ".db" files in current folder, so I thought this collection should be LinkedHashSet.
The elements (filenames) must maintain the exact same order, so I can choose one of them by it's order number in the collection.
My main routine will show this collection in a GUI component (maybe a JList) for the user to choose one of them (without the .db extension).
I'm totally newbie (as you can see), so if you think there are better options than LinkedHashSet please tell me.
Also, how can I grab this collection in the main class?
What I've got so far:
public Set GetDBFilesList() {
//returns ORDERED collection of UNIQUE strings with db filenames
LinkedHashSet a = new LinkedHashSet();
FilenameFilter dbFilter = (File file, String name) -> {
return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".db");
String dirPath = "";
File dir = new File(dirPath);
File[] files = dir.listFiles(dbFilter);
if (files.length > 0) {
for (File aFile : files) {
return a;
You want an ordered and unique collection - LinkedHashSet is a good choice.
Some comments on your methode:
Your should use Generics f.e.: LinkedHashSet<File> or LinkedHashSet<String>
The check for files.length is unnecessary, but you could check for null if the path is not a directory or an I/O error occured
You should name your variables properly: a is not a good name
Your methode can be static - maybe in a static helper class?
The Set.add methode returns true or false if the item was added or not, you should check that just in case
Putting all together:
//Your Main class
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
File dir = new File("");
Collection<File> dbFiles = DbFileManager.getDatabaseFiles(dir);
//Your DB File Reader Logic
public class DbFileManager
public static Collection<File> getDatabaseFiles(File directory)
Collection<File> dbFiles = new LinkedHashSet<>();
//filter code etc.
boolean success = dbFiles.addAll(directory.listFiles(filter));
//Check if everthing was added
return dbFiles;

Saving text in Sqlite3, c++

here is my second post in the community, excuse me if I'm forget to add something, just let me know:
I am trying to do a program in c++ able to save text (i want to save code) in a database using sqlite3. Currently I've made a wxWidget program that call some functions from a DLL and this ones interactuate with the database.
The database that I want to make is really simple, it has 3 columns in one table (id,name, ref). My problem comes when I want to save big amount of text that also contains simblos that can conflict with the sql queries (I would like to save files inside the database, for example in the "ref" column ).
I'm using mostly the sqlite3_exec function, because the functions sqlite3_prepare_v2, sqlite_bind, sqlite3_step crash me the DLL where I'm working.
My doubt: Can I directly save any text as big as I want, without taking care about if it has simbols or not? and how can I do it?.
More info: I am working in c++ with code:block(13.12) making a DLL of sqlite3 functions and using MinGW toolchain. (windows 7).
This is an example of an insert function that I'm using:
int DLL_EXPORT add_item(sqlite3* db, string tbname,string col,string item)
char* db_err = 0;
if (tbname==std::string()||col==std::string()||item==std::string())
throw std::invalid_argument( "stoi: invalid argument table name");
char buf[200];
sprintf(buf,"insert into %s (%s) values ('%s');", tbname.c_str(), col.c_str(),item.c_str());
int n = sqlite3_exec(db, buf, NULL, 0, &db_err);
if( n != SQLITE_OK )
//throw something
return 0;
Thank you in advance.
Thank to CL. for the up commentary
// Add one text to a table
// The column must be specify
int DLL_EXPORT add_text(sqlite3* db, string tbname,string col,string id,string item)
char* db_err = 0;
if (tbname==std::string()||col==std::string()||item==std::string())
throw std::invalid_argument( "stoi: invalid argument table name");
char *zSQL = sqlite3_mprintf("UPDATE %q SET %q=(%Q) WHERE id=%q", tbname.c_str(),col.c_str() ,item.c_str(),id.c_str());
int n = sqlite3_exec(db, zSQL, NULL, 0, &db_err);
if( n != SQLITE_OK )
// throw something
return 0;

Regular Expression for validating Windows-based file paths including UNC paths

I wanted to validate a file name along with its full path. I tried certain Regular Expressions as below but none of them worked correctly.
My requirement is as mentioned below:
Lets say if the file name is "c:\Demo.txt" then it should check every possibilites like no double slash should be included(c:\\Demo\\demo.text) no extra colon like(c::\Demo\demo.text). Should accept UNC files like(\\staging\servers) and others validation as well. Please help. I am really stuck here.
Why are you not using the File class ?
Always use it !
File f = null;
string sPathToTest = "C:\Test.txt";
f = new File(sPathToTest );
}catch(Exception e){
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The file \"{0}\" is not a valid path, Error : {1}.", sPathToTest , e.Message);
MSDN : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/system.io.file%28v=vs.80%29.aspx
Maybe you're just looking for File.Exists ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/system.io.file.exists%28v=vs.80%29.aspx )
Also take a look to the Path class ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.path.aspx )
The GetAbsolutePath could be one way to get what you want! ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.path.getfullpath.aspx )
string sPathToTest = "C:\Test.txt";
string sAbsolutePath = "";
sAbsolutePath = Path.GetAbsolutePath(sPathToTest);
Console.WriteLine("Path valid");
Console.WriteLine("Bad path");
}catch(Exception e){
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The file \"{0}\" is not a valid path, Error : {1}.", sPathToTest , e.Message);
If you are interested only in the filename part (and not the whole path because you get the file via upload) then you could try something like this:
string uploadedName = #"XX:\dem<<-***\demo.txt";
int pos = uploadedName.LastIndexOf("\\");
if(pos > -1)
uploadedName = uploadedName.Substring(pos+1);
var c = Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars();
if(uploadedName.IndexOfAny(c) != -1)
Console.WriteLine("Invalid name");
Console.WriteLine("Acceptable name");
This will avoid the use of Exceptions as method to drive the logic of your code.